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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025


We'll see about that pal.

Sender: N/A

As soon as the message was sent he flipped out his cellphone to message Amari. 'Nothing yet Boss, but I got some weird E-mails a little bit ago. No idea who they were from.'
"It has been some time since we last met. Hasn't it been, brother?" he asked, calmly sitting on the man's desk. If he remembered right, this man was at the meeting three years ago. "Do you know what your organization has done? I do believe that was against the agreement we had made."

(@DrTrollinski )
'Emails? I'm trying to get a crying kid back off to sleep and now I have to worry about random emails? Shit the bed.' Was what he got in response. There was obvious sarcasm behind his answer, but Amari kind of had his hands full right now. (@Axel1313


"It has. It may not be his organization, but it was certainly him that broke the treaty." He walked over and gently set a hand on the man's shoulder. The man cringed as he touched him.

".. I didn't even think you guys were fuckin' real. C'mon, man! I had the chance to make money, and I took it... I--.. I'm sorry!" He whimpered. (@Beowulf)
"And how did you get this chance? Everything was set out accordingly in the treaty. Now, if you tell us what you mean by chance to make money, we may be able to over look this transgression of the treaty." Of course, he didn't really mean that. The man broke the treaty, and must pay for it accordingly.

".. I was tipped off." He whimpered. ".. A scrub down in the lower ranks told me that The Gunma and The Six were hitting a bank... I--.. Seeing as it was small, I could have got the money for myself... I sent some guys in and whacked 'em all off, and they took the money themselves. That's all there is too it, alright?!" He cried out as he scrambled out of his chair and went to his knees. (@Beowulf - Get TBoTE when you can)
'I'm sorry sir, I just thought that you may like to know seeing as they asked who I worked for and why I showed interest in The Deserted.' He felt bad for bugging him now, but also felt that this was kinda important.
Holow looked at the small woman, seeing her petite figure. As she announced that he would lead them towards the leader, and she instantly thought trap. She stiffened, standing up and walking to the elevator. She stood away from the woman and closer to Le'Mar. She really didn't trust the peachy receptionist.
"S'cuse me." Le'Mar said to the woman as they neared the top floor. She turned with a questioning look and smile. ".. You got a bathroom up here?" He asked hesitantly.

"Of course, sir. It'll be directly on your right." She smiled at him. He nodded. This looked really sketchy. A small white woman hanging with a tall black man from the ghetto. This was just perfect, wasn't it? He cleared his throat once they reached the top floor. "You can find Mister Taiko in his office, just over there." She pointed across the floor to a wooden door with blurred windows. This floor was warm; it had a little fountain in the middle of it that was surrounded by a pond with tropical fish. On the other sides of the floor there were other smaller offices that appeared to be unoccupied. This was really creepy. He waited for the receptionist to leave and then dragged Holow to the Men's Restroom on the right. Once he shoved in through the door he leaned up against it. This place was really fancy. Even the bathrooms were. ".. I ain't likin' this one-fuckin'-bit." He said quietly. (@Icefox11)
Holow looked around the floor, her eyes agape in the extravagance. She took a large breath and walking forward, giving the girl a nod as she passed, her feet passing over the lavish carpet. She almost wanted to lie down and rub her face on it. She was about to walk into the office, but she was jerked to the right, being dragged into the Men's bathroom. She sighed, leaning against the wall. "It's like they are setting us up." She said.
"Now. Unless these assholes have got twenty guys crammed into that one office, we're gonna' be fine. The thing is, it's going back down that's gonna' hurt us. They'll have enough guys down there to fuck us up, so hopefully my boys can take care of that. We'll go take care of this motherfucker, then we'll leave. Let's talk to this asshole first." He said as he looked back towards the door. ".. You ready?" He asked. (@Icefox11)
Holow nodded, looking at him. "Alright, but for the sake of things, let me talk. I don't think calling someone the f word settles well with the head of a cooperation." She said, walking out of the bathroom. She double checked that no one saw her walking out of there before going out to stand right in front of the door.
".. Okay... Just--.. Knock, and whatever... See if he calls us in." He muttered as he nervously twiddled his thumbs in front of him and ensured that his trench coat was still hiding the gun properly. (@Icefox11)
Holow nodded. She waited for a few minutes, hearing no noise from inside. She sighed and knocked on the door, waiting for them to open the door.
".. Ugh--.. Come in!" A sharp an irritated voice called out from inside. When they walked in they saw him - he was indeed the target. The bald head, the long beard - he fit the description perfectly. (@Icefox11)
Holow looked around, seeing their target. She had a feeling it was fake. The room had no extra guards inside, and was practically bare except for the necessary items. This was not him, it was to easy.
"Who the hell let you in here?" He snarled at them both. "What the hell do you want from me? Where's my guards?!" He yelled, he quickly stood up from his seat and ran to the wall where he grabbed a mounted sword from it and held it at the ready. This is where Le'Mar started to look a little bit more worried- this guy seemed genuine enough. He fit the profile, was psycho, and was a spitting image of the photo he showed Holow. This had to be him, right? (@Icefox11)
Holow was starting to believe that this was the real deal. "Well, might want to act now tough guy." She said, looking at the sword. She raised her hands, looking at him. "Easy." She said, staring at the sword. She could easily disarm him if necessary.
"You motherfucker." Le'Mar reached into his coat and ripped the M4A4 from it. He aimed it directly at the man. "You set us up, you son of a bitch. You killed all ma' boys..." He said. The man sighed and threw the sword to the ground.

"What in the world's name are you talking about?" He snarled, Le'Mar looked at him and sighed.

"The bank job, asshole... You got us fuckin' butchered."

The man simply smiled and took a few steps backwards. ".. I have no idea what you're talking about." He said. (@Icefox11)

Its been nearly a year since her Family was taken from her and she has yet to see one person in Jail or even dead. As reluctant as she was, Emma has since taken up arms and joined The Six, whose members took her in that fateful night. Since then, Emma herself would repay them by ensuring that they'd stay out of Jail, using her connections and her wealth to do so. Her Transformation from a Nice Girl who loved being around cars to a Vengeful and Bloodthirsty Hit-woman was indeed a scary one. She was unwilling to rest until the souls of her Family could rest peacefully, which meant killing the perpetrators and even their own families...

Present Day

"Hope I make you proud, Oj?chan...I hope I make you proud." Before going off to help her fellow Gang Members, Emma was mourning her Family. After setting some flowers on each grave, she went to mourn her late Boyfriend, albeit personally, as the rest of her Family were all buried near one another. She shed tears at she mourned his death. "I'm so sorry, Takashi-san...I could of stopped them...I wasn't fast enough...Its all my fault..." She started crying as she set flowers on his grave before kissing the Engagement Ring on her Finger, which was given to her by Takashi's parents, as he had intended to propose to her, but never received the chance. The fact that he died in her arms was what drew the last straw. The Darkness in her Heart was greater then most. After mourning, she returned to her Family Estate, which was gated and tightly secured. Besides her fellow Gang Members, who would visit her regularly, the only people who kept her company were her many servants, which included her Driver, Junichi. As Junichi went to park the car where he'd normally drive her in, she went to the estate garage to grab one of her own cars, where she had numerous kinds, as she collects Cars whenever the opportunity arose. Before leaving, she asked her Personal Shopper, Jen, to go to a Car Auction in her stead.

Jen, Emma's Personal Shopper:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/3.jpg.3da21c8db23ec4d7e7b7bf2a60af2623.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32537" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/3.jpg.3da21c8db23ec4d7e7b7bf2a60af2623.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Junichi, Emma's own personal Chauffeur:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/kuroshitsuji-sebastian-michaelis-anime-suit-26066-480x320.png.2a005de7bc627f144ce59ad52dd412f4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32530" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/kuroshitsuji-sebastian-michaelis-anime-suit-26066-480x320.png.2a005de7bc627f144ce59ad52dd412f4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Junichi's Car: 2014 Mercedes Benz S-Class

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/mercedes-benz-s-class_100427375_m.jpg.3d2e86539b7c32a496febfbd01368059.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32533" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/mercedes-benz-s-class_100427375_m.jpg.3d2e86539b7c32a496febfbd01368059.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Engagement Ring:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/57a8c09f4743d_15copy_03.jpg.0d5f6c307d5dcff0abf6e346cd576da2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32531" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/57a8c09f4743d_15copy_03.jpg.0d5f6c307d5dcff0abf6e346cd576da2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Current Car: 2015 Dodge Charger Hellcat

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/2015-dodge-charger-srt-hemi-hellcat.jpg.313c61008a1c9463f2f09f56a6e9b6d9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32532" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/2015-dodge-charger-srt-hemi-hellcat.jpg.313c61008a1c9463f2f09f56a6e9b6d9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"You have only told me what I know already. You will not be spared." he said and quickly put the gun to the man's head and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. "Hm, jammed. You have until I get this unjammed to tell me anything else you know."

(@DrTrollinski )
He literally shit himself when he heard the trigger click. ".. No... No, please... Please... We were told that there was an uprising, and that WE were going to be the ones to get hit! I'm sorry, I just retaliated!" He sobbed. Nick looked at Rick.

"Brother, get that gun unjammed. This man is lying." He said. The census had told them nothing of the kind. This man was a straight-up liar.
"Agreed." Gun now unjammed, he put it to the man's head and pulled the trigger, with a satisfying bang this time. Blood splattered behind the man, and he fell over limply. Making sure he hadn't got blood on his suit, he gets off of the table. "Shall we leave now, brother?" 
(@DrTrollinski, also check the character sheet section. Just want to get the ok from the other GM before I start him.)
By this time, Emma was waiting out at the Front Door in her car. Sadly, her eyes were red, but the tears have run dry, with the final one dropping onto her engagement ring. She unlocked the Car Doors as she continued to wait for her fellow Gang Members. All that was on her mind, was revenge. It has been that way for the past year, it wasn't going to change until she could figure who murdered her family and why. As she got more and more impatient, she pulled one of her guns out of her Shoulder Holster to ensure that it was fully loaded so she could be prepared to take part in a firefight if the need arises.


Emma's Guns:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/10612720_343303165825759_107816846261725584_n.jpg.ba540d21de0d1cd6963ad76ccd6c2ba9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32540" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/10612720_343303165825759_107816846261725584_n.jpg.ba540d21de0d1cd6963ad76ccd6c2ba9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Connor sat in his corner office. He had his feet up on his desk, his hands behind his back, and very little to worry about. Of course, he was in a syndicate, so there were always some worries to worry about. His company was going smoothly, shipping all it's produce to the Western half. The grand part of it was, all those people in the Eastern half were so desperate for a job that they would work for practically free. Then there were the other syndicates and criminal organizations, which he was about to get a call about. 
Matilda, his secretary, piped up from the speaker on his desk. "Sir, you have a call on line one." she told him.

"Thank you, Matilda." was his obvious reply before picking up the phone and hitting the answer button. "Yellow?" he said, the age old question of wondering whether to say yes or hello blending together to give the answer. "This is Connor McKinley speaking, how may I help you." The reply wasn't entirely a surprise.

"We have an arrangement to make. Meet us in the Golden Lilly in China Town. As soon as it pleases you." The voice that spoke had an obvious British accent, giving him away to be a part of the White Gloves syndicate. He had dealed with them in the past, just never on short notice.So, putting on his nice leather jacket, he strode out of his office. On the way, he told Matilda that he was going away on a matter of business, so she could inform anyone who wished to have a meeting with him that he was not there.

Another oddity was that the Golden Lilly was in Gunma territory, not exactly the most common place to meet when it came to two syndicates meeting. On the other hand, he had heard that the Golden Lilly was a rather nice place to eat, almost one of the high class dinners of the golden days of the U.S.

@Kawashima Thunder )
Galin directed the captain to a spot just a half mile off from his targets boat. Sighing Galin removed his gun and silencer from the clear plastic bag. It was a real shame he thought to himself glancing at the rest of his gear, making sure he had everything that he needed. The captain of the small fishing vessel had been incredibly easy to deal with, almost enthusiastic. Still this was what the job entailed, Galin finished screwing on the silencer then tucked the Glock into his waist band. “Hold here my man!” Galin said with a grin and making a show of pulling out his wallet and extracting a few more large bills. Galin saw the captains face light up as he noticed the money and winced internally, poor son of a bitch he thought. The engines cut and suddenly there was nothing but the sound of waves breaking on the boat. “Now my man.” Galin crossed to where the captain had been piloting the boat from. “I need to make sure nobody ever hears about this” he said wagging the bills in his left hand. The captains head followed the bills nodding in agreement feverishly. “Good”. A second later it was over. The captain had been so focused on the extra cash Galin doubted the man had noticed the gun at all. Slowly Galin bent down and patted the man's pockets, finding and extracting the money he had paid with earlier in the mans back left pocket. Just business as usual he thought grimly to himself.


Ten minutes later the boat was anchored, the captains body had been pitched over the side attached to some ballast, and Galin had triple checked the scuba gear he now wore. The thick plastic bag that now once again contained his gun, silencer, and rest of his gear was secured firmly to his belt. The boat bobbed slowly and the water reflected the darkening sky. He’d be cutting this one close. Not wasting anymore time Galin tipped himself off backwards and entered the water. A minute later after he was originated he began swimming towards his target.

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