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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

A little chuckle escaped when he heard Michael giggle at him. Those eyes and that sweet little smile made him smile and hold him closer. "Right...right." He sniffled. "I....I need to watch him like Amari asked..."


"Shhh shhh. It is alright little ones." She cooed in her sweet , gentle French accent as they wandered the empty streets. Out of breath from fleeing so quickly she stopped to take a seat in an empty bus stop. As soon as she flopped down into the seat she hugged her girls close and began to sob with them. Finally taking in all of the fear and confusion that they had escaped from.(@DrTrollinski )
"Yeah, you do that." She smiled at him. "Would you like some coffee?" She asked as she slowly rose up from sitting beside him.


".. Possible match..." The driver murmured as he pulled up on the side of the street and peered off towards the bus stop. ".. Think that's our girl?" He asked.

"Got kids with her."

"Then it's her, isn't it?" He asked. There was a long silence. ".. Holy shit, I don't know. Let's just wait." He mumbled in shame. (@Axel1313)
"Yeah....yeah...I would love some coffee right now..." He smiled slightly and cradled Michael in his arms. "Some nice black coffee.."


After taking several minutes to catch her breath she wiped the tears from her face and stood up. Leaning over to pick up the two girls again. Holding one on each shoulder she started walking away from the bus stop. "Come on mes petites...we had better keep moving...we do not know if anybody else is after us."(@DrTrollinski )
She went off to the kitchen of the apartment and then started making some hot black coffee for him. It was a nice blend of beans, for sure. She didn't know if he wanted sugar with that, so she filled a jar with some sugar cubes while she prepared the coffee; meanwhile, Michael lied on his lap, happily cooing and gurgling away once again.


"That's our bird." The driver said, he quickly slammed the van into gear and sped over to them, screeching it to a half before hopping out and standing in front of them all, holding up a hand in front of them as he spoke. "Ma'am. You're in grave danger. You need to come with us." He ordered. He was happy that they'd managed to find them alive. (@Axel1313)
"You're so lucky....y'know that little man?" He smiled sadly as he tickled the giggling infants tummy. Getting little squeals of laughter from him. "You don't have a single care in the world."


Colette jumped when the van rushed up to them so quickly and even more so when the man hopped out of it. She had been through enough this evening, this was the last thing she needed. "Wh-what? Wh-who are you? What do you want from us!" She stuttered. Holding the girls more protectively.(@DrTrollinski )
He laughed and held up his hands towards him, grinning. Soon enough, Alexandra came back with a cup of coffee and set it down on the coffee table in front of him. ".. There's your coffee, John." She smiled.


"Who I am doesn't matter. I've been hired by the CIA to come and retrieve you and take you to a safe location. Right now, you're being hunted by one of the most ruthless Cartels in New York City. Are you going to come with us now?" He asked. (@Chris Wyman - You can put up the dock post, if you wish)

(@Kiclack - You around?)
"Laugh at me will ya? Well I'm gonna get ya for that little man!" He chuckled and leaned down to blow a raspberry on his little tummy. His little arms and legs flailed away and he giggle like mad with Johnathan did that. "Thank you." He looked up at Alexandra as she brought the coffee in. He moved Michael back up to his shoulder before taking a sip of it.


"Th-the CIA?" She looked at him with bright blue eyes filled with fear and confusion. "B-but I don't understand....why did they send you to protect us from those men...or..or better yet...why are those men even after us?"(@DrTrollinski )
"Well not if speak to me like that..." She looked at him with a slight scowl. Her gut told her that she could trust this man though, so she did walk towards the back doors of the vehicle.(@DrTrollinski )
(sorry I took so long. was at a party.)

"I'm not here to be nice to you, sweetheart." He said as he ushered her and the girls into the back of the van and then locked the doors. There was one other man in the back with them, and he seemed to look a lot more friendly than the rest of them. The van instantly sped off as the main man made it back to the driver's seat. They were headed straight to the airport.

".. Hello." The man in the back with them muttered. His tone was a lot more gentle and friendly than the other man's. (@Axel1313)

"Hmph....well then I will not be so nice to you either." She huffed. Buckling up the girls up securely and kissing there foreheads before taking a seat herself.

"Hello." She greeted the other man with a sweet smile. He seemed much more friendly and approachable. "I think you need to teach your friend there some manners...." (@DrTrollinski )
"Let me give you the honest truth. We've just flown over from NYC. He's tired. He was upset when he found the house ablaze - he thought we'd lost all of you." He shrugged a little and smiled. "We've got a private jet waiting for us at the airport, so you and your girls will have a chance to get some rest soon." He said, he put his laptop down beside him and then leaned forward to see the girls - he leaned down so that they didn't feel too intimidated. "Who have we got here, then?" He asked softly. (@Axel1313)

Another little huff escaped. "Hmph.. He thinks that he's had it difficult tonight." She crossed her petit arms over her chest and shot the driver a little frown. Wiping off a small stream of tears from her already wet cheeks she turned back to the other man. "I cannot wait for a chance to rest...." She smiled as the girls looked at the man curiously when he leaned over to talk to them. They didn't respond though, only giggle and turn away shyly.

"Alice and Margaret." She chuckled. "They are usually a lot more talkative than this."(@DrTrollinski )
".. Not to worry." He smiled. ".. I only have a small amount of experience with children... My work-for-hire job never really allowed me to settle down." He chuckled a little and then looked up at her. ".. Colette, if I'm not mistaken?" He asked her, leaning back in his seat a little. The van occasionally jumped as the engine stalled, but it was certainly better than wandering the lonely streets of Paris with killers on the loose. (@Axel1313)
"Mmhmm." She nodded. Fixing the girl's hair before looking back up at him. "How did you know about us?" She asked curiously."All I know is you were sent by the CIA. but why? We have done nothing to provoke an attack from men like that, so why were you involved?"(@DrTrollinski )
He sighed. ".. I'm afraid we're in no position to tell you that, ma'am. We've been given orders to come and stop you from getting killed. We have to leave everything else to the guys upstairs. I apologize, but I can't tell you anything more. I do guarantee that you'll be safe, though. That's as much as I'm allowed to tell you." He said. He picked up his laptop again and started to go through some files. He had some videos that he downloaded beforehand - dozens of videos of funny cats and other animals. All kids loved that sort of stuff, so once he turned the WiFi off when they got on the plane, he had something to keep the girls occupied. They needed to be awake at least five hours before the end of the flight, that was an odd order, but apparently it was necessary.

"Text the head and tell him that we've got them." He driver muttered to the man in the shotgun seat. The man simply nodded and pulled out his phone, quickly sending a text to Isaac's phone.


The phone on the table went off. Alexandra went over and stared at it in awe, not saying a word to Johnathan. (@Axel1313)
She frowned and looked away again. "Alright..... I suppose if you cannot tell me there is no use in asking any more questions on the subject." She leaned back in her seat with a sigh. "Is there any chance I could freshen up on the way there? I feel so covered in filth and just want to wash it all away..."


Johnathan was still distraught, but at least playing with Michael was getting his mind off of things for the time being.(@DrTrollinski )
"The jet will have a place that you can wash up. A small bathroom. It's not much, but it's something." He sighed and leaned back in his seat. ".. You know, on the first job I ever did, I--"

Bang. Something hit the side of the van and they instantly felt it spinning out of control. They were so close, and they didn't even have belts in the back. He dived forward and grabbed onto whatever he could, shielding Colette and the girls from any damage. The most that would have happened was Colette hitting her head against the side of the van, seeing as the man had his arms around the two girls to ensure they weren't harmed. He was thrown off against the door once they ended up going backwards into a small little coffee house - what a shame. The back of the van was literally a couple of feet away from the back wall, but whatever had hit them had hit them deliberately. He flew against the doors, and it felt like he'd broken his back, but he could still move.


"You'll be happy to know that they've found Colette and your two daughters, John. They're all safe." She smiled at him and went to sit beside him. ".. Good news travels slow, remember." She said, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. (@Axel1313)
The girls screamed and began to sob again. Colette tried to reach for them but her head hit the back of the van and she blacked out for a moment. She had no idea what had happened, all she knew was that when she came too again they were stopped and the man was shielding her and the girls. "Wh-what happened? What is going on?"


"Really?!" He looked up at Alexandra excitedly. "Oh thank God! I thought I had lost them!" He leaned over and wrapped his arms around her. He was so happy and relieved to have gotten this news. (@DrTrollinski )
".. Jesus..." He pulled out a gun from the back of his pants and quickly cocked it, looking towards the door before turning and kicking it over and over until it eventually flew open. A gunshot was heard as a bullet went through the windscreen and hit the driver in the head; the man riding shotgun quickly scrambled into the back with them and urged them all towards the back doors. "For the record, I'm Nick." The man said, that was the guy who was sitting in the back with them. As they were about to scramble out of the back doors, another gunshot came through and struck the remaining man in the back. He went down like a rock. Nick gasped and quickly ushered the two girls and Colette out of the back door, and then he turned around to lay down some suppressing fire. Four shots, one of them hitting one of his targets, and in the split second of all the chaos and the crying, he swept one of the two girls up in his arm and dashed for the back door alongside Colette. Both girls would weigh her down too much, so this was the most he could do for her.

"This way." He said as he made a dash Northwards down the alley.

It all happened so fast.


She hugged him back and smiled. ".. Keep in mind that you won't be able to see them right away when they get here, John... We need to keep them in a safe and non-disclosed location in the city until everything's been dealt with... Do you want them to know the truth?" She asked. (@Axel1313)
Colette screamed and instantly picked up the girls and ran after Nick. Not even hesitating to question what he told her to do. She was glad that he helped her carry one of them, even though the poor thing bawled loudly and clung tightly to him. They would never have been able to escape as quickly if he hadn't done that.


"I figured that much, you can't exactly travel from Paris to the States in the blink of an eye." He chuckled. "As for the truth?....." He let out a heavy sigh. "I do want them to know it, I'd rather tell them myself though, but if they ask then just tell them."(@DrTrollinski )
"Shh, shh, shh... It's okay, it's okay..." Nick soothed the young child as she clung to him. It was the best he could do right now - Things weren't okay, but he hoped she could find comfort in his voice. He lead them down the street and through another back alley, quickly leading them into the garden of a little bistro. He went over to one of the corners in the yard and sighed, setting the young girl down beside him. He hugged her. He was terrified as well. He just hugged her and gently rubbed her back, his gun held at his side.

"You need to be quiet, okay... Just--.. Just try and stop crying. We need to hide." He said, the girl's face against his chest just to make sure that her cries were muffled. (@Axel1313)
The little girl buried her face in his chest and sobbed. She didn't even care who it was, as long as it was a soothing she clung to it. Colette did the same for the other little girl. Tears were streaming down her own face, but she kept quiet and soothed the little girl.

"Shh.shhh. mes petites....we need to be quiet okay?" She cooed softly. "Everything is going to be alright."(@DrTrollinski )

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