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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"Heh, for sure." He slammed the gearstick down after he started up the engine and then shot forward and sped off down the street. He was going full speed ahead to get to his destination. The area they were in went from ghetto to decent in a matter of minutes, and soon enough they ended up outside a large casino that had a sign above it that said 'Lucky Luca's'. ".. This is the first place. We'll go in and talk to the manager." He said as he turned the car engine off and stepped out. (@AvidElmV2)


".. Eh, Mexicans are like that." He smiled simply and shrugged. ".. I'll let you know if things get any worse. I doubt it will, but you never know." He sighed and sat down on a stool behind the bar. ".. You haven't spent much time watching the ladies today." He said in observation. (@Axel1313)
"Okay. Whatever you say, boss." James gets out of the car and observes the Casino. He grabs at his waistband to make sure his guns are still there. "So far so good..." he follows Le'Mar into the Casino. When they find the manager, James lets Le'Mar do the talking.
"Thanks." He relaxed back in the chair. His eyes widened as he realized that this guy was right about that. He said he'd try and blend in, but hadn't done a very good job of that so far. "I came in just to scope things out really and grab a drink. Check out this place before I decide to become a regular Y'know?"
Le'Mar set his hands on the desk in front of the manager and looked him in the eyes.

"Can I help you?" He asked as he propped his glasses up onto his nose, Le'Mar frowned at him.

"You're gonna' start payin' for protection. There's someone out for blood and they'll target you before most the other people in this neighborhood. As a businessman, I'm sure you don't want to see your main business get burnt to the ground, right?" He said, the manager just laughed.

"I'm not scared by some petty street thugs." He turned his nose up and then looked away. Le'Mar stood up and grabbed James' shoulder and pulls him towards the door.

".. I didn't realize that The Gunma were petty thugs, but sure, have fun with that." He said, he was walking James slowly towards the door because he knew that the manager would change his mind as he mentioned the Asian gang. The manager went pale and shot his head back up to look at the two.

"Wait!" He yelled, Le'Mar smiled and slowly turned around. ".. The Gunma? Fine, fine... I'll pay for your protection, but I want people here twenty-four-seven! We're the biggest casino on this side of the city. We can't risk losing business." He said, he eyed them both and sighed. ".. I'll pay whatever it takes." He added.

"How much do you make?"

".. We--.. We bring in at least eight-hundred-thousand each night, sometimes that goes down to six-hundred." He said, Le'Mar grinned.

"Then you're givin' me one-hundred k's every night for the rest of my life. I'll have people here all the time if you do, but if you don't, I'll team up with The Gunma and burn you down myself." He threatened, the managed didn't even hesitate and wrote out the first check for them. God, they knew this Casino would never run out of money, and eventually they could push them for more. The banking account for this place must be phenomenal.

He lead James back out to the car and laughed out in joy once they got inside. (@AvidElmV2)


"Mhm..." He frowned for a moment and then looked at him again. "Are you checkin' out the place, or are you checkin' out the people?" He asked, beginning to get a little bit suspicious. (@Axel1313)
"A little bit a both, but isn't that what you're supposed to do?" He laughed and turned to look at the ladies for a moment. He was trying to turn it into a joke as quickly as possible and kill the suspicion.
The bartender chuckled at his joke and brushed off the suspicion and instead decided that he was also going to watch the women with blatant fake breasts dance around for a while. Seeing them out there like that made him jealous that he was working behind the bar and wasn't up on the front row and watching them. ".. Mhm... The mamitas here are very fine indeed, aren't they?" He said. (@Axel1313)
"They certainly are." He managed a fake chuckle. Thank God his girl wasn't here...she would a knocked his head clean off his shoulders if she knew he was here.
'Is there any news on our main man over there? Is everything alright?' A text messaged buzzed through to John's phone from Amari. Amari was worried about him - he knew how dangerous Santa was, but he knew John had already figured that part out. (@Axel1313)
'Nothing yet. He apparently got angry because he thought I might be a detective, by then left again. I've got no idea where he is now.' He looked away from the ladies for a moment to respond.
Rick continued to look through the documents, and found something. Waving Nick over, he says in a hushed voice "Brother, I've found something. Amari, he has two boys like ours. We could tie him to us, if the boys would like some extra friends, that is." He did have some qualms about using kids to do some work for the business. But he was using them to help unify the East, and make it a safer place for all.



'The Red Neck Mafia.' Connor thought as he pulled some documents up that Matilda had gotten him. From what he could gather, they were little better then a glorified gun club. Dangerous, could never forget that, but wanting to shoot things more often then not. They also didn't seam to have a solid hierarchy. Sometimes, a man gave all the orders and made another lick his boots. Then on other times, the boot licker is giving the orders with no prejudice at all, so it seemed. It would be very difficult to find someone that might cripple them if killed.
'Alright. If you can, try and find out something from one of the people there. If the bartender knows anything about what's going on with this guy, then bribe him and whatnot. I'll pay you back. Also, there's something waiting in the parking lot outside your apartment.' (@Axel1313)


(@Beowulf - Did I ever mention how old Nick and Rick's kids were? Answer that quickly then I'll post.)
".. It depends. I remember when his first son was born - he'd be about ten by now." He said while hugging his own son tighter with one arm. ".. I'm not sure about the second one. Remember that our boys are only five, so if his second son is any more than a year older than them, the plan isn't feasible at all." He sighed a little. Adrian and Nathaniel were completely clueless to what their fathers were talking about. ".. Try and find out more about him if you can. We'll make a decision based off of that." He looked at the two boys at either side of him and took a deep breath while ruffling their wet hair. ".. Are you sure it's a good idea to send them away from the home site?" He asked. (@Beowulf)
James jumps into the passenger's side, happy to see that his plan worked. He turns to Le'Mar with a huge smile on his face and offers him a fist bump.
"We can't shelter them forever. One day, they will take over for us. You know this as much as I." he said as he bent back to his papers. 'Bloody papers. Wasn't everything put on the internet now a days?' he thought sourly to himself. Shuffling through the papers to try and find the right one, thinks he finds it, and makes a disgusted noise in the back of his throat when discovering it was it.


Connor did think he found something. There was a man in that mafia, it could be called that, that he could bend. His name was Jebadiah Freely, a man who has more then once ratted out his friends to shorten his sentence. He was rarely trusted to lead a small group, and often even then it was for something he couldn't screw up. 'Bingo.' he thought to himself before picking up his phone and calling in a few favors.

(@DrTrollinski )
Johnathan couldn't help but stifle a laugh. Bribe him, yeah with what? All ten bucks in his wallet. He could try though.

"So....do you know anything else about this Santa guy? What's his deal? He's got such a cold attitude yet looks like he's the cream a the crop?"
He gave him the fist bump and then sped off towards the nearest bank. "Ahah! One-hundred-thousand dollars. You smell that, baby?! That's the smell of fuckin' success and rainbows!" He laughed again as he shot through the streets. (@AvidElmV2


".. Maybe so." He sighed and looked between the two young children who just greeted him with smiles. He ruffled their heads of hair again and gave them both a half-smile in response. ".. Why don't you boys go and get dried off inside? Help each other out if you need to, okay?"

"Okay!" They replied in unison before hopping up and dropping their towels on the floor. They dashed back into the mansion and then it all went quiet. Nick looked at Rick.

".. They'll take over, yes, but we have no way of knowing if they'll be safe with Amari." He said. (@Beowulf)


"I don't know, man... Some luxury VIP with The Deserted. They've been sitting in a back room planning all week, I think - they always do that." He sighed and wiped the bar down with a cloth once more. (@Axel1313)
"He will also have to trust his kids to us, brother. And he'll know what we will do to him if anything happened." he replied calmly. Giving up the search, he leans back in his chair and removes his ever present sun glasses, revealing his piercing blue eyes. "And we put ourselves on the line everyday. How do you think they would feel if anything happened to us? We are their parents, for Christ's sake."

"Planning? That doesn't sound so good. With all the tension building y'know?" He finished his drink and set the glass down on the counter. "Wonder what on earth those guys could be up to back there...."
James leaned back in his seat. Every time he thought of the casino's manager, he nearly burst out laughing. "Who would have thought it would be that easy!" He started to celebrate by punching the roof of the car. Once he calmed down he turned to Le'Mar. "So what are we exactly gonna do with the money?"
"It's true, but their parents are gun-wielding Hitman-esque professionals who are essentially bulletproof on this side of the USA. Even if we do get shot at, we know how to do it - we've been in this game for years, and that's why we're still alive. We're the best of the best - they're just children." He paused and then looked off towards the open field that was behind their mansion. It truly was beautiful here. ".. It's not that I don't trust Amari. If anything, he's one of the most moral-driven leaders that are out there, and I know he'd do nothing to the children... it's his rivals I'm worried about." He added. (@Beowulf)


"I don't know, eh. People have died in this club because of them, that's all I know. I tend not to get involved..." He sighed and looked around a few times. ".. You see, the terrorist guy is funny, because as soon as he gets out, he does something else a week, maybe two weeks after, gets arrested again, gets back out, and does the same sort of thing. You see the pattern? I don't know how he gets off the hook, but I don't want to find out, to be honest." He said. (@Axel1313)


"We're savin' it up for about a month, and then we're gonna' buy a fuckin' penthouse." He burst out into laughter once again as he screeched to a halt outside the bank. He handed the check to James and nodded to him. "It's got my name on it. Go cash it in for me, eh?" He asked him. (@AvidElmV2)
"That's not right." He leaned in. "How does a messed up guy like that constantly get off with nothing but a slap on the wrist? That's what I'd really like to know. Doubt anybody's willing to sqeal though.
James said "Alright." and went inside the bank, cashing in the check. He came out some time afterwards and got back into the passenger seat. "Now where is this place were gonna hit up?"
"Then shall we enforce ourselves?" he said. "And, not only will our people protect them, but Amari's men as well. Think about it this way, two walls will be in front of them instead of the one." They could only do so much for the kids. If only they knew the full extent of what they were inadvertently a part of. And if they could only be allowed to train with the guns and protect themselves.


"Look Connor, I can't do anything more for you. Look, I got a few friends in the Six. I can put in a good word for you, but that's all I got. They might want to meet you in person, just to size you up." a voice said through the phone.

"That's all I you have to do for me. Thanks bud, I'll keep those parts coming your way." was Connor's reply before hanging up the phone. The Six, a true gang. Weapons, street know how, the occasional nice car, and a ridged hierarchy. They were something he knew about, and this Drift Queen had caught his interest. 'Hm, might have to compare notes with her.'

(@Icefox11 @Kawashima Thunder since it includes all of you)
"I don't know, man... You'd have to look at his bail records, I guess... that's the only thing I can think of." He said said softly, shrugging. (@Axel1313


"Not too far from here. It's a small jewelry store a couple of blocks down. Go in the glove compartment, there should be a bag of face masks in there." He said. (@AvidElmV2)


"Fine. We'll use the children, but how do we get them to befriend Amari's son? It's the middle of the summer and his kids get home-schooled, just like ours. How do you propose we make an association?" He asked as he lied back in his lounger to catch the sun for longer. (@Beowulf)

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