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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"Hey, sometimes you gotta take a risk. You've been through a lot tougher situations, right? What's a little rejection?" He looked over at him with an eyebrow raised. "And I don't think she would deem you a creep for asking. I mean....that'd be easy compared to what I got from Colette the first times I asked her." He chuckled.(@DrTrollinski )
"Drugs, of course!" He laughed. "Three-million dollars worth of cocaine, and four-million of the finest crystal meth we've ever seen on this side of the country." He leaned back in his seat. "There's one problem. It's Death's Disciples. The crazy Russians, but that doesn't mean it isn't possible." He smirked and shrugged again. (@Chris Wyman)


".. I might give it a shot, I don't know... If I ever ended up with kids, I don't know where that would leave me with the CIA..." He sighed a little and looked around as they drove through the quiet streets. ".. With kids, I'd be running the gig alone, man." He said. (@Axel1313)
"You never know, things might not even change at all for you." He shrugged. "I don't know anything about how the CIA works and all, but I doubt they'd like to lose a star agent like you." (@DrTrollinski )
"Unless I'm going to fire myself, I don't think they will." He sighed. ".. I'm the boss of the CIA here. The Director. Quite literally, it's me and Alexandra right now." He said, looking up at some of the buildings as they drove by them. They were nearing the 'HQ' now. (@Axel1313)
Jacky's face lit up at the mention of Death's Disciples, he felt sure he could take them, but he felt that way about everyone. Frank on the other hand was more concerned at their mention. That concern went away though, or Frank threw it away, either way it wasn't there for long. Everything Frank and his brother did was going to be dangerous, so of course they were going to except. "Alright, what do you need me and Jacky Boy to do?" @DrTrollinski
".. You need to keep in mind that you're dealing with the biggest crime syndicate on this side of the country, right?" He said, seeming a little confused and surprised about their sudden enthusiasm. ".. If you're really up for it, you need to get a boat of some kind, go to the docks - the area they operate in - the scummy area of NYC. Go there, find the drugs, get 'em on the boat, get out." He said, closing his eyes and yawning. (@Chris Wyman)
"Then what do you have to worry about? You just snuck in and took out a head honcho of a major gang in town, saved me on several occasions and probably loads of other big things like that." He shrugged again. "Alexandra isn't that intimidating now is she?" He chuckled.(@DrTrollinski )
"That's what I'm worried about... She's so fragile, hence why I only go out alone..." He sighed. ".. You could throw a brick through her car window and she'd end up apologizing for it... I don't want her getting hurt out there, so I keep her working the technology." He said as the gates to the complex opened; he drove in and parked atop the platform. It slowly began to lower into the ground. (@Axel1313)
"I know." Frank said as he stood up, Jacky stood up with his brother. "We'll come back and tell you where to find the drugs, If we don't come back though, well, I don't think I need to explain." Frank said with a crooked smile. "Come on Jacky Boy." The two brother headed for the door, Franks mind already running over plans and ideas. He stopped short at the door before leaving, "What percentage is the split?" Frank wanted to make sure he was getting a good deal fro him and his brother, though he hoped he didn't overstep his bounds with the question. @DrTrollinski
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"Don't get ahead of yourself. You think the money's falling out of my ass? Worry about the money once we've got the drugs and sold them again." He yelled at them and then waved them off dismissively, leaning back in his chair again. It was late, so his kids and wife were asleep. "Go down to the docks... Call me when you get there." He instructed, yawning again. (@Chris Wyman)
"You could see that as a way to take care of her too. If ya ask her out, then you could be closer and protect her from any harm, right?" He unbuckled as soon as the platform began to lower the car. "She's probably tougher than you think too. Especially if she's working for the CIA." (@DrTrollinski )
"Who knows." He sighed. "You go ahead and go inside. I need a few minutes." He said as he turned and looked out the window. "Door code's eight-seven-six-three." He sighed. (@Axel1313)
"Alright, guess I'll see you inside." He smiled warmly and gave him a pat on the shoulder before getting out of the car. He punched in the door code and quickly headed down the hall. Eager to see Michael again and get the news about his family. Hopefully there was some and hopefully it was good.(@DrTrollinski )
As soon as Alexandra and Michael came into view, Michael reached out with a giggle of happiness and looked at him as he approached, gurgling and cooing in joy. (@Axel1313)
"Awww! Hey there little fella! Did ya miss me?" Johnathan's smile grew as he saw the baby reaching out for him, gurgling happily. "He wasn't any trouble for you was he? He can be a little fussy at times."(@DrTrollinski )
"Not at all, he's a right little angel." She smiled warmly and handed Michael off to him; Michael instantly snuggled him and put his head on his shoulder. "Not a peep out of him all night until he woke up." She added. (@Axel1313)
"That's good to hear. I was worried that he would be restless for you." He smiled and held Michael close as he snuggled up to his shoulder. "Looks like somebody missed me."(@DrTrollinski )
Alexandra simply smiled at them both. "Isaac doesn't tell me much. Are you his father or his uncle, or something?" She asked as she sat down on a nearby chair and smiled up at him. (@Axel1313 - bedtime. Noapte buna.)
"I'm actually just the babysitter." He smiled, bouncing Michael lightly as he stood there. "Although, with how close I've gotten to Amari's family I might as well be their uncle." He chuckled.(@DrTrollinski ~Noapte buna)
The Cannon brothers left the bosses house and got themselves back on the street. "Seems kind of strange doesn't it?" Jacky asked his brother Frank as the two of them pulled out cigarettes.

"What are you talking about Jacky Boy?" Frank questioned as he lit his cigarette and offered the flame to his brother. Jacky leaned forward to use the flame, lit his cigarette, and pulled back.

"Well, the boss, he didn't have any protection. No guards, no nothing." Frank chuckled at his brothers concern, which to him seemed rather childlike, and reminded him of times back when they were younger.

"Don't you worry about that Jacky Boy, I'm sure he can handle himself." Frank looked at his brother who was just standing there smoking away, he laughed. "Come on you, we have some business to take care of." The two brothers went off laughing and smoking down the street. They walked for a good bit, there pace was steady but relaxed. Seeing as the job didn't seem particularly time sensitive the two didn't bother to rush themselves, in fact Frank had planned a stop for them on the way.

"Hey Frank, shouldn't we be heading to the docks?" Jacky asked his brother as Frank lead them in the opposite direction.

"We'll take care of that later Jacky, but first we got to take care of something else." Jacky didn't know what this meant, but he trusted his brother, so he just kept following him along. Frank lead them to a small two story building on the far edge of Ninth Street, the sign on the front read "Nine Drinks." The two entered the bar, Frank unbuttoned his suit jacket, Jacky saw this and did the same. Inside the bar smoke filled the dark stuffy air. Frank looked around the room and aside from a group of guys playing pool it was pretty empty. Frank and Jacky sat down at the bar.

On the far end of the bar the bar tender wiped away at the counter, until he noticed Frank and Jacky enter into the small smoky room and sit down. The bar tender gestured for one of the men playing pool to come over, Frank saw this and whispered something to his brother. The bar tender spoke to the man who, after eying Frank and Jacky, went back to his group at the pool table. The bar tender went to Frank, and put his hands out wide on the counter leaning in close. "Can I help you boys?"

Frank looked up at him, took his cigarette, and put it out on the counter. The bar tender looked less than thrilled at this gesture. "Word on the street is you don't want our protection anymore. This isn't true now is it?"

"Listen Frank, I don't won't any trouble."

"Trouble? What trouble? We're just talking."

"Yeah okay, well, you guys charge more than some of your...competitors, you know? And I have to-"

"You have to what?" Frank slammed his fist onto the counter, the bar tender jumped.

"I-I have- I mean-I-I-"

"You greedy son of bitch! You put money above OUR friendship?" Franks voice was a mix of anger and sarcasm. Just then the group of guys playing pool started to walked towards Frank and Jacky. Jacky saw them and stood up.

"I got it Frank." Jacky said as he moved around Frank to face the group. "Alright, do you want it one at a time or all at once?" The group of guys laughed. The largest of the men stepped forward and pulled out a knife, gesturing for Jacky to come closer. Jacky laughed and pulled out the 38. from under his shoulder "Bad idea." With a crooked grin he fired twice, at close range there was no missing, the man fell. The group began to scatter two jumped out a window, one ran for the back door and another jumped over the pool table and busted out the front. Frank shot the man heading for the back door from where he sat.

The place was empty now except for Frank, Jacky and the bar tender, and a couple dead bodies if you want to count them too. "Who are they?" The bar tender was in shock and didn't answer. "Well, it doesn't matter to me, just make sure they don't come back." Frank and Jacky put away their guns and started to leave, just before Frank turned back to the bar tender, "Oh, and clean this place up, its a mess." The two brother left with a laugh and headed for the docks.

(If anyone wants to say the men the Cannon brothers shot at the bar were part of their gang then go for it! I am hoping someone claims them to build tension and get another post session going, haha. Otherwise @DrTrollinski I'll have my post at the docks up soon.)
"I see, I see." She smiled.".. You surprised me just then. I hadn't a clue that that's Amari's son - Where's Amari and his other two sons?" She asked, looking around and off towards the little office room. (@Axel1313)
"Yeah, I offered to babysit him." He winced as the infant pulled at his hair. "Amari is currently on a little vacation with his other two sons. He needed some time away with them y'know?"(@DrTrollinski )

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