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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"Heh, I know... I used to get my mom saying that to me. When I was eight." He laughed. "She always used to lecture me about needing to study, but I was still only learning Third Grade-equivalent Math." He smiled and shrugged again and flicked on some music. It was Counting Stars, by OneRepublic. He was playing it really quietly, though. Not too loud - he really liked this song. ".. I hope we can go to proper State School on the new school year. I'd like that." He smiled. "Dad seemed a lot happier about that idea when we were at Six Flags. Do you think me and George could go to one? You know, one of the nice ones in the area?" He asked.


".. Goodbye, Simon. I'll be sure to call you when I'm back in America, alright?" Amari smiled at the young child and then ruffled his hair. The boy actually leaned forward and hugged him really softly.

"Bye, Vincent! I can't wait to meet George!"

"I bet he'll love to meet you, too." He chuckled. It was really late in Venice now - they were four hours ahead of the USA, and now look, it was really getting on seeing as it was evening time in New York right now. Oh well, Vincent could book himself in at a nice hotel for the night, and then he could get down to business. He needed to make some calls, start some links here and there, get some intel, and then he could make a move. There was one thing he was scared of, though. He was scared of dying. Why?

Because he wanted to see his boys again.

He said goodbye to Simon and his parents, and then made his way out of the airport area and hailed a taxi. He didn't know the area too well - the most he could do was speak to the guy and then take it from there. A general idea of where he wanted to go would be just fine - a multimillionaire does what he pleases, you know.

"Portami il miglior hotel della zona." He just asked to go to the nicest hotel in the area. He hoped that he'd get something good.

He certainly wasn't expecting a five-star place, but that's what he got. (@Axel1313)
"I am gonna say that I am ninety five percent sure that your father is gonna let you boys go to state school this year. I talked to him about it only little while ago and think I helped convince him to let you boys go. Meet some new friends and have new experiences." (@DrTrollinski )
"I hope so." He smiled. "Let's just hope he gets back in time to sort it out for us, eh?" He asked, and then bowed his head to look down at the table for a minute. He looked back up after a while and then took a deep breath.

"The chicken soup smells nice, man... Reminds me of my mom." He said. "I think she'd like you... She always loved kids more than anything." He laughed softly. "It was just a thing, you know? It was always 'what about George and Joseph?' with her, you know?" (@Axel1313)
"I hope so too. There's no way I could fill out the paperwork for that for you boys." He sighed. His face brightened with a smile soon though. "I hope it tastes just as good. And don't all moms act like that?" He laughed. "Even my mom was more concerned about how I was when she was the one who was sick....she was a real sweet woman." His smile softened. "I bet when I meet your mom she'll be the exact same way."(@DrTrollinski )

(@DrTrollinski )
".. My mom has to come back for that." He sighed. ".. If she doesn't come back, I--.. I guess you'll just have to meet her through photos, and stuff." He smiled a little and shrugged. ".. Ain't you a legal guardian for us?" Joseph scratched his head. "Can't legal guardians sign for stuff like that if their parents aren't there?" He asked once again, sighing a little. He really wanted to get things sorted, he just had a bad feeling that his dad wouldn't be back on time. (@Axel1313 - Damnit! It had the draft saved. I forgot to post it! So sorry!)
"I'm pretty sure I'll get to meet her in person. Or really really hope to." He smiled softly. He couldn't keep trying to hide it from Joseph that he was unsure about it as well. "If your dad isn't back by the time sign ups are halfway over I'll be sure to get you boss all prepared, okay?" (@DrTrollinski ~ it's alright. It happens :) )
".. Yeah, please do..." He smiled. "I think it might help for George to have some friends, I mean... I'd be alright, but George needs it more than anyone... I think that's definitely the case." He sighed a little and then closed his laptop. "Did you say you're going to take food up to him? I hope you don't have to spoon-feed him, but... I can't promise anything. If you want, you can take it up to him before me and you eat, and I can come and translate anything he says." He suggested. (@Axel1313)

"That sounds like a good idea. Taking a bowl up to him before we eat will be best because it'll be nice and fresh for him." He looked back at Michael to check on him. He was happily ramming his little cart into whatever he could see and the makeshift barricade didn't even budge when he hit that, so he should be fine for a few minutes. Definitely entertained. "Come on. Let's go see if we can get George to eat something." He dished out a nice big bowl and plate for the crispy bread. Locating a small tray to put it all on for him.(@DrTrollinski ~ Sorry, suddenly had a lot of stuff to do.)
Joseph lead him upstairs and straight down to George's room, only to find him sitting in near darkness because the light was off and it was getting dark outside. Joseph flicked the light on and went up to the bed and patted George's shoulder.

"Hey, bro... We brought you some food, in case you're hungry." He said softly. George said nothing and Joseph turned and looked at John. (@Axel1313)
"You really should eat something George, it would be good for you." Johnathan looked back at Joseph before walking over to the bed with the tray. "You need to stay healthy and strong so you can give your father a crushing hug when he gets back. And so you're nice and strong for school too."(@DrTrollinski )
George sat up in bed and then looked down at his lap once he was sat up, still saying nothing. Joseph looked at John and then made a spoon feeding motion with one hand, and then nodded towards George. Maybe a bit of spoon feeding would help him get into it? (@Axel1313)
Johnathan nodded and took a seat beside George on the bed. "Will you at least try a few bites of soup for me? I made it just for you boys, to help comfort you a bit like it always did for me when my mom made the stuff." He smiled softly and held out a spoonful for him. (@DrTrollinski )
George gradually but hesitantly opened up his mouth and took a spoonful of it, slurping it up and chewing on the noodles and the chicken, and then swallowed it down with the broth itself. It was... The taste of home.

"Grazie..." George whispered.

"He said thank you." Joseph said as he sat down at George's feet and then gently rubbed his knee from atop the blanket. George opened up his mouth, expecting more of it. (@Axel1313)
John smiled it was strange to be feeding George like this, but as long as he was eating it was all good. "It's good isn't it? And Colette didn't even teach me this recipe. My mom did when I was about your age." (@DrTrollinski )
George nodded again. He was really starting to enjoy this now. Two mouthfuls in, and he already had so many memories tucked back into his brain. Soon enough, he took the crusty bread and dipped it into the soup and bit into it. He looked at John and then hesitantly took the spoon from him, and then shakily started tucking into the soup. He swore he was going to be able to eat all of this.

"There we go..." Joseph smiled and then gently patted George's head. "That good?" He asked. George nodded. Joseph turned and smiled at John - maybe they'd have the chance to have some dinner of their own now. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan smiled back at Joseph. Victory! A small one, but still great to see. "Alright, I think I'm going to head back downstairs. Can't leave that little wrecking ball alone for too long." He chuckled. "I'll come back up and check on you in a little while okay? Take your bowl back down to the kitchen for you. If you want any more of the soup there's plenty more downstairs, so help yourself to as much as you like. Okay?"(@DrTrollinski )
George nodded and looked at him, and then muttered simply a few words after eating another spoonful of soup. Joseph was planning to follow John downstairs, but it looked like he was going to have to do the translation job.

"è papà indietro ancora?"

".. No, George... Dad isn't back yet." He said with a sigh, and then he leaned over and kissed him on the top of his head. ".. You eat that up, bro... If you're feeling any better tomorrow morning, maybe me and you can play a game on my laptop, huh?" He asked with a smile, George simply nodded once again, but didn't give a smile back.

Joseph turned around with a sigh and then walked out of the room with John. As they were walking down the hallway he looked up at him, and gave off a long-winded sigh.

".. That went better that I thought it would." He said. ".. Don't forget what I said, man... Give him the bath after we've eaten, read him his favorite story." He said as he reached over and patted the back of John's arm.

"I'm happy to see that we were able to get through to him and get him to eat." He smiled. "And no worries. I'll make sure to do all of that tonight. Anything to help your brother cope with this as much as possible."(@DrTrollinski )
".. I appreciate it, John... I'm sure my dad would, too." He smiled as they walked down the stairs and then went off to the kitchen. He sat down at the table and then took a deep breath through his nose - ah, the chicken soup sure did smell good. It was still nice and hot seeing as they weren't spending as much time with George as he originally expected them to be. ".. Let's eat, shall we?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"Let's." He chuckled as his stomach growled quite loudly and audibly. Come to think of it, this would be the first thing he'd eaten all day. He made the boys crepes, but never had any himself due to making sure George was okay. He pour two big bowls of the soup and set one in front of Joseph, along with some crunchy bread too.(@DrTrollinski )
".. Awesome." He waited for John to sit down and then instantly started tucking into his soup, smiling a little as he did so. ".. I hope you know that what George is doing is nothing personal against you... He's only talking Italian because... God, I don't know... Regardless, he's not doing it because he doesn't want you to know what he's saying, or anything like that. He's just--.. I suppose he's become very reserved now." He explained with a shrug as he spooned some soup into his mouth and then took a bite of the bread. (@Axel1313)
"Oh don't worry about it. I get it. It's liiike, something he goes to when he gets really upset." John spoke between bites, trying his best not to talk with a mouthful. It was so good though. He'd definitely gotten it the soup just right. "A sort of comfort thing for him."(@DrTrollinski )
".. Must be, yeah... He doesn't do it very often, but he does it if there's something on his mind. If he starts school and does it, you'll have to make sure that he snaps out of it as soon as possible." He said, eating another spoonful of soup. "I actually can't wait for State school. It'll definitely be nice to meet some people... Did you go to State school? Anything bad about it?" He asked. (@Axel1313)

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