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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"Aww man. He's gonna make it impossible to make it all up to him." He grinned and stared at the gorgeous car. "If ya see him again soon can ya tell him thanks for me? That I more than appreciate all of this."
"So am I." He chuckled. "We got some good cash, and we stole some good shit from the store, too. You'll get a nice cut once we've had it all melted down and laundered and all that shit." He smiled. (@AvidElmV2)


"Noted. I'll be sure to tell him, sir. Enjoy the car." He smiled and then walked away. (@Axel1313 - last post here tonight, guys. Going to bed soon.)
Johnathan waved goodbye and as soon as he was out of sight, looked over every last inch of the car. He'd only dreamed of owning something like this when he was a little boy. Oh, how he couldn't wait to get behind the wheel of this beauty. It was going to have to wait though. Because right now he had some more research to do on this Santa guy and whoever was paying his bail.
Holow didn't have time to move out of the way, Le'mar crashing right into her. She groaned, scrunching up her face as she felt dust cover her face lightly. She coughed out the dust from her lungs, opening her eyes to be meet by Le'mar's face. She grunted. "No problem. Let's just untangle ourselves." She said, ignoring the other members looks in their direction.
Returning the hug with one arm, Rick begins to think of what to say to Amari. 'Screw it. I'll just wing it.' he thought to himself. "Enjoy the movie boys. If you need me, I'll be in the study. As for Nick, I don't know, probably around here somewhere." he said as he left and shut the door. Going to the phone in the study, he dials Amari's number and waits.

There was a ringing for several seconds - at first it looked like he wasn't going to answer, but then the phone was picked up off the hook as Vincent Amari placed it against his ear.

"Speak." He said softly, it was obvious that he was walking around from the moment he picked up the phone. In the background the sound of children shouting and laughing was heard - they both sounded quite young, but it was hard to tell over the phone how old they were. (@Icefox11 - We've moved things on so AvidElm could get involved. We're on the following day now.)

Le'Mar pulled out his phone after speaking to Mart and then dialed Holow's number. He placed the phone up against his ear and waited - they were going to be here a while, anyway. (@Icefox11)
"Yes, hello. This is one of the leaders of the Black Sun. We request a meeting with you tomorrow morning, if that is ok with you." Rick replied in short. He wasn't all that good with fancy words at times, but he did try when it counted. "We shall make the proper arrangments on our half, and you can make yours."

There was a long silence. ".. Fuck no--.. No... No--.. You guys aren't real--.. You're not... You don't exist..." He sounded completely taken aback and panicked upon the words of 'The Black Sun'. It wasn't possible, was it? No, it couldn't have been. This must have been a prank call. Of course! That's exactly what it was - he was about to answer when the sound of a screaming baby suddenly echoed through the house. ".. Uh--.." He turned and looked towards the stairs and then began walking, keeping the phone against his ear. ".. This is a prank call, isn't it? Who is this, honestly?" He urged. He was in denial. (@Beowulf)
"I am completely serious. My name is Rick, my brother spoke at the treaty meeting three years ago. I would like fir you to believe in the Black Sun, so I ask that you, me, and my brother meet at your manor. We would like to talk our possible future with the Docciano family, extend the olive branch as it were."

There was an even longer silence and the sound of the screaming baby was far closer now. ".. R-right... Okay--.. Sure, yeah, I--.. Uh..." He cleared his throat and took a deep breath to relax himself as much as he could. ".. The--.. The Dicciano Family would be happy to have some sort of association with you, uh... sir... Yeah--.. Come to my manor tomorrow, I--.. I'd give you the address, but I'm guessing you already know that..." He said. (@Beowulf)
"Yes, we know. Take care, Amari." Rick said and hung up the phone. There, that was all planned out. He seemed a little paniced, which was kind of good. A paniced man stayed off balance, but they could also do drastic things to calm themselves. Now, he also had to be a kind enough guest, and what better way the. A small gift. He had a kid, two at least. One was ten and the other sounded little more them a baby. Perhaps something for the ten year old, a remote controled helicopter perhaps.

(He has three, for the record. The screaming baby confirmed that his third child was born not too long ago. One of the other two is ten, and judging from the sounds, the other sounded not too much different from Rick and Nick's kids :P )

Amari put the phone down and took a shaky deep breath before dashing into the room that had the screaming baby within it. He went over and swept the tiny infant out of the crib and held it in both his arms. Just hungry, he was guessing - the baby was only a few months old. He never forgot how old he was because his wife went missing only a few days after he was born. He carried him downstairs and into the kitchen where he prepared a bottle of milk - he then took both the infant and his lunch out the back where he sat down at the patio table to watch across at the pool where his two older sons were playing. At least he could keep a close eye while he bottle-fed the baby. (@Beowulf)
Now that Amari was all setteled and a meeting was planned, Rick had nothing to do. Might as well practice a few rituals and work on his aim, maybe include some enchanted bullets with it all. So, off to the lower levels he went. They had an intercom connected through out the house when the boys came, so they could easily get a hold of them.

(@DrTrollinski )
James stood up after awhile and continued to pace around and around in circles. After a couple of minutes he stopped walking around and turn to Le'Mar. "So what do we do till the car is done with it's remodeling?"
".. I don't know, man." He sighed and then tossed him the bag of money. ".. Count that for me. We must have got a decent share from that store." He chuckled a little. "Once we get the diamonds cut and the gold and silver melted, we'll be in the money." He said. (@AvidElmV2)
James goes into the bag and starts to pull out wads of cash "80, 160, 240, 320...." He kept counting until the whole bag was empty. Then he counted it again, getting the same outcome three times. "I counted 80 K. Wanna count it yourself?" He put all the money in the bag and handed it to Le'Mar.
Le'Mar took the bag and quickly went through it all, counting every single bill and coin that was in the bag - he grinned while doing so, his golden teeth sparkling in the light of the garage. ".. Alright, yeah, just about eight g's. I'll have this shit cleaned and then I'll have half transferred to you - We're in the money, my friend... The jewelry's gotta' be worth at least another hundred g's, so we'll wait and see." He rubbed his hands together in excitement and then tucked the bag under his chair while watching the mechanic do the work on his car. He had connections over town like this guy - he'd get this service for free, no trouble. (@AvidElmV2)
As the mechanic worked, he remembered a certain favor called. Connor had given him the money to get this place going. So even if he was with the Six and fixed up their cars for free, he always would do some small thigs for Connor. So, as he worked, he worked out what he was going to say to Le'Mar. "Yo, Le'Mar. I got a call from some guy in the Corporation. Says he wants to meet you. I think he was the McKinley guy, you know the one. His company makes the Bolt Fire." said Jebadiah Freely, trying his best to make it sound like he wasn't connected with McKinley at all. "I think you might be able to weasle out a Bolt Fire for one of your boys, or even for the Drift Queen."

(@DrTrollinski )
Holow was suddenly pulled out of her thoughts from a long time ago. Going over it in her head didn't help the fact that she felt like she was doing something wrong, but she had gotten over that a long time ago. She sighed as she picked up the phone. "Hello Le'mar. Sup." She said, already knowing his number.

(Made minor edits)
"Man, whatever." He sighed and answered his phone. "Yo, Holow. Get down to Mart's Garage. It's just down the street from the place." He said before hanging up the phone and tucking it into his pocket. ".. I'll get in touch with the guy when I have the time, I don't know. What does he want?" He asked. (@Icefox11)
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Holow set down her phone. She changed into her favorite outfit, the one she always wore. She smiled, picking up her small ninja stars , heading out of her house. She smiled and marched down her stairs, going out to her motorcycle. She was halfway though her debt, but she still left some money to spend on herself. She put on her helmet, revving the engine before racing towards the location. She arrived soon, letting her motorcycle run for a bit, before turning it off.
Upon entering the garage she saw a mechanic working on 'The Hornet' - He was putting a black stripe straight down the middle of it, and he was changing the vehicle's plates as well. Le'Mar and The Six's newest member, James, were sitting on some chairs in the back. Le'Mar had a bag of cash in one hand, and a bag of jewelry in the other. (@Icefox11, @AvidElmV2)

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