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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"Oookay.." He said hesitantly and motioned for them to come in. There was a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach that something was very wrong. "Please take a seat wherever you like and inform me what this bad news is."(@DrTrollinski )
The police officers went inside and then went through to the living room with John, and then took a seat on a couch opposite him. The older man hesitated, but then pulled a notebook and pen out of his pocket and took a deep breath.

".. Okay, sir... Before I ask any questions, I'll tell you the news... Today, at approximately... eight-forty-five in the morning, we--.. The NYPD got a call from the Venetian Police Department in Italy, and they delivered the news that a Mister Vincent Amari was murdered last night. I know this might seem very sudden, but we've been assigned to come and tell you the news." He sighed.


It couldn't be. Vincent, murdered? No, no, no, no... That wasn't possible, was it?

All of the color drained from Johnathan's face and he suddenly looked as though he was very ill. Vincent murdered? It couldn't be true could it? No no...it had to be a mistake. It just had to be. "M-murdered? But....this can't be real." He ran a hand through his hair. Thank God he was sitting down. "Do you have anymore information on this right now?"(@DrTrollinski )
"No, sir... When he was found, apparently he was armed - walking the streets late at night, accordingly... Our current suspect is a man named..." He flicked through his notebook until he found the name and then took a deep breath. ".. A Johnny... Di--.. Dicc--.. Dicciano...?" He said. "Does that name ring any bells, sir?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
He gulped. What had Vincent gone to do over there that got him killed by one of the main Dicciano family members? "The uh...the last name certainly does. I don't exactly know who that guy is, but I have definitely heard that last name before." Oh boy....he was probably going to have to talk to the other members of the gang about this one...and break the news to the boys. He wasn't sure which one was going to be worse.(@DrTrollinski )
".. I see... We won't take up too much of your time, sir... We understand that Mister Amari has--" He gulped. "Had children... I need to know your name and whether or not you're a legal guardian of the said children, if not, we'll have to move the three of them into State Care until we can find a placement with the next of kin... If we can't find them, then I'm afraid they'll be put into Foster Care." He sighed. (@Axel1313)
"It's fine..." Johnathan took in a deep breath. Amari had named him a legal guardian of the boys right before he left. Did he know something like this was going to happen? "Right, right. My name is Johnathan Loire and Vincent Amari did make me a legal guardian of his children before he uh...left."(@DrTrollinski )
"Okay, sir..." He sighed. "Do you know anything about why Vincent left New York? Did he say anything to you before he left? Did he, maybe... Tell you where he was going, and why?" He asked, his pen at the ready. "Just whatever you can remember, sir... I find it odd how he made you a legal guardian right before he left for Venice, too. I'm sorry if I sound patronizing. I'm not accusing you of anything, but these are all necessary questions." He said. (@Axel1313)
"I can't think of any reasons right now as to why he would leave. He didn't tell me at all why he was leaving, just left me a note telling me that he was and that he made me a legal guardian. It was all so sudden too that he made the decision to leave, just in one night really." Johnathan pulled it out from his pocket. "I'm assuming he named me a legal guardian because I'm a close friend?"(@DrTrollinski )
".. I see... You're.. Close, with Mister Amari, then?" He said. "Did you ever meet his wife, Mister Loire? The Venetian Police Department informed us that his wife's last known location was, would you believe it, in Venice. Do you know anything about this at all?" He asked. Well. I guess that explained why Amari left, but that only made his death more believable, too. (@Axel1313)
"I never did, he only told me about her and talked about her a lot." He scratched the back of his head. So she was last seen in Venice? That makes sense as to why he would go there, but why did a member of the family kill him. That's the real question. "I did not know that she was last seen in Venice, but it makes sense why he went there now....but why would somebody murder him for that?"(@DrTrollinski )
"We don't know, sir, we only know that Johnny Dicciano is the only known Dicciano family member that's left in Venice... He was a--.. A mafia leader, of a sort. A lot like Mister Amari himself. The difference is that... Johnny Dicciano has always seemed to have some sort of problem with Amari... It goes back for years now, it's been a... Cold war, sort of thing. Having Amari arrive, quite literally on his doorstep, must have triggered more of an upfront war... We don't have any more details on that, but... I'm sorry, what goes on in Venice is outside of our jurisdiction. If the Venetian Police choose to do nothing, I'm afraid there's nothing we can do... This could spark a war, Mister Loire. The last thing the East-Side USA needs is a war with Italy... If nothing gets done, then... I'm afraid that's the way it's going to be..." He took a deep breath.


The last thing he felt was the back of a gun go across his head, followed by his feet dragging along the ground, along with two clamps of some kind being used to drag him by the arms. Everything was blurry, and he was only seeing stars now. He was pretty much unconscious, and he could feel the blood running down the back of his head, onto his neck, and then finally into the collar of his shirt.

".. We've got a rooster in the hen house, it seems." A voice boomed as the sound of a door was heard creaking open. He didn't know who it was. It was an Italian man, though, a man that fled from America after things went wrong, after Christopher Dicciano drove him into the ground and defeated everything he once had. God, if only Vincent was walking - he'd be able to take this guy down, with or without a gun. He just didn't know who it was just yet, though, but when he did...

"Amari... Wake up you sack of treacherous shit." The man snarled, followed by slapping him around the face. Vincent quickly came around and then looked up, right as the man crouched in front of him. He was the same age as Vincent. Not quite as aggressive, though, if it was Vincent... The person on the floor would already have a black eye and a broken jaw. He looked at him, right in the eyes, his eyes filling with fire.

".. Johnny... Where's my wife, you son of a bitch... Where is she...?"

"You'll see your wife soon... You'll get to sit there and die right in front of her... How did you find us? Who ratted us out?" He asked. Vincent said nothing and welled up some saliva in his mouth, and then spat it right in his face. Johnny slowly reached up and wiped it off, and then gave him a quick hook in the cheek. It was a flimsy punch. He could barely feel it, but he was going to let the man have his fun, right before he tore him limb from limb, just as soon as he had the chance.

"The Black Sun." He whispered. Johnny fell silent for a long time, and didn't even do so much as lift a finger. Soon enough, he decided that he wasn't going to be defeated by them, not now.

"Get him to my office and tie him up. Send some men out, the finest we have, send them right back to New-fucking-York, and tear those Black Sun motherfuckers apart!" He screamed, and then stormed back inside. (@Axel1313)


(@Beowulf - I did tag you in a post ages ago, but I don't remember getting a response. If you want to make a post based on that morning, remember that Rick fell asleep with Adrian, but he woke up and found he wasn't there. Adrian went to watch a movie in with Nathaniel, and from what I remember, Rick was on his way downstairs.)
"Oh man...." He ran a hand through his hair again. He felt like he was going to get sick.... Things had taken a sharp turn south. "Is there anything that you can do right now? Get me in contact with the Venetian police, any details on this Johnny guy from them? Anything would help." (@DrTrollinski )
"Right now... No, sir. There's nothing we can do thus far... We can, however, call you back with any details. We'll call the home phone here if we get anything, seeing as we have people at the Department working on this right now." He sighed. "Do you need us to call anyone to help you? With the children, I mean... Is there anyone you know that would be willing to adopt the boys once this investigation's dealt with?" He asked. (@Axel1313)

(@DrTrollinski ~ Sorry, had a final. )

"Thank you. I would appreciate it very much if you kept me updated." He gave a polite nod. "And no....I don't need anyone to help at the moment, I've got things under control here." He sighed heavily. "As for the adoption thing...I will. I'm absolutely willing to adopt all of them once this is dealt with."
They looked at him blankly for a moment, but then the older man gave a nod.

"Alright, sir." He said, and then slowly rose up and stretched his back while he tucked the notebook and pen into his pocket. He looked down upon Johnathan and gave a friendly smile. "I wish you the best of luck, sir. I'm sorry that it was all so sudden and blunt, but we're just following orders. I hope that the rest of your day goes alright." He said, and then wandered out of the living room and out of the front door with the other officer at his side.

God. This was going to be one bad day - another amazing thing was that the boys weren't even awake yet.

"Yeah....yeah...I hope it does too." He let out another heavy sigh. "Thank you both officers....I hope to hear something from you again soon." He managed a polite little smile before they left. As soon as they were out the door he slumped over in his chair and let his head hit the table with a thunk. Oh God...what a start to the day....yesterday was hard enough with taking care of George. With this news it was all just going to go the Hell now... He was going to let them sleep some more before telling them the news, mostly because he needed some time to wrap his own head around it and take it in.(@DrTrollinski )
Joseph was happily sleeping away, his arm wrapped weakly around Geore's waist. There was a window above the bed, but it was down by their legs, so it wasn't shining on their faces - plus, all the bedrooms had curtains and blinds, so the sun wasn't getting in so easily. It was actually a really peaceful morning...

Until George's body decided to tell him that he needed to pee. Urgently.

Joseph grunted as he felt himself get a firm kick, right in the groin. At first he thought he was being attacked in his sleep, but then he saw George dashing out of the bedroom and instantly taking a right to head to the bathroom. He sighed, buried his face in the pillow and cupped his groin with his hands for a minute. Yeah, that kick really hurt - a bony little foot going right between his legs? Yeah, he felt like he'd never walk again.

Sure enough, though, the pain did fade, but he knew he'd never be able to sleep. He waited for George to come back and tucked him back in, and then told him that he was going to the bathroom, and he'd be back soon. Truthfully, he was going downstairs and leaving George to sleep for a while. It was the best thing for him right now.

When he got into the kitchen, he saw John sitting there.

"Hey, man... How long have you been up?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes. (@Axel1313)
John sat up a bit and turned his head to look at him. His face definitely showed the exhaustion of having to try and wrap his mind around this and the sadness of the thought of having to tell the boys the horrible news. He had no idea how he was going to do that at all. "Hey....I uh....I haven't been up for very long. Few hours maybe?" He shrugged.(@DrTrollinski )
".. Right..." He said, taking a deep breath and then went over to the kitchen counter, pulling out a cup from the cupboard and then using the coffee maker to pour some into it. He stirred it, added some milk and sugar, stirred it again, and then went over and sat down on the table opposite John, giving a gentle smile. "Are you okay, John? You look stressed, man." He said as he sipped his coffee. (@Axel1313)
His gaze fell back down to the table and he shook his head no. "No...no....I'd be lying if I said I was okay...It's been a rough morning..." He got up to get himself a cup of coffee. First time he had actually stood up from the table since the officers left this morning. "A really, really rough morning..."(@DrTrollinski )
".. What? How come?" He asked as he raised his coffee to his mouth and sipped on it, and then looked off towards the back door and out across the lake again. Ah, it was looking as beautiful as usual. He was going to have to go out there later on and take a little lakeside walk, that was bound to leave him in a good mood, without a doubt. (@Axel1313)
"I.....I just can't tell ya right now...I'm sorry.." He sighed. After taking another sip of his coffee he slumped against the table again, resting his head in his hands. "I need a little time to think before I tell you what's going on...okay?" He turned his head too look at him with a sad smile.(@DrTrollinski )
((I remember. Term papers sucked almost everything out of me. I'll get right to it.))

"Morning." Rick mumbled as he more or less shuffled his way across tye room. A movie? Already? How long had he been sleeping? Well, henwas up now. And besides, they had the Rednecks to worry about.

((@DrTrollinski ))
"Uh... Okay...?" He said, softly. ".. Did something happen?" He asked. He was getting worried now. John would never usually hold back on telling him stuff unless it was really serious. He just hoped it wasn't anything too bad, because he knew that George wouldn't be able to take it if that was the case. (@Axel1313)


(@Beowulf - I'm honestly a bit lost and I don't know how to reply to that.)

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