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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

Johnathan quickly returned to Michael's room after getting a clean shirt on again. "Alright, no need to fuss. Let's get you cleaned up now." He spoke softly as he picked up the infant to get him cleaned off again. He was glad that that guy was gone now, but couldn't help but still be nagged by so many questions. Mainly, what dirt did he have on Amari's wife? From what he knew she'd been missing for a while now, with no traces as to what had happened to her. (@DrTrollinski )
'We've just arrived at Six Flags. How did the job go?' A text came through to Johnathan's phone midway through the cleaning of Michael - with the mess Michael was in, he would have been better off with a bath more than anything. (@Axel1313)
'It went smooth as can be. Explosives dealt with and no civilians harmed.' He texted back as he gave up on simply cleaning Michael up and started to get some water to the right temperature for a bath for him.(@DrTrollinski )
'That's wonderful. We're just booking in as quick as we can as George really needs the bathroom. We stopped on the way, but... he drank a lot of water.' The next message said. 'Good work today, Johnathan. It won't go unrewarded. How's Michael? He being good for you?' (@Axel1313)
'Ha ha, you think he'd learn by now.' He teased the fact that it always seemed to be George doing that sort of thing. 'Thanks boss, it's greatly appreciated. As for Michael? Other than being fussy a bit ago and then throwing up formula all over my shoulder he's been good.' He wanted to tell Amari about what had also happened in that time, but he needed some time to relax with his boys. Telling him could wait until they got back right? (@DrTrollinski )
'Oh, that's unlike him. He doesn't ever throw up on formula.' Amari lowered his phone and looked down at the young boy who had his hands over his groin and was literally dancing at his side. He gave a sigh and patted him on the head. 'You make the milk wrong, or something? Didn't shake it up enough? Put too much powder in it? Didn't wind him?' He asked. (@Axel1313)
'I just forgot to wind him this time.' He texted him. It took a while as he was trying to text Amari with one hand while tending to Michael with the other. 'He should be all fine again once I get him cleaned up....that is, if he stops wiggling around so much first.'(@DrTrollinski )
'He does that, and yeah, what you said about George... Trust me, he'll never learn.' Amari chuckled for a moment after sending the text.

"Almost there, son... Think you can hold it?" He asked, George clutched the side of his jacket and nodded, staying close to him while restlessly moving his legs on the spot.

".. Uh-huh... I think so." He whimpered. Meanwhile, the queue continued moving relatively slower.

'Seriously, he's standing here, quite literally dancing at my side. I'm hoping he'll make it - Just wait until your girls are at the age where they say "No, daddy, I don't need the bathroom." before you go on a road-trip, and then half an hour in? They need the bathroom. Every kid does it.' (@Axel1313)
Johnathan couldn't help but laugh, poor George. He must be quite the sight right now dancing at his father's side. 'Haha. Oh I dread the day my girls get to that age. It's going to b--' The message was cut off as he fumbled with the phone and dropped it in Michael's tub. Luckily there was only a little water in there at the moment. Michael found it to be the joke of the year.

"Oh? So you think that's funny huh?" He teased. "You little stinker..."

'Sorry about that....dropped the phone in Michael's tub.....It's going to be so fun with the two of them working together against me too. '(@DrTrollinski )
'Trust me, girls are nice to their dads if you do things right. I'm sure you'll hit the nail on the head with it, so not to worry ;) '

They'd finally reached the front of the queue. Amari took five minutes booking them all in for a five-night stay, and of course he ordered the best room available with every package that you could get. He wanted this to be extra special for the boys.

"Dad, I'm not gonna make it." George whimpered, his face buried in his side. Vincent sighed and looked up at the woman behind the desk.

"You got a bathroom here?" He asked, the woman looked down at the young child and chuckled a little.

"Of course... Follow the hallway behind me down to the bottom, and it'll be on your right." She smiled, Vincent nodded in thanks and quickly made his way down the hall with the two of them. He pushed into the bathroom and watched George instantly drop his bag on the floor to shoot over to one of the urinals. Vincent chuckled as he pulled out his phone again.

'We finally made it. He only just got to the bathroom on time. I'm probably gonna be standing here waiting for him to be done for about five minutes now, haha.' (@Axel1313)
'Thanks, I can only hope so being completely new at raising kids.'

He was in the middle of washing Michael off when Amari messaged him again. He was definitely a lively one right now, gurgling and splashing water and soap bubbles all over the place. At least it was giving Johnathan a few minutes to respond.

'Haha. Yeesh, poor kid. How much water did he drink and just how long has he been holding it?'(@DrTrollinski )
'He drank about three bottles on a three hour car journey. He was holding it for at least an hour and a half.' He looked up from his phone and at George, giving an amused smile before looking back down. 'Looking at him now, he still ain't done.' (@Axel1313)
'Wow, who knew a kid his size could drink so much water or hold it for that long either.' At least he only had to wash one baby this time. It made it a lot easier to text back. Unfortunately, it didn't make it that much cleaner. He still ended up with the front of his shirt wet and completely covered in suds.(@DrTrollinski )
'Hmm.... I have no idea with that. I suppose if they want to go to public school there's no harm in it. It'd be a good experience for them.'
'That's what I thought, but I'd just worry. Would they honestly be safe there? With all this shit going on?'

Michael stopped splashing around in the water and looked up at John, his face scrunching up in sadness. It looked as though he'd had enough of the tub for today. (@Axel1313)
'You could always get a few of your guys to work there and keep an eye on them couldn't you? It would be bit of an odd request, but at least you know your boys would be safe'

He picked Michael up and wrapped him in a nice warm fluffy towel. Taking him back into his room he began to get his diaper and a nice clean onesy on him for bed.
'I suppose so. I'd have to make sure they followed at a distance, though - Joseph wants to go there for the experience, but George wanted to go there for to make friends.' Vincent looked away from the phone as they made their way up the stairs and to one of the doors. They were at one of the three doors that went out across the whole hallway - The boys didn't know that Vincent had only booked in for the best there was, and got every visitor package he could so they could all partake in activities to spend time together in. They walked into a luxury suite where at the back of the main room by the large windows were two big queen beds - there was a breakfast bar here, too. This place was incredible. George and Joseph instantly burst out into yells of amazement as they ran around inspecting the place, but then ran over to one of the queen beds and hopped up onto it, both laughing and lying down.

Vincent quickly took a picture on his phone and sent it to Johnathan.

'Looks like they like the room'. (@Axel1313)
"You could make them hide as employees of the school. Nobody would be any wiser.' He suggested.

Johnathan laughed at the picture of the overly excited boys enjoying their fancy room. 'I'll say. It's good to see that they're so happy and that you've finally got a good chance to spend some time with them. You all really needed this.'(@DrTrollinski )
There was a PS4 and a 42" TV in the main area. That was part of the room he'd reserved for them - they were going to be here all of today and an extra four nights on top of the one coming up, so they were going to be in for a good time. Later on after they'd been to the water park, Vincent figured that he could snuggle up on the couch with the boys and play some video games.

Joseph and George hopped up from the bed and ran off to look at some more of the suite they were staying in - it was all awesome, and there was plenty of room to run around and even more opportunity to play some games here. The indoor water park was the best sounding thing so far, though. After all, that's one of the primary reasons they were here! The place had had an upgrade over the years - They had an indoor building which had a countless amount of indoor activities like wall-climbing and zip-lines, and Vincent had gotten passes for every last part of this place.

'Yeah, that's doable. They'd have to be low-level employees or teaching assistants, at most. Which would be good nonetheless.' He smiled at the boys that were running around and checking the place out. 'Yeah, we really do need this time together. They're just checking out our temporary home and then we're gonna' get ready to go to the indoor pool place. Is Michael alright? There's more formula in the cupboard next to the fridge if you run out at all. There's also a car seat in the garage if you need to take him anywhere if you go to the store, or something.' (@Axel1313)


DrTrollinski said:
There was a PS4 and a 42" TV in the main area. That was part of the room he'd reserved for them - they were going to be here all of today and an extra four nights on top of the one coming up, so they were going to be in for a good time. Later on after they'd been to the water park, Vincent figured that he could snuggle up on the couch with the boys and play some video games.
Joseph and George hopped up from the bed and ran off to look at some more of the suite they were staying in - it was all awesome, and there was plenty of room to run around and even more opportunity to play some games here. The indoor water park was the best sounding thing so far, though. After all, that's one of the primary reasons they were here! The place had had an upgrade over the years - They had an indoor building which had a countless amount of indoor activities like wall-climbing and zip-lines, and Vincent had gotten passes for every last part of this place.

'Yeah, that's doable. They'd have to be low-level employees or teaching assistants, at most. Which would be good nonetheless.' He smiled at the boys that were running around and checking the place out. 'Yeah, we really do need this time together. They're just checking out our temporary home and then we're gonna' get ready to go to the indoor pool place. Is Michael alright? There's more formula in the cupboard next to the fridge if you run out at all. There's also a car seat in the garage if you need to take him anywhere if you go to the store, or something.' (@Axel1313)
'I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up asking if you could live there forever'

He hiked Michael up on his shoulder so he could rock him to sleep. 'Michael's doing good now. Finally got everything under control and cleaned up. If he's not too fussy tomorrow I'll probably use that car seat to take him to the park for a little walk. He should like that.'
'It wouldn't surprise me, either. They're just starting to get ready to go down to the place now - packing their stuff, and all that. If you do take Michael to the park, he likes going around and touching all of the flowers, and stuff.'

"Dad! We're ready!" Joseph yelled as he and George came sprinting up to him, their bags slung over their back. Vincent smiled and nodded at them.

"Alright, let's make a move." He said, leading them out. (@Axel1313)
'I'll make sure to take him to see all of the flowers then. Make him happy as can be. You and the boys have fun now! I'll be sure to message you if I need anything.' He set the phone down beside him as he rocked Michael to sleep. As soon as he was sound asleep Johnathan set him down in the crib and headed off to the guest bedroom.

(@DrTrollinski )
Michael twitched and shuffled a little in his sleep, occasionally giving off a little babyish noise. Over the course of the day, Vincent had a lot of fun with the two kids at the indoor water park; he was being dragged around the whole place and they were having a lot of fun just running around, and midway through it they stopped for a bathroom break and a massive hotdog and fries from a little pool-side snack hut. It was a long day, and Vincent was happy to know that Michael was in good hands and would be having a good day at the park tomorrow.

When they were back at the room, Vincent got the boys tucked into bed and read to them both until they could get off to sleep. They shared a bed together which was right beside Vincent's own, and they went off to sleep almost instantly.

He took a picture of them both in the bed and sent it to Johnathan. It was a picture of them both, they were facing each other, their heads next to each others and their arms wrapped around each other as well. 'I and these guys wish you goodnight :) ' He texted him. (@Axel1313)

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