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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

'Alright. Be careful, John. If that fucker's there and he knows you're on my side, he'll cut you open. Buy a few drinks there and do your best to blend in. Don't let them see you taking pictures or snooping around.' One text message came through to him and said that.

'Also, the kids like your cooking. I also asked them if they'd be alright with you coming over to babysit next week at some point if I need you to, and they're fine with that as well.' The second one came through only twenty seconds after. The Pink Swan was an interesting joint on first glance. Above the flashing sign on the front of the club was a, would you believe it, pink swan made out of lights - it's neck was on a mechanism and slowly bowed forward every ten seconds or so. (@Axel1313)
(Just going to warp Connor into the future as well. But first, Rick, who I feel like I have replied to already but can't find the post.)

"Yes, let's. I do believe that they will be waiting for us in the lobbie." When the door opened, there the staff was, but no one with guns. They were all petrified to the spots where they had heard the shot. Giving them a smile behind his balaclava, he steps out the door and gives the doorman a small tip, 100 dollars is chump change for them. Walking back to their car, he gets in, starts the engine, and drives off.



Connor's contact with the White Gloves was adjusted to the next day. And they met in Central Park, a lovely place even in the pollution and over crowded city that was New York City. Sitting on a bench, a man looking like the very sterio typical butler you se in the movies walked up and sat down next to him. "Our organization has come to realize threats are starting to amass everywhere. The Red Neck Mafia are getting particularly bold, as you have no doubt noticed. It is our belief that it would be in our best interests that we work together to help increase our own standing." said the man in a rather dry voice.

"We have had no problems with the Red Necks, we would need some more persuasion." was the simple reply. Which was met with an audible sigh and the clicking of brief case latches opening to reveal large amounts of cash. "That will certainly do it. It will be nice doing buisness with you." Connor said as he took the case and stood up. He then shook the man's gloved hand, and walked away.
James slowly rises up from his chair and stretches his arms and legs. He starts to walk around a bit to familiarize himself with the place.
(@Icefox11 - Are you able to reply? I'd like to move things on so we can get AvidElm more involved as well.)
'Sounds good. and I'll be careful while I'm at this place.' His response was brief, but only because he had gotten distracted by this place.

It sure looked fancy. He couldn't help but chuckle as he walked in. Colette would kill him if she new that he was even looking at this place right now. He decided to play it safe and take a seat closer to the back where he was less likely to be noticed at all.
The place was very busy. And I mean very. It was hard to tell who was who in this place, and it was a struggle to shove by all of the people just to get to the bar. The bartender was Mexican, just to point that out. The bar was quite literally being cleaned off after every single person walked away from it. (@Axel1313)
"Excuse me. Pardon me." He squeezed through the crowd to get to the bar. Might as well grab a drink or two while he was there. Couldn't hurt seeing as he was going to be there for a while. "Ugh! Finally! I'll uh. I'll take a whiskey please. "
The man behind the bar eyed him for a moment and then nodded before pouring him a single whiskey and placing it in front of him. ".. You're certainly a face I've never seen in here before. You a newcomer?" He asked, his voice raised to outplay the music. (@Axel1313)
"To this place, yeah." Johnathan nodded and took a sip of his whiskey. "I was just walking by and this place caught my eye. Thought I'd stop in and check it out."
"Indeed... You're certainly a cut of a different cloth compared to some of the other... 'colorful people' we get in here." He sighed and wiped the bar down with a dampened cloth. "You live nearby?" He asked in addition. (@Axel1313)
"I bet, this place seems like it would attract some interesting characters." He chuckled. "Eeeeh, I live fairly close." He shrugged and took another sip. "Close enough to consider coming here more often for a drink."
"Eh-heh." He chuckled a little and tossed the rag under the bar. "I get you, you should be careful here, though. This place is like a watering hole to La Desierta, eh. Because I'm Mexican like them, they gave me this job without interview - I don't plan to start rolling with them, no way, I've heard about some of the things they did before. Terrorism was one of them, and you should have seen the look on my face when I saw one of their terrorists ask for a lap dance. I almost called the police." He laughed a little and then scanned the whole club with his beady eyes. (@Axel1313)

(Your character's Rick. I'm Nick. What you said in that post up there was what I replied to you xD )

The next day, Nick and Rick were out in the back yard of their manor. While Nick had given Rick some paperwork to look at, he was actually in the pool and playing with the two kids. As much as the two brothers liked to go out and knock other gangs into order, they still knew how to look after their sons as well as how to have a good time - and in a protected mansion in an isolated and luxury area of New York, they had no problem doing that.

The paperwork that Rick had was in regards to The Deserted and The Dicciano Family. It was talking of their past and how a rivalry was possibly brewing once again. (@Beowulf)
"La Desierta huh? I've heard of those guys before. They do sound like the troublesome lot." He chuckled. "They've even sunk so low as to do terrorism? That sure is sad, especially since you mention that you've even seen one of them here. You think they'd keep a guy like that locked up for life right?"
"Eh," He sighed. "It's their gang war that got my relatives killed, es�e. I'd lock them all up if I could." He went off to serve a couple more customers and then walked back to Johnathan and leaned onto the bar in front of him. ".. The whole gang-war thing in this side of the USA is too much, man... The treaty's off, from what I understand." (@Axel1313)
Rick was poring over the papers, and was rather bored about it all. The Deserted and Dicciano family had it out for each other, yes. The Deserted had done some seriously messed up stuff, yes. But the Dicciano family wasn't perfectly white either. His guess was that someone was going to make a move against the other, something big.

Nick was completely occupied with two children in the swimming pool who were either splashing him or trying to pull him under the water. His two dark-haired twin sons, or, rather, his son and his brother's son. Like mentioned many times before, the two boys were both the sons of Nick, but Nick handed one of them - Adrian - to Rick. After Nick's wife 'disappeared' by his hand, he made sure that no one stepped in the way of he and his brother once again, and the two children were almost the ones that sealed that. The names were chosen by Nick and his wife, so he was unsure of whether or not Rick liked his son's name, but he never heard him complain.

They were both strong swimmers after they had a private coach since they were three. They didn't need the coach for very long, but now they knew everything they needed to, and they were progressing just fine. Nick swam to the side of the pool and looked at Rick for a moment. ".. What have you found in that so far?" He asked. In the documents, there was one part that spoke of what all gangs refer to as 'The Mexican Massacre' - A day where numerous members of The Dicciano Family rode into their territory and gunned down men, women, and children of Mexican descent, regardless of whether or not they were associated with The Deserted. This incident occurred not long after The Deserted blew up a school (which was evacuated beforehand) in The Dicciano Family's home grounds. It also mentions how the current leader of The Dicciano Family, Vincent Amari, did a single-handed job where he exiled every single member who was involved in The Mexican Massacre. Clearly he wasn't a fan of that, even if it was in retaliation - it wasn't something he ordered.

"Got you!" Adrian yelled as he sprung out of the water and jumped onto Nick's back. Nick couldn't help but laugh, but then shoved him off backwards. He went straight under the water and then popped back up five seconds later, near enough crying with laughter as he swam off with his 'cousin' Nathaniel. Or Nathan, for short. (@Beowulf)
"That's what I've heard too. All it sounds like anymore is that they're going to be at each other's throats from now on and with those terrorist guys on the loose things are only going to get even worse." He spun his drunk around in the glass.
"Just wait until The Black Sun get involved, eh. I've heard that as soon as one of the gang members steps out of line, they come for 'em, no matter who they are. I think The Black Sun are a myth - You never see 'em anywhere, apparently the only time they've been seen was on the night of the treaty, and that was a few years ago - Hell, that could have been anyone!" He yelled, he looked off across the club and saw that the great old terrorist by the name of Santa Esperelda, the man John was asked to research, was walking across towards the bar. The bartender looked mortified. ".. Shit, man... Here he comes." He muttered before leaning forward onto the bar with both arms while he approached - when the man finally got there, John got a good look of his face, mostly because this man looked him in the eyes for a good few seconds. He had a long half-grey bear and long brown-grey hair. His skin was tanned, but that was his natural skin color. He wore a suit, over everything. Blue pinstripe. Whoever had taken this guy in was treating him like a VIP. (@Axel1313)
"The only ones I see at fault for anything are the Deserted. The Dicciano family only retaliated, and Amari took appropriate steps after the retaliation." Rick replied. He wanted to go after the people that did the killing of the Mexican families, men, children, and women. But, then again, the Deserted have done some horrid things. "It would be wise to remind the Deserted of their mortality. Of course, we can hold that off for a later date."

"Oh man....I don't even wanna see the day they get involved. If they even exist." He noted. Johnathan turned his head for only a second to see what this guy was talking about. Only to have the man he had been researching stare him in the eyes for a few seconds. "Sh**" He muttered under his breath and looked away quickly. Didn't look like this guy was suffering one bit since his release. He should text Amari to let him know he found the guy, but wasn't going to risk it now with him standing right there.
"We'll have to wait and see. There's a lot of people that seem to be going to war." He said, sighing. ".. A high-up in The Gunma was assassinated yesterday, by a black man and a white woman. That's got 'The Six' written all over it." He explained as he held the edge of the pool and then lifted himself out - he brushed the water away from his hair with his hand and then stretched his back, further revealing a perfectly chiseled body with a perfect amount of muscle to fit his height and weight. He went over and sat down on one of the sun loungers that were at the edge of the pool, and soon after, the two boys followed right after him and occupied the next two. They wrapped themselves up in their towels and stayed out of the conversation between their fathers. They weren't interested by any of it, anyway.

".. I look forward to how things will go with The Deserted and The Dicciano... The Mexicans have got a lot of hate for the Italians, they did even when the treaty was in progress. Amari doesn't have a problem overall with them, from what I've heard, so my bet is placed on the Mexicans to strike first." He said. (@Beowulf)


".. What can I get you, sir?" The man behind the bar asked. Santa looked at the drink in front of John and took a deep breath in through his nose before snapping his sight back to the bartender.

"Whiskey. Single. No ice." He demanded, the bartender near enough shuddered but quickly poured him a drink. Funny. Now this guy was choosing the same drink as John. He showed no signs of knowing what he was about, but this was getting pretty weird pretty quickly. After that, Santa quietly sipped his drink without saying anything else. (@Axel1313)
"So uh....how about that weather eh? It's been pretty nice out lately hasn't it." He gulped and directed his attention back to the bartender. Trying his best not to make any eye contact with that Santa guy. While at the same time, trying to get a message out to Amari without drawing any suspicion to himself. Had to make it look like he was just messaging a friend or something.
".. Eh. Weather's been nice out there, middle of the summer and all... If I had the money, I'd probably go abroad to Spain, or something." The bartender chuckled and wiped the bar down. Santa mumbled in agreement. (@Axel1313)

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