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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"Um....yeah...yeah. Something happened. I will tell you boys, but give me a bit to collect my thoughts before I do...okay?" He could feel his eyes quickly getting watery and hid it by resting his forehead against the table. God...this was going to be near impossible to do. To tell them that their father wasn't going to come back from Venice. "I just don't feel to well at the moment...I'll tell ya once it passes. Okay? And uh....make sure George is feeling better too today please?"(@DrTrollinski )
".. Uhm..." He paused and sipped his coffee. John's behavior had really made him nervous. What did he mean? What was wrong all of a sudden? And why did Joseph and George need to know? Why did he say he was going to tell them? Was it relevant to them? Oh, god... It was all too much to think about. He decided that he'd do something to take his mind off of it - at least that would help out. ".. Can I--.. Do you mind if I cook me and George breakfast? I mean... I know how to cook, so I'll make sure I do it right, and... Do you want some, too?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"Sure, go ahead. I don't mind at all." He wiped his face on his sleeve quickly before looking up at him with a very slight smile. Then back to resting his forehead on the table. If only he could just skip past having to tell them and everything to come from that...it would make life so much easier. "And nah...I'm good. I'm not hungry at all right now."(@DrTrollinski )
"Alright." He smiled nervously and then went to the fridge, whipping out a pack of bacon from it. Mmm. This looked good. He pulled out a frying pan from the cupboard and then put it atop the stove and switched it on, and then sliced some butter and put it into the pan to start heating it up. He loved it when bacon was fried in butter. It really added to the flavor - once again, he'd lied to John. He'd never cooked something like this without his mom's help, but he was sure he'd manage. He didn't really have a choice as soon as he dropped the bacon into the pan.

"How did you sleep?" He asked. (@Axel1313)


"Good morning, sir." Peter called out to him. He was stood in the hallway, standing there with his hands behind his back. "You may have noticed that the two boys are up already. They got up earlier than you, sir." He smiled thoughtfully. "I made sure that they had something to drink and a light snack to keep them going until breakfast time." He said. "Is there anything I can assist you with?" He asked. (@Beowulf)
"Just a couple of things." he said, and motioned for Peter to walk with him. "Some coffee would be nice to help wake me up. And boot up the computer, I have a long day of research ahead of me." he stated simply. A long day was an understatement. He was going to have to crack down on the Redneck heirarchy and how they operated. What kind of guns they prefer. How they go their main income. Oh yes, a long day.

"I slept really well." He nodded and even managed a small smile. "How about you boys? Did you sleep well last night? And how is George doing today or do you even know yet?"(@DrTrollinski )
"Right away, sir. I'll leave the coffee downstairs in the computer room for you." He said softly, and then turned on one foot and made his way downstairs. He went into the kitchen and pulled a cup from the cupboard, and then made a nice cup of coffee with the luxury coffee beans and full-creme milk, alongside a couple of spoonfuls of sugar. One of Peter's little surprises was random things alongside what they'd asked for. He put a couple of all-butter shortbread biscuits on the little plate he put the cup on, and then carried it to the elevator and made his way down to the super computer room. He started the computer up, and then set the coffee on the desk. (@Beowulf)


".. Yeah, fine... I was fine until George kicked me in the nuts while he was getting out of bed this morning." He laughed a little, using the spatula to flip the bacon over in the pan. "I didn't see much of him... He got up not too long ago and ran out to pee, I think... He came back, I told him that I was going to go and use the bathroom, and then I'd be back... I think George went back to sleep, though, because I didn't go back." He smiled weakly, and then got four slices of bread out of the cupboard and set them down. (@Axel1313)
That got a little chuckle out of him. "That's not a very pleasant way to be woken up at all." He sat up to drink more of his coffee. The bitterness of it was definitely needed right now as his stomach did back flips. "At least it sounds like he's doing a lot better today." ....for now that is. He'd let them enjoy breakfast before breaking the news to them. He knew George would fall back into not eating, so better let him fill up now.(@DrTrollinski )
"Yeah, definitely." He smiled, allowing the bacon to cook for a few more minutes before he flipped a few slices onto two slices of bread. "Hopefully we can get him to speak English today, huh?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
The slight smile instantly faded from his face and he just stared down into his coffee. "Yeah....hopefully we can.." He sighed. "I really hope so Joseph..." It definitely wasn't going to happen today. That much he just knew.(@DrTrollinski )
"Alright... Well, I'm going to run this upstairs to him. I'll have breakfast in bed with him today." He smiled kindly. "Could you do me favor and bring up a couple of glasses of orange juice for us? If you're not feeling up to it, I'll make two trips." He said. (@Axel1313)
"Alright, just make sure not to make a mess." He teased. Trying to make the mood a little brighter. "No need to make two trips though. I'll be up in a moment with your juice. I can definitely manage that right now."(@DrTrollinski )
He smiled. "Okay, thanks, John..." He said, and then wandered off upstairs and through to George's room. He went up to the bed and smiled a little as he put both the plates down on the nightstand.

"George, bro... Wake up. I made you a yummy bacon sandwich for breakfast." He said whilst shaking his arm, George was quick to sit up and shuffle back so that Joseph could sit next to him, and that's exactly what he did after he grabbed the two plates.

Once he'd flicked the TV channel onto the cartoon channel, he and George both started tucking in. (@Axel1313
"Hey boys!" Johnathan came in with the juice. It took a little while to get,but only because he had decided to make some eggs and toast for them too. He looked worse for wear, but managed a smile for them. "Here's that orange juice to go with your breakfast and some other stuff for your sandwiches."(@DrTrollinski )
"Oh, cool... Thanks!" Joseph smiled and then took one of the eggs, shoving it into his sandwich. George followed and soon did the same as him and then took a big bite into his sandwich. George had really worked up an appetite since last night.

Joseph reached out and took his glass of orange juice from him and gulped a bit of it down, and then smiled at him. "Do you wanna squeeze into the bed and watch TV with us for a while? You look like you could do with the rest." He said.
"I uh...." He scratched the back of his head thinking about it...he really did need to take a little time to gather himself right now before telling them. And what better way than to spend a little time with them beforehand. "Yeah. I'll squeeze in here and watch some TV with you boys for a bit."(@DrTrollinski )
"Cool." Joseph said, they both made some room between them both so John could sit down, and once he was sat, George snuggled up against him while he ate his sandwich and sipped his drink. He occasionally laughed at the cartoons that were showing, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

Such a shame. (@Axel1313 - last post, goodnight!)
Johnathan tried to keep up with their happy mood, but it was so difficult. The more he delayed telling them the worse it seemed to get too, he began to get uncomfortable. Like no position he sat in would allow him any rest. Oh God...they were so happy that it broke his heart knowing what was coming next. "Boys.." His voice cracked and he had to clear his throat before going on. "Boys....I uh....I need to tell you something." (@DrTrollinski ~ Noapte buna!)
Joseph and George were done with their breakfast and orange juice, and what John said had worried something in the slightest. John had been acting strange all morning, and he was worried that it was this 'something' that was making him act like that. He discreetly moved an arm around George's side and then turned to look at John, giving the best smile he could manage.

"What is it?" He asked softly. George also turned and looked at him, but snuggled up to Joseph. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan took in a deep, pained breath and turned to face them. There were slight tears forming in the corners of his eyes. "Boys....y-your father...he.." He gulped. "He won't be coming back from Venice..."(@DrTrollinski )
There was a long silence. Joseph was trying to figure out what he meant, but his breathing had become the slightest bit faster. George was clueless, though. He didn't know what was truly wrong. He thought that their father was staying out there forever and abandoning them, but why would he do that? He loved them! Didn't he? He wasn't sure what to think of it, but Joseph asked before he even had the chance to step in and say anything.

".. W-W-What do you mean?" He asked shakily, gulping. (@Axel1313)


"It's funny, Amari..." He muttered quietly. "All of these years, and now the tables have turned." He said, Vincent wasn't scared. Johnny had always been the bottom bitch, and he didn't know a single thing about interrogation or anything like that. He didn't know how to torture, simply because his stomach couldn't take it. Vincent was having a surprisingly relaxed time after being dragged into the office of the mansion. What time was it? Was it even six o'clock yet? He had the most meager bit of blood running down his bottom lip, and nothing more.

".. Hardly..." He whispered in response.

And then the door creaked open.

"Daddy...?" A voice called out. Vincent saw the color flush from Johnny's face. It was a little boy, perhaps around the same age as George, if not a little younger. He looked happy as ever, but when he saw Vincent strapped to a chair, his smile faltered. What was this kid even doing up so early? He must have been more lively than George, Vincent was sure. He thought about George and Joseph, and Michael, too... He felt bad. He knew that the likelihood of leaving this place alive was slim.

"What did I tell you about coming in here when I'm working?!" He screamed. The boy flinched and his frown turned sad and scared.

"Don't shout at him."

"What?" Johnny turned to him.

"It's not his fault... Don't shout at him..." He murmured, and then, the young boy began to slowly walk over. Johnny didn't stop him, though. Vincent could see it in his eyes - God, he felt bad already? This was almost amusing.
"Some officers came to the house today early and....informed me that the Venetian police had contacted them and told them..." He gulped again. "Told them that..." God...this was so painful. He could hardly get the words out. They were getting stuck in his chest and making it ached. He had to take in a few deep breaths before continuing. "Boys....your father is no longer with us...I'm...I'm so sorry."(@DrTrollinski )
Joseph slowly looked away, as did George. They stared at the TV as their eyes filled with tears, and then, they both burst out into cries in unison - they were different cries, though. They were cries of pure heartbreak and pain. Their father, the only man they had left, the only person that they still truly loved and spent every day with since they were born was now dead.

Joseph turned over and buried his face in a pillow on the bed, and George soon followed right after and clung to his side, both of them bawling their eyes out.

"Noooo!" Joseph cried. "No, no, no, no!" He sobbed loudly, curling up into a ball. (@Axel1313)

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