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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

James stares up at Le'Mar's hideout and He smiles to himself. Maybe one day I can have something like this. That would be nice. He walks up to the door and knocks on it, examining the house for awhile. He always wondered what it would be like to be a crime boss of sorts. Watching Le'Mar be one seemed like a pretty good example to him.(@DrTrollinski )
"He won't be gone for years. I don't know when he'll be back, but I know it won't be in years. I'm betting you it will be a month at most." He reassured him. "I'm sorry you had to hear about it this way and not directly from your dad....but everything will be just fine. Okay George?" (@DrTrollinski )
George didn't say a word, and then Joseph and John could instantly tell that something was wrong. George calmly got up and blinked a few times, and then slowly turned away as a look of heartbreak spread across his face. He slowly walked out and then made his way upstairs and climbed back into bed, saying not even a word. He just rolled over and looked at the wall beside him. Not a single tear flowed, and not a single sound was made.

He was devastated.

".. I told you, John..." Joseph sighed ever so gently and took his plate over to the dishwasher. (@Axel1313)
"I figured he would have a tough time with this..." He sighed. "I'll go talk to him and see if I can make things a little better." With a soft smile Johnathan got up, making a quick cup of cocoa for a little extra comfort as he headed upstairs to George's room. He didn't say anything when he came in, but sat quietly on the edge of his bed and got out the letter from Amari and started to read the poem that their father had written for them;

To and fro, to and fro

In my little boat I go

Sailing far across the sea

All alone, just little me.

And the sea is big and strong

And the journey very long.

To and fro, to and fro

In my little boat I go.

Sea and sky, sea and sky,

Quietly on the deck I lie,

Having just a little rest.

I have really done my best

In an awful pirate fight,

But we captured them all right.

Sea and sky, sea and sky,

Quietly on the deck I lie--

Far away, far away

From my home and from my play,

On a journey without end

Only with the sea for friend

And the fishes in the sea.

But they swim away from me

Far away, far away

From my home and from my play.

Then he cried "O Mother dear."

And he woke and sat upright,

They were in the rocking chair,

Mother's arms around him--tight.

(@DrTrollinski )
".. My mom used to read me that one some nights..." He squeaked quietly, curling up into a ball. ".. She said it was about a boy who--.. who was kinda' like me... And... He went on a journey to a place far away." He whimpered, his eyes still locked on the wall in front of him. He didn't roll over and look at Johnathan. He felt sick, and he sort of looked it as well. ".. Dad's not coming back... I know he's not." He whispered. (@Axel1313)
"He is too coming back. There is absolutely no way he'd leave you boys." Johnathan stated in a firm, yet gentle voice. "I know that for a fact. The way he always goes on about you guys and is concerned about you 24/7. You've got nothing at all to worry about George. Trust me." He leaned over to give him a little hug. "You just gotta be strong while he's gone okay? Be the big man of the house."(@DrTrollinski )
George didn't say anything at first, but he soon turned over and looked up at him, hugging him back. He pulled away and then beamed into his eyes, sighing gently through his nose. ".. I--.. I can't do that... I'm not big and strong like my dad is..." He whimpered. He might not have been crying, but he certainly had tears on his heart. ".. I don't--.. I just want him to come home, Uncle John... Where--.. What do you think he's doin' now?" He asked. (@Axel1313)


The doors slowly opened up and a suited guard revealed himself, looking over the man that stood before him. "Name and reason why you're here." He demanded. (@AvidElmV2)
"James and because I can be here. Where's Le'Mar?" Before man could say anything, James pushed his way past him and looked around. "Wow...." He smiled at the sight of Le'Mar's 'palace' and reveled in the thought of living in something like this soon. "Well, your living the life aren't you boss...." He went up stairs and began to check rooms.
"Sure you can. I know you're a strong little guy George. You and Joseph. You're exactly like your father." He smiled and pat him gently on the back. "I'm not sure where your father is or what he's doing or where he is....but I am sure that it's veeery important and that as soon as he's finished he'll come straight back to you guys and tell you everything."(@DrTrollinski )
He smiled weakly and then lied back down in his bed, snuggling his teddy bear close to his body. He still felt pretty upset, but he wasn't going to show it. He certainly would show it when he ended up lying in bed all day, and then didn't eat anything later on in the evening. He didn't want to get up. He didn't feel strong enough to get up, not one bit.

".. Do you think dad's in danger?" He asked. (@Axel1313)


"Oh, James!" A voice boomed from down the hallway. When he made his way down there, he found Lemar sitting on one big chair at the back of the room, a perfectly good-looking African-American woman sat on his lap in a childish manner. He was dressed in a blue suit, and he was busting out a look of gold teeth, gold chains, and silver and gold rings. He wasn't doing too bad for himself now, was he? (@AvidElmV2)
"Naah, I'm sure he's just fine." Johnathan reassured him. "You know what I bet it is? I bet there was just some shipment issues or something with the vineyard that he had to go deal with in person. Nothing serious at all and he'll be back within' a week or two." He smiled down at him.(@DrTrollinski )
He gave an uneasy smile and then nodded as he sat up and took the cocoa from the nightstand, sipping on it a little. It was nice to have cocoa in bed. ".. Do you mind if I stay up here? I wanna' draw pictures and stuff." He said, sheepishly. He wasn't going to do that - he just didn't want John to start worrying about him. He didn't like making people worry. ".. Can you buy me some candy when you go to the store?" He asked softly. (@Axel1313)
"I don't mind at all little man. Whatever makes you feel better." He chuckled. That soon turned in to a happy laugh though. "Candy? I suppose so, seeing as I am going to head to the store later on. Just what kind of candy do you want though kiddo?"(@DrTrollinski )
".. I want the--.." He thought for a moment. ".. I want anythin' that ain't got nuts in it. I don't like candy that has nuts... I don't like 'em." He shrugged a little and then lied back and closed his eyes, yawning a little. ".. Can you get Joseph to come upstairs, please...? I wanna' talk to him." He smiled. "Get him some candy, too. He likes anythin'." He said. (@Axel1313)
"You got it pal. Anything without nuts in it. I'm sure I can find you plenty of goodies like that." He winked at him. "I think I'll head to the store as soon as I send Joseph up here with you. I'm sure you guys will be fine while I'm gone. It'll only be an hour or so." He gave him one last little hug before standing up and heading back downstairs. "Hey Joseph? Your brother wants to talk to you now. I'm going to get Michael ready and head to the store real quick. Do you think you'll be fine while I'm gone?"(@DrTrollinski )
"Yeah, we should be just fine, John." He smiled at him and then picked up his laptop. ".. George would usually just come down and speak to me if he wanted to. He feeling okay? Is something wrong?" He asked, holding the laptop under his arm. "Grab me a can of soda and some candy at the store, will ya'? I could kill for that combo right now." He smiled a little. (@Axel1313)
"He's a little down in the dumps right now. Didn't look the best when I saw him, so that's probably why." Johnathan couldn't help but laugh when Joseph asked for candy and soda. "You two and your candy. I'll put that down on the list of things to get while I'm out and about." He chuckled. Making sure Michael was all ready to head to the store with him. "We'll be back in an hour or so, okay? See ya later!" He called back as he headed out the door with the stroller.(@DrTrollinski )
James smiled and approached Le'Mar. He looked around a bit more before he pulled a chair up to Le'Mar and sat down in it. "So, this is where you stay now huh? Not to bad."
"Alright!" He smiled and then walked up the stairs and then went into George's room, sitting down on the bed. He looked at the boy that was all snuggled up and ready to fall back to sleep, and then opened up his laptop and shuffled into bed beside him, putting one arm around him. He looked at him and put on the best smile he could manage, but it was a weak one. ".. You wanna' watch some funny videos with me?" He asked. George nodded sheepishly and sat up a little to lean against him.

"Sono preoccupato per il papà , Joseph." He muttered, Joseph knew that something was wrong, especially as he was talking to him in Italian. He basically said he was worried about dad. Joseph simply hugged him and sighed.

".. He'll be okay." He said, rubbing his back. (@Axel1313)


"Yep. I'm doin' alright." He chuckled and then sent the woman away and out of the room before holding out a hand for James to shake. ".. How you doin', man? What brings you by the palace?" He asked with a chuckle. (@AvidElmV2)
James grabbed Le'Mar's hand and grinned. "Just visiting. So, what's been going on lately? Haven't seen you in while after that deal with the White Gloves." James stood up and started to look around. pictures covered the walls but he didn't take much notice to them.

(@DrTrollinski )
"You. Little man. Are being a little bugger today. Do you know that?" Johnathan leaned over to tickle his stomach as they stood in line. Michael burst out into wild giggling. He was just an infant, but had Johnathan running around to pick up stuff he'd gotten his little hands on and tossed. Making all sorts of noise and kicking around happily. Shopping had taken a little longer than expected, but he'd be back soon enough. Hopefully the boys were still doing good.(@DrTrollinski )
The boys were just fine and were happily laughing away at videos of people falling over and animals running into glass doors and stuff. George felt a little happier now, but his stomach was still rolling over in thought of his father. He and Joseph had resorted to speaking full Italian now - it was nice to do that. They didn't get to do it very often. (@Axel1313)


"I've been doin' Jack Shit except collecting debts." He laughed, his gold teeth glistening in the light of the room. Oh my god. He had a hot tub in the corner. "What about yourself?" He asked. "Anything interesting goin' on?" He asked in addition. (@AvidElmV2)
((I gad a rather full day today. Will probably be on sooner tomorrow, have a lot oess to do.))

Tge sun was already filtering intk the room when Rick woke up. Unsurprisingly, Adrian had woken up and left to ni doubt get breakfast and start his day. Rick, on the other hand, needed to change out of his clothes that he had worn all of the last day and night, eat breakfast, brush his teeth, check reports, and a myriad of other things that needed to be done, such as search for an assistant for Peter.

((@DrTrollinski ))
"We're baaaack!" Johnathan called out cheerfully as he worked Michael's stroller back into the house. The place wasn't a mess or burnt down, so that was always a good sign. "Come downstairs and get your candy boys! I've kinda got my hands full with taking care of your little raskal of a brother and putting groceries away."(@DrTrollinski )
James' attention was quickly averted to the hot tub. He walked over to it and ran his fingers across the edge. "Nothing much. In fact, I really came over here to ask if you had something you wanted me to do." He looked back to Le'Mar and leaned against a wall.

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