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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

The girls didn't move much after Frank had left the couch. The had fallen asleep at his sides so as soon as he stood up they had flopped over and taken up over half of the couch.

Colette on the other hand was busy as a bee. Doing whatever she could find to do to keep herself from being bored out of her mind. The main thing was often taking up the kitchen to practice her cooking. They had time to kill while held up in this place, so why not try to experiment with dishes. Especially when you only had to ask for groceries.


Johnathan was definitely happy to see them all again. And to see how much closer they looked after the well deserved vacation. Unfortunately, it was now or never to come clean about what had really happened this weekend. He figured it was best to seeing as how kind Amari had been to him and for the fact that he was initiated into the family...meaning that he swore his loyalty to them.

"It certainly wasn't boring...uh...Michael and I had a bit of an adventure Boss." He hesitated a moment while his stomach churned. "We were almost assassinated in the park by members of La Desierta...thankfully we were saved by the uh...another organization. Stayed with them for most of this time and well..also took care of a little business for ya."(@DrTrollinski )

((I'm just moving a bit slow today..))
The days that had gone by for them actually weren't too bad in this little apartment. Hopefully they'd go to a nicer place soon, though. On the fourth morning of staying here, Frank awoke on the couch, as per usual. He wasn't really uncomfortable, but he missed having the bed. Plus, it was nice on the couch if he ever put on a movie and was joined by Colette and/or the girls - they had a blanket to snuggle up under. Frank had enjoyed his time with the family so far, and it was quite a nice feeling. He didn't say how much the CIA paid him, but it was enough for him to retire, buy a house, and invest in some stuff to help bring it back up.

After waking up, he slowly rose up and walked into the kitchen where he made himself a cup of coffee and then went back to the couch to sit there and watch a bit of early-morning TV. There wasn't much on at this hour, just a modern-day version of the Jerry Springer show. The 'Tom Roberts' show. It was awful, but it was funny at the same time. It was only early, so he didn't know what time the others would be waking up.


Amari froze, tightening his tie very slowly after a few seconds. He opened his mouth to speak as he turned away from Johnathan, but no words came out. Johnathan could tell that he was upset, but not the angry kind of upset - the sad kind. He slowly walked out of the back doors and then went over to one of the chairs that rested on the patio. He sat down in it and put his face in his hands - he appreciated that Johnathan had told him, seeing as that gave him the chance to enjoy the time with his boys. He didn't know if he wanted it to be like that, though. (@Axel1313)
Colette was up bright an early as usual this morning. Getting dressed simply in a nice pair of jeans and blouse before kissing the girls on the forehead and heading out for some coffee and to make some breakfast for all of them. "Bonjour monsieur Frank." She greeted happily as she walked past him. "Anything special planned for today?"


Johnathan sighed and followed Amari out to the patio. Taking a seat in a chair beside him. "I'm sorry I didn't tell ya earlier boss....but I didn't want to ruin your weekend with the boys." He looked at him sadly. "Thank God for the guys that helped us out though...we would have been dead if it hadn't been for them. My family woulda been killed too...those CIA people really know how to pull off a good save." He chuckled, that last bit about who had saved them unintentionally slipped out though..(@DrTrollinski )
".. Good morning." He smiled. ".. I don't have anything planned, no... We ain't even allowed to leave. I'm starting to miss the sunlight." He laughed a little as he sipped on his coffee. It was black and bitter, just the way he liked it. He watched Colette start to prepare the breakfast. Her cooking was fantastic, as he expected. He hoped for some French toast again, but beggars can't be choosers. "What about you?" He asked.


"The what." He snapped suddenly. Everything just emptied out of his head and his heart started pounding. Not the CIA. He and them had some history, especially when it came to The Dicciano Family. "The C-I-Fucking-A?!" He yelled as he jumped up and put his hands onto the back of his head, pacing around in a course of about six or so feet. "Oh my fuck. What did you tell them, Johnathan?! What do they know?!" He demanded, his tone showing both a mixture of heartbreak and fury. The only thing they really knew about was his wife. Talk about awkward. (@Axel1313)
"Ah yes, it would be nice if they would have at least added a few windows in this place or a skylight. Anything to at least let in some natural light." She chuckled. "Me? Oh, nothing more but the usual.Playing with the girls and trying some new things with a few more dishes."

"Whoops." Johnathan quickly put a hand over his mouth, that was definitely not meant to slip out. "I swear I didn't tell them anything they didn't already know. I told them nothing about the activities of The Dicciano family or anything. They already knew about activities of us dealing with La Desierta. The only other thing I remember them saying they knew was something about your wife."(@DrTrollinski )
"You're a good cook, Colette. Over the past four days, you've confirmed with me that you don't need to go to any culinary school." He laughed a little and smiled her as he lied back on the couch, sipping on his coffee. "Are the girls awake?" He asked.


Amari went quiet, and his cheeks were red with every sort of negative emotion that there was. His deep breaths eventually turned to sobs as he walked back over and sat down beside Johnathan, his hands covering his face. He started fully crying now. His emotion had just all transmuted to sadness again, and it was all escaping the only way it knew how. It was the most devastating news that he'd heard all week - He wanted to hug Johnathan and George. He wanted to just grab them and take them away on an even longer vacation where they could sit in a little poolside bar and eat a hotdog together, or where they could share one big pizza in their room again. He wanted that back so much - he was sick of all of this CIA and Mafia bullshit. It had ruined his life. (@Axel1313)
"Thank you. Maybe I should have you talk to Johnathan and tell him that so he stops worrying himself so much." She chuckled. "The girls should be up in another hour or so. As soon as the smell of food starts to drift through the rooms you should here little feet rushing this way."


"Aww man...I'm sorry Vincent. I didn't mean to upset ya." He rubbed a hand over his chin. Seeing him like this was painful. He didn't mean to upset him like this at all. "If it helps at all. I believe they said they have some information on her location or what happened to her....I wish I could tell ya more...but my mind has been a mess lately."(@DrTrollinski )
".. I might just do that." He chuckled a little, but his chuckle was cut off by a knock at the door. Frank frowned and slowly rose up, walking over to the door and slowly creaking it open. He looked at who it was. A bald man with sunglasses, and he was in a suit, too. He nodded at him, and then peered through to nod at Colette as well.

"Good morning. You decided a last name yet?" He asked. This must have been the man he was talking to on the phone when he got his first name changed.

"Uh--.. No... I don't know. Like I said, I don't want to leave behind my family name and dive into the records of some random one. I don't want to be Frank 'Smith', or something." He sighed. "Do you need something?" He asked, the man at the door merely smiled.

"I need to speak to Colette. It's in regards to Johnathan." He said.


".. All of this... I lied--.. for all of this..." He sobbed weakly as he quickly wiped his eyes and looked up at the sky. ".. Everything you see about me is a lie, Johnathan..." He sighed a little. ".. I... My biggest secret, that you can never mention to anyone, I--.. All Italian mafias only accept those who are of full Italian heritage... I... My father was American. I had his birth certificate changed after he died so that I could become a member of this family..." He whispered to him, he sighed and shook his head. It hurt to admit that. It had been a secret for almost two decades now. (@Axel1313)
"Oh! Have you heard something from him?" Colette perked up instantly at the mention of his name. She missed him dearly and any news of him right now was more than welcome.


"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me." He looked at him with a slight smile. "Just curious, but is that why you accepted me into the family even though I'm American? Well...I guess my father was Italian, but still. That doesn't exactly qualify me for the Italian Mafia."(@DrTrollinski )
"We should hire someone to help the old man for times like these." Rick replied, folding away a New York Times newspaper. This day and age, and on this side of the US, it was always filled with news of shoot outs and gang violence. And as for the servant idea. It would be nice, but having to win ow out thise that can and can't be trusted would be very tedious(sp). "But he is doing an extraordinary job. I believe he could have it all done before the first guest even gets into their car."

(@DrTrollinski )
".. Not exactly, ma'am." He said, stepping into the apartment uninvited. Well, he was the CIA. If anything, they should have been thanking him for what he's done so far. ".. I've come to talk to you about him." He sighed a little and then looked at Frank. "I need to speak to her. Privately." He said, Frank gave a slow nod and stepped aside from him, and then looked over at Colette.

".. Colette... Do you want me to wake the girls up and tell them what's going on? I can keep them entertained until you're done, if you wish." He offered.


".. You don't get it, Johnathan... I threw away a normal life for this... Mafia. We're the saints of NYC, for sure. We're not murderers. No matter how much we rob or steal, we don't murder. We fight off rival gangs that scare people senseless, and generally, we're not at war with anyone aside from La Desierta... We're lucky they don't have friendly ties with other gangs." He said, wiping his eyes again.

"You know... When me and the boys were at Six Flags... I saw a side to them that I hadn't seen in so very long. They were so... vibrant, and happy, and they were really enjoying being kids, and spending time with their dad like every boy should. And... I felt better. I was spending time with my sons, like every father should do..." He shook his head. ".. And now that I think about it... If it wasn't for The Dicciano Family... I wouldn't even be living how I am, and my boys wouldn't be as well off as they are, but... I don't know if I'd miss The Mafia or not, or if I'd be happy with a simple life where I couldn't treat the boys like I do." He shook his head.

"If any of The Mafia found out, John... They'd kill all of us." He whispered. (@Axel1313)


"Wonderful news. The boys are currently in the bath, so they can be dressed as soon as they get out." He said, smiling a little as he looked out of the window. "Is there anything else that needs to be done? I've already got some things prepared downstairs so that we can have a little talk with Joseph Amari... Just remember, we're not to harm him. In a sense, we're going to surprise him. We only want to talk about how he managed to find out so much about these conspiracy theorists, remember. It's not normal for someone to be able to get as much information on someone unless they're a hacker, or if they're government. Now, I highly doubt that a ten-year-old boy's either of those, so what do you think? Do you think he discovered a loophole in the databases? The Government put a block on any websites and methods of getting personal details of others on the net to avoid cyber-terrorism, or unnecessary communication between either sides of the USA." He said. (@Beowulf)
"I do not believe there will be. But foresight is never 20/20." Rick said as he got up. "And is it not possible that he is getting assistance from some outside force? Unless he is an under cover governmental agent or hacker, possibly even both, that just leaves assistance. Now where is our suprise for the Amari boy?"

(@DrTrollinski )


"Hm... I'm pretty sure a ten-year-old Italian-American boy is not any one of those things." He smiled a little. "This is going to sound crazy, but the surprise is downstairs. It'll scare him so much that he won't talk about us, but it will intrigue him so much that he'll listen to, and do whatever we say." He chuckled a little and then walked over to the window, looking out over the field of land that was supposedly their back yard. It looked like a fenced off yard of a prison, more than anything. "It'll work, trust me." He added, quietly.

"Would you like to go and check on the boys? I have a feeling they're going to start making a mess before too long." He said. (@Beowulf)
"I have no doubt that there already is a mess." Rick said as he opened the door and walked out, holding it for his brother. "And how might it intrigue him? Or is it a surprise for me as much as it is for him?" he asked as they walked towards the bathroom with the boys in it.
"Hmm." She pursed her lips in thought. Looking over to Frank with a sweet smile. "Could you keep them entertained while I speak with him about Johnathan? They are too young to understand anything like this yet, so would only cause distraction." She looked back at the man. "Alright....what is it that you have to tell me about him?"


"It's a tough thing to have to deal with...but you've gotten this far haven't you? I mean...the boys are happy and all." He wasn't quite sure how to comfort Amari at the moment. He'd grown up with the Mafia intruding in on his life all the time, so couldn't say what it was like without them in his life. "All I can think to say right now is that we just make sure they don't find out. It's best for us all."(@DrTrollinski )
"Everything we usually have, but more... on display." He chuckled as he walked out. He went to the stairs and stopped at the top, looking at Rick as he walked. "I'm going to help Peter (I think that's the butler's name) set the table up for our guests. I'll also help him arrange some drinks." He smiled and then made his way down.

When Rick entered the bathroom, the boys were still sat in the tub and splashing around and generally just messing about. The floor beside the tub was completely soaked in water - as soon as Rick came into view, both boys stopped laughing and stopped moving, sitting perfectly quietly as if nothing ever happened. They were a bit late on that move, though.

"Hi, daddy." Adrian said, doing his best to look innocent.


"I think we should sit down and talk." He said as he made his way over to the armchair opposite the end of the couch and took a seat. While he was waiting for Colette to sit down, Frank walked off into the bedroom where the girls were slept and then leaned over their bed, gently shaking their shoulders while speaking.

"Margaret, Alice, it's time to wake up," He said softly. ".. I need to tell you both about something, okay?" He added.


"Maybe." He sighed a little, but before anyone else could get a word in, George came shooting out of the back doors and he ran to stand in front of them both, smiling brightly as he flaunted his fancy suit.


"Do I look good?" He asked as he rotated a little, inspecting himself. (@Axel1313)

(@Beowulf - That's for you, too.)
Colette quickly finished up preparing breakfast and covered it up nicely on the counter before taking a seat across from them. She crossed her legs and looked at him intently. She had no idea what they had to tell her about Johnathan, but was eager to find out.


Johnathan quickly changed his attitude as soon as George appeared. "Whoo! Those ladies better watch out for you Georgie!" He forced a wide and bright grin across his face. "Amari, I think you're gonna have to watch these boys carefully. Keep the girls from swarming them."(@DrTrollinski )
"I come bearing news. Johnathan would have liked to tell you this himself, but I'm afraid that wasn't a negotiable option; I've come to talk to you about what Johnathan has been involved in recently, and what he's been doing to pay off his debt." He said.


George giggled at his comment, and blushed in slight shyness. Amari couldn't help but laugh and hold out his arms. George ran to him and hooped up onto his lap to share a hug.

"You look so grown up, kiddo." He smiled. It was obvious straight away that their time away together had really made the father-son bond a lot stronger. "Johnathan, will you be coming to the meal tonight? You've been invited if you want to borrow a suit." He chuckled. (@Axel1313)
"What he's been involved in?" A look of confusion began to spread across her face. "All he told us is that he was going to take up another job...what could he have gotten himself involved in?"

It took a few minutes, but eventually the girls both yawned and sat up. Looking at Frank with sleepy little smiles. "Okie..." Margaret mumbled and reached her arms out for him. Alice did the same not too long after that.


"I have?" He looked at him curiously. "Hmm...well. I might as well. Hate to be rude and turn down an invitation. Should I go get ready right away?" (@DrTrollinski )
"Ah." he said to his brothers back. More on display, that would certainly get their attention. Walking into the bathroom, he caught the boys quickly splash their arms underneath the water and pretend like they didn't do anything wrong. "Hello, Adrian. You two are going to have to clean this up you know. Peter is getting old and I doubt he likes to have to bend over a mop." As he spoke, he walked over and sat next to the tub. "But make sure you are clean first. Wash behind the ears, your pits, the whole nine yards."

((@DrTrollinski I can't remeber what his name is. He will probably change names frequently.))
"Your partner has a strong involvement with the most influential Italian Mafia on this side of the country." He said bluntly, but in a soft and hesitant tone.


Frank picked them both up in his arms and smiled a little as he sat back down on the bed and sat them both on his lap, holding them close. "Mommy's having an important meeting with someone, okay? So we're gonna have to stay here while she talks." He explained.


"You may as well, yeah. Best to be ready to leave as soon as possible. It isn't til later on, but I think it's best to be prepared regardless of when the event's taking place." He smiled. (@Axel1313)


"We already did, daddy." Adrian smiled at him. "Can we get out now? We can clean it once we're dry and stuff." He proposed with a smile; he held out his arms in hope of being helped out of the tub, and Nathaniel soon did the same. (@Beowulf)
"What?" Her smile faltered when she heard this. "I know his father was involved in the Mafia, but not Johnathan...he said he would never fall into that. Promised me that he wouldn't"

"Okie....." Margaret giggled and hugged his side.

"Who mommy talking to?" Alice asked curiously, clinging on to his arm and looking up at her with bright blue eyes.


"Alright, I'll go do that then. Best be early than late, right? Especially when it's a dinner with some of your powerful friends." He smirked. "I'll go get into that suit on now so I can hopefully look as spiffy as you guys." He gave George a joking little wink.(@DrTrollinski )
"I'm sorry, Colette... But Johnathan is a fully initiated member of The Dicciano Family. The first American man to become one of the members of it. He has a close connection with the boss, and has been involved in major events that have crippled a major cartel that go by the name of La Desierta or 'The Deserted'. One of these events involved blowing up a warehouse that was stuffed full of C4." He sighed a little. ".. This might be shocking news for you, but it's because of what he and The Dicciano Family have done that resulted in the hit-squad being sent out last week. We couldn't predict that, and that was something we didn't even know a Mexican Cartel had access to." He explained. God, he had a feeling that she wasn't going to like this.


George grinned again and nodded at him, hugging his father tight once again. "Okay, John... Wear somethin' nice." George squeaked.

"You're free to take a shower here, if you wish. I don't know if you've already showered this morning, but who knows." Amari chuckled a little. "All my suits are upstairs in my closet, in my room. Pick whatever ones you want, just don't make a mess of them." Vincent said, smiling at him. (@Axel1313)
Her face remained mostly calm, the only indication of irritation being her lips tightening into a thin line. However, in her eyes there was a spark of fury. What was that foolish man thinking?! Sure he was paying off their debts, but by joining the Mafia? "I see." She cleared her throat. "He never even mentioned a single hint of any of this....I wonder why he's kept it a secret from me. It would have been very nice to know that he was taking such a risk and putting us in about the same position...I would have thought he learned better after what his own father put him through." There was a slight hint of venom in her sweet voice as she spoke.


"I already took a shower this morning, so all I need now is the suit." He grinned. "I'll be back down in a bit!"

He headed up stairs and looked through the various suits in Amari's closet. Man oooh man they looked expensive as can be! He tried to pick out the least expensive looking one, but that was near impossible. So he stuck with a nice dark grey pinstripe one. Straightening it out nicely before heading back downstairs. "So, how does it look?"(@DrTrollinski )
"He was probably scared of how you'd react, ma'am. He did what had to be done. He may have killed many men, but he hasn't murdered anyone innocent. I'll give you my word on that." He sighed a little. ".. In fact, he and his boss have saved lives. The C4 warehouse he destroyed was going to be used by the Cartel to destroy two schools and one hospital." He added. ".. Is there anything you'd like me to tell him?" He asked. (@Axel1313)


"Well, mommy is speaking to someone who... He's like a policeman, okay? We need to stay in here until she's done." Frank smiled and hugged them both. "What would you girls like to do? If either of you need the bathroom, I'm sure they wouldn't mind if we left the room for a couple of minutes - if not, we can sit here and play a game for a while, if you'd like." He smiled.


"Like a million bucks." George giggled and grinned at him. He was still sat on his father's lap.

"That's one of my favorite suits. Good choice." Amari chuckled a little and then looked off towards the end of the land the house was on. The jetty with his boats was by the lake. Ah, how he missed going out for boat rides. He'd have to do that again sometime. (@Axel1313)

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