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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"But we are going on a little trip today, remember? And you can't go if you are in bed and still in your pajamas." Rick said, trying his best to encourage them out of bed. "And it's pancakes. Harold would be disappointed if you didn't even try them." he continued, giving them another shake.

(@DrTrollinski )
"I don't have any guys I wanna send up there. Why don't you just send a couple of our guys to guard the Casino in and out, there are only four shifts that you'll need to cover; Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Graveyard. I have a lot of things to do, so I can't really handle it myself. Otherwise I would. How much they payin' us?" Emma asked. (@DrTrollinski )
"Based off of their intakes every night, which comes to just over eight-hundred g's, they're gonna' be givin' me checks for one-hundred grand every day. If we're lucky, we can eventually push 'em into givin' us more." He said as he sat up and stretched again. The blonde-haired drug abuser of a woman walked over and sat down on the couch opposite him without a word. He didn't touch her, but all the other guys just loved to pass her around. Le'Mar didn't do anything sexual, but he wouldn't hesitate to beat her around if she got in the way. (@Kawashima Thunder)


Adrian gave off another loud groan and then rolled over to face Rick. He held out his arms and gave a hopeful look up at him. ".. Can you carry me, daddy?" He asked, his eyes wide. At least he was awake. Nathaniel also rolled over and did the same - he wanted to be carried downstairs as well. It's not as if Rick wasn't strong enough to manage it. (@Beowulf)
Johnathan casually flipped out his pocket knife and held it up to Santa's ear. If he was going to get a quarter of his debt paid off he was going to have to do whatever Amari told him to do. Even of it meant something like this. "I'd listen to him pal. I can't recall the last time I sharpened this knife, so things could get messier than usual." (@DrTrollinski )
Amari put the glass closer to his lips again and he hesitantly sipped it. It was only a half-glass, so he drank it all. Amari smiled at him and then a few seconds later drove the body of the glass down onto the top of his head - he howled in pain as fragments of glass entrenched themselves into his skin.

"You fucking puto!" He screamed, squirming back and forth in his chair. Amari grinned and looked at Johnathan.

"John, you have all the data. Why don't you ask our man some questions?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"Eight-Hundred Grand, huh? Maybe, I'll think about it. I mean, I already put enough money into keeping you guys out of legal trouble next to dealing with my own shit. I'll think about it though. Anything else?" she asked. By this time, she and her entourage had made it home. As soon as the cars were parked, Donnie quickly got to work. "You've worked enough, Donnie, go ahead and get some rest. No need to work yourself to death." She said kindly, giving her Mechanic the day off. "Jen, go ahead and order some new parts for the new parts for the 350Z and have them come in over night." Jen got right on it, walking into the Estate Library and got ordering the premium parts online. When checking out the Stock Market, she sold her higher valued stocks and spent half the money she got on lower stocks that would more then likely go up later. (@DrTrollinski )

Later that day, Emma had Junichi drive her, Marcus and Nick to the Casino as she stayed on the phone with Lemar.
"Yeah, unless you're keepin' guys there, try not to pressure the manager of the place. We don't need any extra money right now, and we'll work our way up. If that son of a bitch ditches us, we won't be able to do squat - And if that happens, I ain't gonna' be a happy man, alright? The last thing we need is a fuck-up with our business partners." He said, sighing. ".. We had the police all over us earlier. We hit up a jewelry store, but we took care of that just fine... Local mechanic helped me out." He said. (@Kawashima Thunder)
John winced at the sound of the glass smashing, but it didn't last long. "Me?" He looked at Amari confused. "Alright....I suppose that's not too difficult..." Clearing his throat he turned to stare Santa right in the eyes. "Sooo. Now that we're acquainted. Why don't you tell us about the guy who's always bailing you out?"(@DrTrollinski )
"That's none of your fuckin' business." He snarled. "If you're such a good fuckin' investigator, you'd know who it is already, wouldn't you?" He snapped. (@Axel1313)
"Alright." Rick said, for all the world sounding reluctant if it wasn't for the grin on his face. Picking up Adrian, closely followed by Nathan, he pretends to stumble under their weight. "You two are getting heavy. Perhaps you should skip breakfast." he said jokingly.

(@DrTrollinski )
"Noo-oo..." Adrian whined playfully as he held onto him with one arm and put his head on his shoulder. Nathaniel soon did the same thing.

".. I don't wanna' skip breakfast, I'm hungry." He grinned. (@Beowulf)
"Ok, if you insist." he said. "But if you get any heavier, I might not be aboe to carry you." he continued jokingly. Arriving at the dinning room, he sets the two down and gives them a push to get going to their spots. Soon after, he took his own seat in his usual spot at the table. "Kids, say thank you to Harold for making this for you."

"Many Esteban. Veeery wealthy man and owner of several nightclubs and gentleman's clubs. Including that place you like to slink around, am I right?" Johnathan's expression didn't even change. He kept a cold gaze trained on Santa. "He's the one always bailing you out and I'm guessing he's the one who also buys you all of your little fancy suits and toys."(@DrTrollinski )
They instantly tucked into the breakfast that had been made for them. ".. Thanks, Harold." They both said in unison - they smiled at Rick and Nick, then at the loyal butler, and then went back to eating their food. (@Beowulf)


".. I--.." He paused and then spat at John again. ".. Fuck you! I ain't tellin' you shit!" He yelled. Amari sighed and patted John on the shoulder.

".. Well, John. If our friend doesn't want to speak, then you have access to the toys we have at our disposal to get him to talk." He grinned as he motioned over to the desk holding all of the tools. (@Axel1313)
He scowled at Santa and turned around to glance at all of the things they had set out on the desk. "Oh boy. I feel like a kid in a candy store." He walked back and looked at all of them. "But which one to use first....hmm. Which one do you recommend boss?" He looked back at Santa with a cynical grin.(@DrTrollinski )
"I recommend the meat scissors. They usually talk once you've sliced off a finger or two." He grinned at John and then gently patted Santa's cheek. He squirmed away and grimaced at the thought of having parts of his body removed. (@Axel1313)
"Ooo. Sounds like fun." Johnathan ran his hand along the desk until he found the meat scissors. He picked them up and examined them, making them snap menacingly before facing Santa again. "Last chance to talk pal. Otherwise it's snip snip and I don't think you want that, riiiight?"(@DrTrollinski )
He locked his big wide eyes onto Johnathan's own and gulped. "You wouldn't do it. You don't have the balls." He said, his voice showed fear, though. (@Axel1313)
"Alright, I'll look into it..." Emma hung up before walking into the Casino with Nick, Marcus and Nick to check the place out, maybe even make some bets. (@DrTrollinski )
"You don't think I would do it huh?" He leaned in close and held the scissors just over his middle finger. "If I were you, I wouldn't even tempt fate with something like that. You don't know what I could do to you."(@DrTrollinski )
Sweat was going down his forehead in buckets. He looked down at the scissors and then up at John. ".. It... He has a reserve of explosives. He lives nearby them, too." He spat out, trying not to hyperventilate. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan smirked. Looked like this was going to be easier than they thought. "And just where does this guy live? Can't be too far from his precious little nightclubs right? I think my Boss would like to have a little talk with him."(@DrTrollinski )
"I... I can't tell you. I can't." He said simply, shaking his head wildly as he looked around the room for a way out. There was no escape. (@Axel1313)
(I'll post tomorrow. Going to bed.)

"You don't understand..." His body was shaking. "He'll kill me..." He whispered. Amari looked at Johnathan and then gave a slow nod. This was about to get messy. (@Axel1313)

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