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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

Nick was sitting in his office on his computer when something caught his eye. What? An error message? No, that was something else, something only modern technology could cause.


".. Oh, how glorious." He snickered under his breath and looked further into the message; he typed quick, quicker than he could flick off his glasses or spray the logo of The Black Sun on a wall. When he finally realized what the disturbance was, he burst out into laughter. ".. Oh... You. Idiot." He snarled. "Amari's bank account, with no more of the sum of twenty-two-million dollars going missing. You really aren't very aware of how things work in this city, are you?" He said to himself as he peered over the screen from behind his black glasses.

"Let's see..." He said, and just when victory seemed so sweet, Amari's bank account had a roll-back and his funds were replenished to what they were before the attack. It was too late to change things now - The Black Sun were the top of everything. The dictators, the ones who decided what technology came in and out of the poor side of the USA. A wall may have been separating everyone, but that didn't mean they couldn't get what they wanted. "Now, we don't want you competing his bank again, do we?" He muttered, punching the keys even harder as he added something to the main database. A self-created virus that was referred to as the 'wormhole' - It was impossible to spot until it was too late. It gave access to whatever the creator wanted, providing a user got hold of it. Better yet? It was only the creator that could remove it. It was made up of several complex algorithms and needed a certain series of code to stop it from functioning, the problem was, the required series changed every tenth of a second.

"Now... You try and hack the bank one more time while I find out who you are. You've crossed the wrong line, my little friend." He said. If this guy even tried to compete with The Black Sun, which everyone knew as the most superior force on this side of the country, Nick knew that he could obliterate everything about this man's life, and everyone else knew that as well. (@Kiclack - You should see some of the other RP involving 'The Black Sun' we've done. Heavy stuff, man. This idea popped into my head, and this will give you more association with another faction, which is nice :) )


"And you'll get that chance. Just tell me when you're ready to leave." He said as he rose up and loaded his gun, taking a deep breath as he scanned around the room. "As soon as you're ready, tell me, there's other things to be done." He said. (@Axel1313)
"Alright...perfect." He took in a deep breath trying to gather his nerves. "Just...just give me a few hours to settle down and I'll be ready to go." He muttered. Sliding down further into the chair. Attacking his family like this, this creep was going to pay. He was going to make absolute sure of that.(@DrTrollinski )
Kal didn't know anything about the wormhole, not even with his superior knowledge of the technology in front of him, the virus somehow escaped him. Kal felt victorious, he wanted more. "Hmm, what's this..." he cocked an eyebrow and pressed his nose against the computer screen. All the funds that was supposed to be gone, the ones he took from Vincent Amari are now back in it's proper place. "To hell with this." he said in a frustrated tone. "One more time." he whispered as he punched on the buttons of his keyboard. Kal tried to hack into the account once again, this time in a desperate attempt to wipe it clean completely. He knew someone was competing against him,but he had no clue who was behind it, and that alone frustrated him. He had never been outplayed and he wasn't going to let it happen. He hacked once again and instead of stealing the funds he wiped them off immediately, unaware of the virus that had already been panted, ticking like a time bomb.
".. Sure, sure." He said. "I recommend you sleep for a while. I'll wake you up if anything happens." He said softly, going over to walk out of the room. He knew that things like this were only going to end badly, but it would be nice for John to have the chance to have some revenge. (@Axel1313)


Once again, all the funds returned almost instantaneously this time. And then some. There was something else on top of it this time - that was his own money that had been stacked on top of Amari's millions. It became evident right there and then that whoever or whatever he was fucking with, was clearly not a force to be tried. Even if

Before a reaction could even get out, a black screen faded his laptop. Even if it was turned off and on again, he got the same thing. Then, ever so slowly, a text appeared. It was like a text based game, and any attempt to type anything just resulted in an obnoxious error 'ping' - The mouse was the only thing that was movable. Strange.






By the time Kal realized that his own money had been stripped from him, he was already too late. "Mother fu-" his screen faded to black, giving him options. Only his mouse was movable. "What the hell is this?" his mind was swimming in frustration, outplayed and bankrupted within an hour. He clicked on the third "ADVANCE" in a frustrated manner.
"Right...I'll just..I'll take a nap...and when I wake up I'll be all ready to get this guy." He took in a deep breath and curled up on the chair. Shutting his eyes tightly and trying to sleep this panic attack off. Somewhere more comfortable would have been better place to take a nap, but he didn't exactly feel like moving.(@DrTrollinski )
Another screen came up, this time a much more intimidating one. It was silver, black, and white, created by some very finely-written c++ code and other scripts of different kinds. It looked very elegant as it came onto the screen like the closing of two sliding doors. The background was silver, and the borders were black for the most part with a small line of white that went right around them. Three words came up in the top center of the screen, and that's when most people could realize that shit had gotten serious.

'The Black Sun'

That wasn't all, more text soon followed directly after.

'Welcome to The Black Sun wormhole navigation interface. Please select an option most suited to your preference from the list below.

- Speak to a Black Sun representative.

- Speak to a Black Sun representative.

- Speak to a Black Sun Representative.



Alex slowly rose up from her seat and walked over to him, sighing a little as she ducked down beside him with Michael slowly rocking in her arms. ".. I'm terribly sorry about what's happened. I can assure you that we're doing our best. Sleep well." She gave a gentle smile at him and then reached down with one arm to gently squeeze his hand before walking out with Michael in her arms. Alex was definitely a lot warmer in terms of personality than the mystery man that had been running things so far. (@Axel1313)

"The Black Sun..." his face worried and disturbed. "Great." he arched his beck and grabbed his cellular phone, to try and see if he could access his computer from there. No luck. He looked at the options he had, "Yeah that doesn't really give me much to choose from..." he whispered, "Black Sun representative..." he said as he clicked the first one.
A chat window opened up and he was met with a representative by the name of '4125'.

"Good morning. You're speaking to 4125 of The Black Sun - I'm sure you have many questions, but let me ask you one thing before you type a single letter. Why did you decide to try and penetrate our associate's bank account for your own personal gain?"

It seemed so fake but so real. Amari was an associate of The Black Sun? Hell, even Amari didn't know that. He just viewed them as some creeps who came knocking on his door one day. (@Kiclack)
The voice creeped the living hell out of Kal, he shook his head and steeled himself to answer, but a wave of thought rushed through him. Why?

"Hacking...and stealing through technology, makes me feel alive." were the words that escaped his lips. "Who the fuck are you anyway? And what in the devil's name is the Black Sun? Some sort of superhero team?"
".. That's very interesting. You don't know us?" A dark chuckled was heard. ".. We're the most advanced force on this side of the country, and yet you seem to think it's a good idea to go against our counter-strikes? Tell me one thing, Mister Kassidy... What makes you think that you have earned that money that you steal?" He voice asked in a sincere tone. (@Kiclack)
Johnathan cracked his eyes open slightly and smiled back at her as best as he could. "Thank you..." He managed to mumble before finally forcing himself to sleep. In just a few hours he'd get his revenge. He didn't care about any consequences right now, all he wanted was for this guy to be dead.(@DrTrollinski )

((Little skip just a few hours here))

A few hours later Johnathan woke up again. He was better, not completely feeling one-hundred percent, but better. He also had a burning desire for revenge now too. This guy threatened his family and that was not gonna fly. "Hey! I'm ready to go if you are!" He called out. "Let's go take care of that little pest problem!" (@DrTrollinski )
The mystery man slowly walked back in. "We've received word that the assassins have arrived in Paris. Our guys are only just nearing the UK." He sighed a little and rubbed his forehead. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan grimaced when he heard the update. "I don't know if I do or don't want to hear any updates about that...." His voice was low and grim. "Can we just go get rid of this guy already?"(@DrTrollinski )
"Indeed. Come with me before anything." He said as he lead him out of the room and across the floor to an area that was mostly isolated from the rest of the property. He put his hand down on a hand scanner that was beside the door, and the door slowly slid open. He saw an armory with enough guns to arm a small militia. Pistols, sub machines guns, assault rifles, and sniper rifles. There were numerous Kevlar vests hung up on the walls as well, and there were stairs that lead downwards onto the twenty-ninth floor, but the walls downstairs were all reinforced steel.

"What do you think, Johnathan? You ever seen ten million dollars like this before?" He asked, grinning a little. (@Axel1313)
This day was just full of more and more surprises. "I'm going to have to say no Sir." He looked around the armory in amazement. "This is quite the arsenal you've got here...If I didn't know better I'd say you were preparing for the apocalypse." He joked.(@DrTrollinski )
"If the apocalypse consists of gangsters and international spies trying to wipe us off the earth, sure." He said with a shrug as he took a Kevlar vest from a rack and tossed it to him. "Put that under your shirt. I've already got mine on." He said as he walked down the stairs to where the rack of sniper rifles was. (@Axel1313)
John caught the vest and slipped it on underneath his shirt. "So how far am I going to be sniping this guy from? I've got pretty good aim, but not the best." He asked curiously. (@DrTrollinski )
He reached up and pulled a briefcase from the wall and then walked up to him. "Around a hundred and fifty meters. The guy's on twenty-two acres, so we've got plenty of space." He said as he placed the briefcase down in his hands. "The W2000 sniper rifle. You'll need to put it together when we get there, but that's easy. It's got a silencer. We're doing this as quiet as possible. This rifle is one of the now only thirty left in the whole world, so treat her nicely." He said. "No delay between shots, good for sticky situations." He added. (@Axel1313)
"Got it." He nodded. "With this baby it should be not trouble at all pulling this off." Or at least he hoped so. Even with such a nice gun he was going to make sure that he hit his target dead on.(@DrTrollinski )
"Steady on, Jesse James." He halted him and took a silenced M4A1 from the rack and sighed. "It's me and you versus the world now. There's gonna be dozens of them, which is why I'm on foot. I was trained for this sort of shit." He explained. "It's going to be a bloody job, but looking at your track record, I guess you don't know any other kind." He said with a shrug. (@Axel1313 - going to bed soon but I have time for a couple more replies, hopefully.)
"You got that right. I didn't know what I signed up for at first, but there no turning back now that I've got blood on my hands." He glanced down at his feet. "You've got nothing to worry about, I talk all cocky now, but I'm taking this job as seriously as possible. (@DrTrollinski ~Sorry for the delay, had to hop into the shower.)
"Brother, I saw the whole thing." Rick said as he barged into his brother's room shortly after the whole transaction. "I tried to track him, plant spy ware even. But his fire wall, it's to massive for a hobbyist like me to get through." he said.

(@DrTrollinski )
"Good. You're walking into the valley of death, son..." He cocked his gun. "But fuck me, it's gonna be fun." He said as he lead him back out and over to a separate elevator; when they got inside, it started speedily going down.

"John, you ever been in a Lamborghini before?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"Then it's a good thing you have a brother who's a genius, isn't it?" He laughed. "I've already got him, I'm talking to him now." He said, turning back to the computer. (@Beowulf)

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