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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

"You're seriously afraid of him killing you right now?" Johnathan took not of the nod and quickly clamped down on the scissors. Things got bloody real fast. "He shouldn't be the one you're afraid of at the moment. Now, where is he living."(@DrTrollinski )
He let out the loudest and most pain-filled scream as his finger was severed and dropped to the ground. Blood was spraying everywhere. He was on the verge of passing out as well.

Amari slapped him. "Don't fucking pass out. Answer him."

"He lives in Brooklyn! Brooklyn!" He sobbed, still wailing in agony. (@Axel1313)
"Brooklyn eh? Any chances you can be even more specific than that?" Johnathan moved the scissors to sit right above his next finger. "And don't leave us waiting. We're both very busy men here."(@DrTrollinski )
".. I can't..." He sobbed, his head bowed. ".. I can't... I can't, I can't..." He sobbed even further. He didn't know what had deluded him into thinking that he wasn't going to lose any more fingers. Amari nodded at Johnathan again. (@Axel1313)
Johnathan nodded and clamped down on the scissors again. There went another finger and more blood. "Look pal, I don't like doing this, you definitely don't like me doing this. So just spill it and it'll all be over and then we can all go on happily with out lives." He moved the scissors to rest above the next finger. "Now answer the question. Can you be more specific? Where exactly does he live?"(@DrTrollinski )
"Ahhhhhhhh-ahahaaaaaaaaaa-- MOTHER FUCKER!" He screamed as he kicked and squirmed in agony. Some vomit passed through his lips and dripped down his shirt He looked up at Johnathan with big wide eyes. "East Flatbush! One-four-six E-Forty-Fifth Street on Foster Avenue and Avenue D! That's his address!" He bawled out, sobbing and bowing his head.

".. Good. Now we just need to find out where the explosives are kept as well." Amari said. "Johnathan. Think of something else. The fingers have had enough abuse for now." He said. (@Axel1313)
"Alright Boss." He turned and set the scissors back down on the desk. Looking over all of the 'toys' before deciding on the heavy cast iron wrench. "It's been a while since I played baseball, wonder if my swing is still any good." He swung the wrench through the air with a menacing sounding whoosh to intimidate Santa. "Okay, let's see how cooperative you are now. Tell us where the explosives are being kept."(@DrTrollinski )
"You don't understand! You'll get shot down if you go anywhere near them!" He cried out, bracing himself for whatever was coming next. (@Axel1313 - Sorry if some of my responses are delayed. I'm stripping wallpaper in my room and I need to reply to other RP's as well :) )
((It's alright. I've got plenty of time until class. I probably wont respond from 3-5 too because of that though. :) )

"Don't you worry about us. Just tell us where it is. If you value your kneecaps I suggest you make it fast too." Johnathan walked forward and tapped his knees to make sure the message got across clearly.(@DrTrollinski )
He gulped and cringed. Not the knees. Anything but the knees. ".. Okay--.. Okay, okay..." He sobbed. ".. They're at Canarsie Pier--.. The warehouse closest to the water. I have the key to it in my pocket, but it's heavily guarded. That's all I know. Please..." He bowed his head and started crying immediately. (@Axel1313)

((What time is it for you right now? @Axel1313))
((It is currently 2:30pm for me.))

Johnathan looked back at Amari. "You think that's all we need to know boss? Seems like we sqeazed all we could outta this guy." (@DrTrollinski )
((Alright. I'll still be here when you're done in class.))

Amari walked over to the table and picked up a knife before walking back and driving it down into his thigh. At first there appeared to be no motive behind it. Santa howled in pain and kicked and struggled to try and get away, blood gently making its way down his chin from the corners of his mouth.

"What were your targets?!" Amari screamed as he began to slowly twist the knife in his leg.

"FUCK! It was--.. It was a hospital, two more schools, and--.. and I was told to hit Four Barron Place!" He shrieked. Amari froze and ripped the knife from his leg before tossing it to the ground. He grabbed his shirt and went up close to his face, his own filled with fury.

"Do you have any idea whose fucking house that is?!" He screamed. Santa desperately shook his head and let out another sob. "That's my fucking house you sick fuck!" He headbutted him and turned away. ".. A hospital, two schools, and my house! After all the fucking gratitude I gave to you bean-eating fucks, you planned to kill me and my children?! You motherfucker!" He came back around and started hammering a fist straight into his face, over and over again. He was going to end up killing him, but he was satisfied when he was covered in Santa's blood, and when Santa was unable to talk due to a broken jaw. Amari ripped a .375 Revolver from his pants and placed it in Johnathan's hands. "Shoot this piece of shit and then meet me outside." He said in a bold but quiet tone, a huge and infuriated frown on his face. He stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him so he could stand by his guards and take a breather. (@Axel1313)
"Targeting innocent lives? You cowards make me sick!" He spat. The revolver clicked as he held it to Santa's head. "I hope you all burn in Hell for what you've done!" He shouted and pulled the trigger. He didn't even look at the man after that. He simply tucked the gun away and stormed out after Amari.
"You... With me." Amari sighed and dragged him off down a hallway that lead further into the winery. They ended up in a shower-room that had been built for the workers there - there were several shower-heads sticking out of the wall - it was one of the public showers, like you'd see in a public gym, or something. Amari stripped off his clothes and tossed them over to a corner and then walked to one of the showers. ".. I don't care how uncomfortable public showers make you feel - Shower. There's soap here and all that, but you leave your clothes here. I've got a suit you can use for the time-being. We're about the same sort of size, anyway." He sighed and went under one of the showers before turning it on and letting the water rain down on him. (@Axel1313)
James stares out the window of his room. He had been inspecting his two pistols for god knows how long. After awhile, he left his room and went back downstairs. He went into the refrigerator and started scavenging for food. He came out with a cup of noodles and ripped the off the top. He filled it to the brim with water before putting it into the microwave. He stomach growled as the cup turned around and around in the microwave. "Come on...."
Le'Mar stormed into the kitchen where James was and eyed him up and down - he greeted him with a curt nod and then leaned against the refrigerator. ".. We've got a buyer for the drugs." He said softly. (@AvidElmV2)
James took a fork from the drainer and took his cup noddles from out of the microwave. "And you want me to go with you to make everything goes as planned." He sticks the fork into the cup and starts to twirl it. "Am I right?" He pulled out a forkful and hot noddles and put them in his mouth.
"Yeah, in other words. I don't trust the guys we're dealin' with." He grunted as he reached into the fridge and pulled out a half-eaten chocolate sprinkle donut and began chowing down on it. ".. Some motherfuckers from The White Gloves or whatever the fuck they're called." He sighed. (@AvidElmV2)
James finishes of the cup and throws it in the trash. He puts the fork in the sink and goes to sit down on the couch and stretched out a bit. "So whens the deal?"
"The deal's happenin' tomorrow at noon. I want to do it quick, so make sure you're prepared. You're free to help yourself to one of those guns from the crates you got with Jaxon - Should be a couple of AK's or somethin' in there." He muttered quietly. (@AvidElmV2)


DrTrollinski said:
"You... With me." Amari sighed and dragged him off down a hallway that lead further into the winery. They ended up in a shower-room that had been built for the workers there - there were several shower-heads sticking out of the wall - it was one of the public showers, like you'd see in a public gym, or something. Amari stripped off his clothes and tossed them over to a corner and then walked to one of the showers. ".. I don't care how uncomfortable public showers make you feel - Shower. There's soap here and all that, but you leave your clothes here. I've got a suit you can use for the time-being. We're about the same sort of size, anyway." He sighed and went under one of the showers before turning it on and letting the water rain down on him. (@Axel1313)
James nodded and was about to go downstairs and get a gun from the crates when he stopped. He turned to Le'Mar to ask an important question. "Where exactly are the crates? I didn't see them again after that night."
"You got it." Johnathan turned around and stripped. Tossing his blood soaked clothes to the corner. It felt so good to let the water run down him and wash away all of the filth.

((Playing in the mud took longer than expected.))
".. I think Jaxon moved 'em down to the basement. Check there." He said, turning around to the fridge to this time pull out a strawberry donut and a bottle of beer. (@AvidElmV2


Once they were done, Amari walked off out of the room with a towel wrapped around him and got some of his suits - both of them were charcoal with pinstripes. They had a white shirt and black tie with them, as well as some loafers - the underwear and socks that Johnathan was wearing could be used, that meant no harm. Amari set the clothes down on the bench in the center of the room and then sat down next to his pile. He kept the towel wrapped around him while he dried himself off.

"You know, John... Funny story about this place. You remember my little boy, George?" He asked him. He'd only met him yesterday, but a lot of people were bad at remembering names, so he didn't want to take chances. (@Axel1313 - Don't forget to tag me :) )
Wrapping a towel around himself John let out a heavy sigh and plopped down on the opposite end of the bench. "I certainly do. He was the one screaming for toilet paper when I showed up right?" He looked over at him with a smile.(@DrTrollinski ~ I tried earlier. Little hard to type and walk )
".. Haha, that's the one, buddy." He chuckled a little. He looked at the stalls that were opposite the benches they were sat on - each one had a toilet in them, obviously. There were ten, to be exact. ".. I remember when he was a little younger. Must have been about a year or so ago now - I brought him here because he wanted to 'help me at work'. He made such a mess of himself - honestly, he was absolutely covered from head to toe in wine, so we both came in here to shower - there were a few other guys in here, and he was a bit confused, I think." He chuckled a little. "Anyway, right at the end of the shower he tells me he needs the bathroom, so he runs off into one of those stalls, spends five minutes in there, and then comes back out. I had to carry him out of here in a towel, put him in my car, and then drive to a clothes store to get him clean clothes - if the wife saw what a mess he was in, she would have killed me." He laughed a little and then began getting dressed. (@Axel1313)

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