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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

He managed to crack a faint smile for half a second, but then nodded a little as he pulled the towel around himself and bowed his head so that John could blow dry his hair. He couldn't stand having damp hair, so he always got dad, Joseph, and previously his mother to blow-dry his hair after he got out the bath. He freaked out whenever he had damp or wet hair for too long, for some reason. If they weren't swimming, obviously. (@Axel1313)
"You're sure trust worthy of your Uncle John." He smirked and flicked the blow dryer on. Full speed, but only on warm. He didn't want to end up burning the poor kid in the process of drying his hair. "Looks like you need a haircut soon buddy. I could do that for you too." He teased.(@DrTrollinski )
George gave a simple shrug and didn't say anything to him in response. He was indifferent about whether or not John cut his hair - he didn't really care all that much. He was laughing the last time John did this for him, but now, he was just keeping a straight face and waiting for it to be done while he gently dried himself off with the big fluffy towel that John put around him. (@Axel1313)
"There you go. All nice and dry." He smiled. Teasingly using the blow dryer to fluff George's hair up in a ridiculous fashion. "And here are your nice, clean pajamas. After you get them on how does a story and some cocoa sound before bed?"(@DrTrollinski )
They were some snug little blue flannel PJ's. He quickly slipped them on after dropping the towel onto the floor and nodded at John once he asked his question, and then walked forward and put his arms over his shoulders and linked them behind his neck. It was obvious he was expecting to be carried - he wasn't going anywhere on foot tonight. Despite being in bed all day, he was really tired. (@Axel1313)
"Alright, come on." He groaned as he picked him up. Yeesh, and he thought carrying the girls at the same time was backbreaking! "I'll read you whatever book you want okay? And your brother made the cocoa this time, so it should be extra delicious." He smiled as he carried George to his room.(@DrTrollinski )
George nodded once again and then waited to be put down on the floor once he was in his room, and then walked up to his bookcase and dug through some of the books until he pulled out his favorite one. It was a quirky little paper-back book that he handed to John. It was a story of someone who was lost in a jungle - it was for kids that were a little older than him, but not too much. He wouldn't be able to read all of it in one bedtime, but hopefully George would fall asleep before he had to do that. After that, George went and climbed into bed, but he wanted to drink his cocoa before he actually got the story read to him.

Joseph was busy downstairs topping the cocoa with some spray cream, and then some marshmallows, some nutmeg, diced fudge pieces, cinnamon, and finally, some chocolate powder. He'd made the cocoa with cocoa powder, but also fully out of milk and the chocolate that he melted, so it was extra chocolaty. He'd made three mugs of it, too. (@Axel1313)
"Looks like a good book." Johnathan smiled and took a seat on the edge of the bed. A little long, hopefully he didn't end up falling asleep reading it to the boys..."You're brother should be about done with the cocoa. So we can enjoy that soon."(@DrTrollinski )
Speak of the devil, merely thirty seconds after John had said that, Joseph came in with three cups of hot cocoa, all milky and chocolaty, and all stacked with all the amazing ingredients - the primary ones being the marshmallows and cream - and then walked to George's bed, placing them all on his nightstand.

George's face lit up when he saw them. He didn't smile, but his face definitely did light up in amazement.

"There you go, bro... Drink some of that and tell me how it is. Just like mom used to make." He smiled as he handed him one cup. George took hold of it in a tight grasp and instantly tilted it and slurped some into his mouth, closing his eyes as he did so. When he pulled it away, he had a blotch of cream pasted onto the tip of his nose. Joseph couldn't help but laugh. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan couldn't help but laugh either. "Looks like you made it perfectly Joseph." He took a sip of his own. Getting a little spot of the creme on his nose too. It was definitely the best cup of cocoa he'd ever tasted. "You have a little something riiiiight there George." He teasingly pointed to his nose.(@DrTrollinski )
George reached up and wiped his nose down with his sleeve, and then placed his cup down on the nightstand and left it there as he walked up to John and tugged on him until he crouched down. He smiled gently once John was at his level, and then reached forward with the same sleeve and wiped the creme away from his nose, and then gave a really cute and childish giggle under his breath that quickly retreated into a crackle in his voice.

"Was that a laugh I just heard?" Joseph asked as he reached down and ruffled George's hair. George kept his smile this time - maybe it was worth being a little happier. Joseph had really missed seeing his smile, and seeing it again after what felt like so long was probably the best feeling he'd experienced.

"Hmm?" A wide smile spread across his face as George wiped the creme off of his nose and even more when he laughed. "Looks like I'm not one to talk am I?" He laughed. It was so great to finally see George acting happier again, especially when the boys were going through a tough time with their father being gone.(@DrTrollinski )
Joseph gulped down some of his own cocoa, right as George actually managed to finish his own. He put the empty cup down on the nightstand after crawling into bed, and then pulled the blanket up to his face. He looked up at John with big expecting eyes and smiled at him once again - the chicken soup and the cocoa really made him feel better, it just took a bit of a boost to get him moving again. Joseph smiled and sat down at the foot of his bed while sipping his own drink. George looked up at him and smiled a little.

"Puoi dormire nel mio letto stasera , Joseph?"

"Hm?" He said through his cup, and then pulled it away from his mouth. ".. Hm... I guess I can stay in your bed tonight, yeah." He reached over and ruffled his hair. "I'll go get changed, and then we'll settle down for the bedtime story, okay?" He smiled and placed his cup down on the nightstand. He really wanted to shower before he went to bed, but he'd have to settle for a face-wash - he didn't want to leave George waiting. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan made sure all of the cups were gathered in one place on the nightstand. It would help to make as little noise as possible after he read the boys to sleep. "I'm glad to see you're feeling better George. You really had me worried there." He ruffled up his hair.(@DrTrollinski )
George simply smiled at him. He wasn't really feeling up to speaking to anyone other than Joseph, and he knew it was pointless in speaking to John if Joseph wasn't there to translate.

Joseph stepped out and came back only ten minutes later, fully dressed in his PJs, he climbed into bed behind George and then put an arm around him and pulled him a little closer, and then made sure the blanket was well over them both.

"Fire away, John." He yawned. (@Axel1313 - last post, goodnight)
"Alright! We are ready to go." He said cheerfully as he opened the book. "Now, I'm gonna apologize in advance if I fall asleep before you boys okay?" He found a cozy spot beside beside the boys and began to read. Doing a different voice for all of the characters to try and brighten up their mood even more.(@DrTrollinski )
George looked at John for a little while as he read, but eventually shut his eyes and then shuffled back against Joseph so he could get more of a tighter hug. Joseph put his arm over him and then closed his eyes as well, settling into bed and smiling just a little bit as he pulled the blanket right up to come up to their noses, and then took a deep breath and waited. George fell asleep after ten minutes, but he was still awake. He looked up at John once he stopped reading and smiled at him.

".. John... Thank you..." He said. ".. And goodnight." He added, and then he closed his eyes over, hugging George tight. (@Axel1313)
It was a struggle to stay away while reading to them, but John managed to until at least George was asleep. "Aaah. It's nothing little man." He smiled sleepily and ruffled up his hair. "Goodnight and sweet dreams." He carefully stood up and headed to clean things up downstairs before crashing on the couch.(@DrTrollinski )

(@DrTrollinski )
The Next Day

9:00 AM

There was a knock at the door. Joseph and George were both still asleep and nice and snuggled up in George's bed, and they were quite happily dreaming happy dreams of some of the good times they'd had. They dreamed of the times they had when their mother was here, as well as the times that they'd had with their dad, such as the one at Six Flags. That was great, and they were hoping to go there again next year.

The question was, who was at the door?

Upon opening it, they weren't really the best faces to see at a relatively early hour of the morning.

Two police officers. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan got up as quickly as possible and made himself look less like he'd just woken up before answering the door. Upon opening it though he was surprised....and not in a good way. "Oh uh....hello officers. What uh...what brings you hear this early in the morning?"(@DrTrollinski )
The police officers looked at each other and then took a deep breath. The older looking one - the man with the graying hair and beard - was the one who spoke to him. He did offer a gentle smile, though.

".. Morning, sir... Before I say anything more... Is this the Amari residence?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan looked at them both curiously before responding. The gentle smile was slightly comforting to see. "Yes sir. This is the Amari residence. May I ask why you fellows are here?"(@DrTrollinski
".. May we come in, sir? I'm afraid we're here with bad news, and I recommend that we sit down and talk for a few minutes... We have some questions for you, too." He said softly, sighing gently. The smile that was on his face suddenly faded.

There was obviously something going on. (@Axel1313)

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