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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"That's a good question." He stared wearily at the wide open bathroom door. Just where had Joseph gone or been taken to? "Come on. Let's look around for him a bit. He's got to be here somewhere right?" (@DrTrollinski )
(She'll find it very difficult seeing as The Six are at war with The Gunma :D )

A man did indeed approach after a while. It was the same with every new member - They didn't get trusted. Le'Mar didn't like how things were on their war with The Gunma. It had been going on since before they expanded their protection business - Le'Mar was the king of this area of the streets, but yet, none of the gang themselves actually saw him that much. It was only the higher-ups that got to meet him, and they passed orders down while he was happy sitting up in his luxury penthouse.

".. Name." A voice boomed from her side. She turned to see a large black man that was easily about six foot. Full of muscle, coated in tattoos, and even had a large bump under his jacket which clearly signified that he was 'packing heat'. He had a simple goatee, dressed smart-casual. Was this the leader? (@nynja)


George walked him around the upstairs area of the house and also checked all of the rooms that he and the two other boys were running in and out of earlier on. Joseph wasn't anywhere to be found. By the time they'd searched the downstairs area of the house, they arrived at the back door with still no Joseph at their side. "Uncle John... Where is he?" He looked up at John with half of a sad frown and big puppy dog eyes. (@Axel1313)
"We have learned that you have been snooping around. Conspiracies mostly, and they are about us. We would prefer to remain as mysterious as we can. But we made sure to erase those theories and pictures. The only thing we didn't do was make sure those theorists would stay quiet. All I would like to know, is how you got ahold of them. And in return, you can ask as many questions about us as you wish. Just keep it between us."

(@DrTrollinski )
"I dunno George....but he's gotta be around here somewhere, right?" He looked down at those puppy dog eye with a reassuring smile. "Why don't you go ask the other boys while I go poking around and see if I can find him anywhere. Sound good?"(@DrTrollinski )
"Oh shit."

The guy that had appeared next to Laila was massive. Everything about him told Laila that he was some type of big shot around this area--the muscles, the tats, the gun not very well concealed under his clothing. Her heart rate shot up like a rocket launching into space. This was real. It was happening. She was going to finish her mission and get the hell out of this area of the city as soon as she could. She cleared her throat before answering his question.

"Aaliyah Lawrence." She straightened her back so that she would appear taller--even so, Laila barely came up to his shoulder. "Call me Laila."
He frowned and shook his head. ".. You haven't. There's hundreds of copies of them everywhere, but--.. I know who started them." He said, scratching his head. ".. I can't really show you who without a computer... I don't remember names and faces - I've seen too many on the websites to remember." He explained. He wasn't lying to them - he was terrified, so he was telling the truth. "You got a computer or laptop down here?" He asked. Nick looked at Rick - they only had the fancy stuff here. It may have been worth the risk to show him, though. (@Beowulf)


He looked upset now. He wanted to see his big brother again. This place was huge - What if he got lost and he never saw him again? Oh god, the thought was horrifying. The only place they hadn't checked was the elevator, but the other boys tried using the hand scanner and the doors didn't open. In George's mind, there was no way he got in there. ".. I--. I wanna--.. wanna see Joseph..." He whimpered. ".. Maybe he went outside!" He suggested, tears lined his eyes but he still put on a smile. He was scared to let go of John now. (@Axel1313)


He gave an almost irritated exhale of air through his nose like some sort of angry Spanish bull and then ran his eyes over her a few times. ".. This way." He said, turning on one heel and leading her a little down the sidewalk. Within ten feet or so, they took a turn, and then another, and suddenly they were met with a blue door. The building was run down and decrepit - this place must have been abandoned and taken up. He unlocked the door with one key and then pushed it open, looking back at her. "After you." He grumbled. The smell of alcohol, drugs, and sex instantly hit her as the door open. These guys definitely were a pleasant bunch, weren't they? (@nynja)
Rick just gave Nick a shrug. There was little else they could do. "We got one. It may be a bit high tech for you. And please, no viruses, spy ware, or anything else that may jam it up." he told Joseph as he began to walk towards the super computer, expecting him to follow.
"Don't worry, you will! No need to get upset!" He gave him a firm little side hug. "Maybe he did go outside, we didn't really check there. Are there any other places in here that we haven't really checked yet though?"(@DrTrollinski )
".. I won't do that." He smiled. ".. Plus, you can take advantage of any viruses if you can get into the code. You can find IP addresses if the person who made it did it wrong." He shrugged a little. Common knowledge... Right? Nick looked at Rick and tilted his head and raised his eyebrows for a split second. Joseph followed Rick, hesitantly, but followed nonetheless.

When they got into the room, Joseph was jaw-dropped. He was more anxious, but amazed. ".. Wow... How do you even turn this thing on?" He asked as he stared at the large fancy black box that resembled the computer's tower. ".. I've--.. I've never seen one of these before... Is this a government thing, or something...?" He asked, but once again, he was very hesitant. He was right though. Government.


".. Uh-huh..." He sniffled and took him out of the kitchen and further down the hall to a pair of metal elevator doors. There was a hand scanner beside them. ".. We didn't go in the elevator, but we can't, look." He sniffled as he reached up and put his hand on it. There was a quiet beep.

'Access Denied'

Those words displayed in red on the little screen. George looked up at John, his eyes filling up with more tears. ".. I wanna' go outside, Uncle John." He choked. His voice was suddenly so squeaky and weak - Poor kid, he was really worried. What if Joseph actually did go down there?
"Yeah." Laila answered immediately, following the large man's steps. He still hadn't introduced himself, and with the way he had scanned her with an almost angry look in his eyes, Laila concluded that no friendly introductions were going to be happening anytime soon. She walked in line behind him, watching his feet as he led her, not even looking up to see where they were headed.

The building they stopped in front of wasn't in such a great condition. Laila took one last deep breath, then started coughing as the door opened and the nauseating smell of...she couldn't decipher what it was, but it definitely wasn't the aroma of incense or homemade cooking.

"Thank you." She nodded at the man, entering the building. (@DrTrollinski )
(@Beowulf - Top one, @Axel1313 - Bottom one. My bad.)

There were some men sat around a groggy table in a small little kitchen area. The building was spacious, and somewhat clean, but there was still grime everywhere. On most of the coffee tables there was either a small bag of cocaine next to a rolled up dollar bill, or there was a bong. On the couch, as per usual for The Six, there was a young Caribbean woman, completely passed out and sprawled across the couch.

"Man, fuck that!" One man threw his cards down and stood up. He was scrawny, but had a temper. "You slipped that Ace out yo' sleeve, bitch!"

"Sit down, Twiglet." A fat man joked with a loud chuckle. The thin one went over to him and pushed him out of the chair, and he splatted onto the hard kitchen floor in a classical Looney-Tunes style way. He slowly pulled himself up and then looked at the scrawny teenage African American male and then grabbed a bottle from the table by its neck and drove it straight down on top of his head. He went down with a cry, and then lied on the floor clutching his head and barely moving. There was glass everywhere now, as well as a lot of beer.

"Ignore them." The man beside Laila muttered. He walked over to the couch and tipped it from behind, causing the young woman to hit the ground with a thud and a murmur of brief pain. She didn't move, though. "Please, sit." He muttered. (@nynja)
"Huh....weird elevator.." He too tried the hand scanner but got the same access denied message. Why would you need a hand scanner for an elevator? Maybe a little tweaking could get it open? "Yeah, let's go check outside for him now. You go ahead of me though, I gotta use the restroom first." (@DrTrollinski )
"No..." He whimpered, hugging his leg. "I don't wanna go alone 'cause then I'll go missing, too." His lip was quivering and he looked pretty torn. He buried his face in John's leg and sniffled a few times. "Let me stay with you... I'll wait outside the bathroom, I promise..." He said. (@Axel1313)
She stood in the doorway and observed the scene--with how nonchalantly the tall man who had lead Laila here reacted towards the unfolding events, things like this happened quite often. Laila scanned the room, noticing the various places where drugs were just sitting in plain sight.

It was the antithesis of the Gunma's hq, where the boss insisted that everything stay clean for their "special guests", aka the heads of corporations looking for some shady deals. If any of the Gunma men acted out of line, they would be punished severely, but formally, in front of everyone to be used as an example for the rest of the gang. That was the one thing about the Gunma Family that Laila had always disliked. There was too much order.

When the man beckoned for her to sit down on the couch on which a girl had recently been laying, Laila took a few hesitant steps over to the couch, spotting a few questionable stains on the cushions. Laila did as the man said and ignored the two men, instead concentrating on getting herself onto the couch without stepping on the girl--probably a prostitute-- below her. She sat down, casting a questioning glance at the girl, and then the man. "Is she dead?"
As he stepped over her she grabbed his leg and he quickly lifted it and shook it until she released it with a whimper.

"Not yet she ain't." He snarled as he looked down at the woman on the floor. He didn't sit beside Laila. He went over and sat in a torn old armchair that was placed on the other side of the coffee table.

"So. What made you decide you wanted to join us on out little piece of paradise?" He asked as he lied back. (@nynja)
"Computer," Rick barked out "on." And with that word, there was the silent whirring of fans and a small flash of blue lights as the initial surge of power activated the computer. It quickly bioted up to a log in screen, where he tapped the password into. "Enjoy." he said as he clicked on a web browser and stepped away.
"Ah. Okay then." Laila watched as the girl's leg fell down to the ground with a loud thud. She quickly brushed off the fact that her surroundings weren't ideal--after all, this was The Six. They weren't exactly classy.

She leaned comfortably against the back of the couch, settling herself in. "Well," Laila looked the man in the eyes. "I've got some beef with my former gang, The Gunma. I need revenge." Her gaze faltered for a moment, but then she looked back at his eyes. "They've got my son. I know everything about them. I can help you fight them." (@DrTrollinski )
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Johnathan let out an exasperated sigh. He wasn't going to get a chance to try and hack this thing was he? "Alright alright...but can we come back here so I can try something real quick. Okay?"(@DrTrollinski )
Beowulf said:
"Computer," Rick barked out "on." And with that word, there was the silent whirring of fans and a small flash of blue lights as the initial surge of power activated the computer. It quickly bioted up to a log in screen, where he tapped the password into. "Enjoy." he said as he clicked on a web browser and stepped away.
((@DrTrollinski ))
Joseph was jaw-dropped. He slowly walked up to the computer and sat down, resting his hands on the keyboard. He started typing away and went to one of the sites and then went on to get up a conspiracy theory.

"Look. This here's a theory about you guys from three years ago. How you showed up at Times Square, and a little while after you got there a man was murdered. This is where the main influence to theories on you guys came from - this is the one that pretty much killed how you were viewed by a lot of people.

Both Nick and Rick would have known what he was talking about. He was talking about the assassination on a corrupt journalist. Better yet, there was evidence of them being there - there was a picture of Nick and Rick's back.

"See that?" He asked. "So... You want to know who made it, right?" Joseph asked. (@Beowulf)


George walked him outside, sniffling along as he did so. If Rick and Nick didn't let their own children down, how secretive was it?

"Isn't it cool out here?" George asked. Basketball court, tennis court, swimming pool, and a field. Wow. (@Axel1313)
"Really cool." He nodded in agreement. "Looks like a mini country club out here doesn't it? Basketball court, tennis court, swimming pool.....if anybody got bored here I'd be surprised." (@DrTrollinski )
"Yes, if you can find it out. That would be very nice." Rick told him. "The rest we can take care of ourselves." he replied calmly. Let the boy make of that as he will. Nick told him to go easy, but the Black Sun still needed to be intimidating.

(@DrTrollinski )
".. It's cool... We have boats at the lake behind our house, but we don't have places to play basketball." He said, he walked Johnathan over to the chairs and ushered him onto one of them, and then climbed up onto his lap. He hugged him and leaned against him. ".. I'm startin' to get bored at home... Can we do somethin' fun soon?" He asked. Well. Providing Joseph wasn't dead, the carnival would be a good idea, still. (@Axel1313)


"Yep." He replied instantly, he pressed a button on the keyboard to gain access to the HTML of the website and then looked over it for a few minutes, breathing heavily as he did so. He was nervous, he was sweating buckets, and his gut was really starting to hurt. He needed to use the bathroom. Badly. He could hang on for a short while longer, but he was starting to feel a little dizzy. God damn it, why did anxiety upset his stomach so much? "Look at this... There was a blocker put here to stop personal details from being leaked, but there's a loophole." He said quietly as he highlighted some of the HTML - That was a blocker the government put in place across the net. 'How the hell did a kid find a loophole in that?' Nick asked himself.

"If we use that..." Joseph muttered, hitting some buttons on the keyboard. ".. You can bypass it, and hey presto." He said, finally bringing up a separate page that actually lead to where the user put their details when they signed up for the websites. Smart. "You've got it all there... Full names, State, City, and some websites have their home address and contact numbers... There was some big OS update that instantly scanned your computer for your real name for sites like this, so it's all real details." He said, and then he stood back up and looked at the door. "The name of the main guy's there... Can I go back upstairs now? I really need the bathroom." He said, trying to look as calm and non-desperate as possible. Nick could see it in his eyes, though. He looked at Nick and simply nodded.

"Your job isn't done. But it is for now." Nick said. "Brother.. Would you like to see Mister Amari out to ensure he doesn't snoop around? I'll check out the details he's given us." He said. (@Beowulf)
"Weeeell....I was gonna try and make it a surprise." He scratched his chin. "Buut. I was thinkin' about taking you and your brother to the carnival sometime before school starts. How does that sound little man?"(@DrTrollinski ~ Might not respond too much this weekend. With relatives for the holiday.)
"Of course. Come, Joseph. We don't want the others to begin to worry." he said as he guided Joseph with one outstretched arm. Once he was out of sight of Nick, he said "Your father does not want you in the buisness. But, you have a knack for computers. Keep your nose clean with your father, and we can hopefully work together in the future." he said in a hurried whisper before raising his tone and directing his voice to his brother. "Oh, and remember Nick. I can't perform the ritual without something that was close to her in some way."

((@DrTrollinski ))

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