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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

Her expression shifted from fury to heartbroken. "I do not care if they were not innocent lives that he's taken....murder is murder.." She choked out. While she was happy to hear that he had saved lives, hearing the fact that he had blood on his hand now upset her greatly. She would have never expected him to do such a thing. No matter what the motive. "I am not sure what to say to him right now..... I still love him so much, but....this is so much to take in at one time..." She sniffles. "You couldn't deliver a slap across the face to him for me could you?" She chuckled sadly.

"Hide and seek! Hide an seek!" Margaret cheered joyously as the mere mention of a game. Joined soon by Alice too. The little girls hadn't even questioned why their mother was talking to the so called policeman, simply accepted that as is.


"Thanks." He chuckled and did a little turn around to show it off. "Since it's one of your favorites I'll be extras careful not to get it messy or anything." (@DrTrollinski )
".. Murder is only when you kill those who do not deserve it. Think about it. The CIA haven't arrested him yet - I'm CIA. We haven't arrested him because he's lowering crime-rates - He's a Saint of the Streets, to say one thing... He hasn't done this without reason." He sighed and slowly rose to his feet. "I know you're confused, but the look on his face when he realized that you were in danger is not going to be something I'll forget anytime soon." He smiled weakly at her.


"Haha, okay." He gently ruffled her hair. "I'm pretty sure using these back rooms won't hurt at all, but don't go to the living room or the kitchen, okay? Who's hiding, and who's seeking?" He asked with a smile.


"Don't worry about it. Dry-cleaners are cheap enough, it's making sure they look good after that matters." He laughed a little and then patted George's back. "John, could you go and check on Joseph and see if he's ready?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
She only shook her head again. "I am sorry, but not in my eyes....I see murder as knowingly and willingly killing another...no matter who they are or what they've done." She let out a deep sigh. "I am going to have to have a long talk with him about all of this....there are so many things I need to say and they are best said directly to him. I am happy that he cares so much for us and would risk anything for us, but I am still upset at what he has done..."

"Okie!" The both giggled wildly and before even hearing his question ran off to hide. They may be small, but Frank was going to be in for quite a shock at just how good they were at hiding.


"Sure, I can definitely do that." With a smile and a nod he headed back upstairs to check in Joseph. "Hey Joseph! You ready yet bud?"(@DrTrollinski )
".. I see." He said simply, and then he walked towards the door. ".. I shall schedule a meeting for you with the current leader of The Dicciano Family. He can answer any further questions... With luck, Johnathan will be there as well." He said. ".. Oh, and as ridiculous as it sounds, the leader is not a bad man. He's not as violent as you'd imagine. He's a parent, just like yourself. He has three boys." He said, giving a faint smile.


Frank decided to check the back bedroom that Colette would usually occupy and started to look around for the two girls. The first place he checked was under the bed, seeing as that seemed to be the most plausible place for young kids to hide in a game of hide and seek.


Joseph was standing in front of the tall mirror in his bedroom, inspecting himself. He was wearing the same suit as George, but his size, of course. He turned to him and smiled, nodding a little. "Yep. I'm good." He said, but he wasn't. His bowtie looked very... Crooked. Clearly, despite having fantastic handwriting and art abilities, this kid couldn't tie a bow-tie right. (@Axel1313)
Giving them a wary look, he decided they were in fact clean. So, helping them out, he decided to help them dry their hair. No sense having wet hair for the first part of it. "The suits should be up on one of your beds. I think it was yours. Clean up here then gi get changed." he told them both.

(@DrTrollinski )
"Okay." Adrian replied simply, hugging him while he dried his hair. Once that was done, both boys dried off their own bodies and then kept the towel wrapped around themselves while they both took two towels from the towel rack and started drying off the floor. They could have used something other than two perfectly clean towels, but oh well. They worked as quick as they could, and before they could even say anything, they dashed out of the bathroom and down the hallway to Adrian's room where they started getting the suits on.

".. Is everything alright, sir?" Peter croaked softly, his hands linked behind his back as he looked over Rick with a gentle smile. (@Beowulf)
'Thank you...that would be much appreciated." She let out a heavy sigh. "As for the leader of this family...I will not judge him until I meet him. If he has managed to keep Johnathan out of trouble this long than he cannot be that bad." A slight chuckle escaped.

The girls giggled quietly as they hid. They could hear him looking around, but nowhere near their hiding spots and as usual. They were using their little tag team effort of keeping him distracted in one direction while the other on ran to an entirely new hiding spot. They were quite the clever little devils for only being three years old.


"Eeeeh, not quite there pal." With a smile he walked over and spun Joseph around to help him with his bow tie. "These things sure are difficult to get right aren't they?"(@DrTrollinski )
"I can't promise you that Johnathan will be there, but the leader is a definite." He sighed. ".. His wife went missing a few months back, not long after his third son was born. In a sense, you, Johnathan, and him all have something in common." He said, rubbing his forehead gently with the palm of his hand. "I'm glad that you're not one who's quick to judge. He'll like that." He smiled and then opened up the door, stepping out. ".. We should have you in a new house at some point soon. Sorry for the delay. Have a wonderful day, Colette." He said.


Frank sighed and forced himself to his feet, walking over to the long curtains by the window. He pulled them open to check behind them, just in case they were standing behind one of them. He hoped to at least find one of the girls, but so far, that was proving to be difficult.


"Yeah... I'm not good with these." Joseph chuckled a little and watched Johnathan's hand movement as he did his bow tie for him. He didn't have a clue on those things. ".. I can tie normal ties, but these are just weird. Dad said we weren't allowed to wear normal ties. I dunno' why." He said with a gentle shrug, he thought for a moment and then sighed. ".. John... Do you think we're all gonna' be alright at The Black Sun place tonight? I mean... They don't usually invite people over for dinner." He chuckled. (@Axel1313)
"That poor man...he must be suffering so much." She put a hand over her heart sadly. "And thank you so much for speaking with me about this. I may be upset, but I do greatly appreciate it....and cannot wait until we are relocated to a new house. Hopefully it is a bit more cheery looking than this one." She chuckled.

The girls finally decided to show him some mercy. Of course....by rushing from their hiding spots and latching onto his legs. Giggling wildly as they did so.


"I think we're gonna be just fine. It doesn't sound like it's for anything serious, just a nice meeting with them." He smiled. (@DrTrollinski )
"He..." He paused for a moment and sighed. ".. He's got his children. He thought about them first and worried about them more than himself and his wife. He does suffer for it, but... He's happy to have them, I know that much." He smiled. "The place you'll be moved to is very nice, indeed. A lot brighter, and a lot more cheery alongside that... I just need to make some calls, that's all. One of them being to the boss I was talking about - His name's Vincent Amari, by the way. It's a name you probably know, having lived here before." He said, looking around. "Chances are that he'll be meeting you before you move, but that shouldn't be too long away." He smiled at her. "Goodbye, Colette. I'll be in touch." He said, and then closed the door and made his way out of the building.


Frank pretended to be scared and let out a false yell of surprise. He soon joined them in their laughter and swept them both up - one arm held one child. He was just showing them 'how strong he was'. He laughed and then sat down on the bed, sitting them on either side of himself. ".. I think mommy's going to be making you some breakfast soon." He smiled. "Is there anything else you'd like to do?" He asked.


"I hope so." Joseph sighed and went and sat down on his bed, adjusting his belt. His belt was an Italian brand, and expensive, too. ".. I don't want to get turned into an alien, or... whatever it is those guys do." He said, he was half joking, and half serious, but he laughed all the same. (@Axel1313)

"I have only heard his name before. It will be interesting to meet such a man. When you call him you can tell him that I will certainly be happy to meet with him" She smiled. "And again. Thank you. Hopefully everything goes smoothly for you as well."

The girls shrieked with laughter and toppled over in the bed. Rolling over and sitting back up again they moved in close to hug his sides. "Breafast!! Yumm...." They giggled.

"We wan see mommy!" Little Alice protested. Looking up at him with an adorable pouty face.


Johnathan burst out laughing. "They wont turn you into an alien." He sat down beside him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "Because you're far too odd for that!" He chuckled and roughed up his hair.(@DrTrollinski )
"Alright, alright." Frank ruffled the hair on both of their heads and then slowly sat up, wandering off to the door. He peeked out of it and then saw that the man was gone, and that Colette had gone back to making some breakfast or doing whatever it was she was doing in the kitchen; with a smile, Frank turned back with a smile and swept both of the girls up off of the bed, holding them at his sides as he walked them out of the door. "Oh, Colette!" He called out. "We've got two hungry girls here!" He laughed a little as he carried them down and set them on the floor so they could greet their mother.


"You never know, man." He hugged him back with one arm and laughed a little. ".. I know, it'll probably be fine, I just--.. I don't know. I'm sort of scared. What if they're just inviting us so they can get me for looking into all those theories that were based off of 'em?" He asked out of worry. (@Axel1313)
"That is nothing out of the ordinary." She laughed brightly. She was still upset, but managed to fake that happy attitude for her girls. "They take after their father in eating like little horses." She joked as she put some french toast, eggs and sausage down on the table for them all. She also set down some orange juice for the girls and fresh coffee for Frank. "They did not give you too much trouble did they?"


"I don't think they would do that. You were just looking up stuff on them, not interfering with their inside workings right?" He chuckled. Surely they wouldn't do anything to Amari's boy would they? (@DrTrollinski )
"Everything is fine, Peter." Rick said as he got to his feet. "The boys just caused a bit if a mess, had them clean it up, so you don't have to worry about it." Stretching his back, he decides to ask the servant's opinion. "I am thinking about hiring another servant. Nick, I don't know about but I may be able to sway him. If he agrees to it, I am hoping to quickly winniw out those that we cannot trust, leaving the trustworthy. They'll need some training, however."

(@DrTrollinski )
"Not at all. They've been Angels for me." He smiled and walked be girls over to the table and helped them into the chairs, and then chucked their chairs in before going to his own. "The food looks wonderful, as always." He smiled at her.


"No, but... I've still been reading about them, and I made that Rick guy angry then last time I did that." He sighed in worry and put his head against Johnathan's arm. (@Axel1313)


Peter simply smiled. "Children will be children, sir." He chuckled. "I honestly have no problem cleaning up any mess they make. As for the new servant, if you wish, you can. I personally don't mind." He smiled. Of course he didn't mind cleaning. This was the guy that had been there since Nick and Rick were kids. And he'd done a lot for their own children - when Nick and Rick were away working, Peter had cared for them, bathed them, fed them, and even wiped their asses for them when they were younger. (@Beowulf)

(@Axel1313, @Beowulf)

(@Beowulf - I tagged Axel in your post. I apologize.)
"That is good to hear." She pinched their little cheeks before taking a seat. "Thank you, I hope you enjoy it today. I did nothing special with it today though, it is plain and simple home made French toast today."


"Ooooh, I'm sure he's not really angry at you. If anything I bet he's surprised that a kid your age was able to do anything like that." He roughed up his hair again. "You're a real genius you know that kiddo? You're dad's gotta be real proud of you for that."(@DrTrollinski )
"Mmm... I've been waiting all week for some French toast made by you." He smiled at her and instantly started tucking in. ".. While we're here, you got anything you're allowed to talk about? About what that guy was saying, I mean?" He asked softly, chewing the food in his mouth and then swallowing it.


".. Dad does say that... Thanks." He smiled a little. ".. I mean, I didn't mean to do anything bad... I found a bug in the script that the websites used. I read about how the government put blockers on personal details, but... there's a loophole in it. I found names and addresses of the people that were writing all the theories. I wasn't gonna' do anything bad with 'em... I was just curious... Is that bad?" He asked as he rolled his eyes up to look at him. (@Axel131)

(@Axel1313 - Sorry, broke the tag)
"I suppose I do, but it is nothing of great importance." She let out a heavy sigh. "Mainly just seeing my lover again and having a bit of a chat with him and even his boss as well."


"I don't think it's bad at all." He gave him a reassuring smile. He had hardly a clue as to what some of the terms Joseph had used even meant, he wasn't the most techno savvy, but he was able to get the gist of it. "You were just curious is all and there's nothin' wrong with that at all."(@DrTrollinski )
"I see..." He smiled a little and ate some more of his french toast and then sipped his coffee. ".. Any idea when we'll be moved out of this apartment, I mean, it's a lovely place and all, but I think we need a change of scenery." He said jokingly with a hint of sarcasm to his voice. ".. It'd be nice for the girls to get rooms of their own, as well." He smiled a little as he gently patted Alice's head, and then Margaret's.


".. Right--.. What if they try and get me to work for them, or something?" He asked, sighing a little. ".. I mean--.. I don't wanna' live in some big secret underground base where I have to shower with a dozen other guys and have to sleep on a military bunk, and then wake up to go on a computer to track names, and stuff." Wow. For a kid, he sure worried about some complex stuff. "If they don't kill me, what if they try and do that?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"I think we will be moved to a new house not too long from now." She smiled cheerfully. "I do hope there are rooms for the girls and a yard for them to run around in. They do need the fresh air, it will them good." She reached over to cut Alice and Margaret's food for them. They would eat it with their hands if she didn't do that and make an absolute mess.


"You sure do have quite the imagination." He chuckled. "No no. I don't think they'd do anything like that. You're way too young for anything like that. That and I know you're father wouldn't allow it one bit."(@DrTrollinski )
"No, no..." Joseph shook his head and pulled away, wandering over to his desk where he grabbed his laptop and carried it back to the bed; he opened it up and it powered on instantly - it was only on standby. Joseph could touch-type, too. He was quite fluent with a keyboard, but made a few mistakes here and there when he typed. "Look." He said as he pointed to an image. It was at Times Square, and there were two men in black suits walking away from the camera. "That's them, right there. This was taken three years ago on May Third - and, if we compare that, to... this." He said as he opened up another tab and typed in 'Times Square murder may 3rd 2022'. He clicked on the first search result.

"See it?" He pointed to a small bit of text. 'The man died of gunshot wounds. No links to the suspect(s) were found, and no witnesses have come forward'. "It's them, dude..." He said as he rubbed his head. ".. It can't be a coincidence, can it?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
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"Hmmm.." Johnathan walked over to see the screen better. Crossing his arms over his chest. "I see what you mean..the evidence is strong. There's nobody else that it could be in that scenario. The times line up far too well and you see no other people on the screen at the time. I'd say that it couldn't be a coincidence in this case."(@DrTrollinski )
"Do you think that's going to happen to all of us? We'll just turn up dead in upper New York and no justice will ever come of it? Is that what's going to happen to us?" He asked, looking extremely worried now. (@Axel1313)
"Not one bit!" He stated reassuringly. "Trust me Joseph, you're in one of the safest and most well protected positions ever. I know for a fact that your father wouldn't allow anyone to lay a single finger on any of you. And if they did they wouldn't be around for much longer." (@DrTrollinski )
Relief swept over Rick. Peter was a servant, but master and servant danced a fine danced. A displeased servant couldn't do anything large. But a bunch of minir annoyances could drive any man to the brink if insanity. "Thank you, Peter." he said before striding out of the bathroom and headed for the front door, anticipating the arrival of their first guest.

(@DrTrollinski sorry, I figured out the art of killing dragons in Skyrim.)

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