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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"You haven't seen anything yet." He smiled and then drove them onward for a few more minutes until they came into a nice Cul De Sac sort of area, just like the place Amari lived in. "Close your eyes." He said. Frank obeyed him with a chuckle and shut his eyes tight. There were only five or so houses in this one area, though, the rest of them were a little further down the street, and they were much smaller, too. He pulled onto the driveway of the one house at the top of the Cul De Sac and then smiled as he looked around, he knew that they were going to love this place. "You can open your eyes now." He smirked. Frank did so, but he was lost for words and remained perfectly silent, his jaw dropped.


"Welcome home." Isaac said as he flicked the engine off and leaned back in his chair to await the reactions. ".. On courtesy of Mister Vincent Amari." He said. (@Axel1313)
The little girls giggled and covered there eyes, sort of....they peeked through their fingers, but it's not like they could really give away what the surprise was. As soon as they were allowed to open their eyes again it was nothing but pure excitement.

"Mommy mommy lookie! lookie!" The both cheered and tugged on her blouse. "Is a big house!"

"Oh my...." She gasped and covered her mouth in awe. "I am going to have to give that generous man a kiss when I see him! This is beyond amazing!" She hugged the girls close to her as they stared at the gorgeous house.(@DrTrollinski )
"We have someone inside already. The whole placed is furnished, thanks to Amari. It's been designed to fit your family's needs. He's a family man himself, so I guess that makes him the professional." He chuckled and stepped out of the car and then went around to the back and opened the door for Colette and the girls. Once they stepped out, he pulled a key attached to a keyring and handed it to her, smiling. "The person inside is going to be the man who shows you around, and also will be your loyal butler. He'll explain everything, but he's got his own servant's quarters in the back yard. An extension we had built, hence why you were in the apartment rather than coming straight here." He smiled and then hopped back into the car and rolled down his window.

"Wait--.. How long are we staying here?" Frank asked.

"Forever." Isaac said, and then he smiled at them and rolled up the window before starting up the car's engine and pulling out of the driveway, followed by speeding off.

Frank slowly turned and looked at Colette. "Wow." He laughed loudly for a few moments and then looked upon the house. ".. This is... My god, this is amazing." He rubbed the back of his head in disbelief. ".. Shall we go and get a tour from this... this butler guy?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
((Back from school and no homework, life is good.))

"We know where your wife is. She is in a house at this address in Italy. I performed the ritual myself but a few minutes ago." Rick said bluntly. He didn't go into detail about what he used or how he got it.

(@DrTrollinski )
Amari froze and slowly went up to him. ".. Give me the address." He said. Now he had a fueled hatred in his eyes. Not for Nick and Rick, but for something else. There were veins bulging out in his forehead, and all of the muscles all over his body were almost fully tensed. He was like an angry bull right now, ready to charge through anything and anyone that got in his way. "You give me the address, and in any time of war, conflict, need for protection, or even first impressions, the men I have at my disposal will work for you." He said, quietly. "Do we have a deal?" He asked. Nick looked at Rick and discreetly nodded. This was the most fair thing they could do for the guy - he'd been looking for his wife ever since she went missing. (@Beowulf)
"It is a deal." Rick said before giving the address. "That is all I know. We will be in touch." he continued. "Peter, would you like to show Amari out? I'm sure he has things to do." That was probably the largest understatement he had ever said. This man, the man that has searched for his wife for at least a year, finally knew where she was. And he had the money and man power to get her back. Well, at least they had an ally now.

((@DrTrollinski ))
Colette was as happy as a lark when she heard that it was their house forever. She thought for so long that this day wouldn't come for a very long time. "Yes! Yes! Let's go find this man so we can see the entire house." She was nearly jumping up and down from joy. It looked so nice on the outside and the neighbor hood was so nice looking. There was a large yard for the girls to run around in too without worry. "Come one girls! Let's go see our new house!"(@DrTrollinski )
(It was actually only a few months, but y'know :D )

"No need." He said. He pulled out his gun and quickly checked that it was loaded before looking down at the address. His face flushed of color. ".. This is the address of The Dicciano Estate, I--.." He gulped but then swallowed his fear and shook his head furiously. ".. I must go. Whatever you did to Joseph is forgiven... Know this, you are not to try and call me until I get back. I'm sure you have tabs on that. Watch over my boys for me, even though I'm sure The Deserted is dead, I don't want to chance it while I'm gone, I--.. I need to go and write a letter." He said, he stuffed the address into his pocket and then dashed out of the manor and then right down to the front gates. As soon as the guards opened it up for him he called a taxi. Johnny Dicciano, the last Dicciano left. It was revenge-time, mother fucker.


Frank lead them all up to the porch and waited for Colette to unlock the door, and then the first thing they saw was the foyer. This was getting better and better by the minute.


"Good lord..." Frank murmured in disbelief. Before they knew it, a man that seemed very close to middle-aged walked out from one of the rooms and came up to them with a smile. He was wearing a tuxedo, and he was wearing some sort of expensive cologne - better yet, he was wearing some fancy white gloves. This guy was a real butler, for sure.

"Good morning, everyone. My name is Connor. I've been appointed as your loyal butler, caretaker, cleaner, and general serviceman by Mister Amari. I have a resume with all of my work experience plus my qualifications if you wish to see them, and my contract begins today and is not set to expire unless you have some sort of problem with my assistance." He explained. This guy was fancy. Good old Amari. Nothing but the best. "I've been told that I must give you a tour. Shall we begin?" He asked. (@Axel1313)

(@Beowulf - Top one's for you. My bad.)
((No problem.))

Rick just nodded in an 'of course' manner and watched as Amari left. Once he was gone, he turned to Nick. "Brother, I have some buisness concerns. The Redneck Mafia have been awfully silent, odd for those gun toting hill-billies. As well, the Gunma Six conflict is escelating. Should we stick a finger in and see what happens?"

(@DrTrollinski )
"It is a pleasure to meet you Connor." Colette greeted him with a warm smile and slight bow. The girls hid behind her shyly again, it would take some time for them to warm up to him. "We are more than ready to see how much more beautiful this place is." She spoke happily as she looked around at the area they had entered. If only this small part was this beautiful she couldn't even imagine what the rest of it looked like.(@DrTrollinski )
".. Maybe." Nick said as he watched Peter close the doors that Amari had left open. ".. The Six can handle themselves. They're not the ones causing the trouble. Just remember that the turtle always beats the rabbit." He smiled. "Now, what's this of The Redneck Mafia? What's changed about them? Is something going on?" He asked as he linked his fingers together and flexed his hands outwards, cracking his knuckles. "Let's focus on them first." He said. (@Beowulf)


"Wonderful." He smiled. "We'll get fully introduced over a cappuccino, or something. For now, let's move on. We'll start off with the ground level." He smiled and then began walking them around the ground level, showing them every single room there, including the two half-bathrooms. The other three bathrooms were on the second and third level.

(Bottom level floor plan, for reference)


He started off in the foyer and then lead them from right to left, seeing as the right side of the bottom floor was the most interesting. He started off by showing them the sitting room, and then the guest room and library, and then to the living room and the family room. Amari certainly was a thoughtful guy. All of this stuff was perfect for a family, no doubt. The library was just amazing as well - the opportunities for activities in this place were pretty much endless. All of the rooms had a very luxury feeling to them, all with leather couches or armchairs that had simple but distinct silky patterns on them. The family room was nice, and that had a few bookcases as well as a set of stairs that lead up to the second floor. They didn't go up there yet, though.

Then there was the breakfast nook, the dining room and kitchen, and then the laundry room.

(Breakfast nook is the table area, just to clarify

:) It's behind the foyer)





"That covers the downstairs area." He smiled. ".. This may be a lot to take in now, but you'll have the chance to get used to it." He laughed softly under his breath. "So, would we all like to stop for a drink, or shall we go straight upstairs? We still have two more floors to see." He smiled at them all and awaited answers. Frank was indifferent. He was going to let the girls decide. (@Axel1313)


A letter arrived through the door of the Amari household at six o'clock in the morning. Amari still wasn't home. The letter was in a white envelope and it had a wax seal. Fancy stuff, eh? It was only addressed to 'Johnathan Loire' - there was no address on it, or anything. It appeared to be Amari's handwriting, which was fancy, but easy to read.

This is what the letter said:

'Dear, John.

I'm not coming home. I'm going out to Italy for a 'business call'. I don't know when or if I'll return, but I hope that I get back soon. I'm sorry to drop this burden on your head, but you're the only person I have left that I trust, and have even gone as far as considering you to be my brother. I leave you in legal responsibility of the boys until I get back. I've contacted some of my inside men within the courts, and you're going to be marked as a legal guardian for all three of my children until they reach the age of eighteen. By then, it won't even matter - You're already family to us.

I cannot tell you why I am going, but you do not try to follow me, and do NOT CALL ME WHILE I'M GONE. I know this will be hard with the boys, but I trust that you'll be able to keep them at bay. I want you to tell Joseph and George one thing that I said, if they ask where I am or why I didn't come home last night. I want you to read this one poem to them.

To and fro, to and fro

In my little boat I go

Sailing far across the sea

All alone, just little me.

And the sea is big and strong

And the journey very long.

To and fro, to and fro

In my little boat I go.

Sea and sky, sea and sky,

Quietly on the deck I lie,

Having just a little rest.

I have really done my best

In an awful pirate fight,

But we captured them all right.

Sea and sky, sea and sky,

Quietly on the deck I lie--

Far away, far away

From my home and from my play,

On a journey without end

Only with the sea for friend

And the fishes in the sea.

But they swim away from me

Far away, far away

From my home and from my play.

Then he cried "O Mother dear."

And he woke and sat upright,

They were in the rocking chair,

Mother's arms around him--tight.

Tell the boys I'm sorry.

- V.A.'

It was gorgeous. All of it. Mr. Amari certainly went all out in ensuring that the house was perfect for their family.The girls did not care much for what was going on, they ended up running off to explore the whole house on their own in the middle of the tour. Colette could tell they were only on the second floor though, seeing as it sounded like a heard of elephants was charging through the hallways up there.

"A drink sounds lovely right now Connor." She smiled sweetly. "I know you will be our butler, but it would still be nice to get to more acquainted with you right now."


Johnathan was in the bathroom splashing cold water over his face after reading the letter. He was well acquainted with the Amari family and considered a brother to Vincent now, but that didn't stop his nerves from getting the best of him. It was a lot of news to take in so early in the morning and after drama filled night the previous day. He was going to have to break this news to the boys soon....like. As soon as they asked him, which he knew was going to pretty much be as soon as they woke up. All he could hope was that he could keep them from getting too upset about this.(@DrTrollinski )
"Wonderful." He smiled and then walked them both over to the breakfast bar in the kitchen and allowed them both to sit down, and then went over and got two cups from the cupboard. "What drinks can I interest you in? Cappuccino? Latte? Coffee? Tea?" He asked whilst getting everything else he needed such as a teaspoon and some milk from the fridge.


When Johnathan exited the bathroom downstairs, George was standing right outside the door and waiting for him to come out. ".. Hi, Uncle John..." He yawned, he still looked tired and he was barely awake, but he must have been down here to use the bathroom. Why didn't he use one of the upstairs ones? Hm. ".. I gotta' go pee... Can you make me a glass of water...? I wanna' go back to bed 'cause I'm still tired..." He rubbed his eyes and then went into the bathroom and closed the door behind him as soon as John was out of the way. (@Axel1313)
"Hmm. I will have a Latte please." She replied sweetly as she took a seat at the breakfast bar. Her bright blue eye scanned the kitchen in wonder. Oh the wonderful meals she could prepare in here! And all of the recipes she could try. Johnathan was definitely going to have to keep in shape with how much she was going to feed him now.


"Geezus! George!" Johnathan exclaimed, clutching his chest. He hadn't expected George to be right there as soon as he came out of the bathroom. "Oh man....good morning buddy." He let out an exasperated sigh and roughed up his hair. "I'll go get you a glass of water for when your done okay? Then I suppose you can get back to bed, it is still really early."(@DrTrollinski )
"Same for me." Frank said. Connor simply smiled and then began to prepare two lattes. He used the perfect amount of milk, coffee, and sugar to make the perfect cups of lattes, yet, he seemed to do it so quickly and fluently. Within a couple of minutes they both had a cup set in front of them. Connor dragged a seat around gently to the other side and smiled at them. "Once we've finished the tour, I'll prepare some breakfast." He smiled. "I hope you like the latte."


Only a minute later George came wandering into the kitchen and sat down at the little table, and then set his head down in his arms. He was still exhausted from last night. He just wanted to have that water and then go back to bed - he felt like he could sleep for a week. (@Axel1313)
"That sounds wonderful." She smiled and took a sip of the latte. It was absolutely perfect. "I could help you with breakfast if you like? I do live to cook and right now I'm dying to try out some of the utensils in here." There was definitely eagerness in her tone.


"Here ya go pal. One nice, cool glass of water." He set the glass down in front of George. "You look awfully tired there pal. You'd definitely better get back to bed as soon as your done down here." He gave him a gentle pat on the back.(@DrTrollinski )
"You can help if you wish." He smiled. "I plan to make almond croissants, or almond crusted French toast with berries." He explained. Fancy stuff. "We can remove the almonds, if there's no takers." He smiled. "How old are your daughters? God, I don't even know any of your names... You know me. Let's get to know each other a little better, shall we?" He said.


George lazily took the water and quickly gulped it down and then went over to John's side, hugging his leg. "Thanks, Uncle John..." He said. "I'll see you soon..." He dragged himself out of the kitchen and went back upstairs and pretty much collapsed into bed. (@Axel1313)
"I am sure my girls will love it no matter what you put on the food." She chuckled. "My name is Colette, the girls are Margaret and Alice. They're only three years old right now, but will be turning four soon. Oh, and just to warn you ahead of time, they are twins too. So you may get them mixed up now and then."


"See you soon pal. You get a good night's sleep now okay?" With a smile he set the empty glass in the washing machine and headed upstairs. He needed a bit more rest too and the spare bedroom was going to be far more comfortable than the couch.(@DrTrollinski )
"That is the problem. I do not know what they have been doing. They are usually always driving around waving their guns about like monkeys let loose in an armory." Rick said, making a somewhat poor simile. "They have been quiet, and I don't like it."

((@DrTrollinski ))
"Twins?" He smiled, warmly. ".. That's wonderful. I'm sure I'll get to know them eventually." He chuckled a little and then linked his hands on the breakfast bar in front of them. "All of my children are pretty much all grown up now... They were born when I was young, but they've done alright by me... They're all off studying at college now. I have two girls and two boys... My wife passed away a couple of years ago, sadly." He explained. (@Axel1313)


The next person to wake up was Michael. He woke up and lied in his crib for a while but then started crying out for some attention. It was eight o'clock, so John did get a couple more hours sleep. The boys were still fast asleep - George wasn't quite as tired, but... He was still crashed out, so he didn't really know that - he'd probably sleep for a couple more hours, and then he'd wake up. Joseph was still essentially unconscious as well. Michael was up to stay awake - he was fully of energy today, and as soon as John had him in his arms he was reaching up and tugging on his shirt in curiosity. (@Axel1313)


Amari found himself sat on the plane by eight o'clock. A private jet would be too obvious, so he was going for a regular airline. The sounds of crying babies and shouting children never bothered him. As a father, why would it? He knew that they were going to be landing elsewhere before they came into Italy, but that didn't matter. He thought that he'd be able to get some sleep, but he wasn't quite sure if that was going to be the case when he saw who his flight buddy was - a kid that somehow lost the seat next to his mother and father was sitting beside him. He only appeared to be about George's age, so that made Amari smile, but made him feel sad on the inside as well. the boy wasn't saying anything just yet, so Amari knew that he was either shy or nervous - George was sometimes exactly the same, but not all that much. He hadn't been like that regularly since he was four years old.


"Then let's go and do some digging, shall we?" He asked, but then, out of nowhere, Adrian came wandering down the stairs. He looked like he'd been asleep, but he didn't look too well either - he was holding his stomach with one hand and walking slowly, and taking long deep breaths through his mouth. Nick already knew what was going to happen - the kid had been running around all night, and he'd eaten way more than he should have.

Oh dear.

".. Daddy--.." He whimpered while looking at Rick. ".. I feel si--" He stopped and then literally vomited everywhere. It went on for about a minute while he threw up at least half of what he ate earlier on in the night, and went he was done he broke out into sniffles and tears and looked up at Rick in desperation - he needed some attention right now.

Nick grimaced. ".. Brother, go and take care of your boy... I'll get Peter to come and clean this up." He said, frowning at the smell and the sight. "Go on, Adrian... Go with daddy and get some water and get cleaned up, then he'll take you back to bed." He said, and Adrian quickly made his way over to Rick and burst out into tears as he tugged his leg. (@Beowulf)
"Mmhmm, I just know they will warm up to you soon." She chuckled. "I'm sure they have. We will all have to meet your kids some time if possible." She smiled sweetly. Her expression soon turned more sympathetic though."I am sorry to hear about your wife. It must be so tough losing the one you love."


"You're a little spitfire today aren't you!" Johnathan laughed as Michael tugged at his shirt. He grabbed a blanket, a few toys and the stroller. George and Joseph were still out cold, so he figured it would be a good time to take Michael for a little walk. Through the nearby park should only take about an hour or so. He left a note just in case they woke up though.

Joseph and George,

Took Michael for a little walk. Will be back in an hour or so to make breakfast.

Be good while I'm gone and I'll make ya something special. ;)


Uncle John.

(@DrTrollinski )
".. It was a long time ago. You might not never get over it, but the memories you create with the person you love should outweigh the bad ones, even if one of the bad ones is having them die. I had my children, and we were all there for each other." He smiled. ".. Without your permission, I'm not allowed to bring anything from my personal life into work. If it's alright with all of you, maybe one day we can all get together for some dinner." He smiled. "Let me know when you want to continue the tour." He stood up and then went to the cupboards, getting everything that he needed to make the food that he mentioned earlier on - the stuff he needed from the fridge could stay there until it was needed, though.


About an hour later, Joseph got up, and Johnathan may or may not have been on his way back. He felt much better this morning; he sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, and then slowly stood up and wandered down the hallway to go into the bathroom. He spent a minute in there and then came back out and lazily made his way downstairs. It was oddly quiet.

".. Dad...?" He called out hesitantly. No response. He made his way to the kitchen and peered inside. ".. Johnathan?" He said, this time in more of a questioning tone. He frowned when still no one answered, and then went up to the table and noticed a small note. He smiled and then picked it up, looking over it for a ten seconds or so. That confirmed where Johnathan was - Maybe dad went with him? He could only assume.

He went and poured himself a glass of orange juice and then put the carton back in the fridge, and then made his way out into the back yard and took a seat in one of the loungers and lied back, taking a deep breath of fresh air. Ah, this was nice. It was a nice warm day, and the sun was beating down on pretty much the whole of New York - he was glad that they lived in a quiet area - he listened to the gentle sounds produced by the soft breeze that went across the large lake, as well as the gentle swishing of the pool water as the breeze went over that as well - there were birds tweeting and flying overhead. It was almost as if what happened to him last night never existed. (@Axel1313)


"Hi." The young boy said after at least twenty minutes. Vincent looked up from the book he was reading and made sure that the gun he had on him was tucked away tight in his jacket. He knew how to smuggle things in, especially when he was loaded with money and had some connections here and there. Better yet, this gun was silenced. He looked away from the book and then down at the young child sat down beside him.

"Hey there, kiddo." He smiled at him, the boy shyly smiled back, but didn't say anything. ".. You okay?" Vincent asked after a while.

"Uh-huh..." He nodded and looked at the book. ".. What are you reading?" He asked.

".. I'm reading something called 'Someone To Watch Over Me'."

"What's it about?" He asked. Vincent discreetly rolled his eyes and chuckled a little.

".. It's a story about a mother whose little boy goes missing one day. He's five years old, but in the story, it's been three years since he disappeared."

"Oh, cool... I'm six." He grinned. Vincent laughed a little and then thought for a moment while looking down at the young boy. He had brown hair, dark brown, and it was short. He almost reminded him of George - he seemed quite lively all of a sudden, and right now, Amari needed cheering up.
Colette smiled at him so sweetly. "That is so true....I can't wait until I see Johnathan again. I....I really need someone I really know to help me with a recent death..." Her eyes became watery. She was still holding in the pain of losing her brother. The only reason was to stay strong for her girls while Johnathan was away and couldn't help them. "Anyway." She sniffed. "Of course they can come over for a dinner some time! We would be more than happy to get to know your family even more Connor. There is nothing better than a big, close family you know." The bright smile finally made a return.


It was at least another half an hour before Johnathan got back. Michael was still a little bundle of energy. The walk only seemed to have made that even worse.

"We're baaack." Johnathan called out cheerfully as he worked the stroller back in to the house. Michael was joyously tugging at his shirt and hair the entire time. "You're little brother is quite the bundle of energy today Joseph. Are you feeling any better?" @DrTrollinski )
"Indeed, indeed." He smiled.

"Yeah, I'd be alright with that." Frank said with a nod, Connor smiled a little and then linked his hands behind his back.

"I'm sure they'd love to come and join us for dinner. The youngest are currently at college, so we'd need to work it for a time where they'd be free. My youngest son's studying to be a doctor." He laughed a little. "My youngest daughter's doing civil engineering - my eldest son is currently working in military hardware design, and my eldest daughter's getting married next year, but she's working as a therapist for the time-being." He smiled at them. "They're all very good people. They were great as kids, if not a little rebellious." He chuckled. "On with the tour, shall we?" He asked.


".. I'm feeling way better, John." He smiled and then reached up and gently took Michael from his arms and sat down at the breakfast table, smiling at the little infant in his arms. ".. Hey there, Mikey... You been giving Uncle John trouble, have ya'?" He asked with a grin as he bowed his head and blew a raspberry onto the baby's neck. Michael instantly burst out into hilarity-triggered laughs while he looked up at Joseph with big shining eyes. Joseph was happy enough at first, but then he realized something.

Dad didn't come in with them.

".. Uh--.. John...?" He called. ".. Where's my dad?" He asked. (@Axel1313)


"You know, I've got a little boy just like you." Vincent said to the child, chuckling a little. "He's six years old, too. How's that for a coincidence?"

"Really?" He smiled at him and then looked around the surrounding area of the plane, frowning as he noticed no children around his age. He looked back to Vincent with a questioning look. ".. Well--.. Where is he?" He asked. Vincent sighed and then took a deep breath, giving a half smile down at him.

"He's at home in New York, kiddo... He's not with me."

"Why not? Is he at home with his mom?"

Vincent stayed silent. ".. No--.. He's with his Uncle, and his older brother and baby brother are at home with him, too."

"Why aren't they with you?"

".. I just need to come out to Italy for--.. For work, buddy. They'd get bored out here with me, I'm sure."

The boy smiled at him and then leaned back in his chair. ".. When are you goin' home to see 'em?" He asked. Vincent was silent for a good minute or so before he actually replied.

"I don't know."

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