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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

Emma's Bodyguards, Marcus and Nick, were not very happy with Connor, finding him to be very shady and felt uncomfortable with letting him anywhere near Emma. "Nick, search him. I don't trust this guy." Marcus then folded his arms as Nick proceeded to pat the young man down. Because the Security Team wasn't getting paid to let Emma get hurt, now weren't they? Emma herself noticed this. Jen went back to the Mercedes to store away the items that Emma had instructor to by while Donnie took the 350Z around so he can get a better look at it. (@Beowulf )

Emma's Bodyguards, Marcus (Top) and Nick (Bottom)

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"Let's hope I don't have to use it." He spoke uneasily as he stuck it in the loop of his belt. He nodded again and set to work getting the chloroform rag ready. He was as ready for this as he could possibly be.
"Eh, ease up. Watch where your patting. I don't have anything." And he didn't, not even a knife or brass knuckles. But he did know how to defend himself unarmed, to a certain extent. "There, nothing, just like I told you. Now you going to let me through? And don't give me that bull crap the she isn't here, I can see her, she's right there." As he said this, he was pointing furiously towards the Drift Queen, Emma.

@Kawashima Thunder
"We'll be the only ones doing any shooting here." The driver said, they both pulled out two MP5's and held them in their lap while watching every person pass by. Slowly, time ticked on - it came to five thirty before they saw anything. The driver looked in the rear-view mirror at the gang of Mexicans that were walking up the street, and dear old Santa was right in the middle of them. "Get ready... They're coming up." The driver said. He waited for the gang to get up close, and then he let them drift by, and when they finally got far enough ahead both the driver and passenger loaded up their guns and moved the car forward at a quick rate. As they went by, they ruthlessly gunned down all of the men surrounding Santa - they were all armed, and Santa was completely terrified when all of his bodyguards hit the floor. Now it was Johnathan's turn. (@Axel1313)
"Nah, we still don't trust you. Now scram." Marcus responded, telling the businessman off. Nick stepped back to stand right next to his friend. "Yeah, I'd recommend that. The Drift Queen doesn't have time for small talk." Nick said in a sarcastic matter. Behind the safety of Nick and Marcus, Emma was talking to Donnie, who came to give her an update on the 350Z that she used to drift. "There's nothing wrong with the car, but I would recommend getting some better tires." Emma smiled before patting Donnie in the back. "That's great. Go ahead and change out the tires, I might have to go up for a round two anyway." After Donnie walked to go work on the Car, Emma wondered why LeMar didn't pick up the phone when she called him earlier, before turning to see that Nick and Marcus were trying to shoo McKinley away. She then kept her Trench Coat on like a cloak like she always has before grabbing instructing her members of her Security Team who were Guarding her Cars to open the Hoods so people can see what she has. (@Beowulf )
(Uhm. @Kawashima Thunder - Le'Mar did pick up the phone, believe it or not. You have one missed call.)


DrTrollinski said:
Le'Mar had already left the little garage and had sent Holow off with the cash and the jewelry to deliver it to a contact of his. It was his contact that was going to launder the said money, as well as find someone to melt down the gold and silver and cut the diamonds. Le'Mar was in The Hornet and on his way back to the crib, with James at his side. Now it really did look like a hornet with the black stripe going straight up the center. He flicked out his phone from his pocket and answered it.
"T-J's Authentic Stolen Police Badges, how can I help?" He said, Emma could tell that Le'Mar had a huge shit-eating grin on his face just by his voice. It was a joke, and he knew who it was. (@Kawashima Thunder)
(Just call him back and he'll answer with that, I guess.)
"Oh, so you patted me down for a feel, eh? Hope you enjoyed it you assh holes. Sorry, but I don't swing that way. And don't you know who I am? I'm Connor McKinley of McKinley Automotive, I designed and made some of the best cars the world have seen. Better then the old junk your emplyer drives around in." That little bit about her cars had to have hit a nerve if she heard him. By the look of it, she loved her cars. But if not, and if these ass holes tried anything, a sudden punch to the stomach and a swift kick to the legs should get him through without to much trouble. Then again, others probably had guns on them. 'The. Let's hope no one else notices.' he thought to himself.

(@Kawashima Thunder )
As soon as the guards were taken out Johnathan made his move. He leaped out of the vehicle and grabbed Santa. Bringing the chloroform rag up to his mouth and nose as quickly as he possibly could. No shaky hands or being sloppy this time, he wasn't playing around with this guy.
"Get him in the car and tape him up! Get the bag over his head and we're gone!" The driver yelled, as soon as Johnathan got him in the car they instantly sped away and started heading towards their destination. ".. Text the boss when you've done that." The driver instructed. (@Axel1313)

(@Axel1313 - You're going to need to start tagging me. I don't get notifications for you, for some reason.)
((Okay. I'll start getting into the habit of doing that.))

"Right!" He quickly taped up Santa and tossed the bag over his head. Once he was sure he was secure he flipped out his phone to let Amari know.

'We got him boss. Everything went off without a hitch.' (@DrTrollinski )
'Wonderful. I'm waiting at the Vineyard. The guys know where to take him, so just follow them. I'll be there.'

"It's like you've done this before, buddy." The driver said with a loud laugh as he ventured off towards the 'Amari Vineyards and Winery'. It looked like it was going to be a peaceful day from now on - police cars shot past them to go to the area of the shooting. Were cameras a problem? No. That had been dealt with in advance. Everyone was completely clueless that this eerie-looking black Rolls Royce with fully blacked out windows was the car behind the crime. (@Axel1313)
"No, even though you're not armed we didn't find anything, we just feel uncomfortable with letting you come over towards our Employer." Marcus replied before folding his arms. "Look pal, I don't care who the fuck you are, you just look really fucking shady, so how about you just fuck off?" Nick went back to being a smart ass and the only reason why he hasn't been fired yet was because Emma liked his work ethic and dedication. Emma turned over to her two bodyguards. Sadly, she did hear about how the man they were interacting with trash on her cars. When she heard him say that he was the CEO of McKinley Automotive, it peaked her Interest, so she walked over to where her Bodyguards were standing. "What's going on here, boys?" She asked, starting with Marcus responding. "Ms. Kawamoto, we were...Um, this shady-ass motherfucker was trying to get near you. He even downgraded your cars." Emma then looked over at McKinley before turning over to Nick. "Yeah, he uh...He called them junk!" Emma just got aggravated. "Oh really...Remind me to give you guys a raise." Suddenly, a little boy who looked to be about six years of age walked over to her with his Mother with a Camera. "Excuse me, Drift Queen, my son's a big fan of yours. Is it alright if he takes a picture with you?" Emma smiled as she looked down at the little boy. "Sure!" She picked up the young boy so his Mother can take their picture. "Thank you!" He gave her a quick hug before he and his Mother went to check out the rest of the convention. Emma soon returned to her Bodyguards' Side. "So if you'll excuse me, I have another round coming up, have a nice day." She then walked away. "You heard the lady, get lost." Marcus said folding his arms. (@Beowulf )
DrTrollinski said:
(Uhm. @Kawashima Thunder - Le'Mar did pick up the phone, believe it or not. You have one missed call.)

(Just call him back and he'll answer with that, I guess.)
(Oh ffs. That didn't quote it.

Le'Mar had already left the little garage and had sent Holow off with the cash and the jewelry to deliver it to a contact of his. It was his contact that was going to launder the said money, as well as find someone to melt down the gold and silver and cut the diamonds. Le'Mar was in The Hornet and on his way back to the crib, with James at his side. Now it really did look like a hornet with the black stripe going straight up the center. He flicked out his phone from his pocket and answered it.
"T-J's Authentic Stolen Police Badges, how can I help?" He said, Emma could tell that Le'Mar had a huge shit-eating grin on his face just by his voice. It was a joke, and he knew who it was. (@@Kawashima Thunder)
"I heard her say good day you pieces of shit." he retorted. Well, that wasn't getting him anywhere. Perhaps... Yes, that might work. Flying the bird at the two, he walks away to his car. 'If I join, give her a run for her money, then maybe.' he thought to himself. "Oie! Is it to late to join?" he asked, and got through after a little money was passed to the judge and announcer. Pulling his Bolt Fire through, he gets ready for his turn to go. The track seemed good, at the least. Not dirt, or rocks. But what else would you expect from a track in the heart of New York City? Or the outskirts of it would be more accurate. "Apright, car. Show these people what you are and we get to meet this drift queen. Bloody big pain in the ass as she was to meet, I hope it's worth it."

(@Kawashima Thunder )
"Ha. This is my first time, believe it or not." Chuckling he leaned over to stare out the window. Watching as the cop cars wizzed by at high speed. "I just had a bit of motivation to not mess up is all. And I'd say that paid off real well in the end. The boss is definitely gonna be pleased this time around." (@DrTrollinski)
It wasn't long before they arrived at the Vineyard. Johnathan had to help carry the man down the quiet pathway that lead into a building that was the winery at this vineyard - they dragged the man down to a basement, and then into a little back room that should have been an office, but had had all of the furniture moved out of it except a chair that had been bolted to the ground. This was easily disguised if a desk was moved in here - the desk was actually in the corner of the room, but this time it had numerous tools on it such as knives, garden sheers, a blow-torch, pliers, screwdrivers - and a bottle of wine beside a glass.

Amari was waiting inside the room, the sleeves of his dark-blue shirt rolled up to his elbows. He looked formally dressed, despite the occasion. He smiled as they strapped the man to the chair.

".. Johnathan, if you'd be so kind as to reveal the man behind this burlap sack." He said. (@Axel1313)


On the following morning at seven o'clock sharp, Nick had got their butler, the typical stereotypical old guy who was nice to the kids and did everything for them, to cook them all breakfast. On the list today was pancakes. Nick walked into the room of which Rick stayed in and nudged his shoulder. ".. Rick... Breakfast's almost ready - Do me a favor and get the kids up? I'm busy preparing the gifts that you bought yesterday." He said before hastily walking out of the room. Waking up the two kids in the morning was hell, so it was obvious why he tried to avoid it - sometimes their mood varied when Rick or Nick woke them up. They could be angry, sad, happy, or they wouldn't want to get out of bed. From what Rick knew, they'd shared the bed in Nathaniel's room last night, because they fell asleep watching a movie in there. (@Beowulf)
The room they dragged Santa to was rather normal looking. Well, except for the various tools they were going to use on the man and the chair bolted down to the floor in the center. Pretty soon this place was going to turn into an all out torture chamber.

"With pleasure Sir." He gave a small polite bow of his head before removing the bag from the guy's head.(@DrTrollinski )
Beowulf said:
"I heard her say good day you pieces of shit." he retorted. Well, that wasn't getting him anywhere. Perhaps... Yes, that might work. Flying the bird at the two, he walks away to his car. 'If I join, give her a run for her money, then maybe.' he thought to himself. "Oie! Is it to late to join?" he asked, and got through after a little money was passed to the judge and announcer. Pulling his Bolt Fire through, he gets ready for his turn to go. The track seemed good, at the least. Not dirt, or rocks. But what else would you expect from a track in the heart of New York City? Or the outskirts of it would be more accurate. "Apright, car. Show these people what you are and we get to meet this drift queen. Bloody big pain in the ass as she was to meet, I hope it's worth it."
(@Kawashima Thunder )
On her second round, she used similar techniques in the first, but because of a mistiming on her shifting, the Transmission blew out as soon as she had finished her round. Luckily she wasn't injured at all. A flat bed was taken in to take care of the 350Z. "I'll take a look at it when we get home." Donnie said as it was being loaded up." As soon as she got to take a look at the Firebird in Action, she immediately started perceiving Mr. McKinley as a show-off that's trying to buy her. Having no interest in such, she gathered her Security Team and got ready to exit the event. While the Security Team took care of her other Cars, she got into Junichi's Mercedes while Jen jumped into the Mitsubishi Eclipse with one of Emma's other Guards. "Whoever that McKinley is...I'm sure as hell not interested in him..." As she and her Entourage left, everyone in the stands were waving goodbye to her. On the way home, she called Lemar back. (@DrTrollinski )
Santa was out cold. Amari sighed and harshly delivered the back of his hand to the man's face - he quickly awoke and saw that he was tied to the chair he was sat in. He realized that he had never been more royally fucked. The two guards that were in the car with Johnathan left and went to sit outside the door and keep watch of the area surrounding them.

"Ugh--.." He groaned as he came around. His eyes instantly shot to Johnathan. "You! I knew you were trouble the moment you walked into that club, you puto!" He spat at him, his face red with fury. (@Kawashima Thunder)
"Spare me the hocus pocus bullshit Lemar..." She said coldly as she continued to talk. "So what was the call for?" she asked while she looked out the Window. The Entourage was now on the Freeway headed back towards the Kawamoto Estate. (@DrTrollinski )

Kawamoto Estate (Flags are of Japan's, not Italy's)

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"Or for f**ks sake!" he yelled in frustration before taking his round. For crying out loud! He tried so hard to at least talk to her, and she left already. He drove around the track angry, and gave a good show all things considered, curses and a spin out. Well, she was bloody well gone. Hopefully Jebadiah would 't fail on him.


Giving a grunt, Riick gets up. How would these two react today, he thought to himself. Going into Nathaniel's room, he goes to the edge of the bed and grabs both of their shoulders. "Comon boys. Breakfast is being made as we speak. It's pancakes, everyone loves pancakes."

(@DrTrollinski )
"Glad to see you again too pal." John grimaced and crossed his arms over his chest. "You want me to head to the car with the other guys Boss or stay here?" He looked at Amari curiously.
"Yo, girl. You know that ain't the way to talk to each other around here." He sighed and stretched. "Thought I'd make you aware of a new associate in business we got goin' on - Place is called Lucky Luca's - Biggest casino on our side of the city. They said they were wantin' men there twenty-four-seven for protection from The Gunma. I don't blame 'em, either. Slippery little bastards would get in anywhere, eventually..." He paused for a moment and looked around. "They're payin' us big - You got any guys you can put up there?" He asked. (@Kawashima Thunder)


"Noo-ooo..." Adrian whined as he rolled away from him. ".. I don't wanna' get up yet, daddy..." He added before clinging onto Nathaniel. Nathaniel also rolled over to face away from them both. (@Beowulf)


Amari went over and flicked on a little CD player. Some quiet Italian opera began to play - yeah, this was getting weird. It was all a trick to make him more nervous, though. Amari slowly poured a glass of wine over at the table and then carried it back, holding it front of Santa's lips. ".. Please, my friend. Try some of my wine. It's on the house." He smiled simply at him. Santa spat at him as well - Amari looked away and blinked. "Okay. We're going to try that again - John, put a knife to his ear, if he doesn't drink this time, cut it off." He said. (@Axel1313)

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