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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"Sounds like you were quite the busy man when they were young." She chuckled. "Yes, let's move along with the tour. There is so much to see we may just have to make lunch instead of breakfast." With a wide smile she finished up her latee and stood up. Ready to see the rest of the house.


Johnathan smiled as he watched the baby burst out in laughter. That faded when Joseph asked about his father."I'm sorry Joseph...but he said he had an emergency business trip to go on." A small sad sigh escaped him. "He said he didn't know when he'd be back either."(@DrTrollinski )
"Wonderful." He smiled and lead them both upstairs and decided to leave the girls alone seeing as they'd made perfect progress of looking around themselves. He took them up to the second floor and started from right to left, just like he did with the bottom floor. The upstairs was just as nice as the downstairs, but the rooms were unlike anything that Frank had seen - there was a flatscreen TV, seventy-two inch, in every single room, either stood on a table or mounted on the wall. Incredible. Even the kids' rooms had them.

(Second Level)


The rooms were all painted in a nice theme, with two of them being suited in nice simply colors with every bit of furnishing being fit for the two girls. Each room had a double bed, so if the girls wanted to share a room, that'd be more than possible. They'd have to get them two single beds for when they got older, though - the rooms were nice for them, regardless, with each one being perfectly safe with the dressers and wardrobes being bolted to the floor so that they wouldn't fall over if the girls decided to do any 'climbing'. The TV's in the room were mounted to the walls, too, so the girls couldn't reach them and draw on them, or anything like that. The two girls' rooms were connected to a bathroom (The rooms at the top), so that'd be handy if there needed to be any nighttime bathroom urges. The rooms also lead into each other, so they could get to each other if they both decided to have a separate room. In between the two rooms, right below the bathroom, there was also a wash room.

He took them to the office.


And then he showed them the last room that was up here right after showing them the bathrooms that were up here. Firstly, he walked them forward down the hall and then turned right into a large section of the second floor. "This is the Master Suite. To the right we have a large walk-in closet, and to the left we have the master bathroom - beside that is a small storage room which can easily be converted to a small office or even a wet-room, depending on what your preference is." He smiled. "Finally, the bedroom itself." He lead them forward and pushed through the door.





"I do hope the house is up to your standards so far, ma'am. If you wish to have anything changed, Mister Amari has given me the contact details of some home decorators who will be here within an hour if you need something changed. All you need to do is give the word." He smiled at her. "If you want furniture, simply look through one of the catalogs downstairs, let me know, and we'll have it here on the same day. As for groceries, I do all of your shopping, but if you want anything extra, just give me a list." He said, linking his hands behind his back. "Take a moment to look around, and then we'll move up to the third and final floor." (@Axel1313)


Joseph's smile instantly dropped and his eyes went wide. He slowly stood up and walked over, placing Michael gently down in the stroller. He went over to the table and put his head in his hands, taking a shaky deep breath. ".. The last time my dad went on a 'business trip' was when I was George's age, he--.. I didn't see him for over a month!" He cried out, doing his best to keep calm. ".. You don't--.. You can't--.. I... George is going to be so--.." He lowered his head onto the table. ".. George is going to fall apart... Just wait. I guarantee that he will." He whimpered. (@Axel1313)


Vincent and the boy had recently been given their food for the flight, as well as a couple of drinks. While Vincent had some whiskey, the boy simply had apple juice. The two drinks looked so incredibly similar. They were both given Macaroni and Cheese, and it wasn't all that bad for plane food, either.

"Vincent...?" The boy called out after swallowing a mouthful of the food. Yep, the boy knew his name, and Vincent knew the boy's - his name was Simon.


".. Do ya' think I could meet George one day?" He asked, Vincent simply smiled at the thought and then sipped his whiskey, followed by patting the the young boy on the head.

"Maybe. How long are you in Venice for?" He asked.

"Two weeks..."

"If you get your mom and dad to give me a phone number, I'll give you a call whenever I get home, and then maybe you could come and meet him, yeah."

Simon's face instantly lit up with excitement and he gently kicked his feet against the bottom of his chair. "That'd be cool, Vincent... You've gotta' be the coolest dad ever!" He grinned, but Vincent didn't. Vincent had to fake a smile and simply nod at him while whispering out the words 'I try' - he was truly heartbroken. This innocent little boy had been deluded into thinking that he was a good man on a business trip, who lived a normal life of happiness. That wasn't the case.

Rick sighed inwardly before walking with Adrian. "Let's go get you cleaned up." He walked slowly up the steps, letting Adrian pick how fast he wanted to go. Stopping at the bathroom, he says "Get ready to take a bath, I'll go get you some clean clothes and will be right back." Nobody liked going to bed covered in vomit, even if it was their own.

((@DrTrollinski ))
"Pajamas, daddy!" He sobbed out to him, quickly wiping some tears from his face. God, it was so late. Poor kid. He sniffled as he walked over to the tub and then turned the faucets on to start running it, and then kicked off the vomit-covered clothes and put them down in the corner where they were out of the way. He was cold and shivering beforehand, but now he was naked, so it was even worse. He hugged himself with his arms and carried on sobbing, waiting for Nick to return. At least Nathaniel was still fast asleep - Adrian did overeat, come to think of it.

".. It's not a problem, sir. I hope the young one feels better soon." Peter smiled after speaking to Nick and then wandered off to the kitchen to get the bucket and mop. Nick took a deep breath through his mouth so that he wouldn't pick up the smell of the vomit too much and then went into the living room and collapsed onto the couch with a tired groan. (@Beowulf)
"Alright buddy. I'll go get you some pj's. Get in the bath once it's ready, I'll be back in a sec." And after checking that it was warm water instead of cold, it happens, he hurried out to Adrians room to grab some pj's. 'Poor kid.' he thought. 'Didn't even know that eating to much could do that.'

((@DrTrollinski going to a BSA thing soon. Sorry fir all late replies.))
"Oh my! This exceeds any standards! It's just....just..Perfect! Absolutely perfect!" She looked around in awe at the place. She didn't care how it was decorated it was the first house that they had ever owned, so it was perfect in her eyes. "I will not be able to thank Mr. Amari enough for doing this for us." She sighed contently. "Let's go! I cannot wait to see what the final floor looks like!"


"Hey, hey....calm down Joseph....everything is gonna be alright." He sat down and put a hand on his shoulder gently. "I'm sorry that he left so suddenly like this, but it sounds like something just suddenly came up and he had to go....it can't be helped." He sighed. "You're going to have to help me explain this to George....I know he's not going to take it well..."(@DrTrollinski )
"Of course." He lead them up to the final floor. "This floor isn't as... homey, as the rest of the house, but there's plenty of opportunities here. "There's three rooms that can be converted to bedrooms if that's what you desire, and then one large room with three walk-in closets that can be used as a general storage room or anything else you can think of. He took them through to the largest part of the third floor. "This is the recreation room, complete with exercise equipment and other features if you ever need something to do during the day.



"Finally, we have the one part of the top floor which I've been most excited to show you." He lead them out of the leisure room and down the hallway, and then turned into a bathroom. The bathroom had a wooden wall and door jolting out of the back of it, which he instantly went to and held the doorknob. ".. This is the most luxury feature of the house, I'd say." He smiled as he pushed the door open and revealed one thing - a Sauna. (@Axel1313)


".. No, no, no!" Joseph panicked, furiously shaking his head as he turned and hugged John. ".. You don't get it--.. It doesn't matter what we tell him. George won't be the same, John! He won't be the same..." His voice weakened and he buried his face in John's shoulder. ".. What if--.. What if dad doesn't come back...? Like, ever?" He asked. (@Axel1313)


As soon as the bath was ready he climbed into it and sat there, sobbing to himself and coating himself in the water to warm himself up. He wanted daddy to come back so he could look after him. He felt dreadful. He turned on the cold faucet and drank some of the water to wash the taste of vomit away, and then turned it off and sat back once again, continuing his sobs while he wiped his eyes furiously. (@Beowulf)


"What business have you gotta' do in Italy, Vincent?" Simon asked him. Vincent said nothing at first, and then looked away from his book again - the book really wasn't that good, anyway.

".. I--.. Just something for work..." He said, but then he realized that he had a chance to redeem his sins. He could be honest, but only to a certain degree. ".. My wife's out here... somewhere." He admitted.

"Why isn't she at home?"

"I don't know."

"But she's your wife... You gotta' know where she is." He gave him a friendly smile and Vincent gave a sad laugh as he put a hand upon the child's head and ruffled his hair up. The kid was just curious - no need to get angry at that. The kid was so much like George, it was unreal. "Are you gonna' find her? Is she gonna' come home with you?" He asked. Vincent sighed.

".. I hope so, buddy."

(@Axel1313, @Beowulf)
Colette could hardly contain herself when she saw the third floor. This was more than amazing! "Oh my God! This is all so wonderful! I do not know where to even begin storing any of our stuff from our old apartment! This floor alone is as big if not even bigger than that run down old place! and the sauna!" She let out a content sigh. "I just can't wait to get settled in here."


"Joseph, you need to calm down okay? Everything will be fine." He hugged him back. Trying to get him to stop panicking over this. "George will be very upset at first, but he will grow to understand it. And I just know your father will come back too. He always has before hasn't he? No matter what."(@DrTrollinski ~ Sorry if it takes a while to get a post up. Getting a new forum all organized and started and school work to deal with too. It's chaos.)
(New RP forum? I hope you're not leaving us if that's the case :) )

"I can't wait for that, either." He smiled at her. ".. I do hope that you enjoy your time here. Mister Amari spent a total of eight million dollars on this house. The value is increased due to their being a pool installed in the back yard." He smiled. "Follow me, actually." He said, and then lead them through to one of the empty rooms and over to the window where they had a view of the decking and the whole back yard itself.

(Imagine this, but with a pool at the back of the picture. Gated off, and such)








".. We can't lose our dad... First our mom, and now him...?" He whimpered quietly, his whole body shaking. ".. George won't get better if he's gone. Until he gets back, he'll be in bad shape... Just like when our mom disappeared." He closed his eyes and took a shaky deep breath. ".. What will we do if he doesn't come back?" He asked hesitantly. ".. Where will we go from there?" (@Axel1313)

"Eight million!?" Her eyes widened. Why pay that much for all of this, just for them? That made her wonder just what exactly Johnathan had been doing for the man while she was away...hopefully not adding this to his debt. "Giiirls! Come here and look at this!" She called out to them. Soon enough there was the sound of little feet rushing back down the stairs and they both appeared. Their blond hair was a complete mess from doing God knows what upstairs. They're little eyes instantly brightened and they didn't hesitate to rush outside. "Stay away from the pool okay? and in the yard." She made sure to tell them before turning back to Connor. "I have no idea how I'm going to thank him for all of this."


"Shush shush...it's alright Joseph..." He pat his back. "I swear he's coming back okay? It will all be fine, you, George, Michael. You'll all be just fine until he comes back...and...even if he didn't..." John hesitated to even think about that possibility. "I'd take care of you. Take you in and raise all of you boys."

(@DrTrollinski~ Nah! I would never leave you guys! I like you too much to do that :) It's just going to be more juggling if the one I made takes off.)
"I don't think he expects you to, ma'am." He smiled and then nodded slowly, his eyes closing for a moment. ".. Right. Feel free to make yourself more at home. I, shall go and prepare lunch - moving home is a big task and can bring a lot of pressure. Please, sit and relax." He looked at his watch. It was a Rolex. Fancy stuff.

".. We could go and sit in the yard, if you wanted to." Frank suggested with a shrug. It'd be nice to spend some time outside after being cooped up in that old apartment for so long. (@Axel1313)


"Thank you, John..." He whimpered, holding onto him tightly. The thought of his dad never coming back was a horrible thought - he hoped he'd see him again soon. ".. When--.. When should we tell George?" He asked, gulping and pulling away from him. ".. Should... Should we wake him up and tell him, or... or do you wanna' make breakfast before we do that?" He asked, taking a deep breath of anxiousness. He really wasn't looking forward to this. (@Axel1313)


Vincent was pretty much asleep. He was drifting off, and it looked like Simon was going off to sleep as well. Soon enough, the boy gave a little moan of sadness under his breath after some continuous shuffling around. Then something unexpected happened. He set his head down against Vincent's arm and shut his eyes. He was finally comfy now.

".. Simon...? You okay, pal...?" He asked. Simon yawned and nodded.

".. Uh-huh... Can I sleep here?" He asked. Vincent chuckled tiredly and then reached up and ruffled the boy's hair.

"Sure you can, kiddo... Sleep well, okay?" He said. Simon yawned again, but Vincent felt upset now. He wanted to see his boys again. He wanted to see George sprint into his arms as he opened the front door - he wanted everything back. So much that he felt that he didn't want to go and get his wife back - he was getting cocky. He loved Victoria, and the boys did as well, but... Was this really going to be worth it? Risking his life and his children's happiness, all for a woman that could easily be dead? He was having second thoughts and he felt his stomach turn, but it was too late to turn back now.

Ten minutes later, he fell asleep.
"Any little way should do though, even if I just cook him an amazing dinner or send him flowers. I'm sure he'll appreciate the gesture. Maybe I could get Johnathan to grow him a lovely bouquet." She chuckled. Then turned her bright smile to Frank. "That sounds like a wonderful. The fresh air is definitely needed after being cooped up for so long."


"I think it would be best to tell George after breakfast..." He sighed. "Tell me what George's absolute favorite breakfast dishes are and I'll make them...best to make him as happy as can be before breaking the news to him. That sometimes helps on softening the blow of the bad news."(@DrTrollinski )
He figured it was a good enough idea to make the croissants like he had planned for breakfast. It was only around brunchtime, anyway. Connor smiled at them both and then made his way downstairs to the kitchen where he started off with the luxury recipe he knew. Mhm. He was going to be cooking up a storm for them.

"Let's go, then." Frank smiled and then lead her downstairs and out through the back door, and then instantly went to the table and took a seat at it, allowing the sun to shine down on his face. He took a deep breath of fresh air and then smiled as he lied back in his chair. ".. Incredible." He said. "Absolutely incredible..." He added, yawning a little. Connor saw them out there and began preparing two more lattes for them, and then got out a silver tray that he could take it out to them on, along with some sweet shortbread cookies as a little appetizer for them - he'd prepared them as a 'Welcome' gift, but forgot to give them to them.


".. He... There was this one thing mom always made for us on Sundays... It's not Sunday, but... Dad could never get it right." He smiled weakly. ".. Thin buttermilk pancakes with raspberries and cream. George's favorite.. I'm a big fan as well--.. If you don't know how to make those, I know some other stuff that he likes." He said softly, gently twiddling his thumbs as he looked down at the table. (@Axel1313)
((Axel, I like you to. And several other people that first joined, but then they left... Any who, I'll get my post started.))

Rick came back, pj's under his arm, and saw that Adrian was already in the bath. Setting the clothes down where he could easily get them, he takes up a spot near the tub. "Hey buddy. You're going to be ok. You just ate to much stuff with sugar in it to fast is all." He wanted the boy to keep eating, just not to eat it as fast. The way he saw it, if he said you ate to much, Adrian would eat leass and less.

"O--.. Okay, daddy..." He sobbed gently, quickly wiping his eyes again. ".. I feel--.. I feel really bad and--.. and--.. and I don't wanna throw up again..." He continued crying more and more. The poor kid had gotten himself into a right state, even though Peter had cleaned up the vomit without issue and good old Uncle Nick was pretty much passed out on the couch, full suit and sunglasses. God, it was two o'clock in the morning already? Oh well, it was better than him throwing up all over his bed, wasn't it? Or all over Rick's bed, or Rick. Let's just say Adrian was a... considerate vomiter? (@Beowulf)


"It most certainly is." Colette gave a content sigh as she took a seat next to him. A slight smile gracing her face as she watched the girls run around the yard. It didn't take them long at all for them to fall in love with this house. Now all they needed was for Johnathan to come back to them and it would be complete.


"Hmm. I think I can make that. Colette showed me how to make crepes. So think pancakes like that should be easy!" He gave him a light pat on the back. "The only thing that I probably won't be able to do is make them as good as your mom's but I'll try my best."(@DrTrollinski )
He smiled a little and looked off at the girls for a moment and then took a deep breath. She wasn't the only one thinking about Johnathan - He sort of liked Colette, but he wouldn't say anything or try and worm his way in. That just wasn't right. He wasn't going to even think about ruining another man's life like that, nor would be try and betray the trust of Colette and the girls. Family friend and uncle was fine for him.

".. Colette--.. I..." He paused. ".. I'm sorry about your brother." He said, sighing a little. ".. Truly, I am... The person in charge of us wasn't very... I don't know. He was flustered, and I'm sorry we couldn't have helped him as well... I know I'm only a friend, but--.. If it was ever something you wanted to talk about... My ears are always open." He said, trying to give her a friendly smile but ended up giving her quite a sad one. He looked back to the girls and then took a deep breath, his sadness finally managed to melt away from him a little. (@Axel1313)


"That's it! Buttermilk crepes!" He said, finally cracking a bit of a smile. ".. I couldn't remember what they were called, so I just went with 'thin pancakes'." He chuckled a little. ".. Do you mind if I get my laptop and bring it down here while I wait for breakfast? I mean... I don't usually do that, but I'd like to check out some stuff." He asked hesitantly. (@Axel1313)
Her expression quickly turned to sadness. "It's.....it's alright....you tried your hardest to get there in time." She sighed and looked off at the girls frolicking. Finding some comfort in seeing them so incredibly happy. "He was brave and sacrificed himself to save us. I do wish that you could have saved him too though.." She sniffed. "The girls are my only blood related family alive now."


"Those I can definitely make. The benefits of having a girlfriend who is French." With a bright smile he stood up to start on them. "Sure, you can bring your laptop down there. Don't see why you wouldn't be able to."(@DrTrollinski )
He reached out and gently set a hand down on her shoulder. ".. I know..." He sighed. "The good memories will always outweigh the bad ones, like Connor said." He smiled weakly. "The girls, they'll--.. I think they'll really do well by you and your man. They're good kids. I ain't really experienced, but... Kids like that, they grow up to really make you turn around and say 'it was all worth it', know what I mean?" He gently squeezed her shoulder to try and comfort her. (@Axel1313)


"Awesome..." He smiled weakly and then turned off towards the exit. ".. I'll head up and get the laptop and bring it back down." He said, and then shot upstairs and went into his room and grabbed his laptop from his desk. He ran back downstairs with it under his arm and smiled at Johnathan as he sat at the breakfast table and then opened it up and turned it on - it literally started up within a few seconds. His father only got him the best. It was a 'Cougar' laptop, a new brand that created some of the best PC's and laptops and other electronics on the market, if not the best. Joseph's was all teched out for everything, from gaming to video editing, and right down to general use. ".. What sort of music do you like, John...?" He asked, watching him prepare the crepes. He was doing it how his mother did it, and that made him smile. (@Axel1313)
"I...I know, but it is going to take a while before things get completely back to normal again." She sighed again. Leaning over to give him a sweet peck on the cheek as a thank you for the comforting words. "Thank you for everything you've done for us too Frank...it means so much."


"Me? I like almost anything, but Jazz is my favorite." He smiled back at him. Flipping the crepes up in the pan. It was a little trick that Colette had shown him, more for show than anything else. Hopefully he could make these as good as their mother's.(@DrTrollinski )
"Don't mention it." He smiled, blushing a little at the kiss. "When your man gets here, do you--.. Do you want me to move out? I mean, I like being here, but if I'd be intruding I wouldn't want to bother you." He said, sighing a little.


"Nice." He said simply, and then clicked onto google chrome and then decided to go and check his emails. Spam, spam, spam, sp--

An email with no title and no sender? (@Axel1313)
"I don't know. I do enjoy your company and the girls love you so much." She chuckled. "We'll have to see when he gets back if he will be happy to have you stay too. I would love to have you here, but he can get a little jealous at times."


"Do you want anything else with your crepes? Cocoa, milk? Some bacon and eggs or sausage?" He looked back at him with a smile. That kid sure was good with technology.(@DrTrollinski )
He didn't say anything at first. "Yeah, that's fine." He choked, putting on the best smile he could manage. Then boom with the ice breaker. Connor came out and placed a silver tray down on the table in front of them both. It contained two cups with latte in them.


"Nah... Just the crepes with the cream and raspberries is fine. Just like mom used to make..." He smiled a little. But his smile was uneasy but excited. He quickly closed the email and then closed Google, lying back in his chair. (@Axel1313)
James continued spraying the cars behind him with bullets. Adrenaline flowed through his veins as his heart pumped faster and faster. He let out a loud whoop and laughed. The thought of this happening everyday and the promise of exhilarating moments almost made up for the possibility of getting shot. He got back in the car and loaded a magazine into the gun. "So, how long until we shake these guys?"

(@DrTrollinski If Le'Mar is somewhere else, ignore this post. Also, sorry for not being on again.)
"Thank you very much Connor. It looks delicious." She smiled sweetly as he brought them the tray. Handing one of the lattes to Frank. "I will try and convince him to let you stay for as long as you like. If there's one thing he can't do it's say no to me." She chuckled.


"Alright, that's simple enough." He laughed. "Do you think we'll have to wake George up or will the smell of these bring him downstairs eventually?"(@DrTrollinski )

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