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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"I am glad that we've met a kind man such as yourself who has helped so much. It was your mission, but thank you for being so kind to me and my daughters and risking your life for us." She smiled sweetly. "I am sure that the girls will warm up to you a lot for as long as you must keep us, Maybe even see you as an uncle." A bright little chuckle escaped.


'Wow! Now you're just making me jealous! ;P Michael and I can't wait to hear all the stories from you guys once you get back and see those shirts and stuffed animals in person. I think our days here will just be napping and lounging around the house, because this little guy may be little but he's a little spitfire! Got me so exhausted. Goodnight Boss.' More lies, but it was all in good intentions. He'd tell Amari the truth as soon as he got back from the trip.
"Maybe, maybe." He gave a warm smile. "I'll do what I can while I'm with you. I can cook, so if you ever need breakfast in bed on one morning let me know." He let out a laugh and then reached down into a bucket of ice that was sitting on the floor, pulling out a bottle of champagne and inspecting. "You want to celebrate us getting out of there alive? If not, I'll get you a glass of water." He chuckled as he set the bottle down on the table.


Vincent smiled and then tucked himself up a little more, looking over at the boys before closing his eyes. The pizza they had was nice, but he knew that Joseph wasn't all that good with greasy foods. Oh well, that was something they could deal with in the morning.


".. How's Michael?" Alexandra asked, reaching over to gently stroke Michael's cheek while he slept. "There's some diapers, milk, and wipes in the office if you need them at any point." She smiled. (@Axel1313)

(@DrTrollinski ~ sorry if I look at it but don't respond sometimes...classes usually drag me away.)

"That is a kind offer, but no thank you. Small as they may be they are veeery picky. That and I love cooking so much. I even dream of opening my own restaurant some day." She smiled brightly. "And we may as well celebrate. We got out of there alive."


"Michael's doing great!" He smiled happily and held the baby at his shoulder again. "He's beginning to fall asleep. So he should be no problem now."
"Wonderful." He smiled. He walked over to the cupboard and pulled out two glasses before walking back over to the table and placing them both down; he shook the bottle, popped the cap with a small laugh, and then poured two glasses of champagne and slid one over to Colette. He picked up his own and then held his glass up in the air. ".. To... A new start." He smiled and held his glass out, waiting for her to chime her own against his.


"I see... Can I get you anything, Johnathan...? It's incredibly late. I'm surprised you're getting texts from people during the early hours of the morning." She chuckled a little. The conversation between the two caused Isaac to wake up, but it didn't seem to anger him. (@Axel1313)
"To a new start!" She cheered happily and raised he glass to clink it against his. Then took a sip. She wasn't a drinker at all really, but a little celebratory champagne felt nessecary right now.


"Maybe a little more coffee? I'm going to be awake until he's sound asleep." He chuckled. "And yeah...but they're from my Boss. Showing me how good of a time he and the boys are having. Makes me happy to see them happy like that." (@DrTrollinski )
He sipped his own and smiled as he leaned back in his seat. ".. I know it's not really any of my business, Colette... You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but... I only know a little about the father of your children... I don't expect you to know why you were attacked, because not even we know that, but... I'm curious about why you were so far away from him, that's all." He said.


".. Alexandra." Isaac sighed, before she could speak, she frowned and quickly maneuvered her slim-built figure around to face him. She put on a friendly smile once her eyes met his. She raised one eyebrow in question, and Isaac simply sighed. ".. Would--.. Would you like to forget about work tomorrow and go out for a drink?" He asked, nervously. She walked over and pecked him on the cheek and stood up, smiling.

"I would love to." She said, and then she wandered off to the kitchen and started making the coffee.

Isaac looked at Johnathan, his eyes wide. He took a deep breath and started fanning himself - God. It looked like he was going on a date. (@Axel1313)
"He felt that it was getting too dangerous in the city. Especially the part we were living in. So he wanted me and the girls to live with my brother until he finally found a safer place for us all. " She shook her head. "And all I really know with that is that he had a big debt that his father had left on him that he wanted to pay off...he didn't tell us how he was going to do that, but he wanted us safe before while he did that."


"Good job buddy!" Johnathan looked over at him with a bright smile and gave him a thumbs up. " Looks like you've got yourself a date big guy. How does that feel?"(@DrTrollinski )
".. I see." He sighed a little. ".. Debt's a horrible thing. It's a lot like holding a grudge, but debt is far more... stressful." He said. "It's nice to see that you both thought about your children before anything. I'm going to guess that's what most parents do - it was the same for me when I was a child, and I've always assumed it's the same for everyone else." He smiled and shrugged and sipped his drink, taking a slow look around the plane. God, it was quiet in here when no one was talking. You could hardly hear the engine. ".. Like I said, I'm not sure how long I'll be with you, but... I hope things go well. You're the sort of person I'd like to keep in touch with, even after the job's done. Of course, if you'd rather me be gone, I'd take no offence. A lot of clients are like that, and I've sort of got used to it." He said, giving a half smile, shrug, and sigh.


"It feels... It feels great, but strange at the same time." He chuckled a little and then went over to sit on the same couch as Johnathan, leaning back onto it when he sat down. He sat down on the other side so that there was room for Alexandra between the two of them. ".. I was thinking about when I was going to ask that from the moment we woke up under that rubble, you know." He said. (@Axel1313)
"Mmhmm. We did not even have to argue about the subject. We both agreed that it was the best for the girls." She nodded. A bright smile decorating her face. "I hope you do keep in touch. You seem like such a nice, gentle man. We would love nothing more that to know you and have you as a friend."


"It's a good thing you did, if you let the opportunity pass you may never see it again." He leaned back on the couch. By now Michael was sound asleep on his shoulder. "Bet it was more nerve wracking that dealing with that guy though. Most of the time things so simple as that are."(@DrTrollinski )
"Then I'll be happy to stick around." He smiled at her and then sipped on his drink once more. ".. It would be appreciated. My job never allowed me to stay in more than one place... I moved States a lot. Been right from the West Coast all the way to he East Coast, then all the way up North, and then down South." He chuckled a little. ".. I got paid well, yeah, but after the first few years... It wasn't about the money anymore. I started the job young at eighteen, and there was training all over the country. By the time I was twenty, I was doing work abroad." He chuckled and yawned. ".. What sort of job do you do? Or... Did you do?" He asked.


".. I'm used to hunting high-priority targets." He said. ".. The whole dating scene is new to me. Any pointers?" He asked as he yawned once again, covering his mouth. (@Axel1313)
"I do not have a job yet, but I am training to become a chef some day. Johnathan scolded me not to get a job or do anything like that yet though." She smiled sweetly. "But he only did that because he said he was saving the money to send me to the best culinary school that we could afford. The silly fool." She chuckled. "Sometimes he cares too much about making sure we have the best. Runs himself right into the ground just for that."


Johnathan shrugged. It had been quite some time since he'd been on a date like that..."I dunno...be polite and just be yourself? That's pretty much all I've got for ya on the subject." (@DrTrollinski )
".. He shouldn't do that. From what I've gathered, you seem to be a good enough chef as it is. You love cooking, and that's a start." He smiled. ".. Honestly, I'll be the judge when I've tasted something you've made, but if you're passionate about cooking, you don't need the culinary school. Save that money and open up a little bistro, or something. The most you'll need for that is a management course which you can do over a month." He smiled at her and shrugged again. ".. You should get some rest before we arrive, by the way... I've been told to wake the three of you up five hours before the end of the flight. Don't worry, though. I've got something to keep the girls entertained for the rest of the flight when they get up. I hope they like videos of animals being stupid." He chuckled a little and drank down the rest of his champagne.


"Fair enough." He sighed.

Alexandra walked back in only moments later with three cups of coffee. She set the cups down on the coffee table in front of them all and then smiled as she yawned and leaned back. ".. Johnathan... There's a crib in the office room, if you want to put Michael down for a rest in there." She offered with a gentle smile. (@Axel1313)
"Don't worry. He always says that but knows that he can't stop me if I want to open up my own business." She chuckled. Finally finishing her champagne. "Oh there's nothing they love more than watching videos of animals." She smiled sweetly and stood up. "If we are to be awake that long before the end of the flight then I suppose I will get some rest. You should get some too, it looks like you need it." One last sweet smile and she disappeared into the bedroom to fall asleep with her girls.


"I think I will go tuck him in. Love him to death, but it is nice to not have to worry about him in my arms for a bit." He smiled and went to tuck Michael in the crib. He then returned and plopped back down on the couch again to enjoy the coffee.(@DrTrollinski )
".. I will, Colette." He smiled and then lied back in his chair. He was fine with sleeping here. He shut his eyes and then slowly drifted off to sleep - they were going to have a good five hours sleep before they woke up. Chances were that Nick was only going to sleep for a couple of hours, anyway. He felt restless.


"You should probably join him." Isaac chuckled. "You look like you're running on fumes. If anyone needs the sleep, it's you." He added. "You can take one of the bedrooms or the couch. Your choice." He said. (@Axel1313)
Colette slipped into the bed as quietly as she could as to not disturb the girls. Giving them each a little peck on the cheek before curling up next to them and falling asleep. She was so exhausted that it took hardly any time at all for her to drift off.


"I am, but can ya blame me really? I've pretty much been on panic mode since they attacked us in the park." He chuckled and finished his coffee before standing up. "So I'm definitely going to take up your offer on one of those bedrooms." He yawned. "I'll see you two whenever I wake up again."(@DrTrollinski )

Nick had been awake for a couple of hours now. He walked off into the back bedroom and smiled a little at the three that were sleeping on the bed. He didn't want to wake them, but it was one of his orders. He walked over to Margaret's side of the bed and leaned over her to shake Colette's shoulder gently to wake her up.

Then, with the girl who he was most trusted by, he shook her tiny shoulder as gentle as he could and whispered a little.

"Hey, Margaret... It's time to wake up." He said in the calmest and warmest tone possible. (@Axel1313)
"Mmmm...is it time to get up already?" Colette groaned and uncurled with a sleepy smile.

Margaret opened her bright blue little eyes when she heard her name. She recognized his face, this was the man that held her when she was crying earlier. She smiled shyly and giggled. Pulling a little swath of covers up to hide her face a bit.(@DrTrollinski )
(Cool. I'm going to catch some sleep, then. Goodnight! I'll make a post when I get up in the morning.)

'Nick' got Margaret up eventually, and then he took her and Alice back through to the main part of the plane where he sat them down on either side of him and got the videos up on his laptop. He pulled the table a little closer and sat the laptop down on that, and then started playing the videos of funny cats, dogs, birds, and other animals that were worth watching - he had a whole compilation that took up about half of his hard drive, so he hoped it'd keep the girls entertained. He just let them sit on either side of him and then do whatever - sit back and watch, lean against one of his arms to watch - whatever it was, he didn't mind.


When they finally arrived, they were met straight away by a random man who forced them all into the back of a black car, and then drove them off to an apartment. It was an apartment in mid-NY, so it wasn't that fancy. It had two bedrooms, and one bathroom. All the other stuff was very... Basic. The CIA also said that Nick now had to have his name changed, for odd reasons. It was sad. For now, he had his first name as 'Frank' - He didn't know what he'd have his last name as.

Four Days Later

Amari had been back for a day, and the first thing they did was call Johnathan back to the house so they could see him and Michael after what felt like years. There were hugs all around from the two boys, as well as them showing him everything they'd gotten up to and all of the pictures their father had taken of them. It looked like they really had a good time, and now, it was clear that the father-son relationships were better than ever, and now Amari really did look like a father who put his children before everything else - he seemed a lot warmer, and a lot nicer, but for some reason...

He also looked a little sad.

Things moved on, but Johnathan was told today that there was a social gathering happening later on at The Black Sun's manor. It was odd, and Amari was curious to who was going to be there, but now it was a matter of getting prepared. He had the boys gone to dig out their suits, and he was also wearing what he could find. It was only early, but it was worth getting ready beforehand, that way they wouldn't have to rush around for it an hour before they left.

"So, Johnathan..." Amari sighed a little and smiled as he buttoned up his shirt while looking out of the back doors into the yard. "How was the week?" He asked. "Anything interesting happen? I do hope you weren't too bored here." He chuckled a little.


Frank slowly awoke and sat up from the couch. He let the two girls have the room he could have had that had the double bed, and he let Colette have the room he could have had as well. It was really early, nine o'clock or so, and yet they were bound to this place for another day. They weren't allowed to leave. If they wanted groceries or anything like that, they had to dial '54321' and it would send them straight to one of the mystery men that first escorted them to this place. Over the course of the half a week that went by, Frank made the effort to make sure the girls were a little more comfortable in his presence, and he made sure that they were happy where there.



(@Beowulf - Feel free to write something up for TBS - I don't have time, gotta' head to school soon.)

"Can I leave you two to get cleaned up now that your hair's been washed?" He asked Adrian and Nathaniel. They looked at him and smiled.

"We can, daddy." Nathaniel said softly as he looked down at the water and knocked a rubber duck across it. Nick had gotten the boys into the bath - they both needed to look good before everyone got here later tonight. Rick had ordered their little dark silver suits, shoes, and belts, so they were going to look pretty good. Nick and Rick were going to be wearing their signature suits, of course.

He went and found Rick in his office.

".. Brother, is everything prepared for tonight? Our Butler is hard at work preparing the meals for tonight?" He asked. (@Beowulf)

(@Beowulf, @Axel1313)

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