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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

'Awww, that's so sweet.' He quietly snuck back into Michael's room to take a picture of the sleeping baby. 'Wishing you goodnight on this end. :) Have a great time with your boys!' He headed back into the spare room to catch a few Z's himself. Michael was a little restless throughout the night, but nothing that was unmanageable.(@DrTrollinski )
Vincent looked at the picture and smiled. He was happy to see Michael again - he almost forgot how much he missed him when he was away from him, but he'd get on just fine. He climbed into bed and flicked all of the lights off and was quick to fall asleep - Jesus, the kids had really tired him out today.

(You can skip to where you go to the park the following day, if you wish @Axel1313)

"You're father wasn't kidding! You've pretty much grabbed at every flower and thing that caught your interest since we got here!" He teased the little baby who was yet again reaching for a flowery bush. Johnathan had stopped for a moment to take a little break on a bench in the middle of the park. There weren't many people out today, surprising seeing as it was such a lovely day. But at least it was better than having to navigate a stroller through a crowded park.(@DrTrollinski )
Something didn't seem right about the park. There was usually a lot more people wandering around here, but today there wasn't. There wasn't the dozens of people walking around with their kids, nor were there any little vendors like the hotdog stands or the ice cream stands. It was strange - there were some people walking around, but there were a select couple that seemed to be walking around slowly in a rather suspicious way.

Or it was all a trick of the mind, but with the recent events, maybe it wasn't the best time to second guess this? (@Axel1313)
Johnathan began to get an uneasy feeling in his gut. There weren't even any vendors out or kids yelling in the distance at all. The silence was eerie and something didn't feel right at all. "Come on Michael. I think that's enough fresh air for one day. Lets go home." Watching the couple of people that were there with a weary eye he stood up and started wheeling the stroller back down the path and to the parking lot.(@DrTrollinski )
It didn't take long for him to notice that he was being followed by two people, the same two that had been walking slowly around the park. They looked Mexican, or they were at least tanned and wearing suits. They were drifting behind him at a fair distance. Slow, but they kept pace. They stood out like a lit match in a fireworks factory. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan only had to glance quickly over his shoulder to notice them. There was no doubt that his gut was right now, they were being followed. Trying to act like he didn't suspect anything he put the cover over Michael's stroller and sped up his pace even more. Getting back to his car as quickly as he possibly could.(@DrTrollinski )
It was only when he came close to his car that he saw there was another man sat on the hood of it. He was also wearing a suit. This was staring to look very bad, very quickly. (@Axel1313)
"Sh**" Johnathan muttered under his breath as he saw yet another one of these guys. This one was sitting on the hood of his car, not a good thing right now. He slowed down his pace and approached the car cautiously. Did he make a run for and get in the vehicle as fast as possible. Or call for help? He had to make a choice pretty quickly to make sure he kept Michael safe at all costs.(@DrTrollinski )
The man stepped away from the car and pulled out a gun from his jacket. He turned to face John and raised the gun to aim at his chest; he looked at the baby and grinned sickly.

"Amigo, the boss sends his regards." He muttered.

As he was looking death in the eye, things looked hopeless. But it turned out that John had a guardian angel.

A gunshot cracked through the air and the man's head exploded right in front of him. The two behind John instantly looked around and tried making a run for it, but they were both shot in the back. Michael was screaming his head off by the time it was all over. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan's eyes widened. His first reaction was to protect Michael, putting himself between the men and the baby.

Just when he thought it was all over the men were taken out right before his eyes by a gunman somewhere. He was more than grateful for whoever did this. Heart still pounding he picked up the screaming baby and held him close. "Shh. shhh. It's okay...we're okay...we've got a guardian angel on our side right now."(@DrTrollinski )
The baby screamed and sobbed wildly as he was carried over towards the car. Thank god he wasn't going to remember any of this when he was older.

Johnathan's phone buzzed. It was an unknown number. The message told him to go to an address that was within the city, several blocks down from his own apartment. It was floor thirty he was told to go to, so it was obviously a loft suite of some sort. If this was something bad, he wouldn't be walking away from any of this right now... It was his best bet... Right?
He placed a still screaming and sobbing Michael in his car seat before checking the message. From an unknown number and telling him to go to an address. A little fishy, but after what had just happened it couldn't hurt to go there. Still shaking like a leaf he sped off to the address. The entire way there, event the walk up to the room, Michael refused to calm down at all, but who could blame him after that!(@DrTrollinski )
John found himself outside another gated apartment complex. A bigger one than his own; it was only one complex, too. There weren't two more like their were with his own. Floor thirty. The gates slowly creaked open to reveal a parking lot with only one car in it. A recent Mercedes model, it seemed. This was becoming the modern-day Silent Hill more and more by the second. (@Axel1313)


DrTrollinski said:
John found himself outside another gated apartment complex. A bigger one than his own; it was only one complex, too. There weren't two more like their were with his own. Floor thirty. The gates slowly creaked open to reveal a parking lot with only one car in it. A recent Mercedes model, it seemed. This was becoming the modern-day Silent Hill more and more by the second. (@Axel1313)
(@Axel1313 - going to bed soon.)
"Come on....let's see just who's waiting for us here." He spoke calmly to Michael. The infant was no longer screaming, but still sobbing uncontrollably into his shoulder. "Helloooo? I got a message to come here?" He called out as he entered the place. (@DrTrollinski )
A door slid open. It was a fancy place but no one manned the desk. This place seemed very modern, indeed. The door was metal, but it lead down a hallway that ended up outside an elevator. The doors were wide open. (@Axel1313 - last post. Goodnight!)
Johnathan was very weary of this place right now, but couldn't turn around now. It was far too late for that. "Helloooo?" He called out again. Continually trying to sooth the infant as he headed down the hallway.(@DrTrollinski . Noapta Buna!)
(sorry, my own rp and I haven't been replying to it. The Skyrim has called to me.)

"Do whatever it is you are going to do brother, just remember how he may react. He may seem like a coward at times, but back him into a corner and he will fight as any creature will do." Rick said as he sent out the messege of a social gathering to anyone of importance, including Amari saying he was free to invite others.

(@DrTrollinski )
(I've been playing it a lot myself, recently.)

"You can't put Amari in a corner. It doesn't work like that." He said as he walked towards the door. ".. Order the suits, brother. I'm going to check in on Amari via surveillance to see what's going on in his life. (@Beowulf)


No one replied. As soon as he stepped into the elevator the doors closed over. The only button on the panel was Floor 30. And that was already highlighted despite him not pressing the button. Odd. He continued going up as time went on, but he could see that a camera in the top corner of the elevator was following his every movement. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan looked up at the security camera as the elevator took them up. He kept gently bouncing Michael to keep him calm. He had finally stopped sobbing, but he had to move him to his other shoulder. Seeing as the one he had him on before was now soaked in tears and drool. Even if he wasn't caring for an infant he would have been moving around nonstop. That attack out of nowhere had him really shaken up.(@DrTrollinski )
When the elevator finally got to the top, he found himself in a small square room with no windows and only one door across from the elevator; it was a metal door with no handle or knob, and once again, there was a camera in the upper corner beside the door that followed Johnathan's every move once more. (@Axel1313)
The door with no handle or knob confused him a bit. What was he supposed to do now? "Whoever is watchin' me....you gonna let me in or am I supposed to wait out here for you? Or what?" He asked, looking straight up yet another camera that was following his every move.(@DrTrollinski )
".. Show the baby to the camera." A voice spoke through an intercom. It was hard to tell if it was a familiar voice or not, but it was more of a request rather than a demand. The voice didn't sound aggressive - it sounded quite young, too. Michael flinched at the sound of the intercom, but he didn't cry, or anything like that. (@Axel1313)
"Alright...." Johnathan gently turned Michael around and cradled him in his arms so the camera could see his face. He was being as careful as he possibly could to keep the infant from bursting into tears again. The poor little guy was still so frightened after that incident in the park...thank goodness he was still young enough that he wouldn't remember a thing about it.(@DrTrollinski )
The camera slowly moved around while it inspected Michael, and a few moments later the metal door slid upwards and revealed a luxury penthouse-style apartment, of which took up an entire floor. It was incredible, and some of the high-tech gear that was spread around this modern home almost seemed unknown to him - it was rare stuff, but you could get it if you could afford it. The door closed right behind him once again. (@Axel1313)

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