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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

He laughed a little. "You have a nerve to think George is cute now. You should have seen him when he was only four - he was still active, but he was much quieter, always gentle - He was pretty much scared of his own shadow, but he had a lot of heart." He chuckled a little. ".. Our mom and dad, god, they cried their eyes out on mine and George's first day of school." He smiled. ".. I read about the educational board, too... Seein' as your girls have birthdays in October, which is a month after the new year of school starts, the board's said that kids born after September need to go into school of January of the following year, so, your girls will be starting Pre-K in January." He smiled warmly at him. "Congratulations, I guess." He winked. (@Axel1313)
"George quiet? I bet your dad misses those days eh?" He joked. "But yeah....don't remind me...I'll probably be crying my eyes out just like your parents did when they go off to school." He sighed and held a hand over his heart. "I'll be worried nonstop about them until I get used to them being off at school, but know it's for the best. They'll make some good friends and become even smarter than they are now." (@DrTrollinski
"My dad does miss those days, trust me. As soon as George started getting private tutoring, he really came out of his shell and suddenly became so loud and energetic." He smiled and sipped on his drink for a moment, and then a small little slice of a fillet of pork that was put out. God, he'd eaten a load and they weren't even on the main course yet. "Smarter, eh?" He chuckled. "Maybe one day they'll grow up to be as smart as old Uncle Joe, am I right?" He joked and winked at him. ".. They'll have to try hard to do that, though." He added before laughing softly. (@Axel1313)
"I wouldn't doubt that one bit." He laughed. "If you ever play Hide and seek with them you'll find that out quickly, they've already got this strategy down to double team you and practically jump outta nowhere at you too. I'm sure if they hang around their Uncle Joe enough they'll have a good example to look up to too. Show em how much hard work pays off."(@DrTrollinski )
He smiled, more warmly this time. "Yeah, I hope so." He said softly, taking a few glances around the dining room. He looked down while he thought for a moment. What Johnathan said actually meant quite a lot to him. "Hey, Johnathan..." He looked up at him and smiled. "Thanks..." He said. (@Axel1313)

((I'm sorry, can't remember where we left off. I'm going rogue.))

"I do not try and scare people, it just happens at times." Rick said jokingly to Nick as he walked out of the kitchen. He doubted anyone heard him, and he acted like he didn't say a thing. "Le'Mar, how has business been?" he asked the large African American.

(@DrTrollinski )
Le'Mar hesitated when he looked at Joseph. He didn't know if the boy knew what everyone was about, so he kept it at a low point. "Uh... Yeah. The casino work's paying well." He smiled a little and nervously rubbed the back of his head. "What about you?" He asked. (@Beowulf)
"Ah, no problem kiddo. You know you and your brothers mean a lot to me. So I mean every word of what I say." He smiled softly and gave him a brief side hug. "You can even start calling me Uncle John if ya like."(@DrTrollinski )
"You were pretty much an uncle to us already." He smiled and sat down on the chair closest to John. "Me and George were speaking about it when dad took us to Six Flags. We both agreed that you were family to us, even if we don't make it that obvious." He smiled. "You're an uncle to me, in my eyes. Don't think I'll call you 'Uncle' John, though. Don't think it'd sound right for you. Makes you sound old." He laughed a little. "I'll place a bet and say that George will call you Uncle John, though. I can almost assure you on that." He smiled. (@Axel1313)
"Ooooh I see now. Thanks for not making me feel like I'm older than I actually am. It makes me happy to know that you already thought of me as part of the family though." He laughed. "So what are you willing to bet that your brother cracks and call me uncle in no time eh?" (@DrTrollinski )
"I'll bet you fifty bucks that he says it as soon as you tell him he's allowed to call you Uncle John." He grinned and held out a hand for him to shake. He knew his brother better than anyone, and he knew that he'd take advantage of any opportunity he was given. "Do we have a deal?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"Hmm..fifty bucks eh?" He scratched his chin in thought. Then reached out to accept the handshake. " You've got yourself a deal. If he calls me Uncle as soon as I tell him he can. Fifty bucks is yours."(@DrTrollinski )
"And vice versa if he doesn't." He grinned and then retracted his hand and went to eating some of the sweet bread that was put out on the table. "I've got that money in the bag, I assure you." He smirked and winked at him. (@Axel1313 - last post. Goodnight.)
"Oh we'll see about that." He smirked, he spoke confidently, but had a feeling his wallet was going to be empty soon. Then went back to trying the various food around the table. He had to be careful not to fill up too much before the main course.(@DrTrollinski ~Noapte buna)
Over the course of the next half an hour, members from several different families and gangs started to arrive, but only the higher ups. The new arrivals consisted of a person from The Redneck Mafia, Ninth Street, and The Corporation. They all played meet and greet for a while, and the most of them took a liking to Joseph, whom of which seemed a lot more comfortable now. They all complimented Amari on how mannered and professional his son was at a formal occasion like this one. Mostly because they were absolutely terrified of Amari himself. They knew about the work he'd been doing on The Deserted, so they weren't going to be crossing any boundaries.

Once everyone was inside and sat around the table for a while, the appetisers were cleared, and then Peter, the butler to Nick and Rick and their children, brought out the main courses. Chicken, turkey, lean seasoned beef joint, and hot honeyed ham. He brought out a dozen different types of vegetables and gave out a China plate to everyone. George was sat down between Joseph and Amari, and Joseph was right beside Johnathan.

"We'll pull off that uncle bet after dinner." Joseph whispered to him with a smile. Peter started off with Nick and Rick and carved what meat they wanted, and then went to the end of their side of the table, and then went down to the other side where Johnathan was sitting and looked down at him with a gentle smile.

"What meats would you like, sir?" He asked. (@Beowulf, @Axel1313)


(@Beowulf - You here, man...?)
(I have a little time now. I'll try to get a few replies in before class again.)

"You got it little man. I can't wait to see the fifty bucks in my wallet soon." He teased. As Peter approached them asking which meats they would like he looked up at him and returned the gentle smile. "All of them look and smell spectacular sir, I believe I would like the beef though please."(@DrTrollinski )
He smiled and then reached over and carved some beef off onto Johathan's plate. The beef was gorgeous. There was no fat, it was a little pink in the middle, and it was seasoned beautifully. There was a silver pot of gravy in the center of the table, and he slowly worked his way around each vegetable that was there, too, putting whatever Johnathan wanted onto his plate - he put some gravy on it and then gently put the plate back down in front of him.

".. Enjoy, sir." He smiled and then looked at Joseph. "What about you, young man?" He asked.

".. I'll have everything he had." He smiled at him. "Please." He added, Peter took his plate and put everything on it that Johnathan had, too. All of the good veggies and the succulent beef, some popovers, and plenty of gravy before giving the plate back to him. ".. This looks great, doesn't it?" Joseph said as he turned to Johnathan and smiled. (@Axel1313)
"Thank you very much sir." He thanked Peter with a kindly smile again before turning to Joseph excitedly. "It all looks spectacular! I can't wait to dig in. I also can't wait to see what's for dessert. If the main course is this good just think of how that will be." He nudged him playfully.(@DrTrollinski )
"Oh-ho... I bet it's something fancy, like a lemon meringue pie, or something... I p[lace bets on a little chocolate fountain with marshmallows and strawberries." He chuckled as he cut into the beef and then put a small bit in his mouth. He chewed it for a moment and then let out a quiet sigh of joy. ".. It's pretty much melt-in-your-mouth, man... Really good stuff." He chuckled a little and then ate a bit more. (@Axel1313)
"I think I'll stick with just one bet tonight. My debt's high enough already." He chuckled. After taking a bite of the beef he let out a happy sigh. "Aw man...you're definitely right about that. The is excellent." (@DrTrollinski )
"I know it sounds funny seeing as my dad's pretty rich, but... I think the food the rich people get had something in it to make it so good. If you think about it, a lot of the meat here is the same as what you'd get in a normal supermarket." He grinned and shoved some more beef into his mouth. "They must drug the animals or something." He said quietly alongside a laugh. (@Axel1313)

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