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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"I hope so..." Joseph sighed a little. ".. I'll try and relax and have a good time. I'm just--.. nervous, you know?" He added, he finally relaxed his body a little and then moved the laptop aside; he rested his head against John's shoulder, and the sound of footsteps rushing up the stairs was soon heard. They came down the hallway, and then the door flew open and one happy-looking George revealed himself.

"Guys! Dad said we gotta' go now!" He said, and then he instantly shot back out and down the hallway, and eventually down the stairs. Joseph sighed and slowly rose up, stretching his back.

"Moment of truth..." He said, anxiously. (@Axel1313)


While Peter was cleaning up the mess that was left in the bathroom, Nick went upstairs to check on the two boys to make sure they were dressed. He went into the room and gentle smiled at what he saw - they'd managed to do everything except getting the belts on, and tying their ties. He rolled his eyes and walked up to them both.

"You need some help with the belts and ties, boys?" He asked.

"Yeah... We can't do 'em." Nathaniel said with a little sigh. Nick reached forward and did up the top button of his shirt, and then wrapped the black tie around his neck before tying it in the appropriate manner, and then he buckled up his belt for him as well. Perfect. He did the same for Adrian, and then went to the bathroom to get some cologne and a hairbrush; he brushed their hair so it looked nice, and then gently slapped some cologne onto the lower parts of their cheeks and their neck.

"There. Now you look good and smell nice." He smiled at them both, and they both simply giggled a little as they inspected themselves up and down.

"Let's go show my daddy." Adrian said enthusiastically, and then they both nipped downstairs and ran around until they found Rick. Adrian ran up and latched onto his leg, pulling on it to get his attention. "Daddy, do we look good?" He asked with a grin. (@Beowulf)

((What? What? I'm up))

Rick looked down with a smile at Adrian. "You look fantastic." he said simply as he patted Adrian on the head affectionately. "In fact, you look almost like someone important." he joked with him.

((@DrTrollinski ))
Adrian grinned at him and giggled again. ".. Uncle Nick gave us some of his cologne, too, so we smell nice!" He smiled at him and then slowly reached down, buttoning up his suit jacket. Nathaniel followed soon after him, doing the exact same. "When's everyone gonna' get here, daddy? I'm hungry..." He said softly while looking over his shoulder towards the kitchen. Mmm. The food Peter had been preparing smelt delicious, as always. (@Beowulf)
"They should be arriving any minute now." he said, looking at the door a bit anxiously. But, he noticed them staring off where all the food was, practically drooling, he relented. "Go grab yourself a sweet roll. Just one for now." The second part he said more sternly then the first. He didn't want all the sweet rolls gone before the first guest even arrived.
They were both excited by that. They looked at each other for only a second before dashing off at the kitchen at the exact same time as each other. They weren't laughing or messing around - they were starving. As soon as they got into the kitchen, they both stood on the tips of their toes and reached up to the counter, grabbing one cinnamon sweet roll each. Delicious. It was topped with some tasty vanilla frosting, of which was also drizzled down the the sides of it. They both gave off happy laughs as they bit into them and chewed them, and then calmly walked back to Rick with their mouths full.

"Can you make us drinks before they get here, daddy?" Adrian asked. ".. Pleaaaaaaaaaaase?" He begged. The first question was mostly a murmur because he had his mouth full, but Rick could mostly make out what was being said. (@Beowulf)
"And that's understandable, but I guarantee they are very nice people." He smiled and pat him on the back. That's about the tie George came rushing up the stairs to get them. "Alright bud. We'd better get going! Don't want to keep out hosts waiting now do we?"(@DrTrollinski )
"I guess not." He smiled and walked downstairs with him. Amari lead them outside to the front of the house where a black limo was waiting for them. They all sat in the back, and Amari had some drinks for the kids as well as a couple of bottles of beer. As they progressed through the town, though, Joseph only got paler by the second, and was very restless and jittery. He didn't like this one bit. Ten minutes into their journey, when they were traveling down a quiet little street, Joseph turned to Johnathan and tugged on his sleeve. He looked very ill. ".. Tell the driver to stop. I need to stop." He choked. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan nodded in understanding and leaned forward to get the driver's attention. "Ey, we need to stop like, right now. Got a kid back here who looks like he's about to be carsick. And I know none of us want to have to clean up that later on."(@DrTrollinski )
The driver quickly pulled over to the side of the road after giving just a simple nod, and Joseph instantly shoved the door open and hopped out. Thankfully, there was a drain that was pretty much right by his door. He felt it coming. He didn't know what was wrong, but he felt so sick and so awful. It might have just been his anxiety that made him feel like this, but regardless, he felt dreadful and light-headed.

And then he threw up.

He spent a good couple of minutes just vomiting his lunch and everything he'd had to drink into the drain; thankfully, none of it went on his shoes or on his suit, but that didn't mean he didn't feel absolutely awful. Once he was done, he wiped his mouth with his hand and then slowly went back into the car, his face pale. He was humiliated - he was just glad that it wasn't on a busy street. Thankfully there was no one around when he was busy bringing his guts up. He sat down beside Johnathan and took a sad deep breath and looked down at the floor of the car.

Vincent looked at him, as did George, but they didn't stare - they both knew that he was upset and embarrassed by that. Vincent tapped Johnathan on the shoulder and then nodded at the glass bottle of water that was rested in the bucket of ice in the center of the back area of the limo. Yep, branded water in a glass bottle - fancy stuff. There were glasses of numerous kinds here, too. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan watched with a concerned frown. Poor kid, the nerves must be really getting to him. He didn't even need a second hint when Vincent nodded towards the water bottle. He quickly got up and got it for Joseph. "You okay there buddy?" He rubbed his back soothingly.(@DrTrollinski )
Joseph shakily grabbed a glass and filled it with some of the water, and then he gulped half of it down before sighing and nodding. He shuffled up so that he was closer to Johnathan - he was shivering. The sickness had brought his body temperature right down. ".. Yeah." He blurted. ".. I'm fine--.. Do you know how much further it is?" He asked. Joseph wasn't good with maps. They were getting close to upper New York, though. Once the door was closed on the limo, the driver put the car into movement once again. (@Axel1313)
((Sorry, Eagle Scout project. My back hurts now, but it's done.))

After desiphering what Adrian said, and hoping none of the crumbs fell omto his suit, he finally said "Yes, might as well." Walking over, he goes to a refrigorater and pulls out a gallon of milk and then a couple of glasses. "Strong bones lead to strong lives." he muttered under his breath.

((@DrTrollinski ))
"You sure? Cause your shaking like a leaf." He took his blazer off and draped it over Joseph's shoulders. "It's not much further is it Vincent? I think the poor guy needs to lie still for a bit." (@DrTrollinski )
Adrian and Nathaniel both rushed up and took the glasses, and then went to the small table in the kitchen to start drinking. They hadn't made a mess of the sweetrolls, thankfully. "Thanks, daddy." Adrian said to him, his voice echoing through his glass. He shot him a warm smile and then put his glass down on the table.

Peter walked in after clearing up the bathroom upstairs, and then approached Rick after smiling at the two boys. ".. Sir, would you like me to prepare the food for serving?" He asked. (@Beowulf)


"Not too far, no." Vincent sighed as he looked at Joseph. ".. Try and sleep for fifteen minutes or so, pal. Finish of that water and just take it easy." He said, and Joseph simply nodded in agreement. He weakly hugged Johnathan's side and set his head against his chest and shut his eyes. He still felt bad, but the water made him feel a little better. Within five minutes he'd fallen asleep, meaning that he'd only get about ten minutes of rest, but it was certainly better than nothing.

"Thanks for watching out for him, John..." Vincent sighed but batted him a smile. (@Axel1313)

"Yes, it is probably about time for the first of the guests to arrive." Rick said, looking anxiously at the door now that he was reminded that others would be coming over. It wasn't that he didn't like people, he just didn't like people judging him simply because of how his house looked.
"Of course, sir." Peter smiled and then began carrying all of the food out to the dining room, setting it all down on the table. They were all on silver platters and were covered over to ensure that they were kept hot. Once it was all set out, he went around and carefully poured several glasses of wine after setting out some non-alcoholic drinks for the kids. He also set out some of the starter dishes - there was seafood, salad, soup, and just light things such as bread rolls.

'Uh, sir. We've got a black limo pulling up at the gate, please advise, over.' A voice said over the little intercom device in the hallway. It was one of the guards. (@Beowulf)
Johnathan wrapped an arm around Joseph and rubbed his shoulder to continue soothing him. "Ah, it's no problem Vincent. These boys are growing on me, y'know? Making me feel like a big brother to them."(@DrTrollinski )
"I think an uncle works better." He chuckled a little and lied back in his chair. After the ten minute drive, they ended up outside of a gated estate. A huge white stone mansion in the middle of a vast expanse of land. It had a pool behind it, as well as a tennis and basketball court. This place must have been about three times the size of Vincent's house. Vincent was pretty much jaw dropped. The whole place was fenced off, and there were guards surrounding the perimeter, all armed to the teeth with heavy rifles and armor. One of them was on the radio while the limo stayed outside of the closed gate. George looked a little scared and hugged his father as tight as he could, and Vincent couldn't deny that he was scared, too.

".. I think it'd be best to leave Joseph asleep until we get up close..." He gulped. (@Axel1313)
"You think so? I guess I do like the sound of that." He chuckled. When they approached the massive house he could feel his heart skip a beat. This place was massive! Even bigger than Amari's and tightly secured on the outside "G-good idea.." Johnathan muttered and hugged Joseph a little closer. This place definitely intimidated him.(@DrTrollinski )
Eventually, the gates opened up and the Limo drove up to the fountain outside the estate and circled around it until it was adjacent to the steps that lead up to the doors of the house. Vincent sighed and looked towards it. The place was quite daunting, indeed. George wasn't moving. He thought the place was cool, but the guys with guns absolutely terrified him.

".. You want to wake Joseph up...?" Vincent asked as he rubbed his head in disbelief. (@Axel1313)
"Sure." Like George, the guys with guns were what were really intimidating him right now. Otherwise everything else was quite beautiful. And massive... "Hey....Joseph. Time to wake up buddy. We're here." He gently shook his shoulder.(@DrTrollinski )
Joseph quickly awoke and tightly clung to his side. He was terrified instantly when he saw where they were. Good lord. This was it. He was going to die here. ".. Oh, god. Oh god oh god oh god." He panicked, shutting his eyes tight. Amari seemed a little confused. "I wanna' go home." He whispered into John's ear. (@Axel1313)

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