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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

Michael happily crawled away and went to where all his toys were. He grabbed a plastic toy car that had huge wheels and nothing small that he'd end up swallowing, and then tossed it across the floor, sending it bouncing along the ground. To anyone else, it looked like a baby being reckless - which he was, at first, but all of a sudden, it became the funniest thing to the infant. He looked at John and burst out into laughter and giggles, he grabbed the tips of his little feet and rocked a little while laughing away to himself.

Joseph came wandering down the stairs after a short few moments and then went into the living room and collapsed onto the couch, he bowed his head and then linked his hands in front of him. He had tears dripping from his eyes. He couldn't get George to do anything. He felt so useless. (@Axel1313)
"That must have been the joke of the year huh?" The laughter was infectious, in no time at all Michael had Uncle John laughing along with him. "You've got quite the arm too! I bet you'll be the star of every sports team you join when you get older." He chuckled. When Joseph came down with tears dripping down his face it all died down. "Hey...Joseph....are you okay?"(@DrTrollinski )
".. I--.." He started crying. "I'm useless!" He sobbed. "I can't get George to do anything! I asked him--.. I asked him if he wanted to watch more videos, or--.. or--.. Or play a game, or--.. or come and swim in the pool, b-b-b-but he didn't move! He's just lying there now-ow-oooow..." He bawled to him. Michael was confused and just sat there with a toy car in hand. He was indifferent to what was going on. (@Axel1313)
"Hey hey! Don't you even think for a minute that you are useless." Johnathan picked himself up off of the floor and sat next to Joseph on the couch. Wrapping an arm around him snugly. "You have to remember that it's hardly even been a few hours since we told him the news. He'll get better, we just have to give him a little time okay? I'll make sure that he's well taken care of too, eating right and at least getting some fresh air, okay?"(@DrTrollinski )
".. How are you going to do that?" He asked in a sob. "How can you know that you'll be able to get him to eat?!" He cried to him, turning and putting his face in his chest. Michael slowly staggered to his feet and managed a few baby steps over to him and then nearly collapsed, but quickly grasped Joseph's knee. He gave a simple toothless smile up at him, and Joseph merely looked down and couldn't help but release only more tears. He swept him up and then sat him on his lap, but continued to hug John with one arm. ".. How do you know, John?" He whimpered. (@Axel1313)
"If I use a few of Colette's recipes he might not be able to resist." He managed a little chuckle. A wide smile spreading across his face as he watched Michael stumble over to Joseph. "I Just know. Trust me. I know exactly what you boys are going through and I just know that George will be just fine and that with a little comforting and coaxing, I'll be able to get him eating within a day or two."(@DrTrollinski )
".. I wanna' go and sit out on the jetty, John... I need a few minutes alone if you don't mind..." He sobbed to him, squeezing him and Michael tightly together. ".. I--.. I just want to spent some time alone..." He said as he placed Michael down in John's lap and quickly wiped his eyes. ".. Why don't--.. Why don't you make Michael some breakfast...?" He asked. ".. I'll be back soon..." He quickly stood up and made his way off towards the back door. He just wanted to sit by his father's boat and relax for a while. He needed to do some thinking.

"Okay, whatever you need to do to relax and feel better. My only rule is going to be be back before dark, alright? Otherwise you can stay there as long as you like." He picked up Michael and headed towards the kitchen. Maybe if he fed him the little bugger would start to get sleepy? Or it could just make him even more hyper. "Looks like we're really going to help your big brother's out here huh?" He spoke softly to him as he prepared a bottle.(@DrTrollinski )
Seeing as the jetty was right behind the house (it was a private jetty, mind you), he was going to be back long before dark. He made his way over to the jetty and sat down on the edge of it, his feet danging only inches above the water. He sighed a little and then looked down into it, watching some of his tears create small ripples as they fell into it.

Michael just gurgled happily again. Sure, Uncle John. Why not. He totally knows what you're talking about. (Remember he's nine months old now, so you can give him mashed food :P @Axel1313)
"Let's see....oh! Wait a minute." He spied the mashed food as he was looking for the formula. "Mmm. Mashed peas and carrots and what's this! Apples! Yum! I think you're really going to like this stuff." He pulled up a highchair and sat Michael down in it, fitting him with an adorable little bib that would hopefully be able to keep him clean. He then dug through the drawers until he found a baby spoon and took a seat in front of the little guy. It was quite funny how he changed to mush around Michael, using baby talk and playing around like the spoon was an airplane or train.(@DrTrollinski )
Like all babies, Michael continuously pushed it out of his mouth with his tongue, but he had a good breakfast after a while. It took a long time, and the whole time, Joseph was sat out on the jetty looking into the water, and George was all snuggled up in his bed.

Maybe George had fallen asleep again? There'd been no noise from upstairs at all. (@Axel1313)
"Such a messy eater." He chuckled, wiping the remnants of breakfast from Michael's cheeks and chin and hands and all down the front of his shirt....at least he didn't need a bath after this meal. "Once all cleaned up he lifted him up to his shoulder, patting his back gently. "Why don't we go check on George? He's been awfully quiet for quite a while now." Like before. Johnathan made a quick cup of cocoa to take up to him. Adding a little bit of cinnamon and chocolate for a little more sweetness and flavor before taking it up to him. "George? You doing alright in here buddy?" He knocked lightly on the door as he entered.(@DrTrollinski )
No response. When he went in there Michael let out a happy cheer as he saw his big brother lying on the bed. His big brother didn't say a word, though.

George was awake, but he was just staring at the wall. He didn't read for say anything when John called out to him. (@Axel1313)
"George...Hey. Your little brother here told me that you might just like another cup of cocoa. This time with a bit of fancy stuff added to it, like sprinkles." He chuckled as he set it on the side table. Michael had absolutely no idea what was even going on at all, but Johnathan was trying anything he could to make George feel better. "You'd better drink it before it get's too cold."(@DrTrollinski )
George didn't say anything. He just lied still. Maybe Joseph was right to worry about him? He looked so... Lifeless.

Michael had expected to go and get a hug from his big bro, and when he didn't, he reached down towards him with his tiny arms and let out a little whimper and started to go into a quiet cry. (@Axel1313)
"Aww...I think somebody wants a hug George..." He sat down on the edge of the bed so Michael could reach him a bit easier. "Come on....You don't want to make him too upset now do you?"(@DrTrollinski )
Michael crawled over with a little whimper and slapped the top of George's arm. That was when George quickly turned to him and gave the infant a tight hug, and then promptly burst out into tears. It all just broke out - they were silent tears, though. He didn't want to upset Michael who was gurgling happy on his shoulder. (@Axel1313 - last post. Night :) )
"It's okay....just let it all out..." He gave him a gentle pat on the back. "I swear to you that everything is gonna be okay George...so please try to be strong. For Joseph and Michael and me and your dad. Ya gotta make sure you are doing as best as you can so you can tell him about all the stuff you've done while he's been gone. Like drag me along to the Carnival." (@DrTrollinski ` Noapte buna! :) )
He started fully crying after that. He just couldn't hold himself back and just burst out into tears. It frightened Michael at first, but then he went back to just sitting on George's lap and not making as much as a sound while his arms remained curled around his body. He didn't say anything to John - right now he wanted a hug more than anything, and Michael wasn't really giving him that satisfaction. (@Axel1313)
"That's it George....just let it all out." Johnathan turned to wrap his arms around George in a snug, comforting hug. "Cry all ya need to...Uncle John is here for you okay?" He pat his back.(@DrTrollinski )
He kept on sobbing and crying relentlessly. Little Michael had already crawled away from him and was now lying on the bed and playing about with George's teddy bear. D'aww. That was a cute sight to see, but George had too many tears in his eyes to be able to actually see it. Not only that, but his face was buried in John's chest.

"Ti amo , lo zio John..." He sobbed to him. Great. More Italian? John could get Joseph to translate it later on, but right now, George was sobbing his little heart out. Truthfully, he just wanted his father to come back. Oh, and he wanted to drink that cocoa that John made him, but that could wait for a little while. (@Axel1313)

He kept on sobbing and crying relentlessly. Little Michael had already crawled away from him and was now lying on the bed and playing about with George's teddy bear. D'aww. That was a cute sight to see, but George had too many tears in his eyes to be able to actually see it. Not only that, but his face was buried in John's chest.

"Ti amo , lo zio John..." He sobbed to him. Great. More Italian? John could get Joseph to translate it later on, but right now, George was sobbing his little heart out. Truthfully, he just wanted his father to come back. Oh, and he wanted to drink that cocoa that John made him, but that could wait for a little while. (@Axel1313)

(Shit, sorry for that)
"Everything's alright George...Uncle John is here for you." He spoke as soothingly as he possibly could. He had no idea what George had said...he was going to have to ask Joseph later... For now all he could do was guess what he said and let him cry it all out. "Take as long as you like, I'll be here for as long as you need me."(@DrTrollinski ~ Don't worry, it wasn't your fault. I was off playing Monster Hunter and forgot to respond. :3 )
George kept on crying for a good ten minutes while Michael just lied there and played about with his teddy bear, laughing and giggling happily as he tossed it around and rolled around on the bed with it aimlessly. After the ten minutes, George climbed up onto John's lap and picked up his cocoa, and then took a few gulps of it, sniffing a little. Joseph was still sat out on the jetty and staring into the water, but he'd stopped crying himself. He was thinking about going back in soon, but... Just a few more minutes.

"Voglio papà..." George whimpered. Well, it was obvious he said something about his father. (@Axel1313)
More Italian....time to try and at least take a shot in the dark at this. "I know George, I know...but you know that's not possible right now." He hugged him tight. "He'll be back before you know it though. That I promise you." (@DrTrollinski )
George couldn't cry anymore. He didn't really feel capable to cry - all of his energy was gone. He just sat there in pristine silence, one arm around John, and one arm lifting his mug of cocoa to his mouth. He had to admit, he did make a good cup. It was nothing compared to the ones his mother used to make during the Winter, though. They were the best. He wasn't planning on speaking just yet, and all he wanted was to sit on his own - but some support right now was quite nice.

Joseph got up after a few minutes and went back inside the house and up to his room where he collapsed onto the bed and flicked the TV on. He was still feeling a little miserable, but he felt better, at least.

(You can move things onto later in the evening, if you want. I can type up more of Amari's story that way :) @Axel1313)

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