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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"Yeah, I'm sure we'll get along real well." He said it with a smile, but truth be told. John was a little nervous about inviting those guys over. Due to him having American blood in him he wasn't exactly the most....respected or liked amongst them. And with Amari gone who knows how they would act now? Shaking that thought out of his head he turned his attention back to the boys. "Oh, uh! We're here actually!" He tried to make his sharp turn as gentle as possible.

(@DrTrollinski )
"We're here?" Joseph smiled and waited for them to pull up in the parking lot. When they did that, Joseph opened up his car door and helped George out, too, then stood to the side to wait for John.

He was quite excited by everything going on, honestly. (@Axel1313)
(Okay.) "Pneumococal Flu. Excess blood instead of being stored leaks from the eyes and mouth, and the ill person will eventually choke on their blood and...Well, die." Chezzari said with a dreadful tone to his voice. "When we get to the hospital their put tubes into his esophagus, from which the blood will be coming, and redirect it out of there until the area is clean enough to perform a cleaning themselves and find the pneumococal bacteria. This should all take around two days and one for recovery. (@DrTrollinski)
"Fuck." Vito said, rubbing his head. "There's no need to talk about death with him around, is there?!" He yelled, hugging the boy close to his chest. By now, Luca was crying his eyes out and coughing blood onto his father's shirt.

"I don't wanna die, dad!" He sobbed.

"Oh, madon! You're not gonna fuckin' die!" He said, rubbing his back. "Chezzari! Go out front and wait for the ambulance to get here. Call me when it arrives." He ordered. (@KurtH6355)
John got out and got Michael from his car seat. Checking to make sure they had everything out of the car before shutting and locking it. "You guys go ahead and get some pancakes if you like or head back to the room. I'm going to check and see if we can get a bigger room real quick. Okay?"

(@DrTrollinski )
"Uhm..." Joseph thought for a moment before looking at George. "I reckon we could still get the lunch buffet, so... I think we'll go there and wait for you." He smiled and took hold of George's hand. "We'll see you in the dining room, okay?" He smiled at him, and after making sure they had everything that they needed to take with them, he wandered off with George into the inn and took in the old rustic setting once again - the fresh smell of spaghetti and the sweet tomato and basil sauce that came with it was in the air.

"Spaghetti first, pancakes after." He grinned down at George who happily nodded - George needed some proper food anyway, so he wasn't turning down that offer. Ah, fine Italian cuisine - Was this just a coincidence, or were they serving it here to try and impress? Who knew. But, there was one thing that made it a little bit obvious - When the boys were taken over to their own table, and instead of having to go up and get the food themselves, a couple of random people actually went and got it for them. They were sat at one of the nicest tables with the couches, on their own.

Joseph thought it was out of kindness, but no, it was out of respect. (@Axel1313)
Lei stood, leant back against one of the white, plastic covered pillar that stood up against the wall. Her usual attire on, denim short-shorts and a light green tank-top. She was having some amusement playing with her favorite flavor of lollipop with her tongue, she was easily amused like that. Folding her arms as she distracted herself with said lollipop, the blaring sound of the dubstep that the club speakers were blasting, lights being nothing but disorientating with all of their flashing and their multitude of colours and the fact she had a short attention span for most things, all contributing to the lack of notice when her phone went off. She pulled it out from the pocket of her denim shorts, opening up her older model iPhone 5, hell even that was considered good in this dump.


She looked at it with a slight grin, another informant job. Apparently there was gonna be a cop having a chill in the same club she was currently in, making her job a lot easier. She quickly reviewed the information of the man and his appearance, putting it back into her pocket as she surveyed the club dance floor, noticing nothing like the looks of him. Then only just seeing the cop sitting by the bar, having a drink, hopefully he was already drunk or a lightweight, she strolled over to him with her charismatic and majestic way of walking, sitting down next to him. Asking rather playfully in her rather high-pitched voice.

"This seat taken?" To which he shook his head, almost too quickly, the cop was quite young, maybe even just her age. Just her luck, she didn't like older guys, even just as people and not sex buddies or anything like that. She didn't really know why, the just creeped her out.

"Good, that means we can talk." She said, almost demandingly, but her high-pitched and just naturally playful sounding voice disgusing that rather aggressive request. He turned to face her, he had short brown hair and a nicely tanned complexion, she took out the lollipop from her mouth, twisting it between her fingers casually as she inspected the cop closely, she did that with people, it made them on edge and nervous, she liked playing with people like that.

"Talk...about..what?" He asked, confused clearly. She simply smiled brightly and patted his back, continuing on quickly with.

"Joey, get this guy another. On me." She asked the bulky and intimidating man, but very friendly suprisingly, as he nodded with his usual warm smile, he was a nice guy. Turning back to the now nervous cop, he might've caught hint to some ulterior motives, that was a bad thing about having such a large reputation, espically for being "The Informant" most people go to for blackmailing purposes, he might've known who she was already. Whatever, she could get over it anyway.

The rest of the night went in a very repeatable pattern, her asking questions, him being either confused or nervous at them, her buying him another drink. It was only until he got wasted from her continuous hospitality that he began to open up on a few things about the city's various mafia's. Small things, but worth something atleast, drug seizures, suspected laundering businesses, known associates etc. Well it was better than nothing. She took him to her more private room to have a little fun with him for the remander of the night, it was only fair considering she probably lost him his job or a promotion.
To John's surprise they had already moved them to a bigger room. That was odd...he didn't remember ever talking to them about it, he mentioned it to Joseph earlier, but why would they just go ahead and do that? They weren't afraid of the family were they? Whatever the case at least it was very convenient.

After getting the keys for the room he headed to the dining area to meet up with the boys again. The delicious smell of pasta filling his nose. "Yum, it sure smells great doesn't it?"

(@DrTrollinski )
"You's is shittin' me." Salvatore chuckled. "You think I'm gonna' believe that with your fat ass walkin' around these streets, Jimmy?" He asked, cackling as he slapped him on the shoulder. Italian suits, gold rings, gold tie pins, all the rest of it. One of them had a gun, but hey, that wasn't really relevant right now, was it?

"Ah, shove it up ya' ass." He snarled back at him, hitting his shoulder. One nightclub, just a few drinks, nothing more than that. No fights. No problems. The Devil's Arms weren't going to be declaring war yet, nor were The Dicciano Family. People feared The Dicciano Family, but it was the type of fear where they'd respect them. The wise-guys could walk into a restaurant, and they'd get their own table, their own vintage wine, their own butler - They got it all because they were the most powerful force in the city, above the police, above almost everyone. Some people were feared, but The Mob was always the most feared, there was nothing changing that. It had been the same way since The Diccianos themselves were still in business, before Amari became the leader.

And it wasn't changing.

"I'm serious, though... The second-up guy is fuckin' crackin', said he wants to take it to Amari's family to find out wha' they know." Jimmy said.

"Ah, bullshit. Amari's family is just kids now, his wife ain't around. He ain't that fucked up, you know that." He said - They could queue-jump just about anywhere. The word on the shootout between The Dicciano's consigliere and two Devil's Arms guys wasn't getting out, because the only two Devil's arms guys involved in it were dead. Peace was okay, for now, but grudges never die down - Right now, the only people with a grudge were The Mob - It was okay, unless they decided to act. Vincent Amari never wanted war.

After bypassing security with a shake of the hand and a hug and all that other typical stuff, where did they go? To their nice little table allocated in the corner. Luxury, champagne and all that. They were quite happy to sit and drink for the rest of the night and just relax. No business talk. The only thing they had the decency not to do was smoke in here - They could rip out some cigars and light them up, but it really wasn't worth the hassle.

They were goodfellas, y'know? They could smoke here if they wanted to, because everyone in the city knew one thing:

You never fuck with a made man. (@RIPSaidCone)


To John's surprise, the boys already had their food, and they looked perfectly happy eating it. "Yeah, it's great." Joseph. Okay. The kids were on the best table, too. "Those guys over there brought our food over for us. They don't even work here, either, I think they were just being nice." He said, quickly nodding over to two men that were sat at one of the tables by the food bar. They both looked up, and one of them went pale - He quickly stood up and rushed off to get another plate of spaghetti and sauce, bringing it over to John and placing it down on the table in front of him.

"I really like the people here." Joseph smiled.

Oh, Joseph, you've got no idea. (@Axel1313)
Something was definitely up, first the room and now luxury dining? This wasn't kindness that these people were showing them, but it was best the boys didn't know that. So John decided to play it off as nothing more than kindness.

"They definitely are nice! Don't forget to thank them for the meal when you're all done." He smiled and nodded to the men as they brought him a plate.

(@DrTrollinski )
"We will." Joseph smiled and continued to eat his food. It was really good - It didn't stop there, though, eventually, one of the chefs came over with a basket of garlic bread and placed it in the center of the table for them - He got the boys the drinks they asked for, too. They both had a soda - They got John a drink, too, but they were a lot more nervous around him. A lot more. Names get around quick, don't they? It was never hard to actually find out who a made guy was - Within a week, the town new your name. Within a couple of weeks, the city, within a month, the state, and within two months, the whole damn Eastern side knew who you were.

Joseph looked up from his food and smiled at John, but his smile faded as he looked around the restaurant and sensed the nervousness of everyone. ".. Why does everyone look so..." He looked around again. "Edgy?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck as he shoved some more pasta into his mouth. (@Axel1313)
"Edgy?" Feigning confusion John glanced around. Yep, everybody around them was nervous and on edge now. "I didn't even notice anything until now... I have no idea why they look like that." Shrugging he began to cut some of his spaghetti up into smaller bits for Michael. Boy was he going to be a mess after this. "Maybe we missed something while we were gone?"

(@DrTrollinski )
"Maybe." Joseph said. He locked eyes with one man who gave him a small smile, but a nervous one. Joseph looked back to his food and continued to eat - He was rather happy now to be honest. He was eating, but he was still uncomfortable about how there was no one really saying much or looking at them. No, in all honesty, he didn't like that at all, but there wasn't much he could do about that. "We may as well call this dinner." Joseph said as he looked at a clock on the wall. Nearly five o'clock.

"Can we go back to the room after we've had pancakes?" Joseph asked quietly. "I don't like how nervous everyone here looks." He gulped once and took another look around. (@Axel1313)
Just then, sirens could be heard nearing the house. "Everything's gonna be fine, Luca - the paramedics are here." Chezzari said reassuringly, and Chezzari ran out of the house to flag down the ambulance. As they came in, Chezzari told them "13, male, Luca Merlino, Pnemomnicual Flu, in bad condition" and they nodded and walking into the house and toward the bath room. (Am I manipulating the NPC of the paramedics too much?)
"I think you may be right about that. We'll just have to call this dinner." He smiled over at him as he at some spaghetti. He didn't like the looks they were getting either and was trying to avoid them as much as possible. "And sure, after pancakes I think it would be a good idea to go back to the room." He flinched as Michael slapped his face with a sauce and pasta filled little hand. He wanted to make sure Uncle John knew just how good this food was. "A very good idea..."

(@DrTrollinski )
(Nah, you can have the medics - It's mostly for mine and other's NPC's that you should tone down on - I make NPC's for a reason ;) )

Vito was getting sick of this shit, and he was carrying Luca in a fireman carry out towards the ambulance. "Get tha' fuck outta' the way!" He yelled, barging past the two men that came rushing in. "Meet us in the fuckin' ambulance! You don't save this kid and I's is gonna' have your fuckin' heads, a capiché?!" He yelled once again.

As he made his way out to the ambulance, his face was red with anger and he had tears in his eyes - his son was still busy spitting and coughing blood all over him, but hey, it could be worse, right? He went right to the back of the ambulance and looked at Chezzari - He couldn't open the door by himself. (@KurtH6355)


Joseph looked at John and a grin slowly spread across his face. He eventually started laughing and had to cover his mouth to prevent himself from spitting food everywhere. His meal was almost done with seeing as him and George had started before John, so they'd be going up to get pancakes in a few minutes, no doubt. He was still laughing, though, just because of the pasta sauce that had been slapped up John's face - George was in tears of laughter, though, he had to cover half of his face because of how much he was laughing about it.

"I'm sorry..." Joseph chuckled as he settled down and took a sip of his soda, but then handed a napkin over to John. "Michael does things like that, a lot. He did that with cream, once, all over our dad's suit." He said. "Dad wasn't happy." He grinned a little and sipped his drink again. (@Axel1313)
"Laugh it up now. Next time I'm passing him to you during meal time." John grinned and happily accepted the napkin to wipe as much of the sauce off of his face as possible. It was hard not to small with all of the boys laughing so much. "I can definitely sympathize for your father having his suit ruined like that by this little tyke. I've also had many a good shirt ruined by little stinkers." He happily bounced the baby on his knee.

(@DrTrollinski )
Chezzari walked over and stepped in front of Vito, opening the doors and stepping aside. The two paramedics and a few other paramedics rushed to the scene, trying to take Luca from Vito, as it was protocol. Chezzari barked at them to move away, knowing Vito would probably knock them out, and then Chezzari would have to knock Vito out. He kept yelling at them to move away, but they wouldn't listen.
"My dad got me a suit, a real nice one, even though we didn't have any parties or anything like that planned - He just said I had to have one for when I'd need one, y'know?" He chuckled a little and took a long deep breath as he forked the last of his pasta into his mouth. "I'll have to show you it when we get home - It's a real nice one, believe me. Then again, there was that suit that I wore to the get together at that house owned by those creepy guys, y'know?" He said. "I have a nicer one than that, though, a much nicer one." He explained, smiling. He slowly rose up from his seat and looked down at George.

"I'm gonna' get us both some pancakes." He smiled. He walked off to the place where you could help yourself, but he was soon met by a man who came running up and patted him on the shoulder. He got only a brief conversation out of him before he was sent back to his seat. ".. That guy's bringing some over for us." He said, scratching the back of his neck in confusion. (@Axel1313)


"One more fuckin' hand comes at me and I fuckin' tear it off!" He screamed, sending one foot out to kick a paramedic in the stomach, putting him on the floor. "My name is Vittorio-Fuckin'-Merlino! You know that name you cocksuckers?!" He snarled. "One more move. I swear ta' fuckin' god, if you make one more fuckin' move you're dead, ya' hear me?!" He said. "I'm goin' in this ambulance, with my son, and you're gonna' be fuckin' happy about it!" He yelled.

He was hoping that they'd stand down now that they knew who he was. (@KurtH6355)
They didn't stand down. Instead, they called the Police. The medics were from the West Side, so they didn't know about the Dicciano or any of that. Three cops came out of a car, each with a glock in their hand, and they yelled at Vito "Put the kid in the ambulance and put your hands in the air, or you'll be tasered!" They said, their yellow tasers apparent on their belts. Chezzari whispered to Vito "Want to waste these guys? If so, get in the house and put Luca in cover, I'll stall the cops, then you fire from your window, I'll fire from here. It's the only way or guaranteeing his safety, he can't be in the crossfire. Other than letting yourself get jailed and then having to go through bribing yourself out and such, Luca being taken from you most likely after a investigation...What do you want to do?" No one could hear him but Vito.
"You have a nicer suit than the one I saw you in?" John was a little surprised, but at least by now he was used to this sort of thing. Not gawking in awe like a fool like he did before. "You'll definitely have to show it too me, I'd love to see what a real fine suit looks like." He chuckled. However, his smile wavered a bit once more when a man stopped Joseph from going to get pancakes and instead had them delivered to their table for them. Just what were they trying to do? He knew it was out of respect and fear of the Dicciano family, but this was going a little overboard.

(@DrTrollinski )
"No." He said. "They've got nothing on me." He whispered, slowly lowering Luca down into the ambulance followed by grabbing Chezzari''s arm and forcing him inside. "Go with Luca. Take care'a him, kid." He said, "I'll be with you within six hours, just don't leave the hospital." He said - He pulled him into a hug and planted a quick peck on his cheek - that was a respect-based thing in the mob - and patted his back. "Go. Tell Luca I'll be there soon enough." He said, followed by stepping towards the police with his hands up.

He had no guns on him, no drugs, nothing illegal. He was fine. He'd be able to push this to self-defense quite easily.

It doesn't take much. You think The Dicciano Family don't have friends in the NYPD? (@KurtH6355)


"Yeah, I've got a nicer one." He chuckled. "Dad reckons that because I'm so good with computers, I could be like a... Businessman. I could make my own kinda' clothing and design all the logos for it myself." He smiled at him in thought, and smiled once again as the man came over to them and placed three plates of pancakes down in front of them - they all had five pancakes each, and after, he quickly scurried away.

Not long after, though, even though George and Joseph had already started heating, something else happened.

"Uncle Carlo!" George yelled all of a sudden, clambering over Joseph and hopping down from the couch - He ran right up to a middle-aged Italian man and got lifted into a big hug.

"Ah, big man. You've got skinnier and taller, eh?" He chuckled and kissed his cheek before setting him back down. "Joey!" He yelled across the restaurant. Joseph grinned and stood up, instantly walking to him. "C'mere, ya' little clown - How are ya'?" He chuckled as he pulled the eldest into a hug and bowed over to kiss the top of his head, too.

"I'm fine, Uncle Carlo. We're just stayin' here for a few days." He said.

"I've heard." He replied, this time sounding a little more sincere. "You boys go back to eatin'." He said, patting both their heads. He walked over to John and set a hand firmly on his shoulder, his dark blue eyes staring right down at him. "I gotta' talk to you, Johnny Boy." He mumbled, nodding his head backwards. (@Axel1313)
"You're under arrest for assault of a state worker" the head officer said. Then he noticed who he was, and he yelled at the medics "You didn't tell me the guy was Vito Merlino, you dumb shits! Vito, get in the ambulance, we'll give you a escort to St. Gallagher's, the closest west-side operated hospital. It's about 45 minutes, we'll make it twenty." The officer said, and he ordered his men into the cruiser, pulling up a little so the ambulance could get behind them for the escort
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"I could see that happening. You're a real smart kid, I bet you'll be running the top business in no time." He grinned. Moving his empty plate away as the set the pancakes down. He didn't get much time to dig in to them though as they were greeted by a new face. Another member of the family.

John was pretty happy to finally see another member of the family. At least one that the boys knew and seemed to be fond of and quite happy to see. His smile faded pretty quickly though when he had a firm hand on his shoulder and eyes staring straight down at him. He shifted uncomfortably for a moment. "Okay. I'll be back in a moment boys. Could you watch Michael for me? Be careful though. Syrup is a bit harder to clean up than spaghetti sauce." Laughing he set Michael down in a high chair an employee had brought over. Then headed back to where Carlo had motioned.

"Fuckin' disrespectful figas, all'a 'em." He said, quickly shaking the police officer's hand and nodding at him ."Thank you." He said, quickly hopping up into the ambulance and pulling the doors shut. He leaned over into the front and tapped the driver on the shoulder. "Go on, move tha' fuck out, we gotta' kid that needs some help here." He said. He then turned back to Chezzari and patted him on the shoulder. "Don't ever ask me to whack a cop like that again. Ever." He whispered to him, then leaned forward to hold Luca's hand, whom of which was being tended to by the medics whilst lying on the stretcher. (@KurtH6355


"I'm Carlo. I don't know if ya' remember, but I was, eh..." He scratched his neck. "Ero lì quando ti hanno fatto. (I was there when you got made)" He said. "We've gotta' have words, though." He said, dragging him through the building and into the kitchen where there was only one chef working. He looked at him and pointed at the door. "Out." He demanded.

"Excuse me?" He asked. Carlo wasn't in the mood for this, evidently, because he went up and headbutted him right across the nose, followed by dragging him to the door. "If I say out, I mean get the fuck out!" He yelled, tossing him right out of the door - Once he was outside it, he hit the floor and accepted defeat, but Carlo wasn't done yet.

"John. Why do you think I'm so fuckin' angry?" He asked. (@Axel1313)

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