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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"The carnival?!" George instantly brightened up and bounced on his lap a little, looking him in the eyes. "That'd be awesome! We can go on rides and eat ice cream and hotdogs and popcorn and we can all have fun!" He said excitedly, grinning. "When can we go, Uncle John?!" He asked. God, he was full of sugar and very hyperactive. (@Axel1313)


"Thanks..." Joseph said as he walked with him. Right now he was holding his legs together in desperation. He should have asked to go earlier. It was just like the time when he was with his private tutor and held it for three hours; that was a couple of years ago, though. He walked along until he was right outside the elevator and then mashed the button to get the doors open. "Yeah, working with you would be good." He agreed quickly. "Where's the upstairs bathroom?" He urged. He had broken out into cold sweats and he was feeling drowsy now. (@Beowulf)
"Oh, that's how we got you down here in the first place, isn't it. Second floor," he said as he stepped into the elevator and pressed the second floor button, "and the third door on the left." he continued as the doors shut and they began to move to the second floor.

((@DrTrollinski ))
Joseph was quite literally dancing his legs on the spot while the elevator went up. Oh god. It felt so awful and his stomach felt like it was about to fall out - He was worried he wasn't even going to make it up the stairs. That would be incredibly embarrassing, especially in front of all of these special guests that Nick and Rick had here. Jesus. His father would feel so sorry for him but he'd be so angry for showing him up as well.

And then the doors opened.

"Thanks, Rick." He choked, and then instantly hobbled out of the elevator as casually as he could manage and walked over to the stairs, carefully climbing them to make sure he didn't put any more pressure on his gut. Third door on the left. Third on the left. He got the the top of the stairs, took a left turn, and then as soon as he could see the white tiling of the bathroom walls he ran for it. He felt like he wasn't going to make it now, but he slammed the bathroom door shut, locked it, and then ran to the toilet. And Jesus Christ, his stomach was upset from all of the nerves and anxiety caused by being tricked into working for The Black Sun - He felt dreadful. He was lucky that he'd just eaten dinner and dessert - if he'd waited an hour for it all to start digesting, the pressure would have really been on.

George saw Joseph run by from outside and frowned a little, but didn't really mention anything to Johnathan, seeing as Johnathan was able to see him, as well as the panicked look that was on the boy's face as he pretty much limped down the hallway. What was wrong with him all of a sudden? 'Maybe he is sick.' George thought to himself. They'd have to go and check on him soon.

"Is Joseph okay, brother?" Nick asked as he walked up to Rick after coming up in the elevator, just to see Joseph panicking his way up the stairs. "He looked very... faint." He said. (@Beowulf, @Axel1313)
"If you had to go, but had to hold it. I bet you would feel the same." Rick replied calmly. "Now Nick. I still need that ring. We cannot get a clue where his wife is without it. We could use something else, but the effectivness of the ritual will not be the same."
".. Would you be alright with me... Going for a drive and maybe retrieving the said ring? I doubt that Amari would be too happy, though." He said in a whisper, scratching the back of his head. "Now's a better time than any. You know he'd never give it to us willingly. I can go and find it at his house right now, and he'd be none the wiser until he found it missing... I could be there and back before he realizes." He explained.

"We are hosting a gathering. They may find it suspicious if you do nit return with Joseph. I, on the other hand, have taken a buisness call. They do nit know how long it will take me to return. I could just as easily do it." he told Nick. As it was, he felt like they have both been gone for to long and were already starting to draw suspicion.

((@DrTrollinski going to grandparents soon. Might not respond a lot if at all.))
"Hm. Fine. So be it." He said, straightening his back out as he linked his hands behind his back. "Remember the house will be guarded. Do not kill anyone or be seen, brother. That would be highly damaging to us..." He looked towards the stairs and sighed. Still no sign of Johnathan. "I'm going to leave the boy alone for ten minutes so he can sort himself out. He didn't look well at all - our plan didn't work as well as I thought it would. The child almost passed out from hyperventilation, and now he's sick, it seems." He sighed and rubbed his forehead. "I shall give them a reason not to worry. Stay safe, brother." He put both hands on his shoulders and then wandered back off towards the dining room. (@Beowulf)


((I did. I'm so sorry.))

He instantly whipped out a pistol and aimed it right at her head, snarling at her under his breath. "You're gonna' give me one good reason not to shoot you. We've got plenty of people to fight The Gunma, and we can get plenty more. We've taken down generals and lieutenants, and now all they've got left is a few washed up gang-bangers holding the family together... And yet you... You just walk up in here, 'ex' Gunma, acting like you're all smart'n'shit?" He laughed and shook his head. "You tell me why you came to us out of all the people who could have helped you, and how you so easily turned on them considerin' what's at stake, or I'm gonna' shoot you in the fuckin' face." He said. (@nynja)
Like George, Johnathan saw Joseph rush past. He didn't look like he was feeling good at all. "Hey! Did you see that George? It was your brother. He was sure in a rush too......I think we'd better go and check on him. What do you think?"(@DrTrollinski )
"Uh-huh..." George said with a nod, instantly hopping up from Johnathan's lap and tugging on his hand to help get him up faster. "I think he's sick again..." He sighed a little and then looked towards the door. "Where did he go before? Should we ask him?" He asked in worry. His brother disappeared and now he came back, and he's presumably sick again - that's never a good sign. (@Axel1313)
"I will try." Rick told his brother. He couldn't go out the front, people would see him. So, he had to sneak out another way, in his own house to. And he had to be quiet to. Now what was silent? A silent car, of course.


"Good luck." He smiled and then walked into the dining room, taking a deep breath as he sat back down at the table. ".. I must apologize to you all for being gone for so long. The boy's not feeling too well, and I stayed upstairs to make sure he was alright. He should be rejoining us soon." He said, Amari already suspected something but simply shrugged it off. (@Beowulf)
"Hold on there pal I'm not quite as spry and full of energy as you." He teased as George tugged him up. "I think we should ask him, that way we can see what's wrong." When they got to the bathroom door Johnathan didn't hesitate to knock. "Joseph? You alright in there buddy?"(@DrTrollinski )
Judging from what Johnathan and George could hear behind the door, no, Joseph was not alright. He had a terribly upset stomach, by the sounds of it. And I mean bad. Ate a bad prawn, or something? Who knew. George simply looked up at John with worry and squeezed his hand tighter, and then looked back to the bathroom door as Joseph replied to them.

"Yeah--.." He lied, his voice was frail and weak. He sounded pretty breathless and drowsy, but truly, he was hugely grateful that he actually got to the bathroom in time and didn't end up causing one hell of a mess that would have lead through the whole house. George tugged John back a little so they could lean against the wall. ".. Just--.. Just give me a few minutes!" He called out, George gulped again and hugged John's leg.

".. He's sick, Uncle John..." He sighed. "Do you think he's gonna' be okay?" He asked. (@Axel1313)

(@Axel1313 - I'll be switching to my phone soon. Might try and get a bit more of an early night as well, so I don't know how much longer I'll be on)
An electric car. He shivered at the thought of being seen in one. But the task called for it, and he just had to grit his teeth and do it. So, he got the appropriate keys, and got in a black one, because everyone knows that black means stealthy. Any way, he pulls out of the garage, lights off, and out of the gate, ater telling the guards that he was leaving for but a short time. And then he was off to Amari's

Rick arrived to see Amari's colonial luxury suburban home. It was nothing in size compared to Rick and Nick, but Amari never really had been one for mansions and such. There we three guards out front, and the gate was closed over. Rick was going to have to find a way in that WASN'T the front door. (@Beowulf)
"He's gonna be just fine." He patted George's shoulder reassuringly. Then turned back to the door to talk to Joseph. "Doesn't sound like you're alright in there buddy....just take as long as you like okay? Don't come out until you really feel like it."(@DrTrollinski ~Sorry about the delay....long day today.)
Joseph didn't really respond. He heard George speaking and then he knew that he and John had heard everything that he was going through right now. Or, everything that was going through him, rather. How awful. Joseph was in there for about five more minutes just doing what he needed to do, and by the time he was sure he was done, he felt so relieved but so dreadful at the same time. He was pale, shivering, had broken out into cold sweats, and he still felt drowsy, but not quite as much as when he was holding it all in - When he got up from the table to use the bathroom, it wasn't going to be anything like this, but then he was cruelly tricked and his nerves and anxiety had pretty much flushed his body of strength and control, and he felt so so lucky that he got upstairs in time.

After the five minutes, he cleaned up and then washed his hands, leaving the toilet unflushed for a moment. He didn't want people to think bad of him anymore than they probably already did. He just needed to find something to get rid of the--

Ah, a bottle of expensive cologne. That'll do. He grabbed that and sprayed it all around the area of the toilet, and then in a few random places in the bathroom. He went up and cracked the bathroom window a little, and then went and flushed the toilet. Hopefully no one else would come in here while the horrid poorly-covered up aroma was still drifting around. He slowly walked up and then unlocked the bathroom door, and then stepped out with his head bowed. He didn't say anything at first, and was now just hiding behind his hair - his hair wasn't that long at all, and his bangs normally hung a fair bit above his eyes - they didn't go into them, though. Right now, he was just grateful that his medium-length hair was offering somewhat of a curtain to shield his sheer humiliation and self-disappointment.

"Hey..." He murmured, simply. He was shaking like a leaf. He really didn't feel good right now. (@Axel1313)


DrTrollinski said:
Rick arrived to see Amari's colonial luxury suburban home. It was nothing in size compared to Rick and Nick, but Amari never really had been one for mansions and such. There we three guards out front, and the gate was closed over. Rick was going to have to find a way in that WASN'T the front door. (@Beowulf)
((Thank you much for reposting what I'm involved in))

Turning off his lights, Rick coasted closer to the Amari house. Then he saw all the guards. Fantastic, he had to find a way around. Perhaps he could climb over the side if the fence wasn't electric, fat chance that would be the case. On the bright side, he got to ditch the car. So, he got out of the car and began to sneak from bush to rock to tree and back again looking for a way in.

((@DrTrollinski ))
There was a plausible way into the premises via the fence that went around the house, following that, a route straight through to the back door or an open window became optional. The fences obviously weren't electric, judging purely by the look of them, and the rest of the house was unguarded and the rest of the house was in darkness. Easy way in, easy way out. The question was, where was he going to find the ring? (@Beowulf)
With a little jump and an upper body work out, Rick managed to slip onto the grounds of the Amari house. And a window that was cracked open provided a way in. Now, if he had a wife and her ring, where would he put it? He personally would put it in the bedroom, now where was Amari's master bed room.

(@DrTrollinski )
There were no bedrooms downstairs, obviously. Upstairs, there were five bedrooms - there was someone in here. One room had the light on in it. That was the baby's room on closer inspection. The baby was asleep in the crib, and there was one other man sitting in there - he was asleep in the chair in there. Rick was going to have to be more careful now - three doors down was the master bedroom, and on the dresser in the room, there was a small little silver jewelry pot sat atop it. (@Beowulf)

(@Axel1313, @Beowulf)


DrTrollinski said:
Joseph didn't really respond. He heard George speaking and then he knew that he and John had heard everything that he was going through right now. Or, everything that was going through him, rather. How awful. Joseph was in there for about five more minutes just doing what he needed to do, and by the time he was sure he was done, he felt so relieved but so dreadful at the same time. He was pale, shivering, had broken out into cold sweats, and he still felt drowsy, but not quite as much as when he was holding it all in - When he got up from the table to use the bathroom, it wasn't going to be anything like this, but then he was cruelly tricked and his nerves and anxiety had pretty much flushed his body of strength and control, and he felt so so lucky that he got upstairs in time.
After the five minutes, he cleaned up and then washed his hands, leaving the toilet unflushed for a moment. He didn't want people to think bad of him anymore than they probably already did. He just needed to find something to get rid of the--

Ah, a bottle of expensive cologne. That'll do. He grabbed that and sprayed it all around the area of the toilet, and then in a few random places in the bathroom. He went up and cracked the bathroom window a little, and then went and flushed the toilet. Hopefully no one else would come in here while the horrid poorly-covered up aroma was still drifting around. He slowly walked up and then unlocked the bathroom door, and then stepped out with his head bowed. He didn't say anything at first, and was now just hiding behind his hair - his hair wasn't that long at all, and his bangs normally hung a fair bit above his eyes - they didn't go into them, though. Right now, he was just grateful that his medium-length hair was offering somewhat of a curtain to shield his sheer humiliation and self-disappointment.

"Hey..." He murmured, simply. He was shaking like a leaf. He really didn't feel good right now. (@Axel1313)
(@Axel1313 - This one, for the record.)
"Hey....feelin' any better?" Johnathan asked concerned for how terrible the boy looked when he came out. Something must have really gotten to him for his insides to act up like that. He removed his blazer again and draped it over Joseph's shoulders. "Did you uh....eat too much too fast? Just not feelin' good or is it y'know...something else?"(@DrTrollinski )
".. It's..." He paused and quickly pulled the blazer around himself, giving a shaky sigh. ".. It's something else..." He choked. ".. I--.. I.. just... It's just the anxiety and the nerves, I... I've had it before... If I get too anxious or nervous I get--.. Y'know..." He gave a sad sigh and walked up to Johnathan, leaning up against his side. George came over and hugged his legs. ".. Can we go home?" He asked. ".. I really don't feel good... I just want to go home and get to bed." He explained. (@Axel1313)
"Aaah I see, okay." He nodded in understanding. Joseph didn't need to tell him twice. "Let's go see if your dad will let us leave early. Even if he can't leave quite yet I'm sure he'd have nothing against me taking you back early because of you feelin' sick."(@DrTrollinski )

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