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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"I dunno about that one. My girlfriend doesn't always have the best ingredients, but she can cook a meal rivaling this one. You'll have to try it some time." He chuckled. Taking another bite. "I'm surprised I don't have a spare tire because of how much good stuff she feeds me." (@DrTrollinski )
"Whenever I meet her, I'll be sure to try it out." He smiled at him and then ate some of the potatoes on his plate. The meal was fantastic, and seeing as there was a fair amount left over, Joseph went in for a second serving. Good stuff.

As dinner came to an end, and while dessert was being prepared, Joseph called George over to stand between his and Johnathan's seat. He gave John the look as an ample sign to proceed with their little wager.

"What is it?" George asked with a soft smile. (@Axel1313)
"Hey Georgie." He smiled happily when he came over. He had a really bad feeling in the pit of his wallet. "I just wanted to let you know that you can call me Uncle John if ya like. Since we're pretty much family now." (@DrTrollinski )
"I can?" He asked, linking his hand behind his back before smiling and thinking to himself for a moment. "Okay, Uncle John!" He grinned and hugged him tight and then nipped back to his seat in preparation for dessert.

Joseph was trying not to laugh. It was quite a cute thing to see, though. "What did I tell you? Haha." He chuckled and patted his shoulder. (@Axel1313 - this'll be my last post)
"Aww man! I knew I shouldn't have bet on that!" He grinned from ear to ear. I was cute that George took to calling him Uncle so quickly, but also lost him fifty bucks. "Alright alright, I'm a man of my word. When do ya want the fifty bucks?"(@DrTrollinski ~Alright. Noapte buna)
Joseph looked at him for a moment and then shook his head before patting his shoulder and shaking his head. ".. I don't. I won the bet, but I'm not taking fifty dollars from you - I almost had an unfair advantage seeing as George is my brother, and all." He laughed a little and then rubbed his forehead with one hand, looking around the dining room a couple of times. "Don't try and force me to take fifty dollars, and all that. You should keep that and buy your girls something nice for when they get back." He smiled. (@Axel1313)
"No no, I insist." He shook his head. "I'll have plenty of time to get the money again and buy them something nice. Trust me. I bet you fifty bucks so that's what I owe ya. and I wanna pay it back. If I don't I'll just end up feeling like my father." He got choked up a little bit. "So. Anyway, I lost the bet, so it's only fair y'know? I shoulda known better to begin with." He chuckled.(@DrTrollinski )
"John..." He sighed and patted his shoulder again, resting his hand there. ".. You're a good guy, okay? You've already given me and George enough, and the last thing I want to do is take money from you." He explained. "You treated us like family, tucked George into bed at night and read to him when my dad didn't even ask you to, and you helped put my mind at ease that one night, remember?" He smiled and then leaned over, resting his head against his arm. ".. Honestly, it's fine, but if I can't convince you otherwise, it looks like I'll have to take the money from you." (@Axel1313)
"Thanks....that means a lot to me you know." He smiled down at him softly. What he said really did mean a lot to him. "Tell ya what....how about instead of giving you the fifty bucks right on the spot. I use it to take you and George to the carnival before school. How does that sound?"(@DrTrollinski )
Joseph turned to him and smiled. "I think that'd be awesome. Would you really do that?" He asked, his excitement was really sparked now. It had been a while since he'd been to a carnival - Six Flags was awesome, but it was no carnival. Before school, too? A few mornings of sleeping in after they'd been would be the coolest thing ever. "When would we be able to go?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"I really would." He smiled down at him. He just loved seeing the excitement on his face at the mention of going to the carnival. "We can go as soon as I make sure it's okay with your dad. I'm sure he wont mind me taking you there at all!" (@DrTrollinski last post for the night for me. Noapta buna!)
"Yeah, I'm sure he'd be cool with that." He smiled at him and then thought about it. A fun day with John and his little brother. What could be better? "Thanks, John." He smiled.

And then desert was brought out. Joseph had called it. A chocolate fountain with strawberries, a lemon meringue pie, and even better, a hot chocolate fudge cake with luxury vanilla ice cream. Awesome. (@Beowulf, @Axel1313 - good night!)

"I don't suppose someone could show me where the bathroom is here, could you?" Joseph asked, Nick was quick to jump to it.

"Of course, follow me." Nick smiled and then looked at Rick. It was happening now. Joseph was hesitant, but he did follow him out. "You got an elevator inside your house?" Nick asked.

"Haha... I wish." He grinned as he walked out of the dining room with him.

"Well, we do." He smiled. "We'll take the elevator just this one time so you can see how cool it is." He said. He walked Joseph to the elevator. And then it happened. It started going down instead of up - Joseph's face flushed of color immediately.

"No... No, no, no." He tugged at the doors of the elevator and started breathing quickly. He was almost hyperventilating.

Nick quickly texted Rick. 'Hurry up and get down here. The kid's having a panic attack.' (@Beowulf - this ones more specific for you, Beo. @Axel1313)
"I'll ask him tomorrow okay? See if we can get a time set up then." He grinned and gave him a little side hug.

Joseph was right again. When dessert came they wheeled out this massive chocolate fountain. And it was delicious. If only Colette had been there, he knew how much she loved chocolate covered strawberries.

After a while he began to wonder where Joseph ha run off to. He knew he asked where the bathroom was, but it couldn't possibly be that far away could it?(@DrTrollinski )
George shuffled over and took up Joseph's seat and smiled at Johnathan. He was eating chocolate fudge cake with chocolate covered strawberries and a load of the vanilla ice cream, too.

"Hi, Uncle John." He grinned at him and shoved a few strawberries into his mouth from his dessert bowl. "It's really good here, huh?" He smiled. He hadn't heard about the carnival just yet, though. With all the sugar he'd had, there was the chance that he'd be bouncing off of the walls once he found out. (@Axel1313)
"Heya." He greeted him with a bright smile. "It really is. The food is good and the people are polite. And it looks like somebody's been enjoying the chocolate fountain." He teased. "You be careful now with all that sugar though. We don't you getting car sick too." (@DrTrollinski )
"I never get car sick. I eat sweet food all the time!" He grinned. ".. Well--.. I did get car sick once, but that was only when we were drivin' for a really long time, and that's when mom was here, too." He smiled and then shoved some of the cake into his mouth. "Is Joseph okay?" He asked, eating another strawberry. ".. He had to go to the bathroom, and he was sick earlier in the car... Do you think he's gonna' be sick again?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"We'll just see about that later on the trip home pal." He chuckled and roughed up his hair. "I dunno.....last I saw him he was headed to the bathroom....he could have gotten lost or something." He did have a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach though seeing as that Nick guy who was showing him the way wasn't back yet either.(@DrTrollinski )
".. Okay..." He smiled at him. He shoved the last of his cake into his mouth and then climbed over to Johnathan, dropping himself down onto his lap and then hugging him, his head rested against his chest. ".. When do you think we're gonna' go home...? I'm kinda' tired." He said to him, yawning. (@Axel1313)
Rick looked down at his phone at the sound of a text message arriving. Quickly reading it, he says to thise gathered "I must excuse myself. Buisness call." and pushed himself away from the table. Putting the silent phone up to his ear, he says "Yes?" as he disappeared around a corner and hurried to the elevator, pressing the button to go down, keeping the ruse up all the while.
"I'm not sure about that bud." He wrapped an arm around him and pat his back. "I don't think we've been here for that long, but I could be wrong. You'll probably have to ask your dad how long it's going to be." (@DrTrollinski )
Whenever Rick arrived downstairs, he saw Joseph sitting on the floor against the wall, nervously shooting his wide eyes around the hallway that lead right down to where they kept the armory and their intelligence center. The poor kid looked like he was about to pass out.

"He thinks we're going to kill him. He doesn't seem to believe me." Nick said, looking across at Rick as the elevator opened up. ".. Why don't you tell him that we mean no harm?" He asked. Nick just hoped Rick remembered what he said. Be nice. (@Beowulf)


".. Okay..." He sighed and then hugged him again. ".. We've been here kinda' long... Do you wanna' come and see the back yard with me?" He asked. ".. It's real cool out there. It's bigger than our one!" He said with a grin of amazement as he hopped up from his lap. He was wondering where Joseph was. Still no sign of him. (@Axel1313)
"I'd love to!" After George hopped up off of his lap he stood up and popped his back. "I've been sitting down here for way too long, stretching my legs will feel good. Maybe we'll find your brother along the way too."(@DrTrollinski )
Rick gave Joseph a strange look, obvious even with his sunglasses on. "I make it a personal objective of mine to not harm children." he told him. Really now, if they wanted to hurt the boy they would have done it by now.

((@DrTrollinski ))
George smiled. ".. Okay. I know where the bathroom upstairs 'cause I needed to go earlier and Adrian showed me where it was." He grinned and then lead him up the stairs, smiling as he approached the bathroom door. He stopped when he saw that it was wide open and there was in fact no one in there. ".. W--.. Where's Joseph?" He asked, gripping Johnathan's hand tightly. (@Axel1313)


".. I--.." Joseph took a few shaky deep breath. Okay. He was really going to need to go to the bathroom as soon as possible. All the nerves had gone straight to his bowels and now he was feeling a little under the weather. He was sure he could hang on for five or ten minutes, though. ".. Okay--.. Okay... Okay." He took a deep breath and wiped the sweat from his forehead with a shaky hand. ".. W-What have you brought me down here for...?" He squeaked, gulping thereafter as he slowly stood back up, his legs barely being able to hold him. (@Beowulf)
Laila took a deep breath, knowing that the people on the street were eyeing her with suspicion. It was pretty well known which gang she had previously been affiliated with, and now that she stood on the corner of the sidewalk, waiting for her "initiation" into The Six, she wasn't so sure that she had made the right choice in trying to infiltrate a pretty tough gang on her own. Laila, standing on the sidewalk by herself, looked around to see if anyone was going to show up and just get through with the initiation already. She'd heard stories about The Six--they were big, bad, and definitely not people that you wanted to mess with. Laila simply pushed that thought to the back of her mind. "As long as I don't fuck this up, they'll never know."

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