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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

The sound of people running by was heard, and Nick clung onto the little girl and tightly as he could without hurting her. They needed to be quiet, and he froze up as the footsteps ran by. He hugged her tight and stayed quiet. He didn't like this - if they heard they, they were dead. (@Axel1313)
"Shhh shhh." Colette leaned over and comforted the girls as quietly as she could. She could hear the sound of people running by and her heart pounding loudly. This was horrible, she had never been so terrified in her life.(@DrTrollinski )
He continued hugging her until the footsteps went away, then he picked her up and sighed before rising up.

"This is going to sound daunting to you, but we need to move. We can't stay here too long, they'll find us here eventually." He said. (@Axel1313)
"No no...I understand." She sniffled and wiped the tears from her face. "We need to keep moving until we get to a safe place. I will run as much as you tell me to." She cradled the sniffling little girl in her arms and wiped the tears from her face as well.(@DrTrollinski )
".. Okay... Let's go." He said softly, sweeping up the little girl in his arms and holding her close with one, while he held the gun in the other. Jesus. All of his friends, his colleagues, they were all dead, and that hit him pretty hard right there and then. He didn't have time to think about it before, but now he sort of did, and it was quite a daunting feeling. Regardless, he lead them out, and then lead them down the street, making sure the girl on his arm was comfy enough and warm enough as well. The night was quite bitter, but not too bad. They couldn't have been more than twenty minutes away from the airport. And that was walking distance. He just prayed that they didn't beat them to it.

".. You okay, Colette...? No one hurt?" He asked. (@Axel1313 - What's their last name? It'd be a bit dodgy if the CIA didn't know that xD )
(Seeing as they're not married, I'd imagine that she'd have a different name. The kids might have Loire as their last name but that's for you to decide @Axel1313)
(I did not think of that in advance xD But had some time during morning class! Her last name is Devereaux )

"I am still shaken up and my head hurts a little from hitting it against the van, but I am okay. The girls do not seem to be injured at all. Only scared from what has happened tonight." She brushed a strand of golden hair out of the little girl in her arm's face. Not a scratch on them, luckily. The night was brisk so she held her close as they walked. "I cannot wait to get away from here and to somewhere safe..."(@DrTrollinski )
".. We're leaving the country. Leaving Europe, in fact." He propped the little girl up a little more, still holding her with his arm. ".. I'm feeling the same way as you. This is the most action I've ever seen on my job... I've been trained for situations like this, but... Training and shooting at cardboard cutouts never really gets you ready for the real thing... I wasn't expecting it to be anywhere near as bad as that, but at least we got out of there before the police showed up... Like I said, I'm not the CIA. They'd just view me as another criminal if they found us there." He said with a sigh.

".. All the people I worked with are--.. Gone." He shook his head a little. He tucked the gun into the back of his pants again and then held the young girl with both arms. This helped keep her a little warmer, and it took some weight off of the one arm he was originally holding her with. ".. I'm probably going to retire after this, or go into a private security company for me... This is just too rogue for my liking." He explained. (@Axel1313)
"Good...I would have never imagined something like this ever happening.." She sniffled. Holding back the tears. She had to until they were finally somewhere safe.

"I can imagine so....and I am sorry for the loss of all the people you have worked for." She looked at him with a sympathetic smile. "I do not blame you for wanting to retire...especially after something like this. It seems to be too much even for the most trained of men."(@DrTrollinski )
".. I lost my father when I was younger. I was only two years old, though... He died in a pointless war over oil, and whatnot." He sighed. ".. I knew what I was getting into, but... I didn't imagine it to be anything like this." He said as he walked onward. ".. I had a father figure by the time I was four, luckily. Any kid's lucky to have that in the first place." He said. "I grew up, with him telling me all of the stories of how people who died in war, died as heroes, and he was one of the kinds of guys that said 'War's not as bad as they make it sound'. Heh." He said, the last part was said in more of a angered tone, but he calmed down after and resorted to rubbing the little girl's back, hoping that she'd start to calm down a little. Maybe she'd even fall asleep on his shoulder - that would be something that would make things easier, and it was plausible, providing that she wasn't too cold. That was something he could inquire about now, actually.

".. You're not too cold are you, sweetheart? Tell me if you are, you can have my jacket." He whispered to her, smiling a little. (@Axel1313)
"I commend those who bravely put their lives on the line in battle...but see war as nothing more than pointless." She shook her head sadly. "I am sorry that you lost your father in war. At least you did have somebody to go to and to look up to after that. Many people are not so lucky to have something like that."

The little girl shook her head no, yawned sleepily and buried her head into his shoulder. She was still sniffling, but he was calming her down so much. Colette smiled softly as she watched her eyes close .

"It looks like somebody has taken a shine to you."(@DrTrollinski )
".. I agree completely. To quote a famous song... 'Why can't we be friends?'." He chuckled lightheartedly. ".. I got angry at my real father when I was a teenager. I hated him for leaving me, but if it wasn't for him, me and my mother would have been a lot worse off. Chances are I would have been put into state care. Sure, we didn't do good, but we didn't do bad either... The money my father brought in kept us stable. Put food on the table and paid the bills... It wasn't until my current father came in that things were very... low. He had a good job. Did real estate, and he took us into a new house, treated me like his son after he lived with us for two months, and I treated him like he was my dad, too." He smiled, a little warmly. ".. I thank my old dad for everything I have now, but... I would have liked for him to have been around, although somehow... I'm happy with the life I was given, even if it did have a shaky start. Being male, and not having a dad for potty training was sort of hard, but I had a really nice uncle who helped out with that." He added.

He smiled when he noticed the girl drifting off on his shoulder. It made him feel a little better about himself, and it made him feel warmed up a little more. ".. I tend to do that, have people just... I don't know, feel comfortable with me." He explained. ".. My mother always said that I had that effect on a lot of people. She couldn't tell if it was the eyes, the face, the personality... I personally think it's my personality that does it, and the smile... But, I try to avoid blowing my own horn too much, you know?" He chuckled quietly. ".. Is the other little one warm enough? I'll cope without a jacket if she isn't." He added. (@Axel1313)

"Sounds like you had some really good people in your life." She looked at him with a tender smile. "I wish I could have had half of the people you have, but all I had was my brother." She sighed sadly. Tears welling up in her eyes. "I...I no longer have him...he sacrificed himself so the girls and I could get away, but at least the pain is lessened knowing that I still have my lover to go to....he knows just how to comfort us in times like these." She wiped the tears from her eyes.

"She is plenty warm, but thank you for asking." Colette looked to the other little girl falling asleep on her shoulder. "I can certainly tell that your mother was correct. You are a very friendly and approachable person. My little Margaret falling asleep on your shoulder is proof of that. Normally she refuses to cuddle up like that to anybody but me or her father."(@DrTrollinski )
He nodded. ".. I'm sorry we couldn't get there in time to save your brother. We were... We were five hours behind on a flight. The CIA didn't discover the move La Desierta were making until an ally of theirs was ambushed. That's all they told me." He sighed a little, he looked at Margaret and simply let out a lighthearted chuckle. ".. Well, people are funny with who they trust. Especially kids, from what I've learned." He said while he looked around the empty streets - it seemed so dead, with only the sound of back alley cats screeching as they clawed with each other, or maybe the occasional hooting of a bird as it flew overhead. It was strange. He'd only ever been to Paris once.

That one time, was today. He was certain they were going the right way, though - the sound of airplanes taking off was becoming closer, but only gradually. They could see the planes overhead, which were the nicest thing he'd seen all night.

".. I'm glad you find me to be a friendly person. I do try - I've found out that if you're good to people, things happen to go in your favor. I can be superstitious at times - I think Karma's a real thing, but that's just me. It works in weird ways, though... A lot of bullies in school yards get suspended, or end up getting treated even worse than the victim, and some of them even get prosecuted and put in detention centers. It all varies, doesn't it?" He chuckled a little and occasionally lifted a hand up to the young girl to check that she wasn't too cold.

".. When we arrive, I've been told to take you to a non-disclosed location... It's just to make sure that everything's all clear for you and your girls. You'll all be together, and you'll all be safe... From what I understand, the place is quite nice. It's not a prison or anything." He gave a soft chuckle under his breath. (@Axel1313)
"I don't blame any of you for not being able to save him....you did what you could and he chose to sacrifice himself for us." She smiled sadly. "When everything is settled again I will make sure he has a proper remembrance."

Her smile brightened as Margaret shifted to wrap her little arms around Nick's neck. "I believe that Karma is real as well. As long as you do good things, you will get good things in return. And those who do bad things will get what they deserve in the end." She shifted Alice to a more comfortable position on her shoulder. "As long as it is a safe place I do not care. All that matters is ensuring that we are no longer in harm's way."(@DrTrollinski )
"Of course." He said, smiling a little. He held the girl close as they slowly approached the airport. When they finally did get there, after sharing only small-talk and fear when they thought they'd spotted the people who were hunting them, they eventually made their way through one of the side gates, and Nick lead them around the edge of the runway until they were met with a little private jet. Slim-bodied, white and shiny, and one pilot waiting patiently with a cup of coffee and a book in hand.

"Here we are..." He said, holding Margaret close as he made his way up the steps and into the plane itself. He smiled. There were six seats in the center, all black leather - in front of them was a table; there was a little cupboard not far from the cockpit that presumably held all of the food and drinks. He looked off towards the back of the plane and lead Colette down there. As they walked through, there was another door on the left which lead to a small bathroom, and the rest of the room held a double bed and some simple furnishings. He walked up and slowly set Margaret down on one side of the bed, smiling softly as he pulled the blanket over her and tucked her in. He pulled the other side of the blanket over so that there was a place for Colette to put Alice down. His legs were tired, but Colette and the kids came first. (@Axel1313)

Colette set Alice down next to Margaret before heading back to the small bathroom to freshen up. Washing as much of the filth out of her hair and off of her face as she could before returning to the bed area. "Monsieur Nick....thank you so much for getting us out of there safely." She leaned up to give him a small peck on the cheek in appreciation.(@DrTrollinski ~ darn tablet....it's being a pain today..)
".. There's no need to thank me." He smiled and lead her through to the room and allowed her to take a seat. He sat down opposite her and then leaned back, smiling a little. ".. I may have been hired to do what I did, but I wasn't hired to care." He smiled warmly. ".. I suppose that makes me a good worker, and I'll take your thanks for that." He said, smiling at her and taking a deep breath. The jet slowly began to move forward - Finally, they were definitely safe at long last.

".. How old are your girls?" He asked her. ".. I was probably briefed on that, but all I know are the names. I'm too tired to remember how old they are." He chuckled lightly under his breath.


Johnathan received a montage of pictures to his phone long after Michael drifted back off to sleep; Alexandra had made him, Isaac, and herself at least half a dozen cups of coffee while they were waiting for more news - She'd tried to reach the man who had texted her, but after asking if he was available or not, she feared for the worst when she got no response. She didn't tell John that, though.

Who were the pictures from? None other than Vincent Amari.

'With the passes I got, one of the activities included was t-shirt designing.' The first one said. First there was a picture of Amari alongside the message that said 'The boys helped me with this one' and it displayed him wearing a white t-shirt that was covered in printed smiley faces and words like 'dad', 'cool', 'awesome', and 'funny' - there were also random drawings all over it. It was obvious whose drawing belonged to who. Or so he thought.

Then a picture of Joseph came up, captioned with 'He did this all himself.' - The picture displayed Joseph in a white t-shirt as well, and he was wearing one that looked pretty fancy. In the center of his chest, there was his name in fancy writing - it was hand written, too.


On either side of his name, there were two large skulls on either side, all looking quite retro and colored mostly in black, with simple white lining and coloring to show the indentations and the skull itself, and such.


There was also some color on it so that it didn't look too morbid. There was an American flag printed on one of his shoulders, and an Italian one on the other. Overall, it was pretty impressive artwork for a ten-year-old.

Then there was another, this time of little George wearing not only his white shirt, but a shy smile as well. He had his name in the center once again, but his drawing and writing was nowhere near as good as Joseph's. There were yellow and orange smiley faces that covered the shirt surrounding his name - they all went in a circle in his chest, too.



'It's really late now. I just stayed up to send you these. Me and the boys will see you in a couple of days!' (@Axel1313)​
"They are three years old. Going to be turning four in a few months." She smiled sweetly and leaned back in her chair. She was still holding back the tears and emotion from everything earlier, but showed no signs of it. She was waiting until she was in her loves arms for that. For now she pushed it all back with the wonderful feeling of finally being safe.


'Haha! Looks like you've got a couple of master artists there!' He messaged back. Quickly taking a picture of Michael sleeping peacefully in his lap. It took a few shots to make it look like he was still at Amari's though. 'Everything's been great here! No troubles at all! Can't wait to see you guys again in a few days :) '

What else could he do but lie? Amari was still on vacation with his boys, he couldn't ruin that right now by telling him that not only where him and Michael nearly assassinated, but that his own family had been attacked as well and that he had also been working with the CIA to take out another big figure in La Desierta.(@DrTrollinski )
"That's wonderful." He smiled. "I might try and trace my high school sweetheart when I get back. Hopefully this CIA guy will give me enough money to settle down for a while, get a nice suburban house." He smiled, he slowly rose up once the plane was in the air and went to the walk in closet; he came back with a few pairs of flight socks and dropped one pair on her lap. "Put those on. Rest up, I'll go and make sure your two girls are wearing some as well, DVT can strike on flights if you're not moving around enough." He added.

He wandered off into the back and carefully slipped the little girls' shoes and socks off, being careful not to wake them. He carefully put the flight socks on their tiny feet and then tucked them back in before going back to Colette and sitting opposite her, he then started to put them on himself.

"All good." He smiled. (@Axel1313 - last post here. Night!)
"Hopefully, it would be wonderful if you could find her and settle down." Her smile widened as she watched him go put the socks on the girls for her. He didn't need to do that, but it was a sweet gesture. "Thank you..I know I said it before, but we truly do appreciate all of this." She slipped off her shoes and socks and replaced them with the flight socks. Then relaxed back in the chair again. (@DrTrollinski ~ Noapte buna!)
".. It's the least I can do, Colette." He muttered, calmly. He had taken a liking to her and the girls. They were good people. ".. I've got a feeling that I'm going to be spending some time with the three of you for a while after we arrive. The CIA said that my mission parameters weren't limited. Seeing as that may be the case, I'm glad that I'm on good grounds with you and haven't managed to become hated by either of the children." He chuckled a little and then yawned, looking out of the window of the plane. It was nice to think that they'd be leaving Paris soon.


Amari would be pissed if he found out about the CIA. Hell, the whole family would, for obvious reasons. He'd be happy about the co-leader being killed off, but the CIA? Come on, man... Inside, he'd probably be grateful for being lied to so he could spend the time with his boys. While he snuggled up into his bed after looking at the two kids for a moment, whom of which were fast asleep and hugging each other again, he took out his phone once more and then texted something back.

'Honestly, I had no idea that Joseph was that good at drawing; I knew his handwriting was good, but I didn't think it was THAT good, lol. We did some adventure trail thing today, it was included with the passes I got for the boys - they both had fun, and they made a couple of knew friends who are going to be doing the same activities with them. Tomorrow they're doing 'build your own animal friend', or something. I think Joseph's settled on a wolf, and George has settled on a tiger :) This one package I got gives us Pizza on two nights. A large pepperoni, which we had for dinner :) The kids also got their own personalized cola cups today, and they have free refills for the entire stay. I got a breakfast package, too, and that gives us breakfast from Johnny Rockets every morning - on that activity, the kids got 10 arcade tokens, so we'll head to the arcade here tomorrow and chill out there for a while. I'll tell you more about the stuff we did at some point. Goodnight!' (@Axel1313)

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