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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"You'll start feeling getter buddy." Rick told him softly. "In no time at all, you'll feel alright." Goodness he was tired. But he had Adrian to worry about right now. How he wished he had some coffee with him right then.

((@DrTrollinski ))
(@AvidElmV2 - Start up some RP somewhere else. Time's moved on by quite a while now and Le'Mar's living in a luxury penthouse. He doesn't let lower members of the gang come in as they usually report to his generals, but I'd imagine you'd be welcome.)


"I don't want to cause tension... If--.. If he doesn't want me here, I won't put up a fight." He said weakly as he picked up his latte and then closed his eyes for a moment and bowed his head towards the table. ".. As long as you and the girls are living happy, I don't mind." He said, and then slowly sipped his drink.


"You'll have to wake him up... He's quite a heavy sleeper, just like me and my dad and Michael. Everyone in our family except my mom could sleep through a bomb dropping." He laughed a little and then looked back down at the email. He needed confirmation.

'Thank you for your work. A new account has been opened in your name, and from there you will have access to the sum of five thousand dollars. This is your payment. Your debit card will arrive in the mail within the next two days.'

He couldn't believe it. It had to be fake, right? It must have been fake. It couldn't have been anything else. He eventually realized something, though, at the bottom-center of the email, there was a tiny little black sun.

"Wow." He said quietly to himself, laughing as he closed the email again. (@Axel1313)


"I--.." He kept on sobbing and then lied back in the water. ".. Help--.. Help me--.. Help me wash my hair, daddy..." He said. It was just like regular bath time, but at two in the morning instead. Lovely stuff. He didn't want his head to go under the water, so he just wanted a little bit of help - he was never good at washing his own hair. He ended up having his head go right under the water, and that just upset him. He just needed to get nice and washed up and into his clean PJ's, and then it was back off to bed. (@Beowulf)
"Well. You are welcome here at any time then. I'll just tell Johnathan that you are a long lost cousin who found us." She chuckled and winked at him.


"I can definitely believe that." He laughed. Finishing up the last of the crepes and adding the final touches to them. "Alright, the food is all done. So, I'll go get him up now. No sneaking any while I'm gone." He teased.(@DrTrollinski )
".. Let's not jump to conclusions just yet, though." He smiled weakly at her. ".. Who knows how long things will be like this? Even if it's now or next year, don't feel bad... I have enough to keep me going for a long long time. I was never a big spender." He chuckled a little and then sipped his drink once more. "Like I said. High school sweetheart, remember?" He chuckled.


".. Smells great." He smiled. ".. I'll wait here, it's cool." He said, gulping discreetly. He wasn't looking forward to when they had to tell George the bad news. That was going to be awful.

When Johnathan arrived upstairs in George's room, he found George all wrapped up and snug under his blanket on his bed, hugging a teddy bear with his weak and sleepy grip. He looked so calm and peaceful, and it was sort of easy to understand why Joseph was so worried about breaking the news to him - it was going to be horrible to see him looking the exact opposite of what he looked like now. (@Axel1313)
"Oh come on, don't think like that now! Everything should work out just fine soon enough. I just know it will." She smiled. "Just know that the door is always open for you."


"George.....Geoooorge." Johnathan called softly as he shook his shoulder. "Wake up buddy. I made breakfast for you downstairs. It's a real treat too. I think you'll love it." (@DrTrollinski )
"I appreciate it, Colette." He smiled at her and then looked off towards the kitchen window. Connor was just putting the croissants into the oven now. Mm. He was good. ".. Connor really seems to know what he's doing." He rubbed the back of his head and took a deep breath. ".. Do you think he'll be your competitor?" He asked, grinning a little.


George slowly awoke and then smelled the smell of the sweet breakfast. He thought of one thing. Mother.

He looked up at Johnathan and smiled, and then hugged him tight and instantly shot out of the room and ran downstairs. He hugged Joseph for a moment and then sat down beside him at the little table, grabbing his knife and fork in anticipation. He was near enough drooling. This breakfast was going to be amazing, providing John had cooked it right. (@Axel1313)
"Alright bud." he said softly and began to wash Adrian's hair. As he did so, his mind began to wander to buisness. The Redneck Mafia, the name so miss leading, yet so appropriate. They were not the conventional mafia, organized and a strict higherarchy. No, their leadership seamed to change and flow with time. The redneck part fit all to well, hairy ape men in flannel, more often then not, boasting about how much their pickup weighed, what point deer they bagged that weekend, or comparing guns, tye firing ones and muscle. He was honestly surprised that they hadn't dissolved inti several smaller gangs, shots were often heard from their neck of the woods with no obvious reason to them.

((@DrTrollinski ))
Once he was done he got the bar of soap and quickly scrubbed his body with it. He didn't stop crying, though. He was a little boy that had just thrown up everywhere, felt dreadful, and was extremely tired. Of course he was going to be tired.

"Daddy--.." He sobbed. "I wanna--.. Wanna... Wanna get out..." He bawled. (@Beowulf)
"Alright. Up we get." he said as he hoisted Adrian out. "Buddy, you're perfectly fine. You'll feel a lot better if you calm down." he said patiently as he helped him into his PJs. "There. Now you are all ready for bed again. You want me to stay with you for a bit while you go to sleep?" he asked. Hopefully, him just being there would calm Adrian down.
He kept sobbing and sniffling and then flew forward and hugged Rick as tight as he could, and then curled his legs around him so that he was more or less hanging from him. ".. Uh-huh--.. I want you--. I want you to come--.. come and--.. and tuck me in, daddy... and--. I don't want you to--.. to leave me until--.. until I can sleep..." He sobbed to him. He coughed a little directly after. He was making himself breathless purely by crying, and now look, he was getting himself into more of a state. (@Beowulf)


Not saying anything, ge picked him up and began to walk towards Adrians bed room. "You're getting heavier. What were you eating? Wait a second, I can check." he said jokingly, hoping that would calm him down a bit before they reached the bed. But once they got there, he gently set him down and tucked him in, then sat down on the floor with his back leaning against the bed and waited said, "Night, Adrian."

((@DrTrollinski ))
Adrian didn't stop crying at all until he was finally in bed. He felt cold and sick, and right now, he wanted more of a hug than what Rick had given him. He reached down and gently batted the top of Rick's head and then tugged on his collar, sniffling as he looked down upon him. ".. Daddy--.. I wanna'--.. I wanna' hug..." He sobbed. ".. Please come and--.. and--.. and lie in bed with me, daddy..." He begged in a whimper, quickly wiping his eyes with his free hand. The bed was easily big enough for the both of them, so that meant that maybe even Rick would have a chance of crashing out here - intentionally or unintentionally? Who knew? (@Beowulf)
"He just might be." She grinned. "You know firsthand how good of a cook I am though, so it is tough to tell. We may just have to have a cook off sometime to see who is the best." She gave him a playful wink.


"That makes two spitfires today." Johnathan chuckled as he followed George downstairs. He had bolted down there so fast it was amazing that there weren't burn marks on the carpet. "Here you go boys. Enjoy!" He smiled and set the crepes down in front of them. Hopefully he made them just right or at least close enough to what their mother made.(@DrTrollinski )
"Maybe, maybe." He smiled and then took a few gulps of his latte. ".. I'm going to try and locate one of the two hundred bathrooms in this house. Back soon." He smiled at her as he stood up and wandered off towards the house.


George looked at them in awe for a minute but then started tucking in, completely oblivious to the fact that his father wasn't even here. That was just as helpful as it was sad. It was going to be even more crippling for him when he found out the bad news. He took only one bite of the crepes, raspberries, and cream, and then chewed them up and swallowed them as he looked over to Joseph, whom of which wore a huge smile on his face.

".. Just like our mom used to make..." George smiled. "Where did you learn to cook this? It's great! I thought only mom knew how to make it!" He grinned as he scarfed some more food into his mouth. (@Axel1313)
"Alright." She smiled sweetly. "Good luck with that. This place is big, so try not to get lost while you search." She laughed teasingly. "I will be here relaxing and watching the girls play."


"That's just what I was hoping to hear." He grinned. Grabbing a plate and sitting down with them to enjoy the meal. "My girlfriend taught me how to make stuff like this. I'm not as good as she is, but I come close enough." He chuckled. It was great seeing George so happy right now....it was going to make breaking the news to him so hard though. All they could hope for was that he would take it well.(@DrTrollinski )
".. Oh... I bet your girlfriend and my mom could be friends, Uncle John." He smiled warmly as he crammed pretty much half a crepe into his little mouth and started munching down on it. "I bet you'd be her friend, too! Just like you're my dad's friend." He smiled at him, speaking each word between chews. He kept chewing until it was finally soft enough, and then swallowed it down with a grin. God, this was amazing. After his sadness last night, this perked his day right up - it had been a while since he tasted good cooking like this. His dad's cooking nor the butler's cooking could even compare to his mother's.

"Our dad's Italian, but our mom's American." He said matter-of-factly. "Dad said that we're American 'cause of that, but... doesn't that make us Italian and American?" He asked. ".. Me and Joseph can speak Italian, so does that mean we're Italian, too?" He asked in addition. He was full of questions today. Technically, Vincent and all of his children were an American family, seeing as he had a father that was American, and his mother was Italian - he was American-Italian who had children with an American woman, and seeing as Vincent and the boys didn't even have a hint of Italian skin to them, that technically meant that they only had roots from Italy. It was obvious that Vincent hadn't even told his boys that he was half American. (@Axel1313)
So many questions! George was certainly in a good mood right now, that much was more than obvious. "I bet they would be the best of friends if they ever met." He laughed. "Hmmm. I dunno, I'd say if your dad is Italian and your mom American you'd be Italian-American. At least that's how my dad explained it to me once. He was Italian too and my mom American, so I'm pretty much just like you." He smiled. "My girls though....they're mother is French, so I'm not sure what they would be. All three? What do you think?"(@DrTrollinski )
Joseph butted in and shook his head. ".. Nuh-uh. American Italian. Technically, with that, there's more American in you than anything. It's one of the rules that my dad told me about - if you have a parent that's full American, or whatever, you're going to be more American than Italian... If you get what I mean. When it comes to people having skin tones, and all that, I mean." He shrugged and ate more of his breakfast. "Your girls are technically American-French." He chuckled a little. (@Axel1313)
"Aaaah, I see. That makes sense." He nodded. He never really knew exactly what his heritage was, his father never really explained things like that to him. Even though he was associated with an Italian Mafia. "I'm still not so sure about my girls though. They're mother is purely French, so wouldn't that outweigh the American blood?"(@DrTrollinski )
"If they were born here, and are registered as American children and citizens, they're American. It was the same for my dad and his... Damn, his brother?" He shrugged. "His half-brother, actually. Both his parents were Italian and--.." He paused. ".. I don't know... He said his mom met some... I think it was some German guy, but he's considered American-Italian." He shrugged. "I don't know, man. Let's just go with them being Italian, eh?" He chuckled a little.

".. Does that mean Michael's American?" George asked as he shoved half of his last crepe into his mouth.

"Yep." Joseph said. George simply grinned and then picked up his plate alongside his knife and fork, and then walked over to the sink and stood on the tips of his toes, gently sliding them into it. (@Axel1313)
"Yeah, let's just go with that. It makes things a lot less complicated." He chuckled. "Yep, like Joseph said. Since he was born here that makes him American." He nodded in agreement as he cleaned off his plate and stuck it in the dish washer. (@DrTrollinski )
He smiled. "Okay." He stood up and went to the stroller that Michael was sat in, happily gurgling away to himself. "You're American..." He smiled. "Just like me and Joseph and mom and dad." He added, gently tickling Michael's body, Michael giggled like mad, but then George stopped. Something occurred to him.

Where was dad?

"Uncle John... Did dad come home last night? Is he still in bed?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
Oh man....here it is. The moment where they have to break the news to the poor little guy. Best make it like a bandage and just make it quick and all at once. "Well George...that uh...That was something I need to talk to you about. Please try not to get upset either okay?" He sat down at the table again. "Your dad had to leave to go on an emergency business trip last night. I don't know when he will be back either."(@DrTrollinski )
"Of course." he said soothinglty as he climbed on to the bed. Wrapping Adrian into a hug, Rick stays awake long enough to notice Adrian's breathing ease in sleep before falling asleep himself. He had dreams, we all do everynight, but like most times he could not remember them. He did have a nagging feeling that he was firgetting something, however.

George's smile instantly faltered and he sat there at the table in pure silence, his eyes suddenly going wide. He simply stared at John from across the table and then gave off a quiet gulp while a hundred thoughts bounced around his head, but the most worrying one was the one he spoke to John with.

".. W--.. What if he never comes back? What if he's gone for years and... and he misses my birthday, and when we go to a new school...?" He asked. ".. I--.. I don't want him to go away for years!" He said, beginning to look upset now. (@Axel1313)


Adrian managed to gently sob himself to sleep after a while and simply fell asleep hugging Rick as tight as he could, but when he finally fell asleep, his grip loosened and he was nice and happy and warm again, and all set for a good night's rest. After the night's events, that's all he wanted to do - sleep. (@Beowulf - You can move things onto the next morning if you wish)

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