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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"Joseph! Hey! It's alright pal!" John hugged him close and patted his back. "Just calm down. They're just guards okay? Just like the guys you have in front of your house. They aren't gonna do anything to ya, okay? You're gonna be just fine."(@DrTrollinski )
"Okay, okay..." He took a couple of deep breaths and darted his eyes about, and then up towards the house. ".. Do you think they'll let me--.. I don't know. Do you think they'll let me sit out in the back yard for a while when we get inside? I feel really faint." He said. He'd gone pale again. Damn it. Amari sighed and slowly opened up his door and then helped George out after he'd stepped out himself. He'd let John deal with Joseph. (@Axel1313)
"I'm sure they would if you asked." He tried to get him to calm down more. "Everything is gonna be just fine Joseph. Ya gotta remember that this is just dinner with them okay? They aren't gonna do anything to you or anybody else here. They just wanna talk to your dad is all. Catch up on stuff y'know?"(@DrTrollinski )
"Yeah, yeah... I get you." He took a deep breath through his mouth and then reached over to his door and pushed it open. He looked very faint still, and when he stepped out of the car, his legs could barely hold him up. They were shaking like crazy, and the house itself was huge. Yep. It definitely had some sort of huge underground prison. He wasn't going to be able to walk there by himself, that was for sure. (@Axel1313)
"We'll be just fine." He reassured him again. As soon as he got out of the vehicle he was beside Joseph. Helping him stand on shaky legs. "I'll help you get to the house okay? And take as long as you need to. I'm sure our hosts wont mind if we are a little late because I got too scared to walk in." He winked at Joseph. He was willing to take the fall for him and make him look like the tougher one in front of these guys.(@DrTrollinski )
".. Can me and you just sit out on the front steps for a few minutes? I'd just like to sit down. I feel really light-headed and my legs feel fuzzy." He pleaded, one arm around Johnathan's body as they stepped towards the house. He really wasn't liking the look of this place, and he was certain he'd throw up again, but he didn't really have enough in his stomach to actually bring up. (@Axel1313)
"Sure thing. Like I said before, you just take as long as you need to okay?" He walked him over to the front steps and sat down. Waving away any concerned guards checking on them. With Joseph a bundle of nerves already the last thing they needed was guards talking to them anyway.(@DrTrollinski )
".. Thanks for helping me out, John... You've done a lot for me." He smiled weakly at him and leaned against him, his head rested on his shoulder. He still looked pretty ghastly and sick, and he had stomach pain now - When he got inside, he'd have to have a drink of water, and possibly locate a bathroom if his anxiety-ridden bowels decided to cause a riot. He felt alright for now, though. "Have you heard from your family recently?" He asked softly, looking off across the lush green grass that lead down towards the gate. One thing became clear - if he was a high-priority target, he'd have been shot by now. That was a little relaxing, but the fact that he may never walk out of the house was just as frightening. (@Axel1313)
"Ah, it's nothing really." He chuckled, ruffling up his hair again. He almost cringed though at the question about his family. He knew they were okay now, but the memory of that feeling he'd gotten when he thought they were dead was still pretty strong. "I uh....no....no. I haven't heard from them in a little while now. I think they've been busy lately."(@DrTrollinski )
He smiled a little and then took a deep breath. ".. I hope they come over here soon. I'll be sure to buy something nice for them - Maybe I'll draw a picture, of some kind. Something nice." He smiled weakly once again and then took a deep breath of the fresh air. It made his stomach turn, but it made him feel better in the long run. ".. Why did they leave in the first place? How come you didn't go with 'em?" He asked. Ah, dear. Joseph and George still didn't know the truth about their father, and hopefully they never would. (@Axel1313)
"I hope so too...I miss em so much." He smiled sadly. "I think they'd like it a lot if ya drew something for them. My girls will probably return the favor too." He chuckled. Dang it! He asked another question that was difficult to answer without giving away the truth about what their father did. "I uh...they left while I tried to get some money to move to a better, safer part of town. It was easier for them to be in a safer place while I got the money and everything in place."(@DrTrollinski )
".. Right... You spend a lot of time with my dad, though, do you work for him at his vineyard?" He asked out of curiosity, he was still pretty pale and ghastly, but he wasn't shaking at all now, and he didn't look quite as faint. It was the realization of actually being here that hit him the hardest. ".. What's it like to be a dad, too? Is it fun?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
((Damn it, what did I miss?))

"Let them in." he said softly into his wrist. Technology has done much to improve communication, especially in hiw well it is hidden. Walking over near the door, he greets the guests with a smile and open arms, figuratively. "Welcome."
Joseph and Amari's American friend, Johnathan, were both sitting on the step that lead up to the house. Amari greeted Rick with the most friendly smiled he could manage as he held his youngest son, George, close to his side.

"Hello." He said, "I must say I'm impressed. I didn't expect anything like this." He smiled warmly and stepped in through the door, looking around. "You'll have to forgive my eldest son. He was feeling a little... Car sick." He said. (@Beowulf)
"Do not worry about it. It cannot be helped." he said, returning the smile whole heartedly. "We have appetizers set out over there. I swear Peter has worked harder just for this occasion. I doubted it could happen, but I swear some of his specialties have just gotten better." he was trying his best to calm Amari down, just in case, so he went around sampling things willie-nillie, proving they were not poisoned.

((@DrTrollinski ))
"I do. He keeps me real busy there. Running errands and even doing some harder labor around the place." He shifted so Joseph could lean comfortably against him. "Oh, being a dad is the best feeling in the world. Real tough because you always worry you're gonna mess up somehow or not be able to make them happy enough, but it's all worth it when they show you how much they love you and watch them grow up." (@DrTrollinski )
"Ah, I see." He smiled. "You have a loyal Butler, I assume? We have the same at our home. He's very good - been with us since my eldest was born." He smiled and then walked through to the large dining room. Jesus. This singular room was the same size as half of his house. This was the sort of place a government would meet for dinner. He went over and picked up one of the still-hot spring rolls and shoved it into his mouth. They were only small, so he fit it in without trouble. George also did the same and smiled as he munched away on it.

"Where's Nathaniel and Adrian?" George squeaked shyly in question. (@Beowulf)


".. I wanna' be a dad one day. My dad told me that it's really good, too. I'd like two sons, and one daughter..." He smiled at the thought. He hadn't had sexual education, but he was given 'the talk' when he was younger. ".. That way, the two brothers can look after the sister, because the brothers will be the older ones." He smiled warmly, some color finally returning to his face. ".. I wanna' work as... a lawyer, or something, or maybe do something with computers." He said. (@Axel1313)
A bright smile returned to Johnathan's face. "You dream real big there kiddo. I like that." He roughed up his hair playfully. "I say go for it! When you're older of course." Johnathan wasn't sure if Joseph had had 'the talk' yet, so he was trying to avoid that if possible. "And study hard and I'm pretty sure your dad's told you all this already. Right?" He chuckled.(@DrTrollinski )
"They should be around here somewhere." he said, looking over his shoulders, and underneath them while he was at it. "They were just here." he said outloud. To himself, he says much more quietly "Now where could they have gone?"

(By the way, Amari and his two sons are wearing black suits and bow ties.)

".. Well... Would you mind if George went and took a look for them? Upstairs, maybe? He wanted to play with them for a little while before we ate." Vincent gave a warm smile as he shoved a king prawn into his mouth. Mm. Delicious. Prawns were his and Joseph's favorite type of seafood - Nick had made Rick aware of how nervous Joseph got around the two, so he requested earlier in the week that Rick went a little easier on him today. (@Beowulf)


".. Oh, yeah. I kinda' study now with that sort of stuff. I've found this website that helps you learn computer languages, and I've read about law work, too." He smiled at him, his face now getting a little more color in it once again. "I hope it'll go well... I want to have a wife, that's really beautiful... Just like our mom was." He smiled. "I'd buy a big house, somewhere near you and my dad so I could visit, too." He smiled at him. (@Axel1313)
"With how smart you are I know you'll get there. And be the best lawyer or computer wiz or whatever it is you choose to be ever." He patted his back. "And I'm sure you'll find the right girl too and get the nicest house on the block. You'll make your dad real proud Joseph. I just know it."(@DrTrollinski )
".. Make him proud? Smart? I'm already good at doin' both those things." He joked, followed by playfully nudging his shoulder and laughing a little. If the boy had anything, he had a good personality. He'd probably do really well in one of the better public schools - Amari had been thinking about sending he and George to one recently. ".. So, shall we ride into the valley of death and hope we don't get poisoned by their food?" He asked quietly with a gentle laugh. He felt a bit stupid now - they probably weren't going to do him harm. (@Axel1313)

(@Beowulf - I'm going to bed soon, so if we could get some more posts in on our side that'd be good :) )
((Sure can do))

"Go right ahead. You'll probably have better luck finding them then I will." he told the youngest. To Amari, he said "I'm so glad you came. I'm hoping for a few other of the leaders to arrive. Nobody that you are on bad terms with, or course."

"You got that right." He joked and returned the playful nudge. "There's nowhere else to go at this point, so we may as well. And I say, if they poison us, it better be with good for or I'm comin' back to haunt every last one of them." He joked again.(@DrTrollinski )
".. I see..." By the time Rick had spoken, George had already shot off upstairs and was searching every single room to try and find Nathaniel and Adrian. ".. I don't want to be talking affairs with the children at the table. That's not fair." He said, eating yet another king prawn. ".. What's the chances of these leaders showing up, and how do you know they're trustworthy? Just because The Dicciano Family's on good grounds with them, doesn't mean that they utterly despise me and you." He said.

Joseph simply chuckled and walked into the house with him, putting on the best smile he could manage as he walked into the dining room and held out a hand towards Rick, nodding at him. ".. Sorry for the late arrival." He laughed a little. "You're... Rick, right? I'm sorry, it's just hard to tell the two of you apart." He said with a lighthearted chuckle. He'd already eyed the spread that had been put out - more importantly the king prawns. He was going to be tucking into them soon. (@Axel1313, @Beowulf)

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