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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

A bullet ricocheted off the hood of the car as Jaxon climbed into the driver's seat.

"Oh, god damn!" He squealed in terror as he turned the engine on and went full-throttle. ".. Motherfucker, get yo' head down!" He yelled at James. He went full-speed ahead as the front of the car was sprayed by a barrage of bullets. He ran over two men as he sped out of the compound and then went ahead and out of the industrial area. "WOOOO! That is how you do it!" He yelled in joy as he laughed, but soon enough two cars were speeding behind them; he saw this in the rear-view mirror and then reached into the glove compartment in a panicked manner before tossing a CZ-75 to James. "Shit, take them out! We can't take much more shit from these guys, man!" He yelled. (@AvidElmV2)
"Sounds like your boys are definitely awake and in a good mood now." He laughed at the sound of doors slamming upstairs. They sounded like a heard of elephants. The smell of the bacon and eggs should quiet that down quickly though. "I think tonight I'll try looking up some more stuff for you. If you find anything in there you want me to research just let me know and I'll dig into it deeper."
James grabs the gun and rolls down his window. He sticks his head out the window and tries to point his gun at the cars tire behind him but can't get a clear shot. He grabs the cars roof and tries to pull himself out the window and sit on the door. He grabs a hold of the cars roof and nearly freaks out when a bullet gets close to hitting his hand. He calms himself down and points the gun at the cars tire. He can't get a steady aim on it so he just starts shooting as close as he can get to it.
".. Santa Espereldo..." He said softly. ".. He's the man that blew up the school. He was released recently... I want you to research him first..." He said while flicking through the documents further. ".. He'll be the main man in any attacks. I know he will." He sighed. (@Axel1313


The shooting threw both of the cars off course and one even swerved into the wrong lane and collided with an incoming car. There was one car left now, and this time someone leaned out of the window with an AK-47 and began spraying blindly towards the car. (@AvidElmV2)
"Got it. As soon as I get back home he's the first guy I'll look into." He slid a few pieces of bacon and an egg onto a plate and slid it in front of him "I'll dig up as much info on that guy as I possible can and get it to you asap."
".. Thank you..." He muttered to him. ".. If you told me this time yesterday that you'd be doing all this for me, I'd call you crazy." He meant it as a joke and meant no harm and gave a soft chuckle. He dipped the bacon into the egg and ate some of it. "Those pancakes ready? I'll call the boys down if they are." He asked. He put the files down - the taste of food was too good to pass up. (@Axel1313)
James' eye's widened in shock. "Holy Shit!!!" He swung himself bakc into the car a moment before the bullets started to hit the window he was leaning out of. He took a moment to calm himself before leaning out the window, shooting at the tire once again. Although this time, he stayed IN the car.
The bullet hit the tire and the car spun out of control and eventually flipped over onto its back. Jaxon laughed loudly as he sped up his own vehicle while holding one open hand out in the back of the car in front of James. "Yeah! Some fine shootin', brotha'!" He yelled. "Give me some of that!" He laughed as he swerved around a corner. He was expecting a high five or something from him. (@AvidElmV2)
James sat back down and covered his face. he was laughing. A little from happiness but mostly from hysteria. He leaned forward and gave Jaxon a high five or whatever he wanted and leaned back into his seat. "So now what?"
"Hey, If you would have told me anything you have this entire time I woulda tried to get you locked up in the looney bin." He poked fun at him. "Yeah, the pancakes should be all ready if you want to call them down. I'll get this mess cleaned up too before I go."
"Now we get back to the hole and hope that the boss ain't been killed while knockin' off that Asian. He's been tryin' to get us a new place, 'cause this one's a shithole, but it keeps us secluded from the rest of the city." He explained, finally slowing the car down a little bit. (@AvidElmV2)


He chuckled at his joke. "Alright." He said before slowly standing up and walking to the doorway of the kitchen; he leaned out of it. "Boys! Breakfast's almost ready! Get down here!" He yelled before returning to his seat. Soon enough, the two kids were heard tearing down the stairs and into the kitchen. They saw Johnathan cooking and looked surprised, but they went and sat at the table with dear old dad.

"Dad, can we go in the pool after?" George asked, Vincent took a deep breath and smiled simply.

"I guess so." He ruffled his hair and ate some more of his bacon. (@Axel1313)
James simply nodded and leaned back in his seat, staring out his window. For once, James actually started to trust Jaxon.
"Here ya go. Dig in! There's more than enough." Johnathan smiled and set the plate full of food in front of the boys. Then turned back around to clean up his mess. He tried to keep it contained, but he was always the messiest cook. "As soon as I get your kitchen nice and clean again I'll be outta your hair."
They both took a plate and instantly began tucking in. They looked impressed, so that was a sign that he'd done some decent cooking.

"Boys... What do you say?" Vincent said, looking at them both. They both swallowed the food in their mouths and then looked up at Johnathan.

"Thanks, Johnathan." They said in unison. Vincent nodded and smiled at them both in approval and then went back to eating his own breakfast as well.

"You not eating anything, John? You're free to help yourself." He said. (@Axel1313)


Once they arrived back they parked down a back alley and then Jaxon got out and lead James inside. The building was decrepit, and the smell of drugs and alcohol was strong when they first got in there. A woman with dirty skin and dirty blonde hair lied passed out on the floor by the couch that was on the left of the entrance. ".. You want a drink, man?" He offered. (@AvidElmV2)
"You're welcome." He smiled back at them. "Nah, I'll make myself something back at my apartment. I feel like if I stayed here I'd just be intruding more on your family time. Besides, I should really get to that uh...thing I was doing as soon as possible. The quicker I get it to you the better right?"
James jumps out of the car, happy to be somewhere he didn't have to worry about getting shot at. But as soon as he walked into The Six's hideout, he would have rather been shot at. As if the alcohol was enough the drugs nearly smothered him. He was so busy looking at everything else, that he nearly tripped over the blonde spread out on the floor. James crouched down and touched the woman, just to make sure she wasn't dead. When he heard Jaxon, he turned around and shook his head no. "I don't drink...."
".. Nonsense. You're always welcome here, don't worry." He smiled at him but then nodded. "Indeed... I need to know everything I can about that, and the sooner I know what's going on, the better." He said softly, he looked over to the youngest son and smiled at him - he was already halfway through his breakfast; he gently ruffled his hair and then looked back up at John, followed by holding a hand out to him for a handshake. ".. I'll see you around. I'm having something delivered to your place later on, so listen out for the buzzer." He smiled. (@Axel1313
".. How about some lemonade or some shit?" He asked as he pulled a couple of glasses from the cupboard. The glasses were clean, at least, and the appliances in the non-separated kitchen seemed to be of decent cleanliness as well, unlike the rest of the place. (@AvidElmV2)
Stands up and starts to nudge the blonde with the toe of his shoe. He's still focused on her. "Nope.... I'm fine." He walked away after awhile and found a chair turning the back to Jaxon before sitting down in it. "So, I guess now we wait for your boss to get back?"
"That's the plan..." He murmured in response as he poured himself a shot of whiskey and sat down opposite James. ".. So--.. Where about's you from? What made a guy like you want to roll with guys like us?" He asked as he sipped his drink. (@AvidElmV2)
James slowly dropped his. "You guys... You get respect. Me? My whole life, I was treated like shit. I'm tired of it. I wanted something to leave behind when I die. I don't wanna be know as a nobody. If I die, I want to die a somebody. You understand? I'm not out for money, or love or any of that. I want respect..... I. Want. Power."
"Thank you sir. I really appreciate that. " He reached out to give him a firm handshake. "I'll see ya around and guarantee that you will not be disappointed one bit in what I'm able to dig up for you. Take care Vincent! You too boys!" He grinned and headed for the door.
".. I look forward to it!" Vincent called out to him.

"Bye, Johnathan!" George shouted while waving to him. Whenever Johnathan managed to get around to the research, he found that this Santa Esperelda guy had actually had other convictions of terrorism but always finished his sentences early. After his most recent prison release, it turns out he'd retreated to 'The Pink Swan' - That was a nightclub of some sort. Better yet, it was literally a couple of blocks down from Johnathan's place - Why was he already on The Dicciano Family's home ground?



"Hm. Yeah, I get you..." He took a deep breath and gulped down the rest of his drink. ".. Growin' up in the ghetto did me no favors either. We learned to take the shit that happened, though... then I met Le'Mar and shit changed. Hell, hang with him enough, and people will be too scared to look at you." He said. After a brief pause he muttered something else. "That's the boss, by the way." He added. (@AvidElmV2 - Last post, guys. I'm off to bed :) )
"Huh...so this guy's had multiple convictions, but always gets out early." Johnathan stared coldly at the screen as he waited for the documents to finish printing off. "That's messed up....bet they're not even keeping tabs on this guy's whereabouts either." He scoffed. Pulling up a screen to see if he could possible track this guy.
The last known location for this man was, as probably seen as a previous place of residence for this man, was 'The Pink Swan' - A nightclub and gentlemen's club that wasn't too far into town from Johnathan's property. (@Axel1313)
'The Pink Swan' That placed seemed to be where this guy frequented. It wasn't too far away from his place either! Might as well go and check the place out, get some solid picture evidence for Vincent.

'Found something interesting. Going out to investigate it further.' He texted him quickly before grabbing his coat and camera and heading out to 'The Pink Swan'.

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