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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"Yeah." He said, weakly, sticking as close to Johnathan as he could get. George saw how sick and upset Joseph looked, so he came up and took him by the hand and smiled up at him.

".. It's okay, Joseph... I get sick sometimes, but I always get better!" He said, cheerfully. Joseph cracked the faintest of smiles and ruffled his hair. Oh, how terrible it was that Johnathan and George didn't even know the half of it. He walked downstairs with John, but, luckily, Amari had already left the dining room to come looking for him. As soon as he heard that Joseph was sick, he'd begun to get worried.

"Jesus... You look rough, son..." Amari said as he put a hand down on Joseph's head. He took it away and then walked to the other side of Johnathan. ".. He okay?" He asked in a whisper. (@Axel1313)
"No, his nerves got the best of him and he feels terrible now. Spent a good five or ten minutes in the bathroom....then came out pale as a ghost and shakin' like a leaf." He whispered back. "Poor guy just wants to go home and sleep now."(@DrTrollinski )
Rick snuck quietly and painfully slow past the room with the baby in it. Sometimes, he couls swear that babies heard everything that happaned around them. Once past, he opened the door to the master bedroom and began to rummage about, quietly. Then he found it, the silver box. He slowly creaked it open, ready to quickly shut the lid if it was one of those that played music.
".. Oh, shit--.. Right. Okay..." He instantly whipped out his cellphone and then quickly texted someone, sighing a little as he did so. He looked up at Joseph now and again, seeing as he was so worried about him. The poor kid looked like he was about to faint on them, and he was still breaking out into cold sweats. He planned to stay for a while longer so he could discuss things with some of the other people here, but that was about it. "Okay. I've got a driver on the way here right as we speak, so he'll take you guys back home." He walked over to Joseph and bent over a little so he could be face to face with him. ".. You okay, son...? You're not going to pass out, are you? Do you need to sit down?" He asked.

".. No, dad--.. I'm fine..." He sniffled. Vincent knew that look on Joseph's face, even though his head was bowed. That was the look of sheer humiliation. It was a shame, the boy was having a good night and he was being very sociable with just about everyone. He wondered what had made him like this, but he had a sneaky suspicion that Nick had something to do with it.

"Hey," He pulled him into a hug and held him close for a minute. ".. It's nothing to be ashamed of... It happens to all of us, some at worse times than others... You made it to the bathroom, you didn't make a big scene in front of everyone... You did alright, son... Okay?" He said. Joseph sniffled again and nodded, his face buried in his father's stomach. "Don't you be feeling bad about it. You can't help it... With the anxiety and all that, you've been through that sort of thing before and no one batted an eye, and you can trust your brother and John to not judge you for it. And me, of course." He said, and then ruffled his hair.

".. I know, dad..." He whimpered in response. Vincent sighed and just held him in his arms while looking up at John.

"John... Would you mind taking the boys back and making sure they get into bed alright?" He asked. (@Axel1313)


It wasn't a music box. It was just fine, and inside rested a beautiful silver ring encrusted with a dozen diamonds that went across the two top bands. It wasn't a manly watch, so that sort of told him whose it was. Now, it was time to get out of there - he had what he needed, and the fact that he hadn't woken up that guard a couple of rooms down was an absolute miracle. (@Beowulf)
"I wouldn't mind one bit." He nodded. Looking down at the boys with a sweet smile. "Hey....don't feel so bad Joseph. You wanna know embarrassing? I pretty much fainted the first few times I tried to ask my girlfriend out. In fact, she had to help me back to my apartment because I was such a mess." He chuckled. Hoping that his little story of embarrassment would make Joseph feel better. (@DrTrollinski )
Joseph did pull away from Vincent and look up at him blankly for a moment, but then he closed his eyes and shook his head while laughing a little. ".. At least it was worth it in the end." He said, patting his arm. Vincent chuckled for a moment and then looked back towards the dining room.

"Okay, guys... You guys travel safe... Boys, it's getting late... So bedtime as soon as you get in, alright?" He said.

".. I didn't plan to do anything else.." Joseph said, frowning again.

"Good boy. What about you, George?"

"Huh? Oh--.. Right... Yeah, I'll go to bed, dad." He smiled, Vincent patted him on his head and then patted Johnathan's shoulder, followed by nodding at him and then walking back into the dining room. Another twenty minutes later, they heard a honking of a horn outside, and the same limo driver from earlier on had come to collect them. When they did get into the car, it was like heaven. It was nice and warm and ventilated, and there was icy cold water in an ice bucket in the back once again. Not even five minutes into their journey, George was fast asleep against John's arm, and Joseph wasn't far out, either. He was just snuggled up to John in an attempt to keep as warm as he could.

It wasn't until they were ten minutes away from home that Joseph realized his anxiety wasn't quite done. He still had TBS and the work he'd be 'doing with them' on his mind, and it was still getting to him.

".. John--.. This is really bad, but--.." He gulped and then looked out of the window. They weren't too far away. He just hoped he could make it. ".. I really need to go again." He said, his head bowing once more as he tucked his legs up onto the chair and leaned against him once more. (@Axel1313)
"Hmmm?" Johnathan lifted his head to look at him. He hadn't been too far off from falling asleep himself. "Oh, okay...just hold on okay?" He shifted forward carefully to speak to the driver, making sure not to disturb George too much. "Hey, do you think you could speed it up? The poor boy isn't feeling so well and needs to get back ASAP." (@DrTrollinski )
"On it." The driver said, simply. Seeing as it was getting late, he pushed it just over the speed limit so they could shorten their journey by a few minutes, and that may have just saved Joseph. As soon as they got through the gates, Joseph looking nothing other than relieved and desperate at the same time. He was sweating again, and as soon as the car stopped he got out and ran up to the door - the running only made the urge worse. This was so much for a ten-year-old to go through, especially after being taken along to an adult's dinner party.

There was a key under the doormat which he used to let himself in. He wanted to go upstairs so he had more privacy, but he knew he wasn't going to make it that far. He shot down the hallway and into the bathroom beside the kitchen and locked the door. Another close call, but he made it.

George had pretty much woken up but still looked incredibly tired and leaned against John on the way up to the house. While George departed from him to to upstairs and get into some pajamas.

"John...?" Joseph called out from the bathroom as soon as he heard his footsteps coming close. Just like at the manor, the sounds from behind the door perfectly described how sick he'd become. "Can you get me some PJ's from my room...? The really warm flannel ones?" He asked. He felt ice cold and wanted to be able to snuggle up in bed and warm up. (@Axel1313)
"Sure thing pal." He called back. "You want them set on table out here or on the sink in there?" He asked as he went to fetch the pajamas from his room. "You want me to make you anything? Some warm milk, tea, cocoa?"(@DrTrollinski )
"Put them on the kitchen table..." He called out, weakly. He felt even worse about himself now, and he really didn't want to leave the bathroom again. He was in a lot of pain and he was shivering even more, and honestly felt like he could fall asleep right there. "Make me some cocoa, please..." He yelled out when he heard the second question. He was done in there about now, so he just needed to get cleaned up and then he'd be good to go to bed.

While John was making the cocoa, George tiredly came wandering back down the stairs and came to the kitchen with a teddy bear in hand.

"Uncle John... Can you come and tuck me in...?" He squeaked. (@Axel1313)
Laila froze at the appearance of a gun, trying to keep herself calm. This guy was already pretty intimidating, and the pistol to her head didn't make her situation any better. "Well," she began, "I have more than a grudge to be settled with The Gunma. They kidnapped my child, and he's really all that I have left. I thought that you guys, being their worst enemies, would be a lot more helpful than the other 'gangs' out there." She bit her lip. "I was pretty high up for a female. I know a lot more about them than they let on, and I know how to conduct a successful 'transaction' without getting shot." Laila looked around. "I left because they were too controlling. They know everything you do. I know this sounds like a shitty excuse, but it's not worth the fake bamboo plants and zen music they play at the HQ." (@DrTrollinski)
He slowly lowered his gun and simply stared at her. He tucked it away and then took a deep sigh. ".. You ain't the only one who's lost the ones they love... We got kids with us, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen... They all lost their parents, brothers, sisters... Now they here, wantin' revenge." He took a deep breath. "There's one thing that don't make sense with your story, 'Laila'." He said. "If they've got your boy, why the hell would you turn on 'em when it'd be as simple as pullin' out a gun and pulling a trigger for them? Why crawl to us and offer to help take 'em down when they've got your child...? For some reason... It just don't add up. They find out, and your boy's as good as dead... I'm sure you know that already, so why the hell are you so eager to give them war?" He asked. (@nynja)
"Get up."

Jacob groaned and proceeded to pull the blankets he was snuggled in back over his head. "I don't want to go, I just fell asleep." He turned over and stared at her as she stood in the doorway.

"Well I'm leaving for errands, Conor has already left, he's spending a few days away." And with that she closed the door and walked back across the apartment to her bathroom. Turning the dials she set up a warm bath and removed the white silk robe she had on. After a few minutes a knock sounded on the door, "I'm taking a shower. Don't leave without me." Jacob was mumbling on the other side, but she knew he wasn't going to let her just leave he never was comfortable staying anywhere by himself.

It was around fourty minutes later when she was finally getting dressed and gawking at herself in a full body mirror. She had slipped on black high waist shorts with a tucked in white peasant blouse, with black velvet heels. She ran her hands over the tops of her hair, her brown roots were showing underneath the blonde she associated it with giving her character. She had bright green eyes covered up with black eyeliner and heavy eye-shadow. And plump lips switch she covered in bright red lipstick. She slipped on gold and diamond studs and a bright red beaded ankle bracelet.

Click, click, click. Her heels clashed with the tile and wood flooring. "I'm assuming you're ready." Jacob was sitting on the counter, a peeled half-eaten orange in his hands. He slipped into khaki jeans, black vans, and a black Illuminati shirt. He gave her a half smile and hopped down from the counter. Making their ways down stairs that slipped off into a tan impala and started their way into downtown.

"It's night time. Where are we even going?"

"I needed to meet someone, you didn't have to come." She looked over at him and gave him a small small and a wink. He reached over and turned the radio up.

"I hate errands, Greta."

"You hate everything, fucking brat." Following the sarcasm she reached over and punched him in the shoulder. He erupted in silly laughter, "If I'm such a brat I guess you're a bitch."

"Only when I have to be." The rest of the ride they sat in silence listening to a talk show.

Finally they pulled up to a large building, even at night the lights looked no different. It always looked like no part of this building ever shut down, ever. She locked the doors as they got out, and walked inside. The lobby was opened, with a few sitting areas and a small bar, the front desk had two young woman running it. Catching eye contact with Jacob she gestured over to a sitting area. "What? Come on." He was whining, as usual. With a smack of his mouth he left her side. She walked up to the front desk, "Waston, I had an appointment."
A woman simply looked up at her. The building itself was very corporate and it was tricked out with all the newest available technology that was possible to get on the 'bad side' of the USA. The White Gloves had always wanted to move over the wall to get into the rest of the USA, but that didn't, and never will happen. No one got in, no one got out. The people on the other side were those with the great educations and no criminal records. The thing was, though, on this side of the country, a lot of the people were richer, and a lot of the people were a lot smarter as well - their family history was just what stopped them from being 'perfect'.

"Please sign the register and then you're free to go ahead." She smiled and handed her a small black book that was open. There was a Parker pen in the center of it, too. (@Turtlyturt)
"Thank you." Greta responded as she wrote both her and Jacobs names down, along with who they were seeing. She motioned her hand to show Jacob he could come, sliding the book away she made her way around the corner to the elevator. Jacob didn't say anything, just kept his hands in his pockets. When the elevator opened and they were inside she clicked the sixth button and held onto the rails. "I hate elevators." She looked over to Jacob who was mocking her for her statement. When they finally reached their floor and gotten out the whole placed just looked like a bunch of large offices filled with over working people. They took a right on the hallway and walked across the soft geometric carpet, the door was the last on on the left side of the hallway. A one loud knock, she waited.

"Wastons, Greta and Jacob."


@DrTrollinski ]]​
"Greta. Come in." A voice called out from behind the door. Upon entrance, she found herself in front of the main man. The boss. The dictator. He was close to middle-aged, by the looks of it; he wore a full suit with a black tie, and his desk was some sort of expensive hand-carved oak desk that seemed very fancy indeed. The man smiled at her, but his smile quickly faded. He leaned back in his chair and linked his hands behind his head, and then kicked his legs up onto the desk. (@Turtlyturt)
Before entering she looked over to Jacob and whispered, "Don't say anything. At all." She moved herself through the door and smiled at the man, she moved herself to a chair in front of the desk and sat down, crossing her legs. For a moment she just kind of took in everything around her and stayed quiet, with her gaze on everything else but the man she was suppose to be seeing she finally spoke. "I was told to come talk to you, excuse my brother here." She tilted her head and looked over at the man with an unamused face.
"He's excused." He quickly sat up and pointed at Jacob, and then at the door. "Out. Now." He snarled, locking his gaze on Jacob's eyes. "I'm very specific with my words. 'Greta, come in', and 'Greta and your brother, come in' - Tell me, do those two statements have something that sounds incredibly similar that you could somehow mishear? No." He added. He twirled his finger at the door, waiting for Jacob to leave. (@Turtlyturt)
"Of course I can buddy, just have to finish making this cocoa real quick." He looked back at him with a sweet smile. Once he'd finished up he walked over and took George's hand and lead him back upstairs. "Your pajamas and cocoa are sitting on the table okay Joseph!" He called to him as they walked down the hall.(@DrTrollinski )
"Excuse me? Hold on." Greta stood up, and moved over to his desk and placed both hands down before leaning over it. "You can talk down to me how ever you want but being so bluntly rude isn't going to get you far with me. I don't care how wealthy or high up you are, don't you dare talk to him like that." She stood back up and looked over at Jacob who had already gotten up, "Just wait outside, this may not take very long." He nodded at her and left. "I don't care if you think you're better than me in any way, but talking to us like that isn't going to get our business. He's 16, and me almost being 30 I won't have you talking to us like we're both 7. I hope you can understand that." She was definitely flustered, she moved back and sat down. Closing her eyes to keep herself together, she exhaled a deep breath and opened her eyes again. "Now, where were we?"
"Okay!" Joseph called out as the toilet flushed. Once John and George were gone, Joseph quickly made his way over to the table and quickly got changed, and then sat down at the table to sip on his cocoa with a shaking hand. He felt dreadful, but the cocoa was nice and uplifting. George dragged Johnathan upstairs, struggling to keep his eyes open. He lead him through to his room and then climbed up onto his bed, gave John a hug, and then waited for him to tuck him in.

".. Night, Uncle John... I love you." He yawned, he meant what he said. He always told Joseph and his mom and dad that he loved them before he went to sleep. It was just routine. (@Axel1313)


He watched her walk away, a fire lit up in his eyes. ".. Let me make one thing perfectly clear to you." He said as he pulled out a Colt Python revolver from his holster and cocked it, followed by resting his hand on the desk and aiming at her head. ".. Quite frankly, I don't care how angry you get at me, or how much you dislike my behavior - You can get angry, you can get furious, in fact. But." He paused for a moment. "You do not ever... talk to me like that again. If you do... I will kill you in a heartbeat." He took a deep breath through his nose and then paused again. "In fact, I've got a little game we can play. You talk of your 'business'. Well. I'm going to give you exactly five minutes to interest me, or you and your brother are not going to be leaving this building alive." He said, his tone flat. The look in his eyes told her how serious he was. (@Turtlyturt)
"I'm sorry, am I suppose to be scared of your little threats?" She stood back up, "If I feel like what I say is right and in the right time I will say exactly what the hell I want. Whether you have the urge to kill me and act on it is none of my business. Honestly it makes you look weak." She wasn't scared or anxious but more or less annoyed. She placed her thumbs in the front pockets of her shorts and gave him a half crooked smirk. "I can say anything you want to hear, anything at all. Though I don't really think anything I say will make you any less fond of me considering what just happened and the fact you pulled out a nice little gun there." She walked around to the other side of his desk and stood a few feet away from him, she was short even with the heels she only stood 5'4". "I'm not scared of a man so weak he takes out a gun and threatens it. And Jacob out there isn't scared of death. I can do whatever you want, give me a job and I'll get it done. No questions asked. I just want a little respect. Now, can we understand each other?" Her smirk faded and she stood there with a serious non-playful face and a serious tone. "I can do anything and everything you tell me to, without asking questions. I don't think Conor would've sent me here had he not believed it."
"I will respect you." He put away the gun."But first, you're going to respect me. If you work for me, you're starting at the bottom of the foodchain. You and whoever works with you aren't even going to be the fish. You're going to be the digested food that the fish have shit out at the bottom of the tank - You want my respect, then you fucking earn it. You don't get to come in here and ask or demand that I respect you." He slowly rose up, completely towering her at six-foot three. That's when he quickly shot his hand out and grabbed her by the hair, and then drove her head down onto the desk, pinning it right there. "And don't you ever call me weak. Ever." He snarled. "Like I said, this is all about the respect... I, with the position I'm in, I can choose to respect you, but you? You can't choose whether or not I respect what you say, or what you do. You need to earn that from me... You are no different from anyone else. Every other person under this roof and those out on the streets working for me have earned my respect, not come in here and insult me and hope that I'll bow down and kiss their feet." He said, his grip was strong. And I mean really strong. It literally felt like her hair was about to just rip away the top of her head.

"Now... I don't know how much this 'Conor' told you about me, or what he thinks of me, but let me tell you right now, that you are lucky that I am listening to your bullshit. I may seem harsh, I may seem overly-violent and unnecessary, but believe me... I somewhat appreciate your spite, and getting me to do this... It shows me that... Maybe you just might be worth having around, but of course, once again, you need to prove that you're worth keeping." He took hold of one of her wrists with his free hand and pinned it to the desk as well. "Now, before I release you, I want details. I want to know if your brother out there is going to be assisting you, and I want to know when you're going to start working. You do not address me as anything else other than 'Sir' or 'Mister Church' if you decide that you're going to work under my name, and in return, I might just start to respect you a little more. So, Greta, what will it be? Are you going to work for me, or are you going to try and argue with me anymore?" He asked.
"Goodnight Georgie. I love you too." He gave him a nice, big hug before tucking him in. "Sweet dreams bud. If you need me I'll either be in the spare room or down in the living room okay?" (@DrTrollinski )
George simply nodded and went back to hugging his teddy bear after John tucked him in. He was pretty much asleep once John got to the door, anyway, all of the running around he did with Nick and Rick's sons really took a toll on him, and he was completely shattered. He was happy that John loved him back, that made him feel better about himself, but he was even happier that he was finally snuggled up in bed and off for a good night's sleep. Well, it was pretty late for him, anyway.

When John left the room, he found Joseph standing in the hallway waiting for him. His legs were barely holding him up, and he still looked pretty drowsy and quite upset by all the illness he went through, but he seemed to look somewhat better now that he was sipping on a cup of warm cocoa. He looked at John and then took a shallow and quiet deep breath. ".. John--.. Can you come into my room, too? I... I'd like to be tucked in as well, if you don't mind..." He asked, hesitantly. (@Axel1313)

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