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Realistic or Modern Gangland 2025

((lol x3 ))

"Thank you sir. I can't wait to tell them that." He smiled softly. "It will be the best thing in the world to see the looks on their faces when I tell them we have no more worries and can start living as one big happy family again."(@DrTrollinski )
"With good old Uncle Vinnie, they'll have a hell of a time over here. I've reserved a surprise for you, but that's for later." He smiled and continued driving. "You want to stop for some coffee?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"I can't wait. For them to have a grand time over here and that surprise later." His smile spread to a wide grin. "Coffee sounds wonderful Boss. I didn't get wink of sleep last night, so I'm beat and definitely in need of a pick-me-up right now." (@DrTrollinski)
He drove to the nearest coffee shop and handed him a ten dollar bill once they parked up outside. "Go inside and treat yourself." He smiled at him. "Get me a latte while you're at it." He said. (@Axel1313)
"One latte comin' right up." He spoke cheerfully as he headed inside to fetch the drinks. He wasn't in the mood for anything fancy, plain black coffee was enough for him. "One latte and one black coffee please." He slid the money onto the counter.(@DrTrollinski )
The woman behind the counter nodded and took the money. She then nipped off to the kitchen to prepare the two drinks - a few minutes later she returned and placed them down in front of Johnathan, followed by giving him his change. ".. One black coffee and one latte, sir." She said. (@Axel1313)
"Thank you mam." He gave her a polite nod and left a tip before heading back out the door. Handing the piping hot liquid to Amari as he got back into the vehicle. "Here ya go. One latte, piping hot and fresh!"(@DrTrollinski )
"Meraviglioso." He smiled as he took the cup of latte from him and then set it down in the cup holder located by the center console. There was one more space for another cup, if need be. "That means 'wonderful', by the way." He chuckled. "You should learn Italian. The others would be bowing down and kissing your feet if you did that - I'll pay for your lessons, if you want." He offered as he started up the car and pulled out of the parking lot. (@Axel1313)


DrTrollinski said:
"Meraviglioso." He smiled as he took the cup of latte from him and then set it down in the cup holder located by the center console. There was one more space for another cup, if need be. "That means 'wonderful', by the way." He chuckled. "You should learn Italian. The others would be bowing down and kissing your feet if you did that - I'll pay for your lessons, if you want." He offered as he started up the car and pulled out of the parking lot. (@Axel1313)
"I might just take you up on that offer, but probably not for a little while." He sipped his coffee. Oh yeah....this was definitely what he needed right now. "It is a pretty language, but I just need to get into the groove of things first."
"You'll learn plenty of Italian. Especially if you spend enough time around my eldest son." He chuckled. "You've seen him - he'll speak Italian without even realizing it sometimes. He's funny like that." He said. "You'll be in the groove of things before you know it, and everyone in this town loves someone who speaks Italian... Unless they're Mexican, obviously." He laughed a little. (@Axel1313)


DrTrollinski said:
The boys soon came shooting down the stairs in some clothes and went to their sides. "We're ready!" Adrian yelled.
".. Brother, let's go. You can drive." He said as he walked out of the house and to the garage with him. "Your choice of car." He said. "We leave immediately." He added. (@Beowulf
"Everyone?" He cocked an eyebrow at him. "In that case I'd better get to learning some as fast as possible. Maybe in at least a week or two. That's enough time to get completely settled and comfortable in my apartment." (@DrTrollinski )

"Everyone?" He cocked an eyebrow at him. "In that case I'd better get to learning some as fast as possible. Maybe in at least a week or two. That's enough time to get completely settled and comfortable in my apartment." (@DrTrollinski )
"Of course, of course." He smiled. They drove on for a little while longer while they drank their drinks and had conversations about business and the language of Italian. He knew a good teacher that would definitely teach Johnathan without argument. They also spoke of what their next move on The Deserted would be, but that was decided that it could wait until later. By taking out their lead terrorist, they'd put a dent in The Deserted's operations.

After a short while they arrived back at Amari's home. He pulled into the garage and turned the engine off. "Johnathan. I'd like you to come inside for a while... I'm not sure when those Black Sun guys are going to be here, but I'd like someone else here just in case." He said as he stepped out and walked towards the garage door which lead into the house. (@Axel1313)
"Sure. But I want be interfering with any business will I?" He tossed his empty cup in the garbage and followed him in like a loyal dog. The caffeine was already starting to kick in and give him a burst of energy. With the way things were going so far he needed it. "Last thing I wanna do is get in the way of these guys."(@DrTrollinski )
"No, no, not at all. It's just an informal meeting, from what I know." He said as he lead him through to the kitchen. As soon as they walked in, they heard a pair of footsteps flying down the stairs. George soon revealed himself and flew at Vincent with a huge grin on his face.

"DAD!" He yelled, Vincent leaned over to sweep him up off the ground with a grunt. He hugged him once he was up in the air and laughed.

"Hey there, big man." He sat down on a chair and smiled as he sat the child on his lap. ".. How's my favorite little soldier been today?" He asked. It was obvious from how the children acted that Vincent did his best to shield them all from his association with the mafia. You had to give it to him, especially with him being the leader of it and all.

"It's been okay... It's still only early, dad!" He smiled. Vincent looked at his watch. It was only nine o'clock.

".. Ah... It is, my mistake." He chuckled and then kissed his forehead. George snuggled him for a moment but then looked over at Johnathan - it took a moment for him to recognize him, but then soon enough he knew who he was - it was the cool guy who made him pancakes.

"Hi, Johnathan!" He grinned and waved at him, but then went back to hugging his father. (@Axel1313)


DrTrollinski said:
"No, no, not at all. It's just an informal meeting, from what I know." He said as he lead him through to the kitchen. As soon as they walked in, they heard a pair of footsteps flying down the stairs. George soon revealed himself and flew at Vincent with a huge grin on his face.
"DAD!" He yelled, Vincent leaned over to sweep him up off the ground with a grunt. He hugged him once he was up in the air and laughed.

"Hey there, big man." He sat down on a chair and smiled as he sat the child on his lap. ".. How's my favorite little soldier been today?" He asked. It was obvious from how the children acted that Vincent did his best to shield them all from his association with the mafia. You had to give it to him, especially with him being the leader of it and all.

"It's been okay... It's still only early, dad!" He smiled. Vincent looked at his watch. It was only nine o'clock.

".. Ah... It is, my mistake." He chuckled and then kissed his forehead. George snuggled him for a moment but then looked over at Johnathan - it took a moment for him to recognize him, but then soon enough he knew who he was - it was the cool guy who made him pancakes.

"Hi, Johnathan!" He grinned and waved at him, but then went back to hugging his father. (@Axel1313)
"As long as I'm not getting in the way he smirked. "Hey little man!" Johnathan greeted the boy cheerfully as he ran down and into his father's arms. "Long time no see eh? You been behaving for your old man or giving him a few more grey hairs?" He teased. (@DrTrollinski )
".. I dunno'... I've been--.." He paused and looked up at Vincent.

".. He's been keeping me busy, but he's been a good boy as well." Vincent smiled and patted George once on the head. ".. We were talking about you not too long ago, George." He smiled. ".. Weren't we, John? I told him a funny story about you." He briefly tickled George and watched him squirm.

"What story?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
Good boy, you keep up the good behavior." He chuckled. "Wasn't that the one about when you took him to the vineyard?" Johnathan smirked. "That was a pretty funny story."(@DrTrollinski )
"Oh, I remember that!" George grinned. ".. It was fun there - Can we go again, dad?" He asked, Vincent sighed and bowed his head.

"Maybe before school starts, yeah." He chuckled. George hugged him again and then looked around the kitchen, and then out into the back yard.

".. Can I go in the pool, dad?" He asked, Vincent sighed once again and then looked outside. He didn't really want to let him go out there with the people that were coming over, but he didn't want to upset him either. As long as he kept an eye on him, he'd be fine.

".. Yeah, but remember the rules."

George hopped up. "No running into the house when I'm wet, no sinkin' to the bottom to hold my breath, I can't go in the deep end for too long, and I'm not allowed to go out the yard." He smiled as he recited his father's rules. Vincent chuckled and then patted him on the head.

"That's my boy. Go on, run along and get your shorts on, then." He said, George nearly squealed in joy as he ran by and ran up the stairs again. Vincent near enough collapsed onto the table and took a deep breath.

".. It's honestly too early for this. How old did you say your kids were? Are they this lively?" He asked. (@Axel1313)
"Swimming at 9 in the morning....man. I wish I had that much energy again." He laughed. The amount of energy in young kids like George always amazed him. "My girls are only three, but they're every bit as lively as your boys. I dread when they get old enough to start running around like that."(@DrTrollinski )
"Alright them, let's go." he said as he walked towards his chisen car. It was a four door Challanger. Opening the door for Nathan and Andy (I drew a blank, but knew it started with an A) he gives them an encouraging smile before getting into the driver side and buckling up.

(@DrTrollinski )

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