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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

(I think we'll make the baby's age nine months, that way it fits what we've been RP'ing him like :) )

The boys could only be heard laughing upstairs when John walked in, but soon enough, only Joseph came dashing down the stairs to get what John had brought back. He smiled at him and then took a deep breath, looking back towards the stairs. ".. George wants to stay up there. He ain't right, John... Something's bothering him." He sighed. (@Axel1313)


Adrian was in the other room with Nathaniel, and the two of them were playing with their action figures while sitting in bed beside each other, all nice and snuggled up. They were watching another Disney movie while playing, but they weren't really paying much attention to it. Peter had set them up with some early morning cocoa to wake them up a little, it was a good morning so far. They hadn't eaten yet, though, they were waiting for their dads. (@Beowulf)


"You can always go to the Casino downtown and try and talking the owner into letting us offer him some protection for a nice... Hundred grand, hundred-fifty a night?" He suggested, smiling a little in a sly manner. "I'll give you a cut of the first month if you do that." He said. (@AvidElmV2)
(Alright, that works. :) )

"Okay, I guess that is fair enough. He did look like he felt pretty bad when I left him." He set Michael down in his carrier quickly before starting to put the groceries away. " Your candy and soda are in one if the bags on the counter. I bought quite a bit of them, so just make sure not to get too crazy. Don't want a stomach ache from all of that sugar."(@DrTrollinski )
"Thanks, John..." He smiled at him and then dug through the bag and took two cans of soda and two lots of candy from it. He held them at his sides and then turned to him, sighing again. ".. I know something's wrong because... He was speaking Italian to me, he--.. He hasn't done that for ages, John. If he ever gets really really REALLY worried about something, he'll speak Italian to us. I don't know why." He sighed again and shrugged. (@Axel1313)
James nodded and started out the door. He got in his car and headed down downtown. He soon came upon an casino with a huge, red, flashing neon sign. "The Red Baron? Weirdest casino name ever". He jumped out the car and went into the trunk, pulling out a baseball bat. He wasn't much of a talker anyways. He walked into the casino and walked up to the counter. The manager was already there, fussing out an employee. He turned to greet James before he saw the bat. "Sir, weapons are prohibited in this-" James went around the counter and grabbed the man's hair, dragging him into the back. He kicked open a door and threw him onto the ground, locking the rooms door behind him. All that was heard were screams and pleads for mercy. James came out about an hour later, the bat covered in blood. The manager crawled out of the room, crying, five minutes after James left. When James pulled up to Le'Mar's palace he tossed his baseball bat back into the trunk and walked through the door. He sat down in a chair looked down at the blood on his shirt. "I... Persuaded the manager to give us a hundred-fifteen a night."
"Hmm...let's just keep an eye on him okay? He's probably upset because of your father being gone right now, but he'll get better soon enough." He smiled weakly at him. "We just have to keep reassuring him that he will come back. That's all we can really do..."(@DrTrollinski )
".. I don't know, John..." He sighed. ".. I'm just--.. This is different... When mom went away, he--.. He did this exact thing. He didn't eat anything dad made for him, either... I just hope it won't be the same this time. He was really sick the last time this happened..." He took a deep breath. ".. I'll do what I can... I mean, he can't survive off of candy, can he?" He said, looking at the floor. "I just hope he'll be alright." (@Axel1313)


(@AvidElmV2 - I honestly don't know where things will go from here. I honestly expected the casino scene to last a little longer than that. I planned to RP it with you.)
(@DrTrollinski )

James nodded his head and walked out of the building. He jumped into his car and drove downtown until he came across a a casino with a huge red red slashing neon sign. "The Red Baron? Weirdest casino name I ever heard..." James got out the car and went into his trunk. He pulled out a baseball bat and smiled. He wasn't much of a talker anyways. He strolled into the casino and walked up to the counter. "Mind telling me where the manager is? The Six would like a word with him."
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"No, I'm afraid he can't survive off of candy....but I'm sure he'll get better. We just have to give him some time." He sighed. "George should be alright, we just have to help him through this. Show him that there's absolutely nothing to be worried about. Okay?"(@DrTrollinski )
".. I just hope it's as easy as you make it sound, John..." He said weakly, sighing a little. ".. If he speaks nothing but Italian... I'll translate for you, okay?" He shrugged and then carried the stuff off upstairs, and then went into the bedroom where George was still tucked up in bed. He smiled and put a can of soda down in his lap, alongside a bag of candy.

"Look at that, buddy... Ain't that cool?" He asked, putting on the best smile he could.

"Forse John noi quelli arrivare?"

Joseph gave a sad sigh. ".. Yeah, John did get us these, bro."

"È papà ancora a casa?"

"No, pal... Dad ain't back yet." He climbed into bed beside him and put an arm around his shoulders while he opened up the can of soda and slowly took a sip from it.

Michael started gurgling and making noises as he reached up towards John, expecting to be lifted out and carried around, or put on the floor so he could have a bit of a crawl-about and attempt walking again. He wore the most cheesy smile, too. (@Axel1313)

(@AvidElmV2 - Yeah, do that. This is my last post, sadly. Goodnight!)
"Thanks, I'll definitely need the help if he does." Johnathan chuckled. "And like I said, don't worry. Everything will be alright."

He finished up putting the groceries away before turning his attention back to Michael. "I'm coming I'm coming." He chuckled. Picking him up and giving him a little fake toss up into the air. "You are a little stinker today!" He teased. Taking the infant to the couch with him. "I think you need to crawl around a bit to burn off some of that energy."(@DrTrollinski ~Noapte Buna!)
The man simply looked at him and then looked over his shoulder. "Welcome, sir... We've been waiting for this opportunity. Sadly, you're not the only gang member that's here--.. Right now, you've probably got around nine or ten pairs of eyes that are looking at you." He quickly glanced around and then took a deep breath. "You won't get to the manager without getting shot. If you put the bat down, I can take you to him, but they won't let you get even half way across the casino if you're holding that." He whispered. It must have been The Gunma that already had a grasp on this place - they were here. Protecting it, obviously. The man speaking to him looked quite desperate, though.

He was being honest, obviously. The Gunma must have really been ruining this place. (@AvidElmV2)


Michael squirmed away and hung onto John and stood on one of his legs, laughing gently as he started pulling at John's hair and gently batting his head with his hand. The hair-pulling might have hurt, but the batting didn't. There were some baby toys in the corner of the room, but he'd taken no interest in those, it seemed. (@Axel1313)
James turned his head just enough to see people watching him. One of them had on a tuxedo. When James turned around, he saw the man's hand retreat into his suit. He sucked his teeth and cursed under his breath before putting the bat on the counter. "Take me to him." He glared at the man and followed him.

(@DrTrollinski )
"Mhm." He said, and then he lead him onward and through the casino and to the elevator at the back. He scanned his card and the doors opened, and then he allowed him to step inside with him and quickly hit a button. Some of the men were speed-walking over, and one waved for him to hold the door open.

He didn't.

"Ahah!" He laughed as he saw one final glimpse of The Gunma man's sulking face when he realized he wasn't coming upstairs. "What an idiot." He chuckled as the elevator continued to travel upwards. "So. The Six... I've been keeping up to date - You guys have quite a few casinos under your wing, if I'm not mistaken?" He asked. (@AvidElmV2)
James leaned against the elevators wall and nodded. He looked back to the man and felt around his waistband. He was relieved to feel know that his gun was still there. He had ought a magnum with the money Le'Mar had given him. "So, who were those guys with?"
"The Gunma." He shuddered. "Everyone that works here thinks that they're a bunch of savages. They come in here and expect more every time. Every night they harass bar staff, demand free food and drinks even though that wasn't part of the deal, harass customers for no reason, slack off whenever they have the chance, do drugs in front of everyone. They're not exactly helping business, you know what I mean?" He asked as the elevator doors slid open. (@AvidElmV2)
James smiled and nodded. "Well, The Six could get rid of them for you. For a price of course. But, i'd rather discuss that with the manager." James looked over his shoulder at the elevator. He looked back ahead as they approached the managers office.

(@DrTrollinski )
"Of course. Go ahead." He lead him up to the door and then quickly knocked on it a few times.

"Come in!" A man yelled from behind the door. The man with James looked at him and smiled while also giving a curt nod.

"Go on inside. If you hear gunshots, The Gunma's probably sniffed you out - I'm armed, and if things go sour, I'm looking to deliver some bullets to those fuckers." (@AvidElmV2)
James walked into the room and stared at the manager. He turned to the employee that took him there and smiled before he closed the door, locking behind him. James sat down in a chair and folded his hands out in front of him. "I don't think I'll have much time to finesse you so I'll cut to the chase. The Six want a good..... hundred-fifteen dollars from you, every night, in return for protection. That's the deal. No strings attached my friend." James gave the man a kind smile. "What do you say?"
"A hundred-and-fifty, eh?" He said, sipping his drink. "Tell me... Are you going to be as rude and uncaring as the brutes that are downstairs, or are you going to be civilized? If you can perform better than those creatures do, then I may have a deal for you." He smiled a little and leaned forward onto the desk. "If you're interested, of course." He said. (@AvidElmV2)


(@Axel1313 - Check my post at the bottom of page 166 :) )
Johnathan winced, but did not mind the hair pulling at all. He had two girls, so this was nothing compared to that. "I sure wish I had your energy little man....and your cute looks. I bet you get all of the attention from the ladies." He teased. Tickling the infant's sides.(@DrTrollinski ~ I did. I just woke up, that's why it took a bit.)
Michael instantly burst out into laughter and fell down into his lap, lying there helplessly as he was forced to endure of the hilarious torture which was being tickled. He squirmed and kicked and screamed and laughed, but it felt like it was going to go on forever. It even made him wet his diaper - Nice one, Uncle John. (@Axel1313 - Ah, no worries.)
James tossed his head back and laughed at the comment. "Sir, The Six are certainly more civil than those barbarian's down stairs. I assure you." James stuck out his hand to the man and grinned. "What do you say? Are you ready to do business?"

(@DrTrollinski )
"Uh oh...did we have an accident?" He looked down at the squirming baby with an eyebrow cocked. "Thaaaat's Uncle's fault now isn't it? I'm sorry." He chuckled as he stood up to go change him. Best deal with it now rather than a grumpy baby later.(@DrTrollinski )
"Maybe. If you want to do business, you'll need to get rid of those savages downstairs first." He said as he reached out and firmly shook his head. "There's about twelve of them, so if you want to get rid of them, I suggest you bring some friends." He sighed a little and then released his hand. (@AvidElmV2)


Michael was just cooing and gurgling happily, doing his best to try and speak but merely producing sounds that sounded like someone had had their lower jaw broken. Oh well, he was getting there, wasn't he? His hair was growing nicely, too. The hair was already starting to weigh him down just a little bit. He was going to go on to have the sort of fine black head of hair that George had. That was going to look so cute. (@Axel1313)
"And there. We. Go." Johnathan finished changing Michael and took the babbling baby back out to the living room. Sitting down on the floor with him. God.... he was just too cute for his own good. Nothing but a little bundle of energy and pure giggling joy. Made him think of the girls when they were this age, only less trouble.(@DrTrollinski )

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