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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"I can't wait." He smirked as he followed him out. "I am actually surprised that I have not yet Sir. With the way Amari's been treating me I'm really surprised that I don't own one yet."He joked. (@DrTrollinski )
"Amari's not done giving you gifts yet. Good old Vincent Amari, one of the richest men on this side of the country with a net worth of twenty two million dollars." He laughed; when they reached the ground level, John saw at least a dozen cars parked in the underground parking lot, but he was walked over to a Lamborghini gallardo that sad painted in a vibrant blue.

"What do you think?" He asked as he climbed into the car's drivers seat. (@Axel1313)
"Really? I keep tellin' him that I don't need anything else!" He chuckled. Sauntering up to the vibrant Lamborghini with an eyebrow raised. "Niiiice, very nice." He whistled as he got into the passenger's seat. "This is one sweet car you've got here."(@DrTrollinski )
"I've got a dozen more like it." He smiled and drove over to a small platform and parked atop it; it rose up and out of the parking lot and into the outside one; a closing hatch covered the ground once they pulled away from it and sped out of the gates.

"We're gonna do this like this - you follow me with the sniper and gun down anyone who's in my way, or anyone who's about to shoot me, alright?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"I've earned the money because I worked hard on it." he replied. His hands were itching to fight back cyber-wise. Kal wasn't the type of person to just let this one off the hook. In his mind he's been calculating algorithms to counter-act the effects of their own virus. You've won this round Black Sun. He thought to himself as he awaited for what the 'Representative' was going to say next.
(The idea of The Black Sun is that there isn't a way to counteract what they do - they're the most powerful force in this side of the country and they were put in place to control things because they have access to things that NO ONE else does. Keep that in mind - they're not hackable :) I'll reply fully when I get home/some point soon @Kiclack)
"The people you stole from earned that money a lot

more than you. You can take advantage of your skills, but you can't say you deserve it. Now it's your turn to experience what it's like to have everything taken. I want you to think of all of the families you've destroyed while this next action of mine destroys everything you've ever worked for."

"As we speak, the money you've stolen is being distributed to all of the people you've stolen from. How do we know? We know everything about you now. You can't fight, because when you see what we have you'll realise that it's impossible to defeat. You can try, but as soon as you bypass one layer, another one will pop up in its place which is much stronger."

"You're a sick, sick man. But have you ever met anyone as sick as you? It's about time with you did. In the time that you've been talking to me, there's been something waiting for your stupidity."

The sound of a helicopter was heard right overhead. Soon, it was evident that it was on the roof. TBSS had already breached through the roof access and at the front door.

"Your piss-poor anti-trackers aren't going to hide you from judgement any more. See you soon." He said, and then the chat was aborted.


It was then that the screen went black and hundreds of dozens of scripts executed all at once. This and GPU to overheat. The script cancelled the blue screen feature from activating, and then three pops were heard alongside a puff of black smoke. Then the door flew open, and before he could even react he felt a horrific feeling shoot through his body. The instant feeling of 50,000 volts rushing down his spine. One thing was evident there and then.

The Black Sun weren't small-time. (@Kiclack)
Kal's mind was blank, his face was devastated as he watched everything he loved and cared about, be stripped away from him. As soon as the scripts ran through his monitors, his heart broke. Frustrated and lost, Kal sat on his chair completely ruined. "No.." he whispered to himself. "NO, NO NO NO NONONO!!" he yelled as soon as he felt electricity surge up his spine and shut his motor skills completely.

Kallius Kassidy is in deep shit.
Before he could even depict what was going on, he was cuffed and had a bag thrown over his head. He was dragged out of the front of the building and thrown face first onto the floor of the back of a van.

"Target contained, sir." One man spoke down his radio.

"Bring him to me." A voice replied darkly. It was the voice from the chat. The van was on the move almost straight after that, and even though he couldn't see what was going on, he knew that there were easily five or six people in the back with him, and he was stuck down on the floor. (@Kiclack))
Kal kept quiet throughout the entire thing, sure he was skilled at a lot of things, but fighting and physically fending for himself was not his strong suit. Kal was worried, where was he gonna go from there? He couldn't possibly go back to his family, not after what he's done. The bumps and humps on the road were not visible to him, he could only feel them, and for every one that had hit, he'd feel more and more nauseated. What am I going to do now...? He thought to himself worriedly.
Twenty minutes later and the van came to a stop. The engine went dead, and then there was a bright light as the back doors of the van were opened up; there was a faint chuckle.

"Oh, Kallius, Kallius, Kallius..." A known voice said. It was the 'representative', once again. "I've been wondering when you'd finally get here." He added; he didn't remove the bag from his head as he pulled him out and stood him in front of him.

"How was your journey here, Kassidy?" He asked. (@Kiclack)
"Delightful." he rudely replied. He knew he as up against higher power, but his immaturity begged him to talk trash out of complete frustration. He didn't bother to squirm or go against the things chaining him. "Just kill me already. I got nothing left anyways." he bit his lip, "Asshole."
He sent a punch into his stomach. It was a strong one. "Now you know how everyone else felt. Everyone you took from - they had nothing left either, but now it's been returned to them." He sighed and linked his hands behind his back.

"Five records of suicide, seventeen records of depression and other stress-related illnesses. And better yet, two incidents of induced of induced homicide... You're a terrorist now, Kassidy." He said. "How does it feel to feel the same way all of your victims did?" He asked in a sincere tone. (@Kiclack)
His heart sank. Kal never knew the outcomes of the things he has done. "I...I never knew." he winced as he tried to steel himself for another punch in the gut. "I...I'm sorry." the pain of knowing he had become a terrorist had a far greater impact than the punch that had connected. "I just did it because...because I though I wasn't harming anyone."
"Got it." He nodded. "I'll make sure to keep my aim nice and steady now and take them out for you. Just like you guys did to those assassins at the park for me."(@DrTrollinski )
"Your actions resulted in four children being placed permanently into state care. You were planning to do the same to Amari's children, correct?" He asked. (@Kiclack)


"Good. John, I want you to know that theres the chance of neither of us coming back. If you don't want to go ahead with this, tell me now." He said. (@Axel1313)
"I understand that there are possible consequences if I do this, but I've got to go through with it. This guy targeted my family and Amari's too. I'm not gonna let that fly." His tone was dead serious. "If anything happens to me all I ask is that you tell my girl the truth. She would have every right to know it."(@DrTrollinski )
"Hopefully I ain't gonna have to tell her anything." He said, turning a swift corner. "Just stick to the plan and we'll be fine. Have a few shots of putting that rifle together before we get there. (@Axel1313)
"I will make sure that you won't " He nodded again before setting to work on getting the rifle together. It was tough at first, but only because he felt like he was going to break it and being one of only thirty in the world he didn't really want to do that. Eventually after some struggling he was able to get it together fairly easily.(@DrTrollinski )
"Nice work." He said, by now they were driving down a long country road surrounded by trees and foliage. "We'll stop about half a mile out. This place is giving me the fucking creeps." He said. (@Axel1313)
((Assuming rep is Nick.)) Rick watched from the second floor, peering out a window. This was Nick's problem, he caught him he takes care of him. He just hoped that he saw what a hacker on Kladious' scale could do for them. Not much compared to them, but still somethig. And he would be the one tracked, not them. Such an easy way to handle things, except the kid was a reliability until he proves himself otherwise.
"Not too difficult once you get the hang of it." He smirked. "And I agree with ya there...This place is eerie.." He shivered as they drove on. Trees and other foliage surrounded the road and blocked out a lot of the light.(@DrTrollinski )
He came to a stop only five minutes later. He pulled the car right over to the side of the road, flicked the engine off, and then hopped out. His gold and silver M1911 also had a silencer attached, so he'd really put some thought into this one. He walked up a small hill to come into a crowd of tall trees, and then pointed off in the direction of where the house was. It wasn't close, nor was it in sight, but this was necessary.

"We need to go that way." He said. (@Axel1313)
"Got it." He nodded. Peering off through the trees to the direction of the house. "I've got your back. So you just lead the way and I'll follow." He stated eagerly. His grip tightening on the rifle as he awaited any further orders.(@DrTrollinski )
He lead him onward through the dark forest. This place wasn't too good, but the moonlight was illuminating things just fine. The man sighed and then looked around the forest, and then back to Johnathan. ".. You... don't know my name... Do you?" He grinned a little, realizing that he'd been mister mystery for the past week or two. (@Axel1313)

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