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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"Don't call me boss, John... You don't owe me anything anymore. You may work for me, but you're my friend as well. You're like a brother to me... Call me Vincent." He sighed. He had a feeling tonight wasn't going to end well and he was getting all choked up already. "Things are fine... I just--.. I just need to talk to Rick and Nick... Please. Watch after the boys for me until I get back." He begged, his voice shaking. (@Axel1313)
"Sorry, sorry...it's just habit..." He apologized quickly. He was a little concerned though. Vincent said things were fine, but the tone of his voice sure didn't make it sound that way. "Sure thing, I can watch them for you...and uh...Just a quick update that might ease your mind. I have a feeling we will no longer have to worry about La Desierta anymore..."(@DrTrollinski )
"Why else would we be doing this? Now hand me that globe, she could be anywhere on this planet. And might as well add a map of the U.S. Sheay still be in america, considering how reluctant pilots wish to fly into the East Side." Rick said as he adjusted the ring, which it did not need, to make sure it was in the middle, and ended up putting it in the same place. "And a lighter to sacrifice. Then stand clear, sharing the vision will only half the effect."

Danny's fists grew dark red as he continued to hit the man, by now blood was pouring from the wounds on his face, he was Latino man who had just been in the wrong place at the time and was now victim of one of the fastest growing gangs in New York City, the D.O.C. They were still small compared to alot of other crime syndicates in New York but they growing increasingly fast. See, the D.O.C is a racist white supremacist gang, for years they were a petty youth gang but now they had transitioned into the big league, dealing in everything including guns, drugs, prostitution and probably any other crime you could think off. After atleast 5 minutes more of being beaten, Danny stood up over the man and shot him with silenced glock pistol, right in the head, right in a Manhattan Alleyway that just happened to be on a block that the D.O.C had claimed as their territory.
"That's good." Vincent said simply. ".. I'm going to go, John... Thanks for watching after the boys for me... I'll call you or message you when I'm on my way home, but I can't promise that it'll be soon. Have a nice night." He said, and then hung up the phone. Vincent wasn't in the mood for talking right now, not one bit. He was just happy that the boys were alright. He sipped his wine and then rested his elbows on the table, and then his head in his hands. (@Axel1313)


He handed him the globe and sighed, and then stepped back a little. "Do as you must, brother..." He said. They certainly were in for a surprise. The West side of the country was sealed off, but she wasn't there. No, no. She was actually in Italy, and she was being held in the manor of the last remaining Dicciano family member. How odd. (@Beowulf)


(@JacobLoL - None of us have anything to go on based off of what you've given us. You'll probably have to post something else.)
((I didnt really know how to.. maybe the guy who was killed could be a member or "associate" of one of your characters/gangs, not necessarily starting a war, or maybe someone could even hear about the D.O.C's rapid expansion, they could get disgruntled or maybe want to reach out and ally? or even be annoyed they've entered the gun/drug trade.))
Johnathan let out an exasperated sigh. How was he going to keep George calm now? Continually telling him his father was going to be back any minute? "Alright....it's no problem at all Vincent. Hope whatever your working on there goes well. I'll watch the boys for as long as you need me to." He hung up the phone again and curled up on the couch. Hopefully Amari wasn't gone too long, but if it was something big it couldn't be helped.(@DrTrollinski )
(I'll post something when I get home.)

It was early. It was as early as six o'clock that there was a knocking hammering down on Colette's apartment door. Frank was still there, and he'd been helping a lot to keep the girls entertained, as well as making sure that Colette was happy. He'd done alright, but he wasn't entirely sure if his efforts were paying off at all. He slowly awoke from the couch, but soon buried his head in the pillow. He didn't have any intention of rushing to the door right now, even though the CIA agent Isaac was waiting behind it. (@Axel1313)
"Coming!" Colette chimed happily. She was up bright and early as always and full of pep, chuckling at the lazybones on the couch She even opened the door with a bright and happy smile. "Hello, you must be another agent of the CIA correct?" She asked "Come in come in."(@DrTrollinski )
"Forgotten me already?" Isaac chuckled. ".. I'm afraid it won't be me coming with you this time. This time it'll be you coming with me... We've organized a slight... Surprise." He smiled. "Amari played a big part in this, so you'll have him to thank as well... Not in terms of money, but in terms of almost everything else? Yeah, it's down to him... I recommend you get everyone up and ready to leave." He said, and then stepped inside and leaned against the wall. (@Axel1313)
When the sacrifice was made, burning the globe and map, Rick did not move for the entire experience. It was like he was looking beyond where he was at the moment, beyond tge wall and beyond the city and nation. And in a sense, he was. He saw Italy distinctly, and a house, as well as an address. It felt like only seconds to him, but it took minutes in reality. Once it was over, he sagged visibly. "Italy. In a home at this address." he said warily as he rattled off the numbers. "That shoukd be all we need. Now as for the ring..." he said as he directed his glance at the notably empty circle.

"The ring means nothing anymore." He said. "Let's go and tell Amari, shall we? It's definitely a better plan than sitting here and waiting for the guy to flip out upstairs... He looked very... Angry, I suppose." He said to Rick as he walked over and patted his shoulder and then nodded backwards towards the door. "Shall we?" He asked. (@Beowulf)


(@Axel1313 - Did you see my post?)
(@DrTrollinski ~ I did, just had to go to class)

"You know you all look alike in those suits Isaac." She teased him with a little, sweet giggle."A surprise?" Her tone brightened even more. "Oh this is wonderful! I cannot wait to see what Mr. Amari has in store for us!" It had certainly been a dull time spent in the apartment. More space for the girls to run around, but not much for her to do. "Come on you lazy bum, get up!" She laughed as tossed a pillow at Frank's head on her way to get the girls ready.
Frank groaned and slowly rolled off of the couch with a laugh and then sat up, quickly slipping on his pants that he'd left on the floor. He smiled at Isaac and gave a nod, and then slipped on a shirt. Now it was time to wait for Colette and the girls. Where were they going, exactly? Regardless. It would be nice to get out of here. (@Axel1313)
"Come on girls, hurry now. You want to see the surprise don't you?" She grinned as she watched them rush to get ready. The mere mention of a surprise sent them into a excited frenzy, you would have thought it was Christmas with how fast they went. They had even rushed downstairs before Colette was ready.(@DrTrollinski )
Visibly straightenin himself out, and giving things minor adjustments to make sure they were on just right, Rick simply nids his head before striding to the elevator and waited long enough for Nick to get in before pressing the button to go to the main floor. Once reaching the floor, he walked out and decided delicacy wasn't going to work at the moment. "Amari. I must tell you something, now."

(@DrTrollinski )
"Too right you do." He slowly rose up and gently flexed his fingers a few times. The guy looked like he was ready to kill someone if he got any angrier. "What the hell did you do to my boy?" He asked quietly. He clicked on, it seemed. Nick held up one hand and shook his head.

"This is something big, Amari... Please sit down." He said, and then Amari gave him one of the most intimidating death stares he'd ever seen as he sat back down.

"Go on." He said. (@Beowulf)


Frank caught them both as they ran down the stairs and lifted them up in either arm, laughing a little as he did so.

"Nice and excited are we?" He snuggled them a little in his arms. "Don't get too far ahead of mommy, now. She's excited to, you know." He smiled. (@Axel1313)
The girls giggled wildly and snuggled into his sides. Over time they had been stuck in that apartment they'd grown close to Frank. Acting like he was just another member of the family.

"Oh they definitely are." Colette back in the room with a bright smile. "We're all so excited to see this surprise Mr. Amari has for us."(@DrTrollinski )
".. Mister Amari isn't going to be there, sadly, but I'll be sure to have him visit when he's free." He smiled and then lead them outside and into the small parking lot that rested right beside the apartment complex. He took them over to a black BMW M5 Saloon, with fully blacked out windows, and so on. Frank smiled and carried the girls over and then helped them into the back and made sure they were all buckled up, and then went around to the front seat and climbed in. He assumed that Colette would be better off sitting with the girls in the back. "Would you like to stop for coffee or something to eat on the way there? It's still early." Isaac said. (@Axel1313)
"That is perfectly alright. We will thank him whenever we have the chance to." With a sweet smile she hopped into the back of the vehicle with the girls. "I think we will be fine for now. I do not know how far it is to get there, but I doubt you want to deal with any potty breaks along the way."(@DrTrollinski )
"The place we're going is in Rye, so it's not too far from here. It's also very close to where Amari lives." He smiled and then started up the car engine and started driving. He'd been dating Alexandra for a little while now, and he seemed to be a lot more content in his mood and attitude - the relationship probably explained why. ".. Also, I lied... Amari did have something to do with the expenses, but he was saving it to be a surprise... I don't know how long he's going to be gone, though, so I may as well tell you the truth." He smiled. "You'll like to hear the story behind where we're going, but we'll save that until we get there." He chuckled.

He drove on for a few minutes and then they hit a red light. Stuck in traffic. Woohoo.

"So. How have my men been treating you while you were living in the apartment? Not too rough, I hope. They get all of your groceries on time, and all that?" He laughed a little. (@Axel1313)


DrTrollinski said:
"Too right you do." He slowly rose up and gently flexed his fingers a few times. The guy looked like he was ready to kill someone if he got any angrier. "What the hell did you do to my boy?" He asked quietly. He clicked on, it seemed. Nick held up one hand and shook his head.
"This is something big, Amari... Please sit down." He said, and then Amari gave him one of the most intimidating death stares he'd ever seen as he sat back down.

"Go on." He said. (@Beowulf)
"That's fine, I really would appreciate if it was all explained to me as soon as possible though." She leaned back in her chair with a sigh. "As for your men? They have been wonderful. Bringing me everything we need and being so sweet." (@DrTrollinski )
"Don't worry, when we arrive there, that'll explain pretty much everything." He smiled and then near enough floored the gas pedal when the light went green. He just about broke the speed limit as he left the stopping point, but he soon slowed down - he wasn't going like a Formula One driver, or anything like that. Just a little over 40mph. He drove them onward, and soon they came up in a very nice neighborhood - it was the typical Hollywood-ideal neighborhood - kids running about in the streets where barely any cars went, kicking soccer balls around or playing tag - it was a nice area.

But what were they doing here?

".. This place is really nice... Makes a change to where we were before, even though that was good." Frank said, smiling a little as he looked out of the car window at the passing houses and scenery. It was all a very nice neighborhood, but he wasn't sure about staying somewhere that was close to a mafia leader. Oh well. This place they were going to had to be temporary, right? ".. So--.. I'm guessing this is our new place of residence for now?"

"You're on the right lines, yeah." Isaac smirked.

Frank turned back to the girls and Colette and smiled at them all. ".. Nice place, eh?" He said. "You girls excited to be here?" He asked as he looked between the two young ones, and then looked up at Colette. (@Axel1313)

(@Beowulf - Need a reply if you're free, dude. I need to get Amari moved on soon :) )
"Oh wow! It is more than that!" Colette stared at it in amazement. She hadn't seen a neighborhood this nice in a long time. "What do you think girls?" She smiled as they tried to peek their heads out of the window. They couldn't see much, but were excited none the less." I think they love it. " she chuckled.(@DrTrollinski )

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