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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"With pleasure." Johnathan cocked his gun and walked over to the man. Looking down at him with a sly smirk. Without warning that changed into a nasty scowl as he planted his heel down right on the guy's knuckles. "You mother f***er!!! How dare you target my family and Amari's like that!? " He ground his heel into the guy's hand. "You got anything to say to me about that before I blow your freaking head off?!" (@DrTrollinski )
He simply laughed. "You're right where I fuckin' wanted you..." He choked, coughing blood. "I wanted to tell you personally..." He reached up and pulled him close. ".. Your family's already dead..." He choked, gave a breathless laugh, and then lied back on the ground. (@Axel1313)
All the color drained from Johnathan's face. "Y-you're lying!" He snapped, kicking the man. His voice came out choked and strained. "They're not dead! I know the other agents got to them in time or...or they got away in time!" (@DrTrollinski )
"I had a call... They're dead. Just like you're gonna be." He grinned as he reached down into his pocket and pulled out a small device and pressed a button on the top of it. Isaac instantly tackled John to the ground and the office that rhhe man was once in exploded and sent bricks and shattered glass up in the air.

Everything went black.

(@Axel1313 - last post here tonight. Goodnight!)
"Nooo!" Johnathan was about to blow the guy's brains out when Isaac tackled him to the ground. For good reason though. There was a loud explosion. Debris flying everywhere and it all went black. His head felt numb and his ears rang horribly.(@DrTrollinski ~ Noapte buna!)
They must have been out cold for a while. They were lucky, too. The blast had killed the target, and the only reason they were alive was because no bricks had come back down and hit them in the head - Isaac had shielded John from pretty much everything, and he put his arms over his head in the hope that he'd wake up and not get killed off by something or the other.

When Isaac finally awoke, he found himself lying on top of Johnathan. He'd know if his family was dead when he got back. It was more than possible that they were gone, but for some reason he was praying that they'd be alright. He slowly shuffled up with a cough and brushed the rubble off of himself - seeing as they were both face down on the ground, they'd breathed in very little dust, and that was what saved their life. He coughed a little and then shook Johnathan's shoulder.

".. John... Talk to me." He choked. (@Axel1313)
What happened? Was that Isaac talking to him and nudging him? He couldn't tell, his ears were still ringing and everything sounded like his head was under water. He felt numb, but luckily that was slowly passing. "Mmm....huh?" He finally managed to mumble. Shakily pushing himself up from the ground as best as he could. (@DrTrollinski .....well no wonder there weren't any replies this morning! I thought this thing got posted!!)
"We need to go." He shakily stood up and grabbed hold of Johnathan's shirt, pulling him up and walking up the hill towards the tree, very slowly. The whole house was ablaze now, and sirens were heard in the distance. They needed to get out of here. Now. (@Axel133)
"Right." He coughed. His whole body ached, but he forced himself to keep up with Isaac. He could hear the sirens in the distance and the blazing inferno behind them and knew they needed to get out of there immediately. (@DrTrollinski )
Once he lead him to the trees, he began walking him through the forest and back in the general direction of the car. "As soon as we get back... I'm looking into your family..."

He sighed a little and placed a hand on John's shoulder. ".. I don't know if it's true, but... If it is, I'm sorry." He added. (@Axel1313)
"Let's get back ASAP so we can get the news, but what that guy said....It can't be true...it just can't be." He shook his head in denial. He refused to believe that it was true, not until he heard or saw it himself. "I know your guys got to them in time o-or that they got out in time...they just had to have."(@DrTrollinski )
"Johnathan... These men are professionals and our guys were six hours behind. Your family would have had no way of knowing if they were coming." He explained, scratching his head. (@Axel1313)
"Of course. The CIA doesn't work off of hope, though... I hope you can understand that." He said with a sigh. "Nothing's confirmed, so let's get back to the car." He said softly, slowly walking onward. (@Axel1313)
"I understand that...more than you think. The CIA can go ahead and not work off of hope. That doesn't stop me from doing it." He sighed again. "Yeah...let's get back so we can get the news..." (@DrTrollinski )
He quickly lead him back to the car as police cars and firetrucks sped by with their sirens wailing out. Thank god they woke up when they did - if they didn't, they'd either be dead or on their way to prison. He lead him down to the Lamborghini and opened up the doors for them both, and once John was inside, he turned the engine on and quickly sped off towards the city. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number, placing it to his ear.

"Hey, Alex... Is everything alright back there?" He asked. A voice was heard saying something in response, but it was inaudible. "Good, good... How's Michael?" He asked, once again. A woman's voice. ".. Great, great. I'll tell Johnathan. Bye." He smiled and hung up. "Everything's fine back there and she didn't mention any phonecalls from our guys, so that can be both good and bad. Michael's just woken up from his nap, so he should be happy to see you." He chuckled a little. (@Axel1313)
"Ugh....I don't know what's worse. Not knowing or knowing if they're alright." He slumped back in his seat. "Haha....I can't wait to see that little guy again too. He's so lucky that he has no idea what's going on around him. All he's got to worry about is being fed and cleaned." He chuckled.(@DrTrollinski )
".. I love children. I always wanted to have my own. Alexandra feels the same, as well." He shrugged and smiled, and within a few minutes they'd finally reached the city again. Home sweet home. (@Axel1313)
"Kids are great. They are both a blessing and a curse. So sweet and innocent and there is no greater joy than raising them, but dang....sometimes they wear you down so much. It's all worth it in the end though" A warmer smile appeared on his face. "So. Does that mean you and Alexandra are uh...well. Together?" (@DrTrollinski )
"Heh. I wish." He said, sighing a little. ".. I like her. Shit... I really like her, but... I don't know. I think what I fear most is that she doesn't feel the same way about me. If I asked her out, she'd think me as some sort of creep, I bet... That wouldn't be easy to work with at all, and I don't need to be the last active CIA agent, do I?" He said. He looked a little disappointed. (@Axel1313)
The Cannon brothers had a worn-out old house on ninth street, broken windows covered by shoty curtains, a door with bolt and chain locks, peeling paint, missing shingles, and so on. Needless to say, the house was as fitting a place for two small time gangsters as could be. This would all change soon though, Frank had just been bumped up in his position with the Ninth Street gang, and because of this would likely be making more money from scores than he and his brother had before. Jacky, Frank's younger brother, was still lower on the totem pole, but was placed directly under Frank so they could still work together.

"Hey Frank, you got a lighter?" Jacky asked his brother, a cigarette pressed between his lips and his hands fixing the color of his suit jacket. Without answering Frank, who was sitting next to his brother Jacky on the couch, pulled a lighter from his breast coat pocket, lit a flame, and held it to the cigarette in Jacky's mouths. "Thanks."

"No problem Jacky Boy." Frank grinned, an already lit cigarette in his mouth. Frank flipped the lighter closed, Jacky glanced at the lighter and noticed the engraving on it that read, "Ninth St."

"I sure would like to get my hands on one of those." Frank looked at his brother, then after realizing he was talking about the lighter smiled and said,

"You keep doing what your told Jacky and you just might." Frank then looked at his watch and stood up dropping his cigarette to the ground and putting it out with his shoe. "Come on, we need to go." Jacky took a last puff from his cigarette and tossed it to the ground, putting it out in the same fashion as his brother. Frank and Jacky grabbed their guns from the table and put them under their jackets. Jacky carried a 38. revolver, and his brother Frank carried an old colt 45. The two kept their guns in shoulder holsters hidden by their suit jackets.

"What's the boss want with us?" Jacky asked his brother while they walked down the street, Jacky straightening his suit jacket yet again, wanting to look his best around the boss.

"Probably got a job for us." Frank answered as he lit another cigarette. After a short walk the two arrived at the bosses place and waited at the door.
".. Well, if it isn't the five-star General and his Lieutenant of a brother." A sharp voice cracked from behind the door. It slowly creaked open - this house was much nicer than the others on Ninth Street, but not by far. It just wasn't as run down as the others. What could you expect? It was the leader's place, after all. The door opened to reveal a perfectly chiseled almost-middle-aged man wearing a charcoal suit with a white shirt and black tie. He didn't wear a hat, though. He didn't like the idea of wearing fedoras, and such. ".. Please, come in." He said to them both - he stepped aside to let them both step into the house, and then slammed the door shut behind them. He lead them through to the living room and then collapsed onto the couch that was covered in dust - The boss, Douglas Torman - had a wife and kids of his own, but none of them really got concerned with his work despite living under the same roof as him. "We have some things to talk about." He looked across at them. (@Chris Wyman)
The two brothers entered the bosses home, Frank put out his cigarette before entering, and then followed him into the living room, Jacky following behind his brother. After the boss sat down Frank found himself a seat in a chair across from him, Jacky remained standing, to low in the gang to sit without being asked first. "I figured that much." Frank said with a grin, able to be less formal with the boss given his rank. Jacky remained silent. @DrTrollinski
"Now's not the time for sarcasm." He mumbled, picking at one of his fingernails. ".. Jackie. Sit." He said, waiting for him to take his seat while he slowly scanned around the room, and then slammed the door of the living room shut by leaning over and pushing it from his chair. ".. We've got the opportunity to make a lot of money. And I'm not talking in the tens and twenties. I'm talkin' in millions here." He said, kicking his right foot up onto his left knee. ".. You two interested?" He asked. (@Chris Wyman)
Jacky sat down as he was told. Frank kept quite for a moment and then leaned forward, "Millions?" He questioned, "That sounds a little too good to be true." Frank thought for a moment; millions, that's a lot of money, but the risk involved with that must be high, maybe too high.

Jacky felt excited, such a good score would mean a big pay out for everyone involved, even himself. After thinking Frank inquired more about it. "What sort of job is this, that would have millions of dollars on the line?" @DrTrollinski

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