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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

Johnathan moved the infant back up to his shoulder as he walked into the apartment. Man was it fancy! And all of the high-tech gear sitting around it left him pretty much speechless. The door closing right behind him made him jump again, but at least this place seemed safe so far. "Hello? Anybody in here?"(@DrTrollinski )
Another door rose up at the far back-right of the condo and a man stepped out, wearing black suit shoes and pants, as well as a white shirt and black tie; he had the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, though. It was a bald man, he was wearing black aviator glasses, as well. He was instantly recognized as the man who had been a bit of an intruder on everyone's life recently; he had a Colt M1911 strapped to his belt on a holster, but the gun was lined with silver and gold in a very elegant pattern.


"Mister Loire... We really need to stop meeting in such dire circumstances, don't we?" He said with a smile as he tilted his head back and to the side a little, inspecting Johnathan and Michael up and down. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan let out a big breath of relief to see a familiar and helpful face. "Yeah....yeah we really do..." He was still shaky, but at least that was beginning to lessen now. "I don't really feel like having a heart attack at the age of twenty-two because of scares like this..."(@DrTrollinski )
".. Relax, Johnathan." He said as he looked around. ".. You're inside one of, if not the most secure and secretive place in the whole of this side of the USA." He said, nodding backwards. ".. Come with me." He said, leading him across the floor and into a room right at the back. Every room had a metal door that quickly glided open whenever you stepped near it. It was pretty fancy. They didn't have doorknobs, none of them, but when Johnathan got into the room, he found himself in quite a relaxed environment. There was sun beaming in through the tiny cracks in the blinds, and in the center of the wall of windows there was a large 72" flatscreen TV; leather, feather-stuffed couches and armchairs centered the room, with the couch being the main center seating area.

On the armchair to the right, a young woman that appeared to be around the same age as Johnathan and the mystery man was sat there - she looked very friendly, indeed. She had dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, and a very refined and beautiful body; she simply wore a short dark crimson dress, but she made it look nice - it didn't look like something a prostitute would wear, or anything, she combined it with flat black shoes.

"Meet my colleague. This is Alexandra - Or Alex, whatever you prefer. Please, take a seat, you look shaken up." He said, on the coffee table in front of the couch there was three freshly-poured cups of tea, and accompanying that were a plate that had little cakes and biscuits on it. (@Axel1313)
"Relax." A nervous chuckle escaped. "Oh, believe me...I'm trying, but it's a little difficult after what I've been through today." The room the man brought him into next was definitely more relaxing. He was a bit surprised to find somebody else in there, but he greeted the beautiful young woman kindly despite that. "It is a pleasure to meet you Miss." He gave a polite nod before taking a seat. He made sure Michael was sitting comfortably on his lap before reaching carefully for the cup of tea.(@DrTrollinski )
The man walked over and crouched in front of him, looking at Michael and sighing a little.

".. That was a close call out there, big man." He said with a half smile as he reached up and tickled Michael's chin. Michael squirmed and giggled softly; the man looked at Johnathan and then reached out, gently taking hold of Michael and lifting him away from his lap. ".. My colleague here will look after the boy. For now. We have some things to discuss, John." He sighed a little and gently patted the baby's back as he carried him over to Alex and gently placed him in her arms - Michael looked up at her with awe, but seemed happy enough. The man went and sat down in the chair to the left of Johnathan.

"You don't know who we are, do you?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"That it was. Too close of a call if you ask me..." He was glad to see the little baby smiling and giggling again. He was so lucky to not have a worry or care in the world. Johnathan watched with a soft smile for a moment before turning back to the man.

"I do not.." He rubbed a hand over the side of his face as he stared at them both. (@DrTrollinski )
He sighed. ".. You're in for a surprise, Johnathan. We're the last remaining branch of the CIA on this side of the country. We originally intended to watch and eventually imprison you and Amari, but over time we realized that you're rather... Special, in a sense." He smiled and kicked one foot up onto his opposite knee. "We've realized that, if anything, you're the ones that are stopping crime rather than causing it." He added, but then he looked across to Alex and took another deep breath. ".. We also have some bad news, in regards to your family in Paris." He said, he didn't look morbid when he said it, but he looked concerned nonetheless. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan's face definitely reflected his shock now. "The CIA....dang....I would have never guessed that....at least it's comforting to know we're more on your good side..." He was unsure how exactly to react to this new information. All thoughts on that dropped though as soon as he heard the words 'bad news' and 'your family' in the same sentence. For the second time today he swore his heart had stopped.

"What about them? What happened?" He asked in a more panicked tone.(@DrTrollinski )
".. The same men that tried to assassinate you today... We recently discovered that they sent six other men to Paris. We don't know if they have addresses, but regardless, they're five hours ahead of us now. We've sent four people out there, four specialists that don't link back to the CIA, so they're a little more... Brutal." He said, sighing as he reached up and took his glasses off. ".. Johnathan, you need to understand that we had no way of knowing at first. The information was nonexistent until we were informed. Six Mexican men, all in suits - We don't know when they'll be arriving in Paris, but we've got men on their tails." He explained. (@Axel1313)
Kal was looking through his old folders of highly kept secrets. "The money, isn't enough." he sighed to himself, as he bit on the pen he had on his hand. He was wearing his preppy college jacket that he somehow liked. "I need to..." he looked around for another folder, stuck between his notebooks on the bookshelf across from his computer desk. "I need to think big." he flipped through the papers and fingered every word that his gaze brushed against. A specific mafia caught his eye. He's heard of them before, but not enough for him to pin point every member included. The Dicciano Family. "Real Big..." he whispered, grinning to himself.
All of the color drained from the poor young man's face. He felt absolutely sick to his stomach. "Oh God....no...no...this can't be happening." Resting his elbows on his knees he leaned forward, his head falling in to his hands. This was the worst possible nightmare he could imagine. "Please tell me you'll be able to get to them in time or..or stop those guys."(@DrTrollinski )
There was a long silence.

"The four men are on a private jet, but there's no chance that they'll arrive there before they do. The laws of speed and aviation don't allow it. We've estimated that the assassins are nearing Wales in the United Kingdom, whereas our men haven't even crossed the Atlantic Ocean yet." He sighed and scratched the mere stubble on the top of his head. ".. We're doing what we can. We believe that the six men don't have the exact address of your family, but they do indeed know what area they're staying in." He said. (@Axel1313)


(@Kiclack - If you want to add a little more onto that, I can reply off of it. RP some research, etc.)
Johnathan had to lean back in the chair because of how faint he got from hearing that. "Is there any way that I could alert my family beforehand? Or is that too risky?" He knew that that wouldn't even work. There was no way that Colette could get the girls and everything else packed up and far away from there or find some place to hide before those guys got there. He took in a deep breath as he tried to keep himself from going into an all out panic attack. (@DrTrollinski )
Kal flipped the pages once more, "Vincent Amari huh?" he grinned to himself a bit before he kicked his desk and he slid across the room on his chair. He grabbed his cellular phone and tinkered with a small machine beside his computer. "Let's have a little chat." he placed the phone against his ear and let it ring. He was confident that Vincent would have a difficult time figuring out who was on the other end of the line for two reasons, one an anti tracking device installed in the cellular phone, and two a vocal morph-er beside his desk, masking Kal's real voice. "Ring ring Mr. Amari."
"Too risky. If anything, you'll be helping them get there sooner." He explained. ".. Please, remain calm. This is in our hands, and we'll most likely be able to avoid disaster. Does her brother own a firearm of any kind?" He asked, rubbing his forehead. (@Axel1313)


It rang for seven times and then the line went dead. Amari wasn't home, it seemed. Indeed he wasn't; he was actually away from home with his two oldest sons. (@Kiclack)
"Dammit." he cursed, before standing up. "I guess we have to do this the old fashioned way." he cracked his knuckles and his neck. "Mr. Amari, say goodbye to the savings in your bank account." he chuckled a bit. Kal wasn't evil, nor was he a bad person, hacking was just something that made him feel alive. He grabbed his laptop. "Cross referencing all located bank numbers to known binomial codes." his fingers danced on the keyboard like he was playing the piano. "Just a few more walls..." his expression was blank, "And voila...like a shadow in the night. Let's see you try to ignore that move, Mr. Amari."
"Remain calm. Ha! Easier said than done!" He laughed nervously, his stomach was in knots. Reclining back in the chair even more as he tried to keep calm. "I dunno if he owns any fire arms or not...I've only met him here in the States.."(@DrTrollinski )
(@Kiclack - That's something I can't let go on. You need to think about who Amari is - You think a Mafia leader's going to have a bank account that that's easy to hack? Yeah, I don't think so. Considering he's a multi-millionaire, he'd have all of his money offshore somewhere in a more secure bank that's not exactly... penetrable. No one said you couldn't hack to find out where he was, though. Plus, you only called his home phone. I'd like if you could scratch that post and rewrite it, because hacking a bank account's not simple, and seeing as we're in 2025, security's much higher up.)


".. Then all we can do is wait, Mister Loire. I'm sorry." He leaned back in his chair and sighed. ".. The second in command had something to do with all of this, I know that much." He said, looking around the room for a few moments. (@Axel1313)
(Sorry! :( I was hoping that you'd go with something like, the account that he hacked into was a smurf account, or something like that. But yeah sure, I can scratch that if you'd like :) )
"I think I'm going to be sick." He leaned against the arm of the chair and laughed again, but it was more of hysterical laugh than anything this time. "That second in command guy ey?. Targeting my family....oooh..I can't wait to take that creep out now...he won't even know what's coming to him now." (@DrTrollinski )

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