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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"It definitely is a good experience." He nodded. "I did go to State school. Mine was alright. Not the best food and the building was old, but you boys will get to go to a much nicer one than I went to. I'd have to say the the only thing really ever bad about it is the occasional bully. They really can't be avoided no matter where you go in life though, but you learn how to handle them. Either don't even give them the time of day or get help y'know? Other than that I can't think of anything else bad." (@DrTrollinski )
"Bullies? Heh, dad told me about that when he was in school." He grinned. ".. He said he had some people that were bullying him in... Sixth Grade?" He said. "Well, one day, my dad said he'd had enough, and he went up and broke two of one kid's fingers when the kid tried to hit him." He shook his head as he shoved some more soup into his mouth and swallowed it down. ".. Apparently, after that, no one ever did so much as touch him." He finished off his story. "I'm gonna' guess that that's the wrong way to deal with things?" He asked with a smirk. (@Axel1313)
"Oooh man...you're father and I are more alike than I thought." He chuckled. Remembering his first bully and how he dealt with it by beating the guy to a pulp. "I'm not going to say that it wasn't an effective way to deal with it, but yeah, certainly wasn't the right way to." He chuckled. "I'm pretty sure you boys won't have to deal with bullies much when you go. Your father is so well known that I doubt they'd mess with you much."(@DrTrollinski )
".. My dad only runs a vineyard... Doesn't he?" He asked. Why would they care if he was the son of a vineyard owner? What was going on here? It's not like a vineyard owner would particularly threaten anyone. ".. I mean.. I know that he runs a vineyard that's really successful pretty much... Internationally, I guess, but... why would they be scared of that?" He asked, slowly taking a bite of his bread. (@Axel1313)
Crap....he'd said too much. Time to try and make it seem like nothing, if his deer in the headlights face didn't give it away first. "Well...uh. Yeah, what I mean is that he's very well known in this town....y'know? People know him as being a rich and powerful man and for some that can be a little intimidating."(@DrTrollinski )
He paused for a while and then shrugged. "Alright, yeah... I guess he is, but... Still, a vineyard owner isn't really one of the most scary titles, to be fair... If he was a police chief, I'd believe you." He smirked a little. "A guy that makes wine wouldn't be called tough, though. You can't even deny that. They'd get called... something else, I'd imagine." He said. He wasn't going to be crude by shouting out some sort of homophobic word, or anything like that. Hell, he wasn't even going to say the base word. (@Axel1313)
"Sure, owner of a vineyard isn't very scary, but the money and power he's got here? It's hardly even rivaled. Plus, think of how he handled that bully when he was young and how protective his is of you boys and your mother. Pretty intimidating if ya ask me." He shrugged. (@DrTrollinski )
".. Maybe, who knows." He shrugged a little and then ate some more soup. He was almost done with it now, and now he was done with the bread as well. ".. Maybe before George goes to sleep, after he's had his bath, we could sit with him and drink some cocoa together? He's been upstairs alone all day, and I think it'd be nice if we gave him some company for a little while." He said. (@Axel1313)
"That sounds like a great idea. I bet George would appreciate that a lot" He smiled. Definitely happy for a change in subject again. "I'll even read him his favorite story before bed too while we enjoy cocoa with him. How does that sound?"(@DrTrollinski )
"Yeah, that sounds good." He smiled. "I think you should let him finish the cocoa first, and get him all tucked up. We can sit with him while you read." He smiled and then picked up his plate and bowl and then walked over to the sink, placing it down in the basin. "Do you want me to go and put the bath on for him? You can get his PJ's ready, and stuff... He might not have got changed out of the ones he was in this morning, but it'd be nice for him to be in some clean ones after he gets out the bath." (@Axel1313)
"It would be much appreciated if you did. I need to get Michael all ready for bed too." He looked back at the infant. He was slumped over the seat of his little cart now and drooling. The little guy had finally burned off all that energy from earlier. "That sound like a good plan?"(@DrTrollinski )
(Shit, sorry. I missed the post)

Joseph looked off at Michael and gave a little chuckle, smiling a little. "Alright... Yeah, you get Michael to bed, and I'll go get his bath ready for you. I'll make it a bubble bath." He smiled. ".. I might make the cocoa, too. My mom showed me a nice way to make it." He said softly, and then wandered out of the room and made his way back upstairs and into the main bathroom where he turned on the hot faucet on the bathtub, and then the water started running. (@Axel1313)
(Lol. I didn't even notice. :) )

"Ooo, that sounds pretty good. I wouldn't mind getting a little taste of what some of your mom's cooking tasted like." He smiled happily as he picked Michael up. He made a few little baby noises in his sleep and cracked his eyes open a bit, but other than that he just buried his face into Johnathan's shirt and slumped over his shoulder sleepily. Johnathan took Michael upstairs and made sure he had a nice clean diaper on before putting him to bed and returning downstairs to clean up the little tyrant's mess. Toys everywhere and pillows dragged off of the couch and chair.....such a mess.(@DrTrollinski )
Joseph came back downstairs and then went to the fridge and pulled out a large bottle of full cream milk. This was the best type to use for this, as his mother said. When he was eight years old, he used to make cocoa with his mother for himself, her, and George and his dad - she gave him a lot of help, only because she was worried about him burning himself.

Honestly, this was his first time doing this alone. He was a little worried, but he just needed to remember what his mom taught him. Firstly, he got the cocoa powder from the cupboard, and then the fudge, then the chocolate powder - what else... Some mini white marshmallows, a bit of nutmeg, and some cinnamon. Wow. This was going to be a heart attack in a cup. This was something that they only saved for winter occasions, but... This time it was acceptable.

"Right, just like you showed me, mom..." He said as he took a bar of chocolate from the cupboard and broke half of it off, and the dropped it into a bowl before filling a saucepan with water and then begun boiling it, and then balanced the bowl above it so that the chocolate would start melting. This gave John the time to get everything ready. (@Axel1313)
While Joseph made the cocoa John headed back upstairs to get George fresh pajamas and see if he was actually getting into the bath. "George? Your brother started a bubble bath for you, you in there already or want to take one?"(@DrTrollinski )
George stood up from his bed and then went back outside, going over to John's side. He reached up and took hold of his hand looked up at him with a simple nod. It was evident that he wanted a bath, but it didn't look like he was going to start talking just yet. (@Axel1313)
"Alright. It's all ready for you right now. I've got you some clean pajamas too for when you're all done." He smiled down at him and ruffled up his hair. "Do you want me to hold your head as you wash your hair like the last time?"(@DrTrollinski )
George walked with him into the bathroom with and then approached the tub, quickly tearing off the PJ's that he'd been wearing all day already. He took a deep breath and then climbed over the edge of the tub and dropped himself into the water. He couldn't help but smile when he felt the bubbles cover up the vast majority of his body. It was great. His smile quickly faded, but then he grabbed a bar of soap and let himself soak for a minute, and then started washing all of the important areas of his body, and also behind his ears. He sat there in silence now, and didn't really do much - he wasn't anywhere near as playful as he was before. (@Axel1313)
"You need me to hold your head while you wash your hair?" Johnathan asked. Breaking the silence in the room. George really wasn't himself right now which was saddening, but at least they had managed to get him eating and out of bed for a bit.(@DrTrollinski )
George nodded and then lied down in the water, relying purely on Johnathan's hand to stop him from getting a load of hot water and soap in his mouth and eyes. God, that happened once where he squirmed too much and slipped out of his mother's arm. Straight underwater. That was a bad day. He was scared of going in the bath after that - it was sad at the time - any talk of getting his hair washed and he cried his eyes out .

He took some of the nice citrus and blossom shampoo and then rubbed some of it into his hair, the rest of his body staying still as he did so. Once he washed it all up, he quickly washed it all off with the water and then took a deep breath. He stared up at Johnathan and his eyes filled with tears, but he quickly blinked them away so that they blended in with water that had coated his face. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan made sure that George's head did not go underwater. He kept in mind how scared he seemed to be about that happening and knew to make him feel as safe as possible. "You doing okay there pal?" He asked when the poor guy looked upset again. (@DrTrollinski )
George simply shook his head and sniffled a little as he climbed out of the tub and then looked at John for a minute, but before he let him put a towel around he walked over to the cabinet under the sink and then took it back to him so he could dry his hair. It was cordless. George's hair was quite long, so this was necessary. (@Axel1313)
"Are you sure?" He asked with a little concern in his voice. "You seem to be pretty upset George....if something's bothering you, you know you can talk to your Uncle John about it or just let it all out."(@DrTrollinski )
George didn't say anything. He merely shook his head and then gently put the hairdryer into John's hands. He still needed a towel to be wrapped around him, though. He was just standing there after just getting out of the bath, and he was starting to get pretty cold. He only assumed that John would help him get wrapped up and eventually dressed into his new PJ's once he was all fully dried off. (@Axel1313)
"Okay then......you know you're gonna catch a cold like that." He chuckled. Digging out the biggest, fluffiest towel he could find and draping it over Georges shoulders. "You sure you want me to blow dry your hair? Who knows how funny I'll make you look." He teased.(@DrTrollinski )

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