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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

(Okay, I'll do that :) @DrTrollinski )

Johnathan sat there in the silence with George for as long as he could. He wished he could have stayed there a bit longer, but Michael was beginning to get fussy and he needed to get dinner started. "I've uh....I've gotta go back downstairs for a bit...okay George? I need to start dinner and take care of Michael. Do you think you'll feel good enough to come down and eat or do you want me to bring you a plate?"(@DrTrollinski )
He shrugged and simply climbed off of his lap and then crawled back onto his bed. That sort of showed that he wanted a plate to be brought up to him. He looked off at the TV that still had a movie running on it and then took a deep breath. He knew John couldn't understand Italian, but... He didn't feel capable to speak English. He felt homesick, in a small sense - It wasn't homesick, though. He was sick of home not being completed like it usually was.

He wanted a mommy and daddy again, not all of this. Not four boys under one roof - He wanted his dad back, at least, but he wanted him to meet a nice woman who could come and look after them, but... He knew that his dad would never take in someone else after mom disappeared. (@Axel1313)
"I'll take that as you want a plate brought to you." He smiled softly. Giving George a light pat on the back before picking up Michael again. "It shouldn't be too long. I'm going to make some homemade chicken and noodles. Nice and creamy with big thick noodles and chunks of chicken. That sounds good doesn't it?" (@DrTrollinski )
George simply looked at him. He saw that John was going to be making an effort, and he didn't want to make him feel bad. He nodded gently and then looked back to the TV - He looked at Michael who was in John's arms and managed to crack a faint smile, but that was it. He still hadn't said anything.

Meanwhile. Joseph was in his room looking everything up on the internet to see if he could relate anything to George. He wanted him to be okay, and he was looking for solutions on the worst possible place. He'd probably end up diagnosing George with brain cancer, or something - The internet wasn't a good place for a diagnosis. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan smiled warmly and headed back downstairs. After getting Michael back to that ever so happy mood again he set him in his little bouncy chair. It had a little tray all around it with various toys he could mess with. It also had wheels on it, meaning Uncle John had to barricade the little bugger in the living room so he couldn't get into trouble while dinner was being prepared.

"I think I made some progress with your brother Joseph. He didn't want to come down to eat, but I think he will eat if I bring a bowl of food up to him."(@DrTrollinski )
".. Did he say anything?" He asked nervously, scratching his head as he sat down at the small table in the kitchen again. Since their mother went away, they never really ate in the main dining room. It didn't feel right. They'd probably be blowing cobwebs off of it if they wanted to use it again. It was sad, in a way, but Joseph didn't really mind. "In English or Italian...? Anything?" He asked, quite desperately this time. (@Axel1313)
"He said a couple of things." Johnathan scratched the back of his head. "Not much but he said something. Sorry if I butcher the pronunciation here, but it was, Ti amo , lo zio John and then Voglio papà. And that's it. It felt like he had calmed down a little while I was up there, enough to at least drink some cocoa I brought up." (@DrTrollinski )
Joseph looked down at the table and gave a sad smile, but then slowly looked up at John. ".. The first one means 'I love you, Uncle John." He gave more of a broken smile and then took a deep breath. ".. The second one means 'I want dad'." He gave a little sad chuckle and then shook his head. ".. I hope you can get him to eat something, John... At least he's opening up to you. Somewhat." He sighed. "Right now, I can't tell you whether or not he'll speak a word of English to you until dad gets back." He said. (@Axel1313)
"Ah, that's what I thought." He nodded. Good guess on what George wanted on his part. "I think I'll be able to persuade him into eating something. If I got him to drink so cocoa that's a good enough sign that he might eat something." He smiled softly. "If he doesn't at least I have you to help translate...maybe I should dig up an Italian to English dictionary too for a little extra help.(@DrTrollinski )
".. We don't have those in here, seeing as my dad's a fluent Italian speaker, and so was my mom. And so are myself and George." He laughed a little and then leaned back in his chair with a smile. He had his laptop in front of him again. ".. What are you making for dinner tonight, then? We going for classic Italian or classic American?" He asked softly. (@Axel1313)
"That means I'll have to go buy one doesn't it?" He chuckled. "On the menu tonight is something I remember my mom making when I was about George's age. Homemade chicken and noodles. Really delicious thick and creamy soup. With nice thick noodles and chunks of chicken in it too. She always made it when I was upset and it made me feel better. So maybe it will do the same for you boys."(@DrTrollinski )
"Oh, nice." He smiled. ".. Our mom used to make that during the Winter. We'd be all snuggled up in our PJ's, on the couch watching TV..." He chuckled a little at the thought. ".. And we'd sit there and wait so patiently. We could smell it from the living room... It was amazing." He smiled warmly. "When we all sat down, me and George didn't even wait for our parents. We just ate." He laughed. "She always served it with some crusty bread, too. You got any of that?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"That sounds wonderful. I definitely can't blame you for not waiting to eat, I did the exact same thing when I was your age. To the point where my mom would have to smack my hand away from the pot so I didn't run off with it. I hope my chicken and noodles is as good as hers." He chuckled. "Yeah, I think I did pick up some crusty bread too. It looked like it would go with it really well." (@DrTrollinski )
".. Awesome." He smiled. ".. I'll be waiting, I guess." He chuckled a little and then took a deep breath. ".. John, do you know if dad's gonna' call us at all? I think that'd help George if he could at least talk to him." He said. It was a shame, Amari wasn't going to call. It didn't look like he was going to have anything to do with them while he was gone - he did write on the letter and say that he didn't want to be called, so perhaps it worked in reverse as well. (@Axel1313)
"I have no idea about that..." He sighed sadly as he began preparing dinner. Tearing off chunks of a precooked chicken he'd picked up and tossing it in to the pot. "He...sorta said not to call him, so I don't know if that means he'll call us instead or what...wish I could give you better news, but that's all I know."(@DrTrollinski )
".. Alright... I just hope George comes around soon enough." He sighed. ".. Tonight... Give him a bath, and tuck him into bed - read him his favorite book as a bedtime story. That might relax him a little." He said. ".. I don't know the name of his favorite book, but if you ask him to get it out, he'll find it for you... Well, he should do, at least." He shrugged. "To lighten the mood... If my dad never came to America, the Italian alternative of my name would be 'Giuseppe'." He laughed a little. "Personally, I think I'll stick to 'Joseph'." He grinned a little. (@Axel1313)
"I'll do everything I can to make sure he's relaxed and happy." Johnathan smiled softly. "Of course, if his favorite book is in Italian then I'm sure there should be no troubles in that. He'll get a good laugh from me trying to read it." He chuckled. "And Giuseppe? Haha, I don't blame you there, That's quite the name."(@DrTrollinski )
"Yours sounds quite cool, though." He chuckled. "John becomes 'Giovanni' in Italian, but hey, it's better than 'Giuseppe'." He laughed a little and lied back in his chair. ".. All of our books are in English. Ever since I could do so much as read a single letter, my parents were obsessed with me learning and continuing to build my skill in English-speaking. I was fluent in English by the time I was four - as in, I had no trouble with it, and by the age of six, I was fluent with Italian, too." He smiled. "It was the same for George. They taught him Italian themselves, but they encouraged him only to use English." He explained. (@Axel1313)
"Giovanni huh? Better than Giuseppe, but with that name I'd sound like some Mob boss wouldn't I?" He joke. "Thank goodness the books are in English, now I wont embarrass myself or send George into a laughing fit." He chuckled. "You boys keep reminding me of my girls more and more you know? Like you, they're pretty fluent in English, as fluent as three year olds can be, but also know French pretty well too. It is really neat that your parents were able to teach you guys though, a lot better then taking classes for it in my opinion."(@DrTrollinski )
"Definitely. It's a lot like learning English from my experience... For example, there was this one thing that I didn't know the Italian word for. I was only about five... I pointed at it, looked at my dad, and I asked him in Italian what it was... If I asked in Italian, he answered in Italian, if I asked in English, he answered in English." He chuckled. "You need to teach them when they're young if you want them to know both languages. Leave it too late and it's more of a struggle." He explained. (@Axel1313)
"Indeed. Young minds absorb information like that super fast. Minds like mine...well...it's gonna take a lot of lessons to pick up on something like Italian." He finished mixing all of the ingredients together and let it sit and cook while he took a seat at the table. Watching Michael enjoy his time as a human wrecking ball in the living room. Bowling over toys and anything else that was in the way. "You boys are lucky to learn it so early and fluently."(@DrTrollinski )
"Yep... People who learn more than one language are apparently more intelligent, or something." He shrugged. "Oh well." He sighed. "It'll probably come in handy at one point or another. I bet estate agents and airline managers would love me." He laughed a little. "Or a touring company. Whatever." He chuckled. (@Axel1313)
(@DrTrollinski ~ I probably wont respond until later. I really have to work on a painting for class.)

"With how smart both of you boys are and how fluent you are in two languages I can guarantee that there will be some big people out there practically fighting over you." He grinned(@DrTrollinski )
"Heh, we'll have to wait and see. Out mom always said that she thought we'd end up working in some big... Boardroom, or something, and we'd be translators for anyone that was Italian, and all that." He chuckled. "Who knows, man. I wanted to become a lawyer, but I might do something else... It's not like I don't have time to think about it, or anything like that." He smiled and then tapped away on his laptop to get onto YouTube. He figured that he may as well watch some videos while waiting for John to finish dinner. (@Axel1313)
"A lawyer huh? I bet you'd be really good at that or anything you set your mind to really." He smile and got up to check the soup. A few more minutes and it should be perfect. "Just study had and blah blah blah, you know, the usual stuff us adults spout out constantly to smart kids like you." He chuckled.(@DrTrollinski )

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