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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

He walked up to Jacob and patted his shoulder. "No need to thank me. Keep your chin up and your spirits high. Things will be fine." He smiled and patted his shoulder again and then looked at Greta. "A shaky start, but likewise." He chuckled. "Don't go anywhere. I'm going to call for a driver. We'll be going on a little ride to that house I was speaking of." He said. (@Turtlyturt - this is my last post for tonight. Night, everyone!)
"A ride? I have a car, I can drive if you'd like." She looked up confused at him, "Jacob!" She called, watching as he turned around. "Don't bother with going down yet. "We can take my car. Will that be okay?" [[ Night! ♥ ]]
"Ah crap..." Johnathan stuffed his gun away and ran a hand through his hair. "Uhhh...Hey!" He saw one of the guards running over and called out to him. "Get this mess cleaned up! Make sure neither of the boys see a trace of it okay? I'm gotta go take care of the baby." He fixed himself up before rushing in to calm Micheal down again.(@DrTrollinski)
((@DrTrollinski Guten nacht))

Rick gave another nod, this time to Peter, and walked out the other side. But not before whispering, "Who is left?" and got the reply, "Amari." Hurrying to the elevator, but taking cares to not be seen, he punched in the bottom, bottom floor. If rituals went wrong, it could be catostrophic, hence why it was so far down. Once there, he grabbed some purple chalk, the color of royalty in the old days, and got to work. The ritual wasn't complex if you just wanted it to work. But if you wanted it to work well, you had to do it right. And right, was to draw a jagged and broken circle conneted by swirls and smaller circles. And inside that, was nothing, except the ring.
"Ah, wonderful." He smiled at her and then lead them both out of the door and started looking around the streets and the neighboring parking lot in search of any cars that he didn't recognize. To avoid making himself look like more of a fool, he decided it'd be best to just let Greta lead the way. ".. Lead the way, Greta." He smiled. (@Turtlyturt)


While John was taking care of the baby, George was just coming out of the bathroom, his teddy bear still in hand. He walked over to the baby's room and then went inside. ".. Uncle John...?" He whimpered, followed by going up to him and hugging his leg. ".. I heard loud noises but I dunno' if it was a nightmare or not..." He said, muzzling his face against John's leg. (@Axel1313)


Nick simply watched him prepare the ritual from only a short distance away. ".. Brother, we need to make sure that Amari doesn't find out that we're doing this. He got all of his wife's jewelry hand-crafted in Italy... That particular ring is worth thousands. I think he suspects something - I think he knows that we may have done something with Joseph other than show him where the bathroom was... To gain his trust again, I suggest we notify him of where his wife is, if she isn't dead, obviously..." He said, rubbing the back of his head. (@Beowulf)
"Loud noises huh? I didn't hear anything, so it must have just been a dream bud." He reached down to give his shoulder a reassuring pat. Oh thank goodnss for how he could play clueless in a situation like this. "You can stay in here with me until Michael calms down again. If you fall asleep I'll just carry you back to your room. Okay?" (@DrTrollinski )
".. Okay..." He said, and then wandered over to the chair and sat down on it, lying back on it with a yawn as he hugged his teddy bear once more. He looked up at John with tired eyes and then at Michael, whom of which was still screaming. ".. Does he need to drink some milk, Uncle John...? Is he hungry?" He asked, yawning. (@Axel1313)
"I'm not sure. He doesn't smell bad, so I'll go see if he's hungry." He set Michael down for a moment. "Could you watch him for me for a moment while I go get a bottle ready?" He asked as he headed out the door and to the kitchen before George could even answer him.(@DrTrollinski
George didn't have time to even say no. He was tired himself, but he didn't mind looking after his little brother. He went over to the crib and picked up Michael from it, gently rocking him in his arms as he went back over to the chair and sat down so he could continue to cradle the infant. The baby continued to sob and scream, but gradually, as George rocked him, he began to calm down just a little.

".. It's okay, Michael..." He soothed as best he could, giving a tired smile down at the little infant. (@Axel1313)
She followed Jacob to the elevator and took him by the shoulder. "Everything is fine, we're going to check on the house, alright?" He seemed to avoid her gaze. His bottom lip was pouched out as he pouted. "You're sixteen, son. Grow up." He distanced himself in the elevator and removed himself from her presence as they got outside.

"I'm walking home."

"Just ride with us."

"I'm walking."

"Okay." She removed her attention from him and looked at the man she was with. "The car may not be everything you're use to, bare with me." A light chuckle fell from her lips as she crossed the street and made her way to a black Impala. The doors squeaked as she entered, she waited from him to say something. The car smelt of vanilla perfume covering up an old car smell. Over the rear view she had two silver necklaces both with a J and G on the ends. She reached over to the glove compartment and pulled out her keys. Her key chain was that of a local strip club. It cranked easily and the radio started of a local science talk show. Reaching over, she turned the volume down, "I'm sorry. It's one of his favorite channels. He's intelligent despite acting like he isn't. Now where are we going?" She looked over to him with a blank stare.


@DrTrollinski ]]​
".. I don't think Jacob understands that the home he's going to be going to isn't 'home', anymore. Preferably, I need him with us... Is there something wrong with him? I didn't mean to cause any upset." He said as he pulled out his cellphone and began to punch in some numbers before placing it against his ear. ".. If you can't get him in the car with us, drive around for a while. I'll be on the phone sorting some things out, and then I'll have an address for you." He explained. (@Turtlyturt)
It took hardly any time at all for Johnathan to prepare the formula and head back upstairs. He felt a little bad for leaving George with his screaming brother like that, but it was better than leaving the infant alone to scream while he made it or try to make it with him on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry about that) George..." He apologized as he came back in. "It looks like you got him to calm down a bit though."(@DrTrollinski )
".. It's okay..." He smiled tiredly and stood up and then handed him off to Johnathan, and then clung to his leg directly after. ".. Uncle John... I'm tired..." He whimpered, resting his head against his leg. Johnathan was literally unable to walk now. George was completely exhausted but he didn't want to go back to bed on his own. (@Axel1313)
"I can tell." He grunted as George leaned against his leg and made it impossible to walk. "Just hang on a second there George...I'll get Michael all settled in again and then take you back to bed okay?" He chuckled. Michael quieted down quickly after he fed and winded him, but now the real trouble was making his way over to the crib to tuck him in again.(@DrTrollinski )
George barely walked with him to the crib, and John was left near enough dragging him. George was near enough in tears, sadly. He just wanted to go back to bed, but he felt so worried. ".. Uncle John... I want my daddy..." He whimpered. Oh, dear. The tiredness had brought on the emotion, and the emotion was starting to take over. (@Axel1313)
As soon as Michael was tucked in snugly and no longer sobbing Johnathan bent down to scoop George up in his arms. Oh God how he was so much heavier than the infant....he probably should have prepared himself for that first. "No need to get upset now bud. He'll be back soon. He's just off talking with his friends, okay?"(@DrTrollinski )
".. I want daddy..." He whimpered again, and then he broke down into tears and started crying gently on his shoulder. ".. I want daddy to come home now..." He sobbed weakly, hugging him as tight as he could. Michael was fast asleep, and so was Joseph, but now George was distraught and upset. (@Axel1313)
"Hey now. Shh. Shh..." John held him close and let him sob into his shoulder. "He'll come home soon, no need to cry." He took him back to his room as he comforted him. "I'll call him as soon as I tuck you in again. Okay? Then you can talk to him before bed. How does that sound?"(@DrTrollinski )
He instantly settled down once he was sat back in bed and then snuggled up to John, hugging him tight.

"Uh-huh..." He whimpered in agreement. Speaking to dad before bed sounded good. He hadn't called dad 'daddy' in quite a while, but he always did when he got upset. (@Axel1313(
"Alright, just a second. I'll call him up for you." He smiled and rubbed his shoulder gently as he flipped out his phone. Hopefully Amari would pick up quickly and hopefully he wasn't drunk either...It was almost two in the morning so God knows what he was up to right now. (@DrTrollinski )
Amari picked up the phone almost instantly after it started ringing.

"Amari." He greeted, he sounded a little sad but a little angry in his voice as well. It was clear something was wrong, but that wasn't the matter at hand right now. (@Axel1313)
"Hey Vincent! It's John." He greeted in a happy tone so George knew he had answered. "Hope I didn't interrupt anything...I was just calling because George was starting to miss you a lot and wanted to at least talk to you before bed. Do you have the time to?"(@DrTrollinski )
"Sure." He replied simply, and then waited for the phone to be passed over. When George took it, he flicked it onto speakerphone. He knew how to do all of this stuff because he'd used his dad's phone a lot. He lied against John and put the phone down on his lap.

"Daddy...?" He whimpered. Vincent sighed but couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah, buddy?"

"I want you to come home..." He said.

"I can't do that right now, pal... I will come home soon, I promise... You get to sleep, okay? It's late."

"But daddy--.."

"Now, now... You know that even if I was gone for minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months... I'd still come back, okay? Don't get upset... Get back to bed and have John tuck you in, and get some sleep. Plus, I bet John's getting scared, too. Are you protecting him?" He asked playfully.

George giggled a little. "Yeah..."

"That's my boy... Give the phone to John, kiddo... I love you, sleep well."

"Love you too, dad..." He flicked speakerphone off and then handed the phone back to John and then shuffled into bed, seeming more content now. He looked up at John and waited to be tucked in.

Once Amari was sure that the phone was back to John, he took a deep breath and rubbed his forehead. "I don't think I'll be back tonight... I'm sorry... Is Joseph okay...?" He asked out of worry.
Johnathan couldn't help but chuckle at that last comment. George protecting him? That was cute.

"Yeah, Joseph is okay. He still looked rough last I saw him, but is sound asleep now." He held the phone to his hear precariously with his shoulder as he tucked George in for the night. Covering the speaker up to tell him goodnight again. "Night George, I'll be in the living room if you need me. Okay?" He roughed up his hair a bit before leaving the room.

"Won't be back tonight? Is everything going okay there boss?"(@DrTrollinski )

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