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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

'No need to thank me... I've thought about that Manny guy, and I've come to a conclusion...'

There was a brief pause before another text came through.

'He needs to die. ASAP.' (@Axel1313)
'I agree, but there were no leads on his whereabouts. All I got was that he owns several nightclubs and gentleman's clubs. He may be one of the richest guys in their territory, but he's good at keeping where he is unknown.'
'Santa seems to be his little bitch in his operations, from what you've told me. Looks like he's just cannon fodder and is released when he's needed. I bet you big bucks that if anyone knows where Esteban is, it's him.' (@Axel1313)
'Seems like it. I can make another trip down to The Pink Swan again sometime soon and see if I can get something out of him if you want? I've got nothing better to do this week.'
'I hope you're not expecting him to tell you willingly. If you need me to, I can reserve some of my men to go down there tomorrow with you in case things go South.' (@Axel1313)
Emma put up quite the Performance for the Crowd in the Stands, because of her quick thinking and unique Drifting Techniques, such as being able to do a 360 Turn and driving the car in reverse was what surprised everyone. She used this technique often when she participated in Street Racing. After she was done drifting, she called Donnie over to take a look at her Car to make sure she didn't overwork it before walking back towards Junichi's Mercedes to call Le'Mar. (@DrTrollinski )
'Him talking willingly is the last thing I expect. I'd appreciate you sending some of your men with me tomorrow. It didn't look like he liked me just visiting his little hang out for a drink so there's no doubt that he may act out even more if I show up again.'
Le'Mar had already left the little garage and had sent Holow off with the cash and the jewelry to deliver it to a contact of his. It was his contact that was going to launder the said money, as well as find someone to melt down the gold and silver and cut the diamonds. Le'Mar was in The Hornet and on his way back to the crib, with James at his side. Now it really did look like a hornet with the black stripe going straight up the center. He flicked out his phone from his pocket and answered it.

"T-J's Authentic Stolen Police Badges, how can I help?" He said, Emma could tell that Le'Mar had a huge shit-eating grin on his face just by his voice. It was a joke, and he knew who it was. (@Kawashima Thunder, @Icefox11, @AvidElmV2


'There's a place you can take him. You can consider a quarter of your debt paid off if you manage to grab this guy and get him to said location. You up for the challenge, Johnathan?' (@Axel1313)
Holow sighed, racing though the streets. She was to deliver the money discreetly to the contact without drawing attention. She was just glad James was I the other car.

(Sorry if the posts are short, I am on my phone because I lost power)
'A quarter of my deb paid off?! You bet I'm up for the challenge Boss! How soon would you like him at said location? I can try and get him there asap.'
'You can nab him tomorrow. I'll get my men to wait outside the club in a black car, black windows, four door. No one can stay in that club forever, so if you're there for four AM tomorrow morning, you'll be able to catch him when he shows up. You're to bring him to the former Millbrook Vineyards and Winery. Now known as the Amari Vineyards and Winery - My men will know that as well. Best of luck, Johnathan.' (@Axel1313)
'I'll try my best to get him there without any troubles Vincent. You can count on me to get this job done without any troubles and hopefully, finally get this guy off the streets for good.'
'I hope you're aware that my methods of interrogation for this man are going to involve the use of pliers and a blowtorch. I do hope you're not squeamish, Johnathan. It'd be most unfortunate if you vomited on our prisoner tomorrow.' (@Axel1313)
' Trust me boss. Some of the things I saw my father do combined with the experience of having to change and clean two little babies daily. I think I'll be fine.'
'Let's hope. And good luck with your meeting with those ghosts tomorrow morning sir...I'm going to guess that it's something to do the The Black Sun this time, right?'
'Much to my surprise, yes it is.' That was the final message that came through. Amari decided that he'd get the baby back off to sleep and then he went to play with the two older kids in the pool for a while. (@Axel1313 - I'm going to go take a bath, then when I get back I'll move this on to the next day for us. Everyone else will remain in the same time frame until they're comfortable to move on.)
After seeing the racer's performance, Connor simply had to know who she was, simply to bet on her to win next time. So, forcing his way through the crowd, he made it to the angry looking men who were at this point no doubt her body guards. "Excuse me. My name is Connor McKinley. I would like to meet your employer." But the only response he got was a shove to the chest and a no. "Oh come now, do I look armed? I bet you I could do more harm to myself then to her." Of course, that was a lie.

(@Kawashima Thunder )


"Of course. I will ask around and see what I can find." Rick said as he loaded a clip and got a target up. "What do you know about Amari's wife's disappearance. From what I know, they loved each other. And at that time, the Dicciano family had no feud."

".. I don't know anything about his wife. We'll have to look into it." He said with a soft sigh. "Worry about the gifts - the woman can be a point of bargaining for us." He added. (@Beowulf)


The following morning, providing Johnathan had awoke to an alarm at 3am - or if he didn't sleep at all - he knew that today was the day they'd be making an advancement on The Deserted. More particularly the member that went by the name of Santa Esperelda - the leading terrorist for the group. A text was on his phone that was sent only one hour ago from a random number.

'This is Matty Travelli - I'm one of Amari's men that have been chosen to carry out this job. We're waiting for you in a full-black Rolls Royce outside The Pink Swan.' (@Axel1313)
'I'll be down in a moment.' He responded quickly. He hadn't gotten a wink of sleep last night. Both the nerves and eagerness to get a large chunk of his dept payed off fueling him. It was hardly any time at all before he was out the door and heading straight for The Pink Swan to get Santa Esperelda.
Just as promised, the Rolls Royce was waiting in the parking lot. They waited for Johnathan to get into the back and then one man from the front turned and looked at him before tossing him a burlap sack, some duct tape, and a rag alongside a bottle of chloroform. ".. Take those, and get ready. Us two will deal with his guards, you're the one who's going to grab this prick, capiche?" He said. (@Axel1313)
"Right." He nodded and picked up everything they had tossed at him. His hands weren't shaking like the last they were the last time when he dealt with the junkie. He needed the rewards to come from this. "Let's make this as quick and flawless as possible."
"Right, a gift. We already have something fo Amari and his eldest son. I did also hear a little one crying, not that old by the sound of it." he said before firing a few rounds into the target. "Perhaps a teddy bear, those are always popular."

(@DrTrollinski )
The driver pulled out of the parking lot and went a little further down the street so that they could watch out for a group of Mexicans walking towards the club. One of them handing Johnathan a revolver. "That's for if things go sour." He said softly while running his eyes across the street. ".. I'd recommend you get that chloroform rag ready." He said. (@Axel1313)

"Indeed. A teddy bear it is." He grinned and loaded up his .44 Magnum. This was one of his favorite guns, so powerful and so... elegant. He fired a few rounds off into one of the targets and smiled in satisfaction. (@Beowulf)

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