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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"Of course! That's why I've been calling you sir or 'that bald guy' this entire time" He responded with the utmost sarcasm. "Question is do I want to know? You're with the CIA so I dunno if I'm even supposed to know your name." (@DrTrollinski )
"Well, you know my associate's name, don't you?" He raised an eyebrow and propped his sunglasses up onto his face. ".. My name's Isaac." He said softly, pulling out his gun and inspecting it for a few moments. It sure was elegant with the gold eagle and all the special engravings. ".. I'd ask you your name, but I've know what your name is for the past month." He laughed a little. (@Axel1313)
"True true, ya got me there with knowing your associate's name." He shrugged. "And you know....you're just making things stranger and stranger knowing so much about me and my family and all that. I'd be creeped out if I hadn't been through even stranger stuff of late." He chuckled.(@DrTrollinski )
"Heh." He chuckled simply and continued leading him onward. Eventually, after trudging through the twigs and leaves, they came onto a hill that overlooked the house and its 22 acres of land. It was a fancy place, indeed. Isaac let out one slow and long whistle as he peered over it. ".. Nice place." He said, there were guards wandering about the perimeter and throughout the house - they were visible through the windows that went along the house - the boss man wasn't to be seen anywhere, though.

"Here we are..." He said as he cocked his M1911. "You ready for this?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"I'll say." Johnathan couldn't help but let out a long whistle as well as the house finally came into view. He began to get the rifle together and ready as they stared down at the estate. "I've been ready since I found out this guy threatened my family."(@DrTrollinski )
".. Don't let anger and revenge be your drive for this. Picture this as just another chance to pay off your debt. Angry people get reckless, and if you're reckless, you'll end up getting us both killed." He said. He watched one of the guards meander around to one of the bushes that was by the small little body of water that circled the house; the guard went up to it and started peeing. Isaac let out a quiet laugh as he slowly made his way forward. ".. Nice to see he's hired such respectful guards." He muttered, when he got up behind him, he put an arm over his neck and then pressed the gun against the back of his head; within another split-second he pulled the trigger and sent blood everywhere before he gently eased the body down into the water. He then waved Johnathan over. (@Axel1313)
"I know I know....I'll try to keep that under check." He let out an exasperated sigh. No matter what the situation was right now he couldn't let his anger get the best of him. Otherwise that could spell disaster for the them both. He watched intently as Isaac took out the guard. "You think he'd hire classier guards for a place like this." He chuckled as he moved on his signal.(@DrTrollinski )
".. Fuckin' low budget, I'd say." He joked. ".. They're mostly Mexican, what else do you expect?" He laughed a little and then looked off towards the other end of the house. ".. Okay, you need to go over to the West side of this house. That's where I'll be entering." He said, pulling out a replica of the gun he had from his jacket - this one was also silenced. He handed it off to John, and then gave him an earpiece as well; he put one in his own ear alongside that. ".. Take that gun and make your way over there, okay?" He said. (@Axel1313)
"No kidding. You'd think with all this money he's sitting on he'd be able to at least hire a few top of the line guards." He laughed. As soon as he was handed the gun he nodded and cocked it. "Okay, I'll let ya know when I'm there." He stuck the earpiece in and adjusted it before heading off around the house.(@DrTrollinski )
Isaac slowly walked around half way with him until he ended up outside of the front door of the house. He ducked down so that he wasn't visible from the door's window and then stayed put to wait for Johnathan's call. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan carefully and quietly made his way to the west side of the house. No troubles with guards along the way, thank God. As soon as he was there he turned his earpiece on. "Isaac. I'm here. Now what do you need me to do?"(@DrTrollinski )
".. Check the windows leading up the first hallway. You see anyone there?" He asked. From his angle, it was near enough impossible to see into the house without getting seen, but for Johnathan, it'd be a piece of cake. (@Axel1313)
Peeking in he saw a few guards wandering around the halls, they didn't seem to be too attentive though. If anything they were bored out of their minds. "I see a few guards in there. None really paying any attention though. Shouldn't be too difficult to sneak in and take them out quietly." (@DrTrollinski )
He reached up and tried opening up the door, very slowly and very carefully. It was locked. ".. J. The door's locked. Any other ideas?" He asked in a whisper as he ran his eyes over the surrounding area. (@Axel1313)
".. Only one." He said as he reached out and knocked on the door; he fumbled around in his pocket for a piece of paper and hid his gun behind his back. ".. Keep me covered." He said - a guard was seen walking down the hallway towards the door. He wasn't visibly armed, though. ".. Any movement?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan cautiously peered in to the house again."Just a guard headed towards the door right now. He doesn't look armed but I'd still be careful if I were you. I'll alert you if any others are headed our way."(@DrTrollinski )
"Roger." He said. Soon after, the door swung open.

"What do you want?"

"Urgent mail delivery for Mister Hernandez." He said; the guard mindlessly reached out to take the stuff from him, but instead got a bullet to the head and was instantly pulled out of the door. (@Axel1313)
"You've got another guy coming down the hall. Doesn't look like he noticed that you took that guy out, just on patrol as usual." He notified him as he saw the guard approach.(@DrTrollinski )
"Got it." He said, he pulled his silenced rifle from his back and then waited. As soon as he saw the guard come into view, he fired three bullets into his chest and dropped him straight to the ground - the guard could merely let out a tiny whisper of a grunt as the bullets struck him - Isaac just prayed that there wasn't someone else waiting right around the corner. ".. Alright... Make your way around to the North side." He muttered to him. (@Axel1313)
"On my way." He responded. Checking to make sure everything was still clear inside before moving on. He kept his gun at the ready as he went. Luckily he only had to take out one guy on his way. "Alright. I'm at the North side now."(@DrTrollinski )
".. Alright, I'm moving in." He muttered in response as he slowly made his way down the hallway and then carefully peeked around the corner. There was nothing so far, which seemed odd, but hopefully now he could continue advancing. He did just that, taking every step with caution. ".. See anything outside? Check the orchard and the main part of the back yard." He whispered. (@Axel1313)
"Alright...Nothing so far on this end." He glanced around his surroundings quickly before heading towards the orchard. It was a bit odd that there weren't many guards out here at the moment. Either that or he just wasn't seeing them. "I'm heading to check out the orchard and main part of the back yard now. I'll let you know if I see anything."(@DrTrollinski )
".. Yeah, good luck." He muttered as he advanced down the hallway he'd stepped into and came up to a small room; he heard a piano being played in there; he quietly creaked the door open and stepped inside - it wasn't the target, but it was one of the guards. He was playing Beethoven, and he didn't look Mexican, either. It was a shame, but he waited. Waited for the music to stop - as soon as he stood up, he had the barrel of the rifle in his face - before he could beg for mercy, Isaac hushed him.

"Get out of here. Go home. You warn anyone, and I'll kill you." He said, his expression cold and emotionless.

".. Th--.. Thank you... I--.. I'm gonna' go home and see my family right away." He said, Isaac sighed and nodded and made sure he went the right way as he walked out. Isaac didn't know what it was like to have a family, and that made him sad, but he wasn't much older than Johnathan, so there was always the chance that he could have what he wanted, providing his family would be safe with his line of work. (@Axel1313)
"Nothing but a few guards out here Isaac." Johnathan announced over the earpiece. He was just at the edge of the main part of the back yard and preparing to go and scope out the area. "How are things going on your end? You need any backup or anything?"(@DrTrollinski )

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