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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

(@Chris Wyman - I've got an idea for that, but I'll implement it later on.)

"I see, yeah." She smiled and scratched her thigh. ".. I've never had children, so I wouldn't know too much about it. The closest thing I ever had to that was caring for my baby brother when he was younger." She laughed a little. "Our parents had busy jobs." She said. (@Axel1313)
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"Just imagine it as your parents taking time off of their jobs to spend time with you. That's basically what Amari has done for his boys." He smiled.(@DrTrollinski - might be a bit slow responding today. A door attacked my hand and now it hurts to type...)
"Aw... That's quite sweet when you put it like that." She smiled. "The last time we looked in on Amari was when his... second son was first born. A long time ago." She laughed a little. "How old's that one now? He's got to be six or seven, surely." She added. (@Axel1313)
"Yeah, Amari may be cold on the outside, but he's actually a pretty sweet and caring guy" He smiled. "George? I believe he is six years old now. Don't take my word for it though, I'm terrible when it comes to remembering stuff like that."(@DrTrollinski )
"Aw." She smiled. ".. Indeed... Amari's got quite a... violent history." She sighed and rubbed the back of her head. ".. Had a beautiful wife... We only have some basic information on what may have happened to her... It's a real shame. He lived for her. And their children, obviously." She smiled and stood up, walking over to John and Michael; she gently tickled Michael's cheek with one finger. ".. Six years has gone so fast." She gave a sad smile as she looked over the infant. (@Axel1313)
Today was the day, the day of the big social gathering called a party. He was never good with naming things, that was Nick's area of expertise. And no doubt if it wasn't named by either of them, it would still be dubbed something by the public. 'Oh well.' he thought to himself as he straightened his tie. He was wearing a classic combonation of black suit with a red tie, simple yet giving off the sense of power none the less. And what more, the tie was silk, fancy fancy. Once hw deemed everything to be as it should be, he walked outside to meet the first visitor that showed up.

(@DrTrollinski got term paper stuff to do but will be on soon enough.)
"I can tell that he does, that's why I hope that you can help us find her." He smiled as she tickled Michael's cheek. "I wouldn't know about six years going by quickly, but it sounds like you've been on this case and watching them for quite some time. Watching Amari and his family grow..." He looked at her a little sadly. That had to be tough to watch, especially if you wanted a family of your own.(@DrTrollinski )
".. Hm." She replied, her smile turning even more sad. She wished she could have a family, but her job limited her so much. ".. The last time we checked in, his youngest son was four years old." She smiled a little and then turned away, going back to her seat. ".. Sometimes it was every day we watched him. Others it was every week, and then eventually every month... Then we stopped." She sighed and looked down at the ground. ".. He may be a killer, but he's a good man, nonetheless. A good father. I didn't want him to go to prison, so I made sure any investigations were stopped... He soon proved to be more of an ally anyway." She explained, at that moment then, Isaac came up in the elevator and stepped out of it. (@Axel1313)
(@Beowulf - Oh, Jesus... Hang with us a while? We're in a position where it's a little hard to jump to that. Me and Kiclack can stay in the same place, though. I misunderstood. I'll tag you when we can move it on.)
"That's real sweet of you." He gave her a warm smile. "I bet he'd appreciate it a lot if he found out that you did that for him." His attention immediately turned to Isaac as he entered the room. "Hey, that was a lot longer than a minute you know?" He teased.(@DrTrollinski )
".. I know." He grumbled as he walked through to a room behind them and disappeared for a few moments, he came back with a phone and then sat down beside Alexandra and put the phone on the table in front of them. ".. Ready to make the call?" He asked as he looked at Johnathan. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan looked down at it and sat down with a heavy sigh. "As ready as I'll ever be...I just...want to get this over with as quickly as possible." He hugged Michael close. "And hope that it's good news..."(@DrTrollinski )
Isaac dialed one number and then leaned back in his chair after putting it on loudspeaker.

"Go." A voice called out after five rings. It was a man's voice, raspy.

"Isaac here. What's your status on the assignment?" He asked, there was a long pause.

".. The place is gone, man." He choked, Isaac's eyes went wide and he quickly sat up and bent over, leaning forward over the coffee table while he stared down at the phone while checking the number. He knew it was the right number he'd called, he just didn't want this to be the truth. It couldn't be. That sort of scenario was too horrific to even imagine.

"What do you mean it's gone?!" He asked. Michael let out a little whimper as he yelled.

".. I mean it's gone... The place, it's--.. Holy shit, it's on fire, it's burning up... We couldn't even get inside, man... There was a guy's body on the floor, but that was it... We couldn't see anything else, but there was blood everywhere... And--.. and bullet casings, I just... I don't know... Anyone caught in this fire was killed. There's no way they got away from something like this." He explained. There was a long silence.

".. Until you get a confirmation on who's dead, you keep looking for our targets. Is that understood?" Isaac said. Alexandra had already bowed her head and covered her mouth. She felt terrible for Johnathan.

".. Yes, sir." A voice replied, faintly, and then the phone was hung up. Isaac leaned forward and placed his hands over his face, taking a deep breath. (@Axel1313)
You could see it in his eyes, his heart shattering into a million pieces as they heard the report. He looked away from the all of them as tears stung his eyes, hugging Michael closely. He desperately wanted this to not be true...it couldn't be. They had to be alright somewhere? Right?

He was only kidding himself....how could they possibly be alive with what that guy had just described? It'd take a miracle for that to be the case.(@DrTrollinski )
Alexandra slowly got up and walked over to sit beside Johnathan, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. She looked at Michael and couldn't help but smile, but when she looked back to John she instantly felt terrible again; she gently squeezed his shoulder, and he emotion for him spoke for itself without the need for words.

Isaac stood up and suddenly launched a glass off of the table and into the air; it smashed again a wall not far from them and he instantly got up and stormed off into the office. In the mist of all the commotion, Michael started crying. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan didn't comfort Michael this time like he normally would. Instead he shut his eyes tightly. His breaths coming out sharp little gasps as he tried to resist accepting the truth. It was futile, but he was trying so hard to anyway. "I....I can't believe this is happening...It can't be."(@DrTrollinski )
".. Nothing's confirmed yet, John..." She gently rubbed his shoulder. "Your family may be okay... It must be about three o'clock in Paris... If they could only find one body, and the house was on fire... that must have been at the front door, right?" She explained, looking around for a moment. ".. I'm no expert, but in the police force, there were things like that that I've investigated. Not under the same circumstances, but... People always got out. Family of murder victims escaped... You need to have faith." She said, looking at Michael for a moment. ".. We can't make time go faster, just remember that good news travels slow." She said. ".. Right now, I think we've got other things to worry about, no?" She nodded at Michael, whom of which was screaming in John's other ear.


"Looking for a young woman. Two daughters. Keep that in mind." He said, the others merely nodded. They were the black van men.

"If they got out, they would have called the police, right?"

"No, idiot. They'd have ran as far away as possible. It's four in the morning. They're all in their PJ's and they don't have their phones nor money for payphones. At least I think they don't. Look out for a woman and two little girls wandering the streets, check any twenty-four hour service stations and coffee houses, too." He explained - one man sat in the back tapping away on a laptop. He wasn't into all the brute stuff. They continued driving through the quiet streets of Paris while smoke bellowed out above the city. They needed to find them, if they were still alive. (@Axel - Time for you to add sections in for Colette :D )
((Oh yay! It's gonna take me a little bit to think up something for her))

"Y-yeah..." He took in a shaky breath and turned his head to look at her. His eyes were red and watery. "I just hope that you're right..I really do. I don't want to lose my family." He cuddle Michael close to him. Finally trying to get the infant to calm down again.


"Come on mes petites...we've got to get as far away from there as we can. Find help and call your father." The petite woman held the sobbing little girls close as they fled from the house. Her light blonde hair was a mess, matted down slightly on one side with blood. The two little girls at her sides had tear stained faces and clung tightly to her.

They had barely gotten out of the house alive. If it hadn't been for her brother sacrificing himself for them there was no doubt that they would have been killed by those men. Who were they anyway? They did not look or sound like they were from the city at all or anywhere even close.(@DrTrollinski )
She hugged him and Michael tight. ".. Don't worry yourself. Think positive in spite of the odds. The little one here needs it more than anything right now." She smiled as she patted the infant on his head. Michael simply looked at Johnathan and gave a little giggle, without a care in the world. The little buttery smile and beautiful pair of eyes just melted Alexandra's heart.


"Circle around the general vicinity until you find them. They couldn't have gotten far." He said, scanning the empty streets that they were driving around on. ".. They couldn't have gotten far." He added. (@Axel1313)

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