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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

The boat was currently stationary and quite large. It had numerous crates on the back end of it that were presumably stashed with drugs and possibly weapons. There was no way of telling right now, but Mason could see members of The Gunma Family patrolling the sides of it and making sure there weren't any intruders riding on boats. That's right. Boats. This job was going to be easier than first predicted. (@Mason)
Holow made one swift movement, picking up the blade that he had dropped to the floor. She examined it, holding it up to the light. 'Nice blade. I think I am going to keep it." She said, swinging it gently in her hands.
"What's taking them so long?" Emma asked as she looked at her watch. She was getting very impatient. If they had their own escape plan, why call her in? She was getting more and more annoyed by the minute.
"Girl, stop talkin' about 'em. You're makin' me nervous." One man that was with her said softly as he leaned against his car. "But yeah, I'm prayin' that they ain't got killed or some shit, let's just wait." He added. (@Kawashima Thunder)


".. The Six has come to do damage, asshole." He muttered before shooting out the window behind him.

"The Six?! A white girl in The Six?! HAHA! I must be seeing things. Where's my doctor?" He said sarcastically; he was silenced a moment later as a bullet hit him in the stomach. He fell to his knees and gasped as Le'Mar approached him.

"The doctor. Is. Out... Mother. Fucker!" He yelled as he raised one foot and kicked him in the chest - he went sailing out of the window with a scream and his body plummeted down the twenty two floors that the building was made up off. The fall was visible to everyone on the ground - the body went down like a rock and eventually pancaked on the sidewalk, among many people that were walking by. (@Icefox11, @Kawashima Thunder) 
'What? For Christ sakes. Halt the research and send me what you've got. If you've got someone interfering you have no way of knowing what they're capable of. Shut down the computer, close the blinds, lock the doors and windows and sleep on it - preferably, print it off and bring it to the manor tomorrow morning.' Amari sent that text and then gave a sigh. He was busy with his second-eldest son - He didn't know why he woke up so suddenly, a nightmare, or something. (@Axel1313)
Holow smiled, gripping the sword firmly. "Alright. Next motive, get out alive." She said, holding the sword. "We shouldn't stay here. Just more probability that they will be able to reach us before we reach them.
".. Easier said than done..." He murmured, they didn't realize that there was already people on their way up in the elevator. ".. What's the plan? We're cornered in here if anyone comes up." He said softly as he looked around for any plausible escape route. The only place that was somewhat reliable was the vent system, it'd be a squeeze, but it was better than getting shot. (@Icefox11)
Holow wasted no time in walking over to the vent and kicking it open with her boot. "Gonna be a tight squeeze for you." She warned, crawling inside. She quickly slid though the inside, finding the route that would take them to the lobby. She found a long vertical tube and sighed. 'Now or never." She said, sliding down it and using her hands to stop her from crunching her legs at the bottom.
".. Oh, shit..." Le'Mar sighed. He hated heights, but with the amount of noise he was making he knew that he'd been heard - this was more evident when they started shooting into the vent. He dived down it and curled up to avoid taking any damage at the bottom - when he came out at the bottom, he was like a bowling ball to a pin with Holow and swept her off of her feet and they both ended up in a deformed pile, all over each other. ".. Sorry, girl." He coughed - his face was covered in dust from the vent. When they were down there, all of Le'Mar's friends were waiting right there for them, and all of the guards that were down here were dead. (@Icefox11)
(@DrTrollinski don't forget I shot the guy.) 
Commor pulled up tothe Golden Lilly, and saw what looked to be a fight between the Six and the Gunma about to happen. Suddenly, a call came to his phone. It was Matilda, calling to say the meeting had been moved to somewhere else. 'Great. Now I have to go all the way over there.' he thought to himself. That thought was followed closely by 'Nice car.'
".. Before we do." He walked over and took a permanent marker from a pot on the man's desk and then rolled him over; on his back he drew a sun. Thankfully the pen's ink was black; after that he tucked his gun into his jacket again and then nodded at Rick. "Let's go." He said sternly. (@Beowulf)
'Understood. I'll see ya tomorrow. And good luck in getting your boy back to sleep.'

With an exasperated sigh he printed everything he had gotten off and shut the whole thing down for the night, making sure every window and door was shut and locked on the way. To be extra cautious he tucked it all in a couple of folders and took it with him to bed, slipping it underneath the drawer to the nightstand before crawling in to bed.
"Now they know who did this. Excelent idea brother." he said as he fell in beside him. "The gunshot had to be heard, we best prepare for some resistence on the way out." he said once they got in the elevator, and wiping away blood that was not there.

"Hm. We'll see." He said, when the elevator arrived on the bottom floor, the doors slowly slid open and surprise surprise, there were people waiting for them, but none of them had guns. They were all wide-eyed and staring at them. (@Beowulf
(I'll move things on on our side, Axel. Everyone else can remain where they are.)

The Next Day

Someone had put an alarm in Johnathan's new apartment, and it was set for nine o'clock in the morning. It was a loud and obnoxious ring that sounded on the digital clock that lied right beside his bed on the nightstand. On the upside, it didn't look like anyone had broke in, and he didn't have his throat slit in his sleep. Looks like the security on the property was as good as Amari said it was.

Upon checking his phone he saw a message from Amari. Two hours ago.

'Come over whenever you're ready. My address is on the back of that card I gave you.' Was what the text read. (@Axel1313)
"God...I'm gonna kill whoever set that obnoxious alarm so early." He grumbled as he fumbled around to get ready and leave. Johnathan was never much of a morning person. If you could even call him a person in the mornings. His hair was a scruffy mess and his shirt untucked, but at least he was ready to head over to Amari's and show him what he'd found.
When he arrived, he found a gated property that was very luxury indeed - two guards stood outside, both of them holding silenced M4A1's with a holographic sight attached to the top of it. They didn't look Italian. They wore black suits and both had shaved heads, and had muscles like bricks - they were quite threatening indeed, and as soon as Johnathan even came close they held up a hand to him to stop him in his tracks.

"State your business here." One said sternly. (@Axel1313)

"I'm here to talk to Mr. Amari. I have some information for him." He stated bluntly. The guys at the gate did their job in intimidating him. If he didn't have important business to attend to or have some sort of ties with Amari he wouldn't have even gone near these goons. "I swear I'm just here for business boys, you can even call up the boss if you need proof."
They glared at him for a moment and then the man that spoke lifted a hand to his ear and pressed a button. He waited for a moment until he heard a voice on the other side of his headpiece.


"Mister Amari, sir... There's a man outside, said he's got some information for you. Shall I let him through?" He asked, there was a brief silence, and then there was the sound of a child calling the word 'dad' at the top of his lungs. Amari gave an exasperated sigh and snapped back at the guard.

"It's Johnathan. If he has information, why wouldn't you let him in, you idiot?!" He yelled, followed by slamming down the phone that he used to communicate with the guards outside; the guard looked through the bars of the gate and into a little brick building that was just inside the gate and on the side of the driveway - he nodded to a man sat inside who pressed a button. The gates slowly creaked open.

"Head inside, sir. Sorry for the delay." He said softly. (@Axel1313)
Galin surfaced slowly, his head and shoulders breaking the inky water with barely a ripple. He had chosen the spot carefully making sure the ships sizeable hull blocked him from view. Still moving slowly Galin removed the water proof bag on his belt and brought it above water level. After waiting a few minutes for the majority of the water to run off Galin removed two bricks of c-4 and carefully attached the wireless transmitter to the expolsives. Once that was finished he secured the expolsives to the hull. Resealing the bag Galin debated weather the other bricks would be nessecary. Better safe then sorry he thought to himself slipping back into the inky blackness.
The people on the boat were all none the wiser. From what he'd gathered after surveying the area, the target was on this boat as well, so he could hit two birds with one stone if he was lucky enough. Judging by how far out he was, even if there were survivors from the blast, there'd be no chance of survival via swimming, as with any injuries survivors sustained, they probably couldn't make it back without drowning. (@Mason)
"It's alright and thanks pal." He gave the guard a pat on the shoulder as he headed inside. He was taken aback by the sheer size of Amari's house. It was absolutely enormous, to him. "Here it is sir. Everything I was able to dig up before that little interference." He set the files down on the table and stood there waiting patiently for him.
He found Amari in the large gourmet-ready kitchen. He was sitting on a small wooden table by the double-doors that exited out into the large and luscious back yard which eventually lead down to the dock. By the dock there were a few boats there - one of them was just a little dingy that was for leisure, and then there was a jetski as well as a speedboat for those who were seekers of adrenaline. He was leaned back in his chair, his hair untouched and still suffering from the affects of a pillow. He was a mess - he was sitting there in a very slob-like manner in his boxer shorts and his vest top. He looked at Johnathan and gave a tired smile, followed by taking the folder and opening it up to look inside. ".. So... Summarize what you found out about them?" He asked as he flicked through the pages quickly. "Do that and I'll read through it all later." He said. (@Axel1313)
He gave him a sympathetic smile as he took a seat, the poor guy looked so tired. Must have been kept up all night by his boy. “I found some interesting files on some of their members and some of their shady dealings. I was able to dig up a few secret files on some of them. Stuff that the squealers revealed during investigations. I think you may find some of that the most interesting.”
"That's great, I--"

"Daaaaaaaaaaad!" A little voice called out from a room that was connected to the bottom of the kitchen, judging by the size of it, it was a half-bathroom.

".. Ugh... What is it now, son?!" He called back. He'd been dealing with the second-eldest one all morning now, and he still hadn't found the time to make breakfast for them.

"There's no toilet paper in here..." The voice squeaked back, Amari slowly rose up with a grunt and walked over to the kitchen counter and began digging through the lower one. He eventually came out holding a fresh roll of white branded toilet paper and sighed; he walked towards the bathroom door, opened it halfway so he could reinforce the privacy his son had, stuck his slim body in through the gap and handed it to him - after that, he closed the door again and went back to the table.

".. Sorry about that... kids have got me tripping over my own feet today." He sighed. ".. Good work, nonetheless." He said. (@Axel1313)
"It's alright, I understand. If ya ever need some time for yourself or to get away from it all for a while I'd be happy to babysit." He smiled softly. Being a father himself he felt it was the least he could offer to help him out with his kids. "And thanks, I'll try to get more whenever I can. I'll see if I can't find some way to do it without attracting any attention like I did the last time.
".. I appreciate it. I certainly could use that... Depending on what I find in this information you've given me, I'll might be going out, so you can come and babysit next week." He chuckled a little and then stood back up. He went over and poured two cups of coffee and placed one down in front of Johnathan - he didn't offer previously, but the coffee was good nonetheless. High quality beans with a rich taste, not some cheap unbranded crap. "I'm sure they'd be in safe hands." He smiled at him and then sipped his coffee, followed by brushing his hair down with one hand.

A minute later a toilet was heard flushing and a young boy was seen dashing out of the door and straight over to Amari where he pounced onto his lap and sat there, grinning up at him. Amari grunted when he did this, but still managed to force a smile down at the boy.



".. I'm hungry... can you cook us pancakes for breakfast...?" He asked. Amari looked away with the 'are you fucking kidding me' sort of look in his eyes and then slowly looked back to him.

".. In a while, son... Why don't you meet my friend here? This is Johnathan." Amari said, the boy on his lap slowly shuffled around to look at him and greeted him with a shy smile.

".. Hi, Johnathan... I'm George." He kept his shy smile and hesitantly held out an open hand for a handshake. Amari smiled. (@Axel1313)

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