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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"I wouldn't put my bet on them coming." Rick said. "But, they might. And don't worry about those that do not agree with what you do. We have people here for a reason." he told Amari. And hearing Joeseph talke, he smiled on the inside. He still wanted to know what Nick was planning. "Yep, I'm Rick." he told Joeseph.

Johnathan followed right beside Joseph. "Yeah, sorry about that. Had some car sickness to deal with. It's all good now though." He smiled warmly. "And it is a pleasure to meet you sirs." He gave them a polite bow. It was the most he could do right now seeing as he was clueless as to what these guy's names were. He knew they were from the Black Sun, but that was about the extent of his knowledge. Even with Joseph giving him that brief rundown on them that one time.(@DrTrollinski )
"Good." He smiled. "That's one guess I got right today." He smiled and shook Rick's hand and then walked over to the table and picked up one of the prawns, sticking it into his mouth. Wow, they were high quality - one of the best he'd tasted so far. He smiled gently, and then took a napkin and wiped his hands on it. ".. The food is looking good so far. I look forward to the main course." He smiled.

Before Rick could answer Johnathan, Nick came in and approached him. "It's a pleasure. I'm Nick. My brother there, that's Nick." He smiled faintly and held out a hand for him to shake. These Black Sun fellas seemed to have a habit of wearing sunglasses all the time. Identity protection? Possibly. It did look badass, though. (@Axel1313, @Beowulf)
"Nice to meet you both. I'm Johnathan." He reached out to shake his hand firmly. Making a mental not of who was who. He could definitely tell they were twins, that made things tougher already, but on top of that they wore sunglasses too. He couldn't really tell if that was to hide their identities or intimidate the crap outta people.(@DrTrollinski )
"The pleasure is ours." He smiled at him and then went over to the table and picked up one of the crackers with smoked salmon and chive sauce on it. "Please help yourself to the spread that Peter prepared. A lot of work went into it and it's all very good." He smiled as he shoved the cracker into his mouth and chewed on it. Joseph was still tucking into the prawns. God, he'd eat them all but there were so many. (@Beowulf, @Axel1313)
"You and me both. I think Peter wanted to surprise us, so even I do not know what we will have." Rick told Joeseph. Grabbing a prawn himself, he quickly popped it into his mouth. He was never a real fan for seafood, but they did look good.
(You're spelling the name wrong. There's only an e at the end :P ; at least in the way his names spelt.)

"I can see that." He smiled and then ate one of the spring rolls with the chilli dip. They were very good as well. "You do have a nice house, by the way. I was thinking you'd have something that was about the same size as our house." He said.

Then, there was another knock at the door. (@Beowulf)
((I knew I was spelling it wrong somehow))

"Why thank you." Rick told him. "This isn't much really. I just wanted a big yard. I always enjoyed a large yard." he said absent mindedly. But the knocking at the door brought him back to reality. "Oh, excuse me." he said as he moved to answer the door.

((@DrTrollinski ))
"Nice to see you again, Joseph." Nick smiled as he walked over to him and shook his hand. Joseph was pleased by their friendliness tonight.

"You too, Nick. Been busy?" He asked.

"Not really, things have been quiet." He smiled and then ate some more of the food.

At the door, there was a big muscular black man who was sporting a fine tailored night blue suit. It was Le'Mar, the leader of The Six. (@Beowulf)
"Ah, Le'Mar. Nice to know you could make it. Come in, come in." Rick said, gesturing him inside. The Six, they had a few men that were gunned down in a bank robbery ages back, it seemed. Perhaps it was about time they talked to Le'Mar.

"Thank you." Johnathan gave a polite nod before going to take a seat. He didn't even know where to start! Colette often spoiled him with food, but never on a scale like this before. Or with such expensive looking stuff. He was tempted just to stick with the bread and cheese, but didn't want to offend whoever had made all of this.(@DrTrollinski )
"Uh.. Thanks, yeah." He briefly shook his hand and stepped inside. Damn, this place was huge. "I hope I ain't too late... Got caught up in some business before I left..." He sighed and tilted his neck from side to side, clicking it a few times. He followed Rick into the dining room and started seeing double. Nick was a spitting image, and that shocked him, but he greeted him and shook his hand regardless.

"I'm guessin' you're Vincent Amari... Right?" He asked as he looked down at Johnathan. This black guy stood at six foot four and was mostly muscle. Crazy stuff. Amari wasn't offended, but he did have to stop himself from laughing. (@Beowulf, @Axel1313)
Johnathan had to quickly stifle a laugh and wipe his face off before answering. "Uh, no sir. I'm just a friend of his." He politely smiled up at the tall man. "That man over there is Mr. Amari." He motioned to where Amari was sitting. He was obviously trying to hold back laughter too.(@DrTrollinski )
"Oh, Christ. Sorry." He said in humiliation before sheepishly walking over to Amari and holding out a hand. Amazing. A behemoth like him was scared of Amari? Well... Then again, that was understandable.

"I'm sorry, sir... It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise." He chuckled and shook his hand. "The person you're already met, though, is Johnathan. A very good friend of mine." He smiled, Le'Mar simply turned around and nodded to him, offering a handshake.

"Well, at least I know your name now." He chuckled gently. "Nice to meet you. I'm Le'Mar." He said. (@Axel1313 - I'm off for the night. Night!)

"Brother, may we talk in the kitchen for a moment?" Nick asked quietly after walking up to stand in front of Rick. ".. There's some things that need to be discussed." He added, in an even quieter tone. He looked serious, and the only thing he could really be talking about was what he had planned for Joseph. He didn't intend to hurt the boy - not yet, at least. He had a feeling that what went on today would lead to good things, without a doubt. (@Beowulf)


(@Beowulf - Are you going to reply? I'm on limited time tonight.)
((I'm probably going to be on and off.))

"Yes, of course." Rick said as he excused himself from the group. Nick could only have been talking about one thing, and that was about Joseph. Intimidating him, that was all they were going to do, do he gathered. "What do you want to discuss?" he asked once they were both in the kitchen and away from any prying ears.

(*sigh* Alright, no worries. I just won't be on very late tonight, that's all.)

"I have a feeling that scaring the child isn't going to work. I believe there's already enough tension between us - I could see it in his eyes." He said softly, rubbing his forehead. "If anything, we need to prove that we're not a force to be reckoned with, but at the same time, we need to show that we mean him no harm. I think a calm approach is what's going to get the message across with him, not an angry one." He said, thinking for a moment. ".. To get him downstairs, we both need to be there, preferably. We have three options. One - we both walk out at the same time with him and look incredibly suspicious. Two - I go out with him first, but after I've rigged the elevator handscanner to only open with your hand, therefore, I can call you when we're both out of the room, or Three - I go down there first with the boy, and then text you to follow. I'd say two and three are our most plausible." He muttered quietly. (@Beowulf)
((Sorry, feeling lazy today. It happens.))

"Option three." Rick said calmly. He could easily say that it was a call that he had to take and excuse himself. "Just make it short." he said, talking about the text message that would be sent. "I will be with Le'Mar and Amari, they will understand business calls when it wants to."

(Yeah, it's no problem like I said. Don't worry. I know the feeling.)

".. Of course." He smiled gently and patted him on the shoulder. "Remember, brother... Be nice. He may be a child, but I've got a feeling he knows something useful." He said, and then he propped his glasses back up onto the bridge of his nose and stretched his back. "I believe that we're waiting on a few more guests, if I'm correct. According to the information you've provided to me, it's all heads of gangs that are friendly with everyone that's here. That includes a head from The Redneck Mafia, no one from the Gunma, The White Gloves, The Devil's Arms... The Corporation, and Ninth Street. Interesting characters, hm? I'm going to bet that a few of them don't show up. It's not every day you get an invite to dinner from The Black Sun, is it?" He smirked. (@Beowulf)
"It's alright sir, mistakes happen." He smiled kindly and returned the handshake. This guy was a giant compared to him, even after he apologized for that little mistake he was still intimidating. After that Johnathan went back to sitting there quietly enjoying the food. All of these guys, save for Amari, were quite terrifying.(@DrTrollinski )

((Sorry about the late response...I got caught in the trap of comfortable bed sheets today....))
Once Joseph saw Nick walk out he decided to get a little greedy. He grabbed four king prawns and started tucking away on them as fast as he could, while also avoiding making a mess. Le'Mar saw him eating the prawns and laughed a little as he walked over to him. God, he towered Joseph - He could probably lift up one foot and crush him if he wanted to. Joseph saw him coming and put the rest of his prawns down on a small plate on the table and then turned back to him.

"I'd take a guess at who you are, but I'd probably get that wrong, too." Le'Mar said with a gentle chuckle. As his mouth opened, Joseph saw a golden tooth. Good lord.

"Joseph... I'm Vincent's son." He put on the best smile he could manage and held out one of his small hands towards him. Le'Mar gripped it and shook it, nodding at him.

"Pleasure." He said. He didn't quite realize that his grip was near enough crushing Joseph's hand, and the boy gave a quiet sigh of relief once Le'Mar released him. "I'm Le'Mar."

".. The pleasure's mine..." Joseph nodded at him and ate one of the prawns. With one more smile he walked over to Johnathan and then lowered his tone to speak to him. ".. John... You felt how strong that guy is?" He laughed a little under his breath and rubbed the hand that Le'Mar shook. ".. Like the jaws of a lion, man." He laughed. (@Axel1313)
"No kidding!" He leaned over and whispered back. "I bet he could've torn my arm right off if he wanted to! and with little effort at all. It's insane how strong that big guy is." He chuckled. He was definitely in agreement with Joseph here. He was a grown man yet it felt like Le'Mar nearly crushed his hand too.(@DrTrollinski )
"Not only that... He's got a golden tooth, too. I don't think I'll be picking any fights with him." He chuckled softly after he whispered his words. ".. That guy could breathe on me and I'd fall over." He laughed again and then picked up one of the smoked salmon crackers from the table, shoving it into his mouth. ".. I tell you, this place isn't anything like I expected... I expected it to be a little smaller, but this is more of a palace." He laughed a little as he looked around the dining room. It was more of a grand room, over anything. "This room is at least half the size of our house." He grinned. (@Axel1313)
"I bet he'd only have to look at you to do that." He teased. "And you think you're in shock? I was just gettin' used to the size of your house! This place is absolutely massive! You could easily fit my old house in here at least a dozen or so times and still have room for this feast." He chuckled.(@DrTrollinski )
"Wow." He laughed a little and then shook his head. He saw some orange juice placed out on the table and then poured himself a glass of that and sipped on it. "Whatever they're doing here, they're doing it right... See what I mean, though?" He said, sipping on his juice before looking around again. ".. Can't believe I'll be starting Fifth Grade next month, man." He took a deep breath and chuckled to himself a little. ".. The summer went too fast. The fact that it's already August is mind-blowing. Winters are bad in New York, if you haven't experienced it already." He grinned. ".. Your girls are... Three, right? When do they turn four?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"You are right about that, whatever it is. It is definitely something right. He poured a little orange juice for himself. "Fifth grade already? Wow, things are sure moving fast around here aren't they?" He chuckled. "As for my girls? Yeah, they're three right now. They'll turn four in a few months. October thirteenth to be more exact. Scares me to death to think that it wont be long until they're in school too..."(@DrTrollinski )

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