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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

".. No--.." He muttered. ".. They'll be one guy heading out the main entrance. Leave him." He whispered, leaving the room and walking back down the hallway. ".. Engage the guards outside, one by one, take them out in a rotational order so that you don't raise any alarms. Look for the ones that are isolated." He whispered, sneaking down the hallway with his eyes darting around uncontrollably. (@Axel1313)
"Understood." His tone came off a bit confused as he was told to leave a guard coming out the main entrance be, but best not question orders.

Johnathan stealthily made his way around the back yard. Taking out every guard as quietly as he possibly could and making sure that nobody even knew that it was happening either. Once he was sure that all of them were taken care of he contacted Isaac again. "Back yard's all clear."(@DrTrollinski )
"Good..." He said, advancing forward. He'd reached a glass tunnel area that went through the center of the bottom of the back yard and into the next section of the house. He saw two men wandering up and down it, occasionally stopping to peer outside at the scenery. He waited for them both to be distracted and then jumped around the corner, spraying them down with a torrent of bullets from his rifle; their bodies twitched for mere seconds before they fully died off.

He made his way forward once more until he was into the second part of the estate. This place was huge; he couldn't see anyone in the main room that he entered through, but he couldn't be too careful. He slowly reloaded his gun as he peered around, and then he pulled out his pistol after slinging the rifle over his back.

"Proceed further Northwards of the house, John... You're going to lose sight of me for a while." He whispered. (@Axel1313)
"I'll make sure to keep in contact with the earpiece then until I regain sight of you again." He confirmed before proceeding farther north. He didn't like the idea of losing sight of Isaac in this place, but there wasn't much that could be done about that. He had to take out several more guards on his way, but other than that the place was fairly clear.(@DrTrollinski )
Kal vomited through the bag, and he squirmed. He never felt this bad in his entire life. "I'm sorry..." he begged, "I'm so sorry..." he shook his head, trying to regain some composure, "I tried to steal from Amari because I wanted to go....big."
Something popped out at him and he instantly shot the man in the stomach, sending him to the ground with a gasp - another one sprung around the same corner with a shotgun, but he worked too quickly for him. He grabbed the barrel of the shotgun and jolted it upwards, breaking his fingers in the process. He tossed the gun aside, and before the man could scream, he shot him in the head. As he walked by the man who he'd shot prior, he shot him in the back of the head as well. As he walked onward.

".. Be more aware, John... I was just ambushed, so they might know we're here." He said. (@Axel1313)


Nick ripped the bag off of his head and slapped him straight in the face, vomit spraying off to the side and coating a part of his hand. He gripped his hair and pulled his head back, glaring into his eyes through his sunglasses. They were in front of one huge-ass stone-based mansion, all gated and fenced off and heavily guarded.

".. You don't even have the right to say that you're sorry after all you've done." He snarled quietly. He nodded off towards the mansion. ".. How about we go inside and have a little talk? Maybe get those cuffs off and get you a drink while I explain what's going to happen from now on." He said, but then snapped back to his face. "BUT... If you try and run... I will kill you." He said, waiting for some form of compliance or an answer. (@Kiclack)
As the blinding light flashed against his eyes he immediately shut them. "Ahh"he winced as his head canted to the side, caused by the slap. Kal slowly looked around and realized that it was a heavily guarded place, nowhere to run, so he wouldn't bother to. "I won't run." he replied, voice became a bit stern.
"Good." He slowly dragged him off to the gates and walked him through as they slowly opened up before them. ".. You're staring at the most heavily-guarded facility and home on this side of the country. I can imagine that you're probably scared. The area this is in, as well as the address, will not be disclosed. Even if I told you, it's not like you're going to have the chance to do anything, anyway." He muttered, walking him up to the front door. It had a hand-scanner there, but this was some next-level shit. Hand-scanners weren't even a thing on this side of the country. It was unknown to nearly everyone - this thing scanned everything. Fingers, fingertips, the hand, and even the bottom section of the wrist. It didn't have any slots where anything could be tampered with, and the whole thing looked impenetrable. The doors slowly opened up after Nick scanned his hand through. The place was gorgeous. It was just... It was crazy, something that only the richest of the rich could afford on this side of the country. Looking around, the place was surrounded with, once again, next-level technology that no one believed could even come into this side of the USA.

The Black Sun didn't fuck around.

"So. My question to you. Dining room or living room?" He asked. (@Kiclack)
"Great...that's just what we needed right now." He grumbled. So much for this going smoothly. If Isaac was ambushed than that meant they knew they were there now, but how could they have been tipped off? It's not like they'd come barging in guns blazing or didn't watch for any signs of movement at all. "I'll keep an extra close eye on things now."(@DrTrollinski )
".. Good... It might have been a one-off - I didn't hear any radios, so they must have heard be coming down the passageway, but be careful nonetheless, over." He said. Oh dear. 'Over' - His old CIA days were coming back to him. He could never understand why he didn't go over to the rich side - I suppose he felt sorry for the people that were on this side of the country. He quickly moved forward, eventually coming to a very open and 'home-like' section of the house. ".. I think I'm close to target." He added. "You see me yet?" He asked, he could see out the main window at the back, but he wasn't sure if John was in place yet. (@Axel1313)
"Being a little loud were we?" He teased quickly. Then went straight back to focusing on the mission at hand. "I believe so." He responded. Moving around so he could peek inside easier. He had to stare for a moment, but finally determined that he was seeing Isaac. That chrome dome was not hard to spot. "Yeah, I can see you now."(@DrTrollinski )
(Chrome dome. ROFL. That's the best term for a bald guy EVER.)

".. About as loud as a fuckin' wet firework, my friend." He chuckled in a whisper as he walked forward; he saw a guard walk around by the window that was right in front of both him and Johnathan. His eyes went wide as the guard slowly turned and looked at him - He gulped, hoping that John could help him out here - a smashing window would screw them over. (@Axel1313)
"Oh now I know your lying." He teased again. It didn't take him long to spot the guard between them or that he was staring at Isaac. Johnathan instantly went silent and took him out with a quick shot to the head. "Don't worry, I got him." (@DrTrollinski )
".. Nice shot." He said, walking into the main room. He looked around for a moment and sighed. There was nothing here, but there were other rooms on the sides. ".. I'll check the rooms on the right side, first." He said. "Proceed to the East and check the first window, tell me if you see our target." He said as he made his way over to the bottom room. (@Axel1313)
"Thanks." He responded. "He's gotta be somewhere close now right? Not many other places he can hide from us.: He reloaded his gun before moving on. He headed towards the East to check the first window as instructed.(@DrTrollinski )
There was nothing in his window, and there was nothing in the room Isaac checked either. He walked over to the other side and checked the bottom room to find nothing, but Johnathan could see through the blinds of one window, that there was a man sitting at the desk in the front room.

"Nothing in here, John..." He whispered. He was getting worried now. (@Axel1313)
"I can see somebody at a desk where I am." He looked through the blinds of the window he was at quickly before ducking back down to avoid being spotted at all. "I don't know if it's our guy, but gotta be. He's the only one who's not dressed as the guards were."(@DrTrollinski )

(Time for class! I shall be back around 5ish! if I don't freeze to death first....)
".. Shoot him... Don't kill him, though." He said, creeping up to the door and standing outside it. ".. Shoot him in the back, or something." He said, taking a deep breath as he clutched his pistol tighter. (@Axel1313)
"I'm on it." Johnathan quickly stood back up and steadied his aim. Right for the center of the back, in a spot to keep him from running, but wouldn't kill him and pulled the trigger.(@DrTrollinski )
The bullet hit the window. One problem. It was bulletproof. This was definitely their guy - this was a lack of thought out ideas. As soon as the shot was heard, Isaac charged in through the door but was instantly shot in the chest; he stumbled back out of the door and then tumbled back out of the patio door and onto the stone.

"Fuck..." He choked. (@Axel1313)
"Sh**!" Johnathan grimaced as the bullet stuck in the glass. As soon as he saw Isaac take a bullet to the chest and stumble back out the door he ran to his aid. Firing off shots at the guy as he reached the patio.(@DrTrollinski )
The target only hid in cover and Isaac scrambled to his feet and dashed over to John. "Fuck my life... That cracked some ribs." He coughed and stood behind a tree. "Pistol for you. I'll use the rifle. We'll get this fucker soon." He said. (@Axel1313)
"Well at least the vest saved you from some lead in the chest." He stopped firing to duck behind the tree with him. Carefully aiming the pistol where this idiot was hiding and ready to fire as soon as he saw him move.(@DrTrollinski )
"Mhm..." He murmured. With a sigh he raised his rifle and got ready; as soon as the target tried to make a run for it, he was gunned down by Isaac and John. "He's still breathing, go and ask him anything you want." He said. (@Axel1313)

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