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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

She hit the desk with a loud thud and a smile crossed her face, of all places. She kept quiet, wincing lightly at the pain. As he finished she answered, "Jacob won't always be there, though he will almost always be with me there are times when things just get to complex to bring him around. He's a teenager he deserves a life, and not this one." She started wiggling her wrists beginning to feel uncomfortable. "Sir." Her cheeks were turning pink and she was growing eager to leave. "May I leave?"
"No." He replied calmly, quickly releasing her hair. "Jacob, right? Okay. Seeing as you've listened to what I've said, and you've had the respect to be decent enough to do that, it's time for me to return the favor." He said, and then he walked over to the door of the office and then gently creaked it open, peering outside at the teenage boy. "Jacob. Come inside, please." He said softly, holding the door open for the young man so he could walk inside. He went back over to his desk once Jacob entered and leaned back in it. "So. I'd imagine that both of you, not only one of you, want a new life, if I'm correct?" He scratched his chin in thought. "You." He pointed at Jacob. "I would say that I want you to work for me, but you don't deserve to be in the thick of things just yet. I don't mean that out of spite, I mean it out of kindness." He said. "Look, Greta, I'm a rich man. I have more money than I know how to spend, I've never had a family, and I rarely spend money as it is... I'll buy you both a house to live in in return for your service." He offered. (@Turtlyturt)
"Of course." With a warm smile he walked over and helped him to his room. Poor guy looked like he could barely stand as it is. So he even helped him into bed before tucking him in.(@DrTrollinski ~sorry for the short response. Didn't have much time.)
Joseph gulped down the rest of his cocoa once he got to his room and then set the cup down on his nightstand so that John could take it downstairs once he was done in here. He pulled John down to sit on the bed with him and then snuggled up to him, giving him a hug. His hug wasn't that tight, nor strong, but it was as strong as he could manage. He was completely drained, and he just wanted a good night's sleep.

".. Goodnight, John... And thanks..." He said, and then he lied down in his bed and waited for John to tuck him in. (@Axel1313)
Upon being released She rubbed her wrists and ran fingers through her hair to part it how she liked. She made her way back to the seats and stood over one. When Jacob was finally allowed back in he made his way over to her, "What happened?" He asked, Greta just shook her head and pierced her lips as if telling him not to talk. They both turned their attention towards the man. "Are you saying I can't be with her? I don't have anything else do to her, I've always been with her." Greta placed a hand on his shoulder and pulled him towards her. "Shush." She spoke. She stood there thinking about everything, "I don't know about the offer, we make enough to pay rent and keep clothes and food on the table. You don't have to give us anything for our service but money rewards that we earn. I can teach you about family if you want but other than that I don't have any personal things to give you for the home, besides working for you." Jacob took a seat and sighed. He looked up to her and shook his head. "If we take the home, is it just going to be Jacob and I? Do we have to pay for anything? I'm trying to save money for him, I can't be expected to pay large amounts in home bills."
He sighed again and furiously shook his head while he looked at them both. He leaned forward onto the desk and crossed his arms. "No, no... You don't understand. There won't be bills - I'm one of the most influential men in New York. You think there's not ways for me to do everything?" He joked alongside a smirk. "Don't ask me how much money I have, because honestly... I don't even know myself." He sighed. That was just as nice as it was depressing. ".. If you take the home, costs are nonexistent for you. It'll be a large house, so you can have just the two of you, or others as well - It'll be under your name, so it's all up to you." He wiped his forehead and took a deep breath. ".. Jacob. You'll get to be with her at points, but honestly, instead of you becoming a criminal, I'd rather you went back into education. Someone your age doesn't need to get thrown into violence, and I can get you into a state school or a private school. Or you can stay here and work out on the streets, running drugs and weaponry and probably risking your life on a daily basis. I'm not here to tell you what to do with life, so it's up to you, but the house will come free of charge. Completely." He explained. He looked genuine in his words, too. That was a very... sudden change of personality, wasn't it? (@Turtlyturt)
((@DrTrollinski i had to do my eagle scout project and will do it tomorrow as well.))

Rick slowly tucked the thing into his coat, making sure it didn't tick or clack off of anything that may have been in his pocket before. Then he snuck out. Sneaking out seamed to always easier then in. He didn't know why, it just was. So, he quickly made his way outside, over the fence, and back to his car and on his way home.
((No problemo.))

'The American friend and Amari's two boys went home. Did you get what you were looking for? I'd get out of there quick if I were you.' A text came through to Rick's phone, from Nick. He was pretty much the only person who had Rick's number. 'Amari is still here, by the way... I've got a feeling he suspects something after I returned from taking Joseph to the bathroom. He's being very wary and isn't saying much.' A second text said. (@Beowulf)
'Got it, hopefully. On way home.' Rick texted back. He quickly decided he would take the senic route around to his home, and turned as soon as he could. Hopefully, he wouldn't meet him on the road this way. He probably wouldn't have recognized him, but better safe then sorry as they say.

Nick was waiting on the front porch for him to return. As soon as he saw him pulling up, he pushed the front door open so that he could walk in. He pulled out his phone while Rick was parking up the car and quickly texted something to him. 'I'll meet you downstairs. Don't let Amari see the ring. Hell, don't let him see YOU.' (@Beowulf)
"Goodnight Joseph." He leaned over to give him a hug before tucking him in. "If you need anything I'll be either in the spare bedroom or downstairs in the living room okay? Just holler for me or come and get me okay? I'm a bit of a heavy sleeper, but I should still hear you anyway."(@DrTrollinski )
".. Night, John..." He yawned and then curled up into the fetal position once he'd been tucked in. There was a man that was watching Michael, but he left right after Johnathan got back with the kids. Joseph really was feeling rough, and he looked it as well, but as soon as the lights went out, so did he. He was asleep within minutes, or maybe he'd passed out, but that wasn't determined. He was just happy to be at home in his bed.


It was late into the night, maybe around one or two in the morning, that there was a crazy shouting from outside. Vincent still wasn't back, so Christ knew what he was getting up to.

"AMARI! COME OUT HERE YOU SON OF A BITCH!" A voice screamed from out front. Thankfully, the kids were at the back of the house, so they couldn't hear him. They were still sleeping like babies. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan was not in the back of the house though. He wasn't tired quite yet so settled down in the living room for the night. Amari wasn't back yet, must've still been off partying still. So it was a big surprise to hear the crazy shouting from in the back yard. Johnathan pulled out the small handgun he now carried everywhere with him and carefully peeked out the front. "Whoever you are get lost!" He shouted back at them. (@DrTrollinski)
"I WANT VINCENT AMARI! THAT SON OF A BITCH HAS DESTROYED EVERYTHING I WORKED FOR!" He screamed in response. He was holding a gun and a bottle of fuel with a rag stuffed into the top. The gun was in his right hand, and the molotov was in his left. This could get very messy, very quickly. The man seemed to be Mexican, but he sounded American. Was this the leader of The Deserted? (@Axel1313)
"Well he ain't here so get lost! Before I shoot your sorry ass! And I mean it too, I'm not gonna hold back on you here pal."He shouted back at him and stepped out to the front. Gun in full view. As soon as he saw the molotov though he shot, aiming right at the bottle.(@DrTrollinski )
The bullet hit the bottle and it burst into a ball of flame, burning his arm and his hand. He felt his flesh being melted away, and he was screaming. The boys still didn't wake up, though, would you believe it. The man fell to the ground and onto his knees, but then quickly aimed the gun up at Johnathan, his hand trembling tremendously. (@Axel1313)
"I warned you didn't I?" He shouted again. When the man aimed the gun at him he quickly cocked his and fired off a few shots in his direction again. "Last warning pal!" Hopefully the boys could hear none of this. The shouting, the scream coming from the man who had gone up in flames or the gunshots. (@DrTrollinski)
".. You've all ended my life... and now I'm going to end yours..." He said weakly as his tears rolled down his cheeks. He slowly raised the gun once again and aimed it at Joseph's chest. Whoever this was wasn't very brave. This was the leader of the cartel? What a joke. He didn't pull the trigger, though. He just looked John in the eyes and sighed. He wanted him to shoot him. His whole life was over, and there was nothing left. He jolted the gun up at him a little more in hope that it would trigger him to take a shot. (@Axel1313)
"Private school. I hear they have a decent one around here." Jacob didn't say anything, he didn't have anything worth saying because the anger he felt inside. He didn't want to leave her, yet he didn't want to stay where he was. Greta shook her head, "I don't know about this. I would always feel like I owed you something. What is with your sudden change of heart? It's a bit strange." She placed both hands on her face and rubbed them down towards her neck, "I. I guess we'll take the offer. I mean, just give us the address and we'll move in. What time do you want us back? Are you going to come see us outside of the office?" She bit down on her lower lip and shook her head.
"You listened to me. My heart changes easily when people have the respect to listen." He sighed and slowly rose up. "You don't owe me anything. You never will. I'm doing this to help you, not to throw into debt." He walked off towards the door and then creaked the door open. "You'll be travelling with me for the time being. I need to make some calls for the house." He explained, and then he turned around to face the two. "And Jacob. I apologize for how I spoke to you earlier. It was most inappropriate." He said, and then wandered out of the office and waited outside for them. (@Turtlyturt)
"I'm giving you one last chance here pal." John lowered the gun a little ways to glare at him. He really meant to give the guy a second chance here, but when he jolted the gun again John's first reaction was to pull the trigger.(@DrTrollinski )
Boom. He took one straight to the chest and dropped his gun, swaying back and forth as he stared blankly at the man who'd just put the last nail in the coffin.

"Thank you." He choked out in a whisper, some blood spluttering from his mouth. He slowly fell backwards and landed on the ground with a solid thud, and then a pool of blood started to surround him, as well as slowly run down the driveway.

That was the end of The Deserted.

George slowly woke up after the last shot and snuggled up further into his bed. He wasn't sure if it was a bad dream or not. Then he came across another problem - he needed to pee. He slowly got out of bed, carrying his teddy bear with him as he walked to the door and slowly creaked it open. He jumped when he heard Michael start screaming and he quickly made a run for the bathroom and dashed inside, shutting the door behind him. (@Axel1313)
Nodding to his brither as he slipped inside, he begins to think of a way around Amari without being seen. He could walk through the kitchen, and get to the elevator that way. The only people in there should be Peter and some of the guards. Peter would stay quiet, and the guards weren't paid to talk.

(@DrTrollinski )
He was right. Peter was there, but there were no guards. Christ knows where they'd gone to. Amari was sat at the dining room table and was buried in thought, and most of other guests had left. He was just sat there, occasionally sipping on his champagne. (@Beowulf)
Both Greta and Jacob didn't have anything left to say, as he walked to the door Jacob stood up and punched her in the arm. "Brat." She called out to him, he had tears in his eyes which caught her off guard. "Jacob?" She followed behind him and stopped at the door, watching as her brother looked up to the man, "Thank you." His voice squeaked as he spoke, and he quickly removed his gaze and walked on down the hallway towards the elevator. Greta took his place, "I'm sorry about him, I think he's just feeling weird about the whole situation. If you'd ever like to stop by the house we're in you can. I left my address with the receptionist when I called in case anything needed to be sent anything." She looked up to him, her face had warmed up to something a bit more relaxed, her body language was less tense and she was fine with the atmosphere. She pulled her shorts down and gave him a weak smile. "I guess, I'll be on my way. Wonderful meeting you, sir."

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